Sympathy and condolences, Mark. I totally understand and empathize. A cat (or dog) is not a pet; they are members of the family. I’ve lost 3 of my own: Pippin, Punkin and Loki. My folks and my brother have lost fur-friends as well. Each was a unique individual, a small life and a big soul that was and is keenly missed. To grieve is no shame; there would be something seriously amiss if you did not. The human heart is large enough to love our small, furry friends too.
Tudaze will live on through Dean’s Spock. I couldn’t believe Spock would be leaving so soon, glad he didn’t. In memory of all my furry friends waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. Dogs, cats, rabbits and various imaginary friends. Thanks for touching a place in the hearts of all critter lovers and giving us a reprieve we didn’t get!
Boy, you sure tugged at the (forgive the pun) heart strings for the past couple of weeks. If real life could be like a comic strip, indeed. I still miss my Foudini that had to be put down a few years ago. Love doesn’t die, and my condolences on the loss of Tudaze. May we never take our animal companions for granted.
i have not ben entirely happy with some of the comments out of some of the visitors of this story arc. most have ben saddened (understandably) with the possibility of loosing Spock, but some have ben rude, and some have ben down right crass.most of us knew why the story was being told, and communicated this to everyone else. and the rude and crass comments kept coming.i said it once before and i am going to say it again.this is Mr. Tatullis world. Heart and Dean are his children. Spock is his pet. they are HIS stories. if you don’t like the stories or the strip, “change the channel”.this arc has ben a sole soothing salve for me and from most of the comments (even the ones that hated the idea of Spock dieing) it has helped many others as well. thank you Mr. Tatulli. i will not be “changing the channel”. further more i have and will continue reading in the archive until i have read every wonderful story you have put to paper. please keep up the good work.Shesahe, George, Shotsie, (2 of them at two different times), Thore, Hanna, and last my little Punkin. i so miss that little girl.
Bailey, Willie and Sassie. They’ll all be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. Remember when you’re ready for another friend, adopt and save another homeless cat.
Condolences to you and yours Mark. Thank you to MsPip who says it so well: “Each was a unique individual, a small life and a big soul that was and is keenly missed.” We will never forget them.
My sympathy goes out to you. Remember you will meet Tudaze again at the Rainbow Bridge. In the meantime, he will live on through Spock. Rest in peace, Tudaze.
What a wonderful story ark- I know what you have gone through! I have a cat that is pushing 18 years old. He has been w/me since he was a kitten- not looking forward to saying goodbye..
I am also saddened for your loss and for others who have lost beloved pets. Our own kitties are precious to us as well. I have enjoyed Spock’s antics, and I’m glad that they will continue.
In Ancient Egypt cats were given places of honor in their households. When a cat died, the family would shave their eyebrows and wear mourning clothes. Sometimes the cats remains would be mummified.The Egyptians revered a cat-headed Goddess called Bast, the center of worship being a city bearing the name Bubastis. She was the protector of the sun, goddess of motherhood and love, and took a special interest in the souls of departed felines.
Time has come, great mouser bold,The years have passed and you’ve grown old.The body that once served so well,Is a painful cage, a hollow shell.Your time upon this plane is through,For Mother Bast has called to you.
Go to sleep and dream a dream,Of sun drenched meadows by a stream of cream,With darting minnow and dragonflyYou’ll drink your fill while your feet stay dry.Hunt the grass where the big mice go,And birds take off just a hair too slow.Where all day long it’s jump and run,Then stretch and nap in the drowsy sun.Then stalk the shadows when fireflies glow,To the night clad fields where the catnip grows.
But spare a moment in your feline rest,To remember me, who loved you best.We shared so much throughout the years,Laughter, fireside warmth, and tears.I gave you food, a bed and milk,You gave me purrs as soft as silk.When life was tough, and friends were few,I knew that I could depend on you,To remind me never to give in,You’d bump your head against my chin.
I brought you toys, stuffed mice and strings,But still you would destroy MY things!Or claw the rug, the door, the chair,And blanket the house with cast-off hair,Until I’d scream, “WHO NEEDS A PET?”But minutes later we’d both forget.For who could be mad at shredded lace,When looking at your “I’m sorry” face.I’ll cry and clutch the gnawed on shoe,For Mother Bast has called to you.Go where you must and never fear,There will always be a soft spot here,In another time your soul may rise,I’ll know you when I see your eyes
So don’t look back, I’ll say goodbye,For everything that’s born must die.You’ll shed this cloak of age worn skin,And be a kitten once again,In a place where skies are always blue,For Mother Bast has called to you.
“If only real life were like a comic strip”….no truer words were ever spoken. So sorry for your loss. Tudaze was a very handsome looking cat & looked like a real love.
So THAT’S what this series was about (I enjoyed it, but it was very different). I’m glad for Dean’s happy ending, and glad that Tudaze had such a loving friend. Sincere condolences, Mark.
Rest in Peace, Tudaze. And kindest wishes to Mark and his family as they adjust to your absence. Losing such a friend is never easy, but the good memories will find their way back to the front of your mind again.
“Remember our storieswhen fur and bonesand tail of me are gone.Share them with some new mouser,who’ll need to learn where blue jays live,where rabbits hide…who’ll share your couchand bowls of milk,who’ll be your friend…though maybe notas good a friend as I.”From “Old Cat” by Barbara Libby
And thank you, Mark Tatulli, for giving us this story.
What a touching tribute to Tudaze Mark. Thank you for the heart wrenching arc with a happy ending. Indeed, if only life could be a comic strip where we write our own happy endings.
In memory of Shep (part Shepherd, part Chow.), Snowball, Spooky, Caspar, Ginger, Cinnamon, Stormy, (B.C.) all cats, and Mua (pictured).
I lost my cat Harvey Foxborough Quinn (Foxxy) at the end of March last year. He was only 6. I know the feeling all too well. Thanks for a nice tribute to Tudaze. a long time reader
So sorry for your loss, Mark. I’ve had to say goodbye to many pets myself. It never gets any easier. You just have to remember what a good life you gave your pet.
Thanks Mark, for sharing your Tudaze-kid with us. So sorry for your loss. Remember though, only the most special people come… and go, in fur. I honestly believe that you’ll meet again.
To those of you who have used this strip to memorialize your own pets from the past – Bravo! And to Jennie, Eliot, Chow, Missy, Grizzy, Bitty, Baby, Charlotte, Grindl, Maggie, Templeton and Charlotte the guinea pig, you will always live on in my heart.
Mark,Thank you from all pet lovers; especially those of us who have had the sadness of euthanizing our beloved pets. Heart of the City is my life-time favorite cartoon (& I am in my seventh decade)! My heart-felt empathy for the loss of your beloved Tudaze.Peter
I’ve cried everyday First at the strip and then through the comments. Don’t ask me why I kept coming back day after day when I said every day I wouldn’t.
This series touched me to the core, I cried when it started. RIP Monty The Cat and Reggie The Cat … you were my little boys. I am still so lost without you…
Ah, Mark! An appropriate finale to this arc. Tudaze will be waiting, as is my beloved Treasure, also gone within the last month. (And I could list all of ’em, but it would take too long – sympathy to all of you who have lost the ones we loved, furred, feathered, finned, scaled – or two legged!) Love is love.
Years ago there was a wonderful cartoon which showed an oldish man meeting St. Peter. In the distance, a dog is running pell-mell toward the Pearly Gates. St. Peter says to the newcomer " So YOU’RE little Joey! Spot’s been going on about you for years!"
Aww. I miss my two beloved departed cats—Worthless and Seraphina. Worthless was the sweetest orange tabby one could ever know. My dad named him when he started hanging around and I began to surreptitiously feed him. For more than a decade, I had wanted a cat and my parents said no. Then Worthless left and never came back. I cried for weeks! They finally gave in and took me to the humane society to get another cat. Mom pointed out a little grey kitty who just purred and purred and sat there, docile and friendly. I shook my head and went for the tiny snowball-looking kitten hanging from the top of the cage by her claws. Some idiot had bought this kitten for his girlfriend—a flight attendant who lived alone. When I heard that, I knew the kitty belonged with me. She was an indoor cat and lived about 15 years. My parents kept her when I went away to college and moved out. That cat was a demonic beast, hated everyone, clawed and grred all the time… and I just loved that cat. Anyway, sympathies to Mark and family. :(
most recent losses in the past five years :trouble and muggles – cats / topaz the bouncing goldfish / rose and lily – hamstersblessings on tudaze and all the others we’ve lost
If you need to feel peace just read the Rainbow Bridge story. It will affirm that Tudaze will be there waiting for you. The best memorial that you can give him is to adopt another cat.
I never had a near death experience of my own, but When I was 12 my collie was at the vet,I didn’t know what was wrong.
We went to my uncle’s ranch and I was walking on the prairie when I saw my dog come running toward me. It seemed so real that I knelt down to hold her, but just before she reached me, she vanished.I wondered what it meant. What it did mean was my dog had just died at the same time as I saw her.
I have never doubted life after death since then. It was the most crushing death of a furry friend ever, but I feel greatful that it had happened .
I lost a very dear rat 2 summers ago. It seemed like I somehow shared his spirit.Later when I would feel the slight weight and motion on my bed I would say “Hi Stevie”.And when a friend told me he felt something move across the bed, I told him Stevie the ghost-rat had just been by to say hello.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
Author unknown…
I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you find some comfort in this poem. It has helped me in times like this…
Thank you for letting Spock carry on the memory of your adorable Tudaze. You have my sympathy for the loss of such a beautiful member of your family, and also my understanding of what it means to lose such a beloved pet, as I’ve lost 6 of my own over the years.
This brought tears to my eyes. I’m sorry for your loss – Tudaze will live on in Spock. Thank you for sharing the wider aspects of life, not just the laughs. I love Heart in the City for just that reason!
Condolences Mark, on the loss of your furry family member – TuDaze! TuDaze is happily rolling in the catnip patch, with my Ashleigh; Buster, and The Attack Kat Needles.
Thank you, briatollah, for the Dr. Seuss quote, aaf709 for the Barbara Libby quote, all of you who mentioned the Rainbow Bridge, and praetorian, for that wonderful tribute to KitKat. I knew about the Rainbow Bridge, but the others, even Dr. Seuss, were new to me.
The cartoon I mentioned was in the New Yorker, and I know I have a copy somewhere, but right now I have no idea of the cartoonist, even. I probably saw it about 1995. (Like that helps, I know.) If I find it I will post any info I have.
Catching up on my comics and just saw this one. Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry! I would guess that the tenderness with which you treat Spock in the strip is a reflection of the love you gave Tudaze.
The heartfelt message was appreciated, but I think this whole story was a misfire. It wasn’t willing to tackle the subject of death in earnest. And don’t tell me “it’s for kids”; children have to deal with all kinds of things regardless of what censors try to hide from them.
I can’t see myself doing this storyline and ending it the same way Tatulli did if I was writing it after I lost a pet. I just don’t think I could make a happy ending while I’m grieving and not have it feel fake and sad to myself.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss
AuntFifi almost 13 years ago
Oh man…I’m sorry. Godspeed, Tudaze. We’ll see you later…
F-15 Aloha Alert Premium Member almost 13 years ago
The spirit of Tudaze lives on with Spock and Dean.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
In memory of Reggie, Cabbie, Candy, Boots, Tommy, Scooter, Brutus, Tara, Murphy, Bitch Kitty, Blue, Nathan, Pinball, Runaround Sue, Arthur, Whiskey, Jasper, and Princess Dammit. Good birds, fish, rabbit, cats and dogs, all.
TooOldToBeCool almost 13 years ago
In memoriam – Pyewacket, Midnite, and Scotti.
TheSkulker almost 13 years ago
We will never forget our dear little friends and never stop missing them. I know your pain, Mark, and offer you sympathy and condolences.
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
I haven’t been reading the strip from the beginning, so I wonder if anyone could tell me if Dean lives in the same building as Heart.
ELMER_SEAWEED almost 13 years ago
lynnskay almost 13 years ago
We’ve lost two pets in the last year and a half. Still, I did not actually cry through this whole ark…until today…
Nachikethass almost 13 years ago
I feel the loss…
MsPip almost 13 years ago
Sympathy and condolences, Mark. I totally understand and empathize. A cat (or dog) is not a pet; they are members of the family. I’ve lost 3 of my own: Pippin, Punkin and Loki. My folks and my brother have lost fur-friends as well. Each was a unique individual, a small life and a big soul that was and is keenly missed. To grieve is no shame; there would be something seriously amiss if you did not. The human heart is large enough to love our small, furry friends too.
55iawoaca almost 13 years ago
Tudaze will live on through Dean’s Spock. I couldn’t believe Spock would be leaving so soon, glad he didn’t. In memory of all my furry friends waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. Dogs, cats, rabbits and various imaginary friends. Thanks for touching a place in the hearts of all critter lovers and giving us a reprieve we didn’t get!
Knightman Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Condolences Mark in behalf of my Teenyshoe, who left this year also.
sidney_w_graham almost 13 years ago
Our hearts are mourning losing our beloved Echo, and we are so sorry that Tudaze is gone from your lives. Our condolences.
wolf_who_walks almost 13 years ago
mhgbear almost 13 years ago
Boy, you sure tugged at the (forgive the pun) heart strings for the past couple of weeks. If real life could be like a comic strip, indeed. I still miss my Foudini that had to be put down a few years ago. Love doesn’t die, and my condolences on the loss of Tudaze. May we never take our animal companions for granted.
Alec McLure Premium Member almost 13 years ago
So sorry – we know their time with us will be too brief, but still we’re so lucky to be able to share our lives with them… a beautiful eulogy.
Plods with ...™ almost 13 years ago
Heartfelt condolences have been sent and sensed through this whole arc. RIP Tudaze
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
i have not ben entirely happy with some of the comments out of some of the visitors of this story arc. most have ben saddened (understandably) with the possibility of loosing Spock, but some have ben rude, and some have ben down right crass.most of us knew why the story was being told, and communicated this to everyone else. and the rude and crass comments kept coming.i said it once before and i am going to say it again.this is Mr. Tatullis world. Heart and Dean are his children. Spock is his pet. they are HIS stories. if you don’t like the stories or the strip, “change the channel”.this arc has ben a sole soothing salve for me and from most of the comments (even the ones that hated the idea of Spock dieing) it has helped many others as well. thank you Mr. Tatulli. i will not be “changing the channel”. further more i have and will continue reading in the archive until i have read every wonderful story you have put to paper. please keep up the good work.Shesahe, George, Shotsie, (2 of them at two different times), Thore, Hanna, and last my little Punkin. i so miss that little girl.
snowykat13 almost 13 years ago
Bailey, Willie and Sassie. They’ll all be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. Remember when you’re ready for another friend, adopt and save another homeless cat.
AAdoglover Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Lucy, Boots, Muffy, Tiger, Calico, Frodo, Sheba, and soon… Didi
T_Lexi almost 13 years ago
Condolences to you and yours Mark. Thank you to MsPip who says it so well: “Each was a unique individual, a small life and a big soul that was and is keenly missed.” We will never forget them.
conniepo almost 13 years ago
My dearly missed Bandit, Fidget, Gonzalez, Bakhita, Tigger, Sweetpea, and Cookie …. they were all wonderful loving cats who enriched our lives.
akperkins almost 13 years ago
So sorry for your loss, and thank you so much for generously sharing his fantastic personality with so many.
Patricia Bocklage Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I’m sorry you didn’t have the same happy ending. The strip is a nice tribute to your Tudaze. :)
catnanny almost 13 years ago
My sympathy goes out to you. Remember you will meet Tudaze again at the Rainbow Bridge. In the meantime, he will live on through Spock. Rest in peace, Tudaze.
poppacapsmokeblower almost 13 years ago
OK, but if there’ s a Spock at that vet and no one is there for him our two heros should comfort him in his final moments here.
jbowring almost 13 years ago
So sorry for your loss. We miss our kitties, too, and it’s been a few years since they passed away. We hope Dean and Spock have many years together!
lemon868 almost 13 years ago
Perry, Sylvia White Cat, Mallory, Grunt, Red, Tigger, Sadie, Blue, Dr. Wu and all the other fur friends who’ve transited my life.
magicwalnut almost 13 years ago
Aww! The reality lends so much poignancy to the last weeks strip. Now I’m all Teary eyed again!
Gaertner Paul Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Mark and family,
I know this pain, all too well. You have my most sincere sympathy.
Paul GCrozet, VA
Brian Olmstead almost 13 years ago
What a wonderful story ark- I know what you have gone through! I have a cat that is pushing 18 years old. He has been w/me since he was a kitten- not looking forward to saying goodbye..
ReaderLady almost 13 years ago
I am also saddened for your loss and for others who have lost beloved pets. Our own kitties are precious to us as well. I have enjoyed Spock’s antics, and I’m glad that they will continue.
Luciamari333391 almost 13 years ago
Thank you for sharing the HEART warming story.
My deepest sympathy on you loss. I understand.
schmegs24 almost 13 years ago
Just when I thought the week of crying was over, a real kitty had to be the one who died….
Dave Thompson Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I’ll drink a toast to anyone who was an inspiration to another. Here’s to you, Tudaze!
praetorian1313 almost 13 years ago
In Ancient Egypt cats were given places of honor in their households. When a cat died, the family would shave their eyebrows and wear mourning clothes. Sometimes the cats remains would be mummified.The Egyptians revered a cat-headed Goddess called Bast, the center of worship being a city bearing the name Bubastis. She was the protector of the sun, goddess of motherhood and love, and took a special interest in the souls of departed felines.
Time has come, great mouser bold,The years have passed and you’ve grown old.The body that once served so well,Is a painful cage, a hollow shell.Your time upon this plane is through,For Mother Bast has called to you.
Go to sleep and dream a dream,Of sun drenched meadows by a stream of cream,With darting minnow and dragonflyYou’ll drink your fill while your feet stay dry.Hunt the grass where the big mice go,And birds take off just a hair too slow.Where all day long it’s jump and run,Then stretch and nap in the drowsy sun.Then stalk the shadows when fireflies glow,To the night clad fields where the catnip grows.
But spare a moment in your feline rest,To remember me, who loved you best.We shared so much throughout the years,Laughter, fireside warmth, and tears.I gave you food, a bed and milk,You gave me purrs as soft as silk.When life was tough, and friends were few,I knew that I could depend on you,To remind me never to give in,You’d bump your head against my chin.
I brought you toys, stuffed mice and strings,But still you would destroy MY things!Or claw the rug, the door, the chair,And blanket the house with cast-off hair,Until I’d scream, “WHO NEEDS A PET?”But minutes later we’d both forget.For who could be mad at shredded lace,When looking at your “I’m sorry” face.I’ll cry and clutch the gnawed on shoe,For Mother Bast has called to you.Go where you must and never fear,There will always be a soft spot here,In another time your soul may rise,I’ll know you when I see your eyes
So don’t look back, I’ll say goodbye,For everything that’s born must die.You’ll shed this cloak of age worn skin,And be a kitten once again,In a place where skies are always blue,For Mother Bast has called to you.
karijo0927 almost 13 years ago
So sorry! Losing a pet is very hard. They become part of the family. :(
Rebecca Placke Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I am sorry for your loss. “My heart has joined the thousands for my friend stopped running today” – Watership Down
dpsalerno almost 13 years ago
“If only real life were like a comic strip”….no truer words were ever spoken. So sorry for your loss. Tudaze was a very handsome looking cat & looked like a real love.
celeconecca almost 13 years ago
Ferret Fawcett, Phideau the cat, Maverick
DonnaMc4 almost 13 years ago
So sorry to hear of the loss of your kitty. Remember the love you had for each other and let it comfort you.
cleokaya almost 13 years ago
I have lost Cleo, Kaya, Sir Winston, Pete and Gladys and am now trying tom decide if I should once again adopt. Sorry for your loss Mark.
craigwestlake almost 13 years ago
They are all waiting for you; you will see them again…
sjsczurek almost 13 years ago
Felix, Duchess, Misty, Mindy, Callie, Sheba were cats. Princess, Frisky (yes!), Jiggsy, Vinny were dogs. And a finch we called Little Miss One-note.
I’m very glad to have Tom and Phoebe today.
sjsczurek almost 13 years ago
Tom and Phoebe are cats.
eternal almost 13 years ago
Goddess bless Tudaze as he crosses over the Rainbow bridge and may the Goddess ease your sorrow over his loss.
Carolyne6 almost 13 years ago
My condolences. I truly believe you will see Tudaze again in the future. Love can never die.
aerwalt almost 13 years ago
Brandy and Princess Underfoot
strickmaedel almost 13 years ago
Condolences, Mark. :-(
repsherr almost 13 years ago
R.I.P. Sylvia. ’til we meet again litle girl.
shaggy92420 almost 13 years ago
Max, Sam, Logan, Demon, KC, Jackie, Whiskey…
Farley55 almost 13 years ago
So THAT’S what this series was about (I enjoyed it, but it was very different). I’m glad for Dean’s happy ending, and glad that Tudaze had such a loving friend. Sincere condolences, Mark.
Charles Weir almost 13 years ago
And to those in our Starclan
Ah Zuul Kahm Lo, Bear, Bastet, Boojum Jinx, Charlie (Tuna), ,Duke, Elliot, Ginger, Isis, Limbo, Patina, Pewter, Posey, Pywacktet, Scraps, Serendipity, Silver Belle, Starla, Who and Zeeman
Siusaidh almost 13 years ago
Rest in Peace, Tudaze. And kindest wishes to Mark and his family as they adjust to your absence. Losing such a friend is never easy, but the good memories will find their way back to the front of your mind again.
Charles Weir almost 13 years ago
“Remember our storieswhen fur and bonesand tail of me are gone.Share them with some new mouser,who’ll need to learn where blue jays live,where rabbits hide…who’ll share your couchand bowls of milk,who’ll be your friend…though maybe notas good a friend as I.”From “Old Cat” by Barbara Libby
And thank you, Mark Tatulli, for giving us this story.
RayThomas101 almost 13 years ago
Now I know why you did it. Misery loves company. We lost a dog AND a cat last year, and it was awful. Condolences.
Kevin Roth Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Remember the love. Rest in piece Tudaze!
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Never owned a pet gmartin?
Carole Boshart Premium Member almost 13 years ago
The passing of a cat is truly a tragedy for each one is unique and will never come this way again.
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago
What a touching tribute to Tudaze Mark. Thank you for the heart wrenching arc with a happy ending. Indeed, if only life could be a comic strip where we write our own happy endings.
In memory of Shep (part Shepherd, part Chow.), Snowball, Spooky, Caspar, Ginger, Cinnamon, Stormy, (B.C.) all cats, and Mua (pictured).
lakita_lover almost 13 years ago
Aw. Sorry about Tudaze. I still miss my first cat.
shuebear almost 13 years ago
I feel for you Mark. I’ve been there myself a few times and it never gets any easier.
Alan2112 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I lost my cat Harvey Foxborough Quinn (Foxxy) at the end of March last year. He was only 6. I know the feeling all too well. Thanks for a nice tribute to Tudaze. a long time reader
Elderflower almost 13 years ago
So sorry for your loss, Mark. I’ve had to say goodbye to many pets myself. It never gets any easier. You just have to remember what a good life you gave your pet.
gcarlson almost 13 years ago
Wonder if “Tudaze” refers to how long he was originally supposed to stay in the house.
Warning: Hildy, Lindy, Misty, and Grady will be barking their fool heads off at you up there.
Naomi Dunbar almost 13 years ago
:( i’m sorry for loss. pets are with us only a portion of our lives but they bring a lifetime of memories.
my_discworld almost 13 years ago
So sorry, Mark. The loss of a pet is breathtakingly hard. Thanks for the beautiful story here.
baileydean almost 13 years ago
Thanks Mark, for sharing your Tudaze-kid with us. So sorry for your loss. Remember though, only the most special people come… and go, in fur. I honestly believe that you’ll meet again.
dramac333 almost 13 years ago
To those of you who have used this strip to memorialize your own pets from the past – Bravo! And to Jennie, Eliot, Chow, Missy, Grizzy, Bitty, Baby, Charlotte, Grindl, Maggie, Templeton and Charlotte the guinea pig, you will always live on in my heart.
dramac333 almost 13 years ago
@praetorian1313 – thank you for the beautiful poem.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
To gmartin: It looks like quite a few others made memorial mention of every pet. I’m not that stange after all.
drhunk almost 13 years ago
Mark,Thank you from all pet lovers; especially those of us who have had the sadness of euthanizing our beloved pets. Heart of the City is my life-time favorite cartoon (& I am in my seventh decade)! My heart-felt empathy for the loss of your beloved Tudaze.Peter
monawarner almost 13 years ago
I’ve cried everyday First at the strip and then through the comments. Don’t ask me why I kept coming back day after day when I said every day I wouldn’t.
bfrg45 almost 13 years ago
In memory of Sparky and Sparky II, wonderful Boston Terriers, and Fluffy, Cassie, and Mac, loveable cats, all greatly missed, I sympathize.
Barbara Coyle almost 13 years ago
It’s hard to say good-bye to our pets. My sympathies go out to you.
klesmiley_ Premium Member almost 13 years ago
What a wonderful heart-warming “arc” (does that mean a story line?) this has been. Thank you.
AbbyH Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I am sorry for your loss. We may not always realize how much they are a part of our lives until they aren’t.
Terr Bear Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I’m so sorry for your loss. Pets give us so much; including inspiration!
autumngirl Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I’m so sorry for your loss. We had to have not one, but two cats put down in the last few years, ourselves. ((hugs))
Janet Davis Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Blessed to have beautiful Tudaze for as long as he was around. Sorry for your loss. Understand completely.
dsgrrl almost 13 years ago
gmartin: You are not required to mourn pets. But why disparage tihose who do?
akeshavjee almost 13 years ago
This series touched me to the core, I cried when it started. RIP Monty The Cat and Reggie The Cat … you were my little boys. I am still so lost without you…
lsheldon almost 13 years ago
Therw will be a crowd waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge ( )
akeshavjee almost 13 years ago
You are an insensitive swine.
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 13 years ago
It’s always sad to lose a furry member of the family.
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Ah, Mark! An appropriate finale to this arc. Tudaze will be waiting, as is my beloved Treasure, also gone within the last month. (And I could list all of ’em, but it would take too long – sympathy to all of you who have lost the ones we loved, furred, feathered, finned, scaled – or two legged!) Love is love.
Years ago there was a wonderful cartoon which showed an oldish man meeting St. Peter. In the distance, a dog is running pell-mell toward the Pearly Gates. St. Peter says to the newcomer " So YOU’RE little Joey! Spot’s been going on about you for years!"
kpenguin almost 13 years ago
To all our beloved pet’s thay live on in our memory.
smiling4Him almost 13 years ago
Aw… sweet.
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Velvet, Tiger and Fluffy the cats. Dum-dum the mouse. Merry and Christmas the turtles. Mischief (aka Missy), Muffin and Saucy the dogs. MIss them all.
ladywyntre almost 13 years ago
Aww. I miss my two beloved departed cats—Worthless and Seraphina. Worthless was the sweetest orange tabby one could ever know. My dad named him when he started hanging around and I began to surreptitiously feed him. For more than a decade, I had wanted a cat and my parents said no. Then Worthless left and never came back. I cried for weeks! They finally gave in and took me to the humane society to get another cat. Mom pointed out a little grey kitty who just purred and purred and sat there, docile and friendly. I shook my head and went for the tiny snowball-looking kitten hanging from the top of the cage by her claws. Some idiot had bought this kitten for his girlfriend—a flight attendant who lived alone. When I heard that, I knew the kitty belonged with me. She was an indoor cat and lived about 15 years. My parents kept her when I went away to college and moved out. That cat was a demonic beast, hated everyone, clawed and grred all the time… and I just loved that cat. Anyway, sympathies to Mark and family. :(
22Wu33/es Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I sympathize with the passing of a faithful companion.
DonVanni almost 13 years ago
I feel for poor Spock the dog and his family.
apspots almost 13 years ago
I don’t think Heart and Dean live in the same bldg. My condolences to Mark and his family
SciFiWest almost 13 years ago
Putting down a pet is one of the saddest things you can do for a beloved family friend.
trekkermint almost 13 years ago
most recent losses in the past five years :trouble and muggles – cats / topaz the bouncing goldfish / rose and lily – hamstersblessings on tudaze and all the others we’ve lost
Deborah L Evans Premium Member almost 13 years ago
This was a great storyline. My condolences for the loss. Just like losing a human family member.
pollycat5350 almost 13 years ago
If you need to feel peace just read the Rainbow Bridge story. It will affirm that Tudaze will be there waiting for you. The best memorial that you can give him is to adopt another cat.
Logical Duck almost 13 years ago
On Today’s tale,Wee paws for thought.
emjay16 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
So loved…so missed. You have my heartfelt sympathy.
Vanillacat almost 13 years ago
I’m so glad Spock didn’t die, and I’m so sorry for your loss. I read your goodbye to Tudaze and cried.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
gmartin, Some of your comments are good, but what you just said here today, do you have a heart at all? I mean, REALLY MAN? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
noicant, your first longest comment was GREAT!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
LOVELY STORY ARC MARK! EVEN IF YOU HAD US ALL IN TEARS AND SUSPENSE! I hope this helped you deal with your loss!
rainechief almost 13 years ago
I’ve been jumping ahead to read this strip each day – and feeling Dean’s pain. Thanks to Tudaze for inspiring such a touching story.
Daviddeer almost 13 years ago
Dogs: Coalie, Stubby, Fawn, Shasta, Fifi, Cats: Blackie, Puddin, Puddin II, Tanfoot, Puss n’ Boots
fosterchylde86 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
RIP to all departed, beloved pets everywhere. Sorry your friend is gone, Mark.
pam Miner almost 13 years ago
So sad to loose a well loved pet! Tudaze is very cute!
Also Dean is so happy to see Spock, he’s a scrawny little mite isn’t he? My cat is doing better and she’s a little 7 lb old lady.
Teamtunafish almost 13 years ago
I feel for you, we have lost two kitties in this past year – the were the babies of the family. Keep your chin up, people do care.
Infinite2012 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I couldn’t believe the strip this week.
We just lost our 17 yr old kitty Nahla at the beginning of the story and I was so sad that Spock the Cat was dying too. It was almost too much….… I am so sorry for your loss of TuDaze he looked very sweet.
pam Miner almost 13 years ago
I never had a near death experience of my own, but When I was 12 my collie was at the vet,I didn’t know what was wrong.
We went to my uncle’s ranch and I was walking on the prairie when I saw my dog come running toward me. It seemed so real that I knelt down to hold her, but just before she reached me, she vanished.I wondered what it meant. What it did mean was my dog had just died at the same time as I saw her.
I have never doubted life after death since then. It was the most crushing death of a furry friend ever, but I feel greatful that it had happened .
I lost a very dear rat 2 summers ago. It seemed like I somehow shared his spirit.Later when I would feel the slight weight and motion on my bed I would say “Hi Stevie”.And when a friend told me he felt something move across the bed, I told him Stevie the ghost-rat had just been by to say hello.hawkeyec Premium Member almost 13 years ago
My condolences. Spock is great. almost 13 years ago
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
Author unknown…
I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you find some comfort in this poem. It has helped me in times like this…
chromosome Premium Member almost 13 years ago
My condolences… Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Thank you for letting Spock carry on the memory of your adorable Tudaze. You have my sympathy for the loss of such a beautiful member of your family, and also my understanding of what it means to lose such a beloved pet, as I’ve lost 6 of my own over the years.
OdderOtter almost 13 years ago
Remember that it is using ‘comics’ time. If the little girl does not age, her cat need not age either.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
All these comments. Back when Farley died (after an act of heroism) we didn’t have a forum like this to share our thoughts.
RabbitDad almost 13 years ago
Bun Bun, Fiesta, Petricia, Foo Foo, and Phineas J.D. Woolworth (aka Mr. Woolly)
hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Condolences Mark and thank you – this has been very touching, at least for us cat people.
Suzhillard almost 13 years ago
This brought tears to my eyes. I’m sorry for your loss – Tudaze will live on in Spock. Thank you for sharing the wider aspects of life, not just the laughs. I love Heart in the City for just that reason!
lake158 almost 13 years ago
Sorry …. It’s hard losing a pet. Readers that have lost pets too, understand your loss.
r.haza almost 13 years ago
I just lost both of my cats, Nara and Nermal… it’s the toughest thing I’ve been through… My condolences
archipelago Premium Member almost 13 years ago
This is, of course, part of why we love comic strips. Because Spock can live on. Even if TuDaze couldn’t stay with you.
Elaine Garfield Premium Member almost 13 years ago
so sorry for your loss. Animals give us the purest love ever. We are very honored to have a relationship with our companions.
madrecj almost 13 years ago
Good bye Todaze, and Inky, and Mitiades, and Soter and all our late beloved pets. Thank you for the joy you brought us.
Lgbpop almost 13 years ago
Condolences from my family to yours Mark. We go through this every six or seven years too. Trixie would approve.
cinderellaman almost 13 years ago
Condolences Mark, on the loss of your furry family member – TuDaze! TuDaze is happily rolling in the catnip patch, with my Ashleigh; Buster, and The Attack Kat Needles.
obeney2000 almost 13 years ago
Deepest Sympathies. TuDaze will always be with you simply as the inspiration for Spock.
josietn almost 13 years ago
RIP, Tudaze
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Thank you, briatollah, for the Dr. Seuss quote, aaf709 for the Barbara Libby quote, all of you who mentioned the Rainbow Bridge, and praetorian, for that wonderful tribute to KitKat. I knew about the Rainbow Bridge, but the others, even Dr. Seuss, were new to me.
The cartoon I mentioned was in the New Yorker, and I know I have a copy somewhere, but right now I have no idea of the cartoonist, even. I probably saw it about 1995. (Like that helps, I know.) If I find it I will post any info I have.
Peace to all of you and your lovely animals.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 13 years ago
RIP Tudaze, Cuddles, Eldrige Cleaver, Clark, and Buddy
10Lizzy22 almost 13 years ago
Catching up on my comics and just saw this one. Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry! I would guess that the tenderness with which you treat Spock in the strip is a reflection of the love you gave Tudaze.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
This one is still racking up comments. I wonder what the record is.
cooldude45 almost 13 years ago
i feel for you mark. the loss is tough to swallow.
my condolences
jmorrill almost 13 years ago
I’m so sorry. I lost two of my three last year. Very hard to deal with but they were old. I loved them so.
myblackshadow almost 13 years ago
it was hard reading this story line…I lost my 2 beloved cats, 1 in nov and 1 in jan….I miss them still…I am so sorry for your loss
haveanicesummer21 over 11 years ago
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
The heartfelt message was appreciated, but I think this whole story was a misfire. It wasn’t willing to tackle the subject of death in earnest. And don’t tell me “it’s for kids”; children have to deal with all kinds of things regardless of what censors try to hide from them.
benjnavarro28 almost 2 years ago
I can’t see myself doing this storyline and ending it the same way Tatulli did if I was writing it after I lost a pet. I just don’t think I could make a happy ending while I’m grieving and not have it feel fake and sad to myself.