Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 27, 2012

  1. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  about 13 years ago

    Bribery — a winning strategy?

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    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    Argh. ANOTHER week of this. I am SO not going to read Luann this week. See ya next week. I don’t care if Gunther gets beaten up or whatever. I am tired of this arc. Of course Rosa or Luann or Knute will come to his rescue.

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  3. Marina and cruise ship from dick s resized for avatar
    kfccanada  about 13 years ago

    Don’t let the doorway hit you on the way out, ZacbSM…bullyism is an important issue in schools nowadays…it’s a good time to address the topic, IMHO.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    The cheer might be for Gunther. If not, be ready with a little spray bottle of perfume borrowed from Tiffany and give Les a spritz. Gunther might still get hit, but Les will smell like a Hong Kong brothel and be ridiculed by the other students for the rest of the day.

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    ComicLaff  about 13 years ago

    Go ahead and pound that annoying twerp!

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  6. Schnail
    whayle  about 13 years ago

    I wanna know what he is up to. Does he have something up his sleeve for Thursday? I can’t imagine he just thinks someone will stop the fight. I mean that won’t stop Les from just coming after him another day. Confused. Will we find out THIS Thursday? Or will it be a Thursday 3 months from now?

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  7. Jeff portrait ukulele 300 copy
    jeff_e  about 13 years ago

    On Thursday, a new three-week arc will begin featuring Delta, Bernice, and Luann having lunch at the mall.

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    watmiwori  about 13 years ago

    Looks like Evans still hasn’t decided where to go with Gunth &Rosa….

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    carullus  about 13 years ago

    Is it just me, or has this arc been going on for far too long? Boring.

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  10. Me
    princecharmeing  about 13 years ago

    i am getting tired of this pound him allready and then take his his twenty and buy his Girl flowers

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    Packer12  about 13 years ago

    Everyone does realize Thursday is April Fool’s Day, right?

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    JerryTheK  about 13 years ago


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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Sorry for all those who find this an annoying arc. They give the impression they were never bullied. It also shows on the demands of ‘move it along Greg,’.I don’t know if anyone will come to his aid or not. Crowds are unpredictable. Plus, this is something that Gunther has to do himself But he is thinking on his feet. I wonder if he’ll get the $20 back if they cheered, bet not.

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    Vegasgirl  about 13 years ago

    Sorry Ash, I tried to “reply” to you but for some reason couldn’t. What I wanted to say was that I was (for some reason) under the impression that you were very young (never a bad thing) and that I hope you’ve been able to put such a terrible experience behind you and live a happy and healthy life. Also, that I agree with you completely. This should have been wrapped up at least a couple of weeks ago.

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  15. 08 6
    tegm  about 13 years ago

    Looks like old Les is on to him!

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    bagbalm  about 13 years ago

    Better spent on a large football player to pound Les.

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    thewoodman1  about 13 years ago


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  18. Cm1
    Mordock999  about 13 years ago


    WHY Exactly is Gunther afraid of Needlenose, anyway?Because he’s Taller? Sheez.

    Taller only puts his NUTZ in CLOSER proxmity to Gunther’s Feet.

    And why bother with his NUTZ? Les-Lily’s HEAD Grows 6 inches everytime appears in THIS strip: Its a GREAT Big-Assed Target.

    So HAVE It, My Brother and POUND His Mis-Shapen Head into a GLORIOUS Crimson Stain.

    Oh, and Give THAT 20 Bucks to Me. I NEED the COFFEE Money…..,

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  19. Avatar 20819 stop sign
    Cronkers McGee  Premium Member about 13 years ago

    This story line has gone on too long. I hope a new one will come along.

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    Dr Low  about 13 years ago

    April Fool’s Day comes in April, not March. But, I wonder if Thursday, being the day after Leap Day, has anything to do with it. Like, will we have to wait four years to have an end to this arc.? Or, have we already waited four years. I…I…I can’t remember….

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    px eliezer  about 13 years ago

    Another vote for this being boring, too drawn out, and rather pathetic.

    I’d rather see some old classic strips for a week or two….

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    ekw555  about 13 years ago

    March 1st is April Fool’s Day ?

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    ArtCreator  about 13 years ago

    The real question is, why Gunth would walk over there. I would have just kept walking ignoring him.

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    smiling4Him  about 13 years ago

    @Packer12 That’s appropriate.

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    wetidlerjr  about 13 years ago

    King Shark said, about 5 hours ago… I’ll be back to this strip in a week to see if anything’s changed…******************************************Thanks for the warning!

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    57-Don  about 13 years ago

    Packer12 did we move April Fools Day to March first to keep everyone guessing?

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    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    Gambling, Gunth? I’m sure your breaking some rules here.

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    PawnShadow  about 13 years ago

    @ Packer12. Thursday is March 1st, not April 1st

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    Vilyehm  about 13 years ago

    “I will gladly pay you Thursday to not be hamburger today.”.Thursday has to come after another story line..And Gunther will be wearing an orange shirt on Thursday, as it is the best color to show off red stains..Even if there aint none.

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  30. Coke squirrel 5x7 thanks
    photogirl800mm  about 13 years ago

    I’m with you Zac … Wait — could be a good one, since Packer12 reminds us that Thursday is April Fool’s day… Maybe I’ll tune in again on Thursday!

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  31. New hair
    Cimmorene  about 13 years ago

    Hmm… Well, apparently, Les has more brains than people thought and he’s been using them to Think with. sigh I sure hope this works and doesn’t end up with Gunther needing to pay his dentist to fix his teeth.

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    Nick37  about 13 years ago

    Hmm, Gunther tells Rosa his plan to try and humiliate Knox in front of a large crowd, and then the next section, Knox has figured out the plan and wants to beat him up in private. Anyone else wondering if Rosa is playing both sides against the middle? ;)

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  33. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  about 13 years ago

    Packer 12, I thought Thursday was April Fool’s Day too, but actually it’s March 1. I think we can get a final settlement by the Ides of March, eh?

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    auntystephie  about 13 years ago

    can we please have any other storyline please this is like the 3rd week. please

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    cdemattos  about 13 years ago

    starting to agree with some of the others: this arc is taking way too long. anything I learned growing up, fighting is best done while you’re good and mad. get it over with quickly, win or lose.

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    lance96816  about 13 years ago

    Gunter finishes self defense class on Thursday.

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    Hoodude  about 13 years ago

    So Leslie likes the twenty? What did Churchill say,“we’ve established your character now we are negotiating a price”..?Does five cover?Gunth already powns

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  38. Halloween avatar
    jdog73  about 13 years ago

    Bribery? Gunther is introducing Leslie to the age old money making scheme of protection rackets!

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  39. Images
    Helmet Head  about 13 years ago

    March 1 is April Fool’s Day now? Coulda fooled me.

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    poopdaddytim  about 13 years ago

    He needs the crap beat out of him for being such a duffus around girls. Grow a pair already.

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  41. My avatar
    weblais  about 13 years ago

    The most liberating day I ever had in grade school was the day I beat up the bully. He started the fight on the playground; I ended it. (We later became friends— he was a pitcher, I was a catcher.) Nobody ever bullied me again, and I took the lesson into adulthood— where the attempts at bullying were not always physical.

    Bullies are bullies for different reasons, but the way to handle them is to stand up to them— they do not have your permission to act that way towards you. I have said it thus to would-be beaters-up, as well as to bosses and colleagues. It’s a lesson Gunther needs to learn— keep in mind, Brad stood up to a bully and while it went badly in the short term, it seemed to work out well for him in the long term.

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  42. Riding mower
    tommysmo  about 13 years ago

    Greg didn’t write Brad out of getting beat up by Dirk. Thursday could be interesting. However, March 1 is not April fool’s day…

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    jadoo823  about 13 years ago

    …current arc is boring, but I’m enjoying the April Fool’s Day debate…except for Absalom57’s remark – unnecessarily snarky…

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  44. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  about 13 years ago

    use the $20. to hire 2 football players to wipe the floor with hm. It’s the “professional” method.

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    I do remember pounding somebody who was after a little kid when we were in Jr Hi. On our fortieth high school reunion…yes! he reminded me and thanked me…the struggles of youth, wow.

    One of the reasons that I learned to fight and got off on THAT tangent is MY name was Leslie…whee!

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  46. Bull shirt archie
    underwriter  about 13 years ago

    Greg, looks like you’ve hit a nerve. All those people claiming to be bored are clearly very uncomfortable with this subject. Keep doing it your way.

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    Fly On The Wall  about 13 years ago

    This is so dumb!!!!

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    luann1212  about 13 years ago

    People are bored with this arc huh? i think its a very interesting arc. Of course I am personally most interested in say the Toni/Brad arc, and I would like to see what is happening to some of the characters we don’t see too often, like Delta, or Crystal—who is a very interesting puzzle—but Gunther’s ability to deal with his own insecurity and geekiness-a factor which draws bullies who he probably will boss or who will work for him someday—and all the possibities (such as Rosa or Knute rescuing him, which would make him feel shamed) makes this a very compelling cartoon arc. I agree with KFCcanada who said that bullying is a very important topic as well. I predict this storyline will conclude this work, and we can argue about the next one.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    31 panels into this arc and no resolution Miss Phelps witnessed the original confrontation and even had Gunther in her office, so she is aware of the problem, and has done nothing. So much for the authorities. Now, we have a real life high school shooting in Ohio. Bullying is a real problem & can’t be handled alone. Where this story is going, I have no idea, but Greg’s timing is almost eerie in light of the Ohio incident.

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    R0nin  about 13 years ago

    Wah, wah, wah. Everyone thinks they’re a critic these days. The downside of commenting systems is you have to read everyone’s complaints as they try to micro-manage everything to go just the way they think it should go.

    Guess what? It’s not up to you! If you want to write your own strip, go right ahead. Until then, if you don’t like this one, move on.

    Note that I’m not against discussing the strip. But coming here just to complain about this strip or that one because the author didn’t take it the way you want it to is just silly. No one tied a rope around your ankle and dragged you in here.

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    travabo  about 13 years ago

    Les looks like Willie from Swamp People . . . only with dark hair . . .

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  52. Coke squirrel 5x7 thanks
    photogirl800mm  about 13 years ago

    oops.. don’t I look silly — Thursday is NOT April 1st. Thursday is MARCH 1st !! not April Fool’s Day :)

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  53. Zeetha
    skiffywriter  about 13 years ago

    Thursday is March 1, so you’re off by a month WRT April fool’s

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  54. Hen 3
    REDROCKER51  about 13 years ago

    they are gonna end up the best of friends……see ya tommorrow…same bat time..same bat channel

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  55. Hen 3
    REDROCKER51  about 13 years ago

    @ Packer 12……ummm Thursday is MARCH 1st !!!!

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    JimT8  about 13 years ago

    Big mistake by Gunther—and out of character, I think. Disappointing, Greg. Embarrassing too. Too Woody Allen.

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    Stonemomma  about 13 years ago

    I also am done with this story line. Time for a change!!

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    monawarner  about 13 years ago

    Over 100 comments. Way to go Mr. Evans.

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    daisy sterling  about 13 years ago

    Packer12…The problem with that is that Thursday is MARCH 1…not April.

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  60. Tracybunny
    gretchennoel  about 13 years ago

    omg Seriously? This THREE weeks in a ROW? gah

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  61. Tracybunny
    gretchennoel  about 13 years ago

    Breezing over the other comments and glad to know I’m not eh only one. I am SO OVER this story line. I’ll be skipping out until next Sunday.

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  62. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    We just had a terrible incident today of a reportedly bullied outsider shooting several fellow-students, killing one. Bullying is a very serious issue. Greg’s treatment here is only a cartoon-strip, yet it may be a Good Thing to air the issue nonetheless. Don’t know that I’m too keen on Gunther’s trying to bribe the bully Leslie, however….

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  63. Sluggofloating
    James Dawson  about 13 years ago

    I’m so tired of this boring arc, and I couldn’t care less about these characters. Ugh, will it ever end?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago

    i wish the …. that people that have a problem with a comic or a story arc would just turn the page and move on.i don’t care if you don’t like it. people that like the strip don’t care if you don’t like it. just move on and take your vinegar with you, please.

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    Busy_Bee  about 13 years ago

    For all you naysayers. Perhaps the $20 in today’s panels is crucial to the upcoming fight. Come back every day too.

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    bjballard1  about 13 years ago

    @Packer12—Did you turn one too many pages on your calendar? Mine says Thurs. will just be MARCH 1st.

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  67. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I won’t spill the beans here, but nobody has come close to forecasting the ending of this arc. This I guarantee, however: King Butcher the Shark Bill will cry (again) “Deus Ex Machina” because he knows what’s best for us. We are all too stupid to know crappy storytelling when we read it, so he’ll tell us when it’s OK to like the strip and praise Greg. Thank goodness for mentors and shepherds of his ilk! Lead me to literacy good doctor!

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    BloodBloodBlood  about 13 years ago

    C’mon! This is getting boring! We want to see good ol’ Dingle beaten into permanent quadriplegia already!

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    “…and the beat goes on.” I just hope it ends with Gunther & Rosa turning up the heat on their romance.

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    msmaddog  about 13 years ago

    Hurry and get past this line of this comic not funny… much like today’s news!

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    Jeffrey M. Edwards 49+  about 13 years ago

    The only way for bullying to stop is for adults to address it and not enough do! In the “real world” Gunther would have given someone bigger the $20.00 and had them beat Leslie up! Bullies have to be met with a bigger bully when adults don’t intervene!

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  72. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member about 13 years ago

    This one is getting – has gotten – rather stupid….

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  73. Flip
    Terrywoebegone  about 13 years ago

    Way to go Gunth, now you’re setting your self up for Les’s future protection money business. You’ll be his first customer.

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  74. Schnail
    whayle  about 13 years ago

    Ok, the March 1/April 1 thing is getting run into the ground. And where does Johnny Depp live again?

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    mariteri  about 13 years ago

    What happened to the reformed Rick? Last we saw he was collecting garbage.

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    Xsia  about 13 years ago

    Gunther! Bad bribe!

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    Snoopy_Fan  about 13 years ago

    I’m tired of this story, too. I’m also wondering why Rosa hasn’t caught on that Gunther “weasels” his way out of conflicts, only to have to face them again (and again…) later.

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    Doctor11  about 13 years ago

    Not a good idea, Gunther. NOT a good idea.

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    junemmoffatt  about 13 years ago

    Leslie—er—Les is worried he’s going to look like a jerk? Too late, fella!

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    mielpjj  about 13 years ago

    Kinda wishing a comic strip called luann would have a little more of the title character in it.

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    ladysharon  about 13 years ago

    Um Thursday is MARCH 1st.

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  82. Hammy
    pnorman1  about 13 years ago

    Okay here’s the deal. This year The Powers That Be (TPTB) have decided to move April Fool’s Day to March 1st. Seems that nobody falls for April Fool’s Day pranks anymore because they know it is April 1st! So it is going to be moved to March 1st so people won’t expect it. But it’s a big secret that Packer 12 wasn’t supposed to let out. So he’s in trouble because TPTB doesn’t like when their plans are revealed. So keep this to yourself!

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    brdesert  about 13 years ago

    Where’s Dirk to the rescue?

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    NightOwl19  about 13 years ago

    I’m confused. Which month will it become this Thursday?

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    NightOwl19  about 13 years ago

    (Sorry; had a cheeky instinct that needed to come out.)

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  86. Zapp
    Obenavides  about 13 years ago

    @Packer12 …We just starting the month of March dude!

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