Pickles by Brian Crane for March 18, 2025

  1. E1563c3c f728 4e8e 8eb9 2f3d176b27bf
    ZoMcYo Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    I wish we could go back to 0.89 cents per gallon.

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  2. Badger 4 360
    sirbadger  about 9 hours ago

    Johnny Carson said that once gas reached $1 a gallon, the gas shortage would go away. He was right.

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  3. Jsanim
    ʲᔆ  about 8 hours ago

    …and some guy pumped it for you!

    and cleaned your windshield

    and checked your oil


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    Tenax  about 8 hours ago

    Is he driving a Bel Aire? Nice. A blast from the past.

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    Partyalldatyme  about 8 hours ago

    Average price of a gallon of gas yesterday in the US was $3.078. Adjusting for inflation, that works out to $0.51 a gallon in 1975, which is about right.

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    DenO Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    When I worked at a four corner gas station back in the 60s, we had “gas wars” to see how long we would stay at less than 20 cents a gallon. We would be swamped for hours. Then politicians figured out how to tax gasoline without anyone being able to say, “No!”, and the price has gone up ever since.

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    oldthang  about 7 hours ago

    I’m with you, Earl!

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  8. Aaue7mbaf1htirvw3vu3l5uxrt0wo8g7cpnvbrpuzr5c
    daDoctah1  about 6 hours ago

    I was convinced after yesterday’s strip that Earl was going to claim he doesn’t live in the past like he used to, and then go on to regale us at great length and excruciating detail with the events that caused him to give up the practice.

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    kendavis09  about 6 hours ago

    I can remember 30 cents per gallon. I remember 5 cents for a candy bar or a pop cycle. I was going to buy a candy bar two day ago at a convenience store, and the guy said $3.50 please. I said, “I’ll pass.” and walked out.

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  10. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  about 5 hours ago

    It would be nice if you could get a gallon of gasoline for $0.30, like you could in 1958 (the year I was born). Of course, the federal minimum wage was $1.00/hour and the average wage in private industry was $4,600/year. Why does nobody say they wish for that back?

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  11. Img 1248
    Zykoic  about 5 hours ago

    It’s all you got when you are old.

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  12. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 5 hours ago

    In the early 1960s I worked at an Atlantic station, which had “Red Ball Service” which was, clean the windows, check the oil, and the tires if asked, and we passed out foam red balls to stick on top of your radio antenna!

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    The internet is a bit slow there, though.

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    stuart_olson  about 5 hours ago

    A 1949 Studebaker. My neighbor bought one brand new.

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    _lounger_  about 4 hours ago

    nice car, Earl

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    PraiseofFolly  about 4 hours ago

    The leaded gasoline back then should not be missed.

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    Dani Rice  about 4 hours ago

    Back when gas was just going up in price, I got gas while I was on my lunch break. I was expecting to pay 33 cents, and it was 42 cents. I absolutely panicked! (This was when I was "between husbands and living in Section 8 housing with two girls.) I got $1 worth of gas – 2 gallons and two drops – and pulled out of the station in a hurry.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t leave the way I entered and ended up on the weirdest street in Maryland. This is a one-way, single-track road that goes all the way around Towson. Once you’re on it, there is nothing to do but keep going. I was late getting back from lunch and told my supervisor I had “gotten lost”.

    “Where did you go?”

    “Just over there,” and I pointed to the gas station; you could see it from the office window! When I told her what had happened, she just nodded and said she understood perfectly.

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    bittenbyknittin  about 4 hours ago

    I worked for a pump manufacturer that made a fortune when gas prices rose over a dollar. Then the company squandered all that money.

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    makarnowski Premium Member about 4 hours ago

    “You wouldn’t believe how cheap gasoline is there” …and houses and cars and groceries…

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  20. Stick figure
    Ichabod Ferguson  about 3 hours ago

    Back when gas stations only had two pumps.

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    sousamannd  about 3 hours ago

    When I was 16 (1966), gas was 23.9. But I was also only making .35 an hour!

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    Rasslebear  about 3 hours ago

    I remember 19.9 cents. Those were the days.

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    sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    At least, in retirement (I’m there) we don’t drive as much!

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    Lenavid  about 2 hours ago

    Love that ’51 Studebaker!

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    Zen-of-Zinfandel  about 2 hours ago

    Earl liked the price of eggs in 1970, just .61/dozen.

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  26. Animal triangle
    ANIMAL  about 2 hours ago

    EVERYTHING was cheaper.!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    airbrushingsunshine  about 1 hour ago

    No internet,black and white tv with 3 channels

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    Slowly, he turned...  about 1 hour ago

    I’ll take a dollar’s worth and check the oil please.

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    bobbyferrel  42 minutes ago

    I miss the past because it was more civilized. One never had to worry about getting shot at, brake checked or forced off the road because he was only going 10 MPH over the speed limit. Or being hit by a “stray round” sitting on his porch. Or being bombarded by other people’s ‘entitlements’, desires and opinions. One could go downtown without fear of being attacked at any time for any or no reason. It just seemed to be better back then somehow.

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  30. Fencie icon
    fencie  40 minutes ago

    Nowadays we think of McDonald’s as being a person’s first job. Back then it was gas stations.

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member 20 minutes ago

    I remember when gasoline was 14 cents per gallon.

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    royq27  19 minutes ago

    When your daily driver was built in 1950, that is really living in the past – and it is impressive!

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    tcmrr1  16 minutes ago

    I love that Studebaker 51 , i think. My first car was a 48 Hudson with three on the tree

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    hfelder7219  14 minutes ago

    I remember when gas first hit $1 in the 70’s and most gas pumps didn’t have enough digits. Some stations showed the price per half-gallon.

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    Ken Otwell  13 minutes ago

    I just want to go back to full service where they checked your oil and tire pressure and cleaned your windshields for free.

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    ladykat Premium Member 10 minutes ago

    Oh, for the days of affordable stuff!

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member 4 minutes ago

    In 1965 I took a civil war history trip around Missouri on my motorcycle. One small town I went through had a gas war, and it was 12 cents! The average price at the time was 20 cents, and I had never seen it below 18 before in any gas war. I wanted to go home for my car and a few gas cans, but home was a hundred miles away.

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