Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 12, 2025

  1. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 6 hours ago

    I’ve been a fan of Doonesbury for mumble mumble decades (and I have an autographed copy of his 50 year collection), but c’mon! We know there’s a lead time for his only-Sunday new toons, but ONLY one toon blasting the dishonest imbecile cowardly criminal Traitor Trump since more people voted against him than for him? (Millions didn’t vote at all, of course.). Where the HECK are THOSE toons?

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  2. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 6 hours ago

    I know that Trudeau is patriotic (unlike Traitor Trump and Trump voters), but c’mon! PROVE it!

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    snsurone76  about 6 hours ago

    Next Sunday is 1/10/25—the day before Il Duce(bag)’s inauguration. I hope to see something really good here, then—like Trumpty-Dumpty strung up by the heels like Mussolini!

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    SHIVA  about 6 hours ago

    I really hope Zipper bequeaths his brain to science!!!

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  5. 3dbones
    Jingles  about 4 hours ago

    get over it—she lost. kek-kek-kek-kek.

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    Zesty  about 2 hours ago

    @jingles “get over it”?

    You’re funny. DJT still isn’t over it, over four years since losing in 2020. He’ll never be over it.

    And you notice how there was no insurrection this time? Some people ‘get over’ losing an election better than others, clearly.

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    barkleyspam  about 1 hour ago

    I feel that Trudeau no longer satirizes politics. Perhaps because politics in the DJT era is its own satire? Actually, Trudeau does occationally have strips in which DJT is advised by Ex-President-for-Life Bmzklfrpz of Berzerkistan.

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  8. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 1 hour ago

    Man, these comments took a turn. And here I was thinking about my college days. Getting stoned, listening to great music, and playing catch in a dark room under a strobe light. (oops, I missed!)

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    admiree2  about 1 hour ago


    I have realized that I have to go on the economic defensive if I want my last decade to have a semblance of the comfort and well being that we have reached barring any natural disasters that hit. We know that President Musk will do nothing for any commoner including the MAGAts.

    It’s going to be a steadily worsening stream of economic setbacks in many ways over the next four years. The demented Fat Orange Clown (aka The FOCer) will have to generate a lot more distractions than he has in the past to cause the knucklewalkers to blame anyone and everyone else for why their lives will be doing a swirly after Joe and Kamala left the nation with the strongest economy in decades.

    HCR reminds us of what has happened and what will happen.

    Julia Ainsley and Carol E. Lee of NBC News today reported another way in which Trump is threatening to go on offense: by conducting a very visible raid targeting undocumented immigrants in the Washington, D.C., area as soon as he takes office. While Presidents Barack Obama and Biden have targeted employers who violate labor laws, Trump wants to demonstrate “shock and awe” by raiding workplaces and sweeping up migrants who are in the U.S. without documentation, regardless of their criminal status. His transition team has been talking with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials about the logistics of such raids.

    And then, of course, there are Trump’s frequent references to taking over other countries. Don Jr. traveled to Greenland this week with right-wing activist and media personality Charlie Kirk, ostensibly to record a podcast, but Trump Sr. followed the trip with posts saying “MAKE GREENLAND GREAT AGAIN!” That idea is getting traction among MAGA leaders, even though—or perhaps because—it is a direct affront to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), to which both the U.S. and Denmark belong.

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    RonaldByrd  41 minutes ago

    Trump detractor though I am, I’ll be pleased if Trudeau never draws another strip with Trump in it again. That won’t happen, though.

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