Of course this isn’t just teenage girls. Try being a single guy when your friends are all in couples! ! Couples want to go out with other couples. I know a lady who, when she got divorced, suddenly lost half her friends, because they preferred the company of other couples. Probably so the women could chat about women’s things and the guys could chat about sports; if there is only a guy or a girl and not a couple, then BOTH people in the couple have to find topics acceptable to everyone – or at least feign interest when you’d rather just be at home watching a movie. (I remember this same woman being in a car with me and two other women; It struck me that the women were ALL talking at once… none cared whether anyone was listening, as long as they got a chance to “express” themselves. So when couples go out they can separate into gender groups and be happier doing their thing instead of being truly sociable to everyone.
Telling her she’ll start being friends again because she broke up with the guy is the worst possible thing to say. She should have apologized, told her she missed their friendship, realized she’d been rude, etc.
Once again a learning opportunity has been presented to Elizabeth. Don’t take this as a snub Elizabeth, rather as an opportunity to learn to balance, work, in this case school, along with friends and family into a full life. It won’t be too long before you will be doing so on your own.
I met my husband when we were in college. I was a sophomore, and he was a freshman. I already had my circle of girlfriends and activities we liked to do. He wanted me to spend all of my free time with him. I told him, no way! He had to accept me as I was or find a new girlfriend. We were happily married for 38 years, spending our lives separately and together. When he died, I still had that “separate” part of my life going forward.
The interesting aspect of Dawn having a boyfriend is that she is the stark contrast to her brother Brian, who would only date Asian girls. They are going to a school where the only Asian girl is his sister, so Brian does not date until years later. Dawn, on the other hand, had no problem with dating guys from other races, which is what she is doing. We will never see the guy or get his name to confirm.
Lynn Johnston, on the other other hand, had a real problem with mixed race marriages, so when we finally see Dawn with a guy, she draws the guy way back in the background so we cannot see what he looks like.
I am sooo glad I’m long since past that age. Mind you I wouldn’t mind having their strength, flexibility, stamina, and healthy joints but it’s jus not worth the emotional angst.
C over 1 year ago
When your chickens come home to roost
Templo S.U.D. over 1 year ago
my, how the table turns
Johnny Q Premium Member over 1 year ago
It’s Anthony!
minty_Joe over 1 year ago
Duck and Cover!!!!
snsurone76 over 1 year ago
The shoe’s now on the other foot—eh, Liz??
Uncle Kenny over 1 year ago
I never dated a girl who still didn’t have time for her friends. I mean, who would she go to the restroom with?
Pogostiks Premium Member over 1 year ago
Of course this isn’t just teenage girls. Try being a single guy when your friends are all in couples! ! Couples want to go out with other couples. I know a lady who, when she got divorced, suddenly lost half her friends, because they preferred the company of other couples. Probably so the women could chat about women’s things and the guys could chat about sports; if there is only a guy or a girl and not a couple, then BOTH people in the couple have to find topics acceptable to everyone – or at least feign interest when you’d rather just be at home watching a movie. (I remember this same woman being in a car with me and two other women; It struck me that the women were ALL talking at once… none cared whether anyone was listening, as long as they got a chance to “express” themselves. So when couples go out they can separate into gender groups and be happier doing their thing instead of being truly sociable to everyone.
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member over 1 year ago
Liz treated Dawn like second fiddle, now it’s Dawn’s turn.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 1 year ago
In the words of Nelson Muntz…HAH hah!
David in Webb Premium Member over 1 year ago
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 1 year ago
You know. Sometimes you just have to let it go and have a pint of ice-cream.
calliarcale over 1 year ago
Hah! The shoe is on the other foot. ;-)
mepowell over 1 year ago
Telling her she’ll start being friends again because she broke up with the guy is the worst possible thing to say. She should have apologized, told her she missed their friendship, realized she’d been rude, etc.
Daltongang Premium Member over 1 year ago
Once again a learning opportunity has been presented to Elizabeth. Don’t take this as a snub Elizabeth, rather as an opportunity to learn to balance, work, in this case school, along with friends and family into a full life. It won’t be too long before you will be doing so on your own.
kaycstamper over 1 year ago
Now she’ll get a taste of her own medicine! Maybe learn something.
JudithStocker Premium Member over 1 year ago
Touche Liz! Now it’s your turn to be ignored.
ladykat over 1 year ago
Payback time.
kamoolah over 1 year ago
As it ends up, Anthony married a frog anyway.
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 1 year ago
@Uncle Kenny – You may have a point…girls tend to go to the rest room in groups?
CitizenOfTheValley over 1 year ago
I met my husband when we were in college. I was a sophomore, and he was a freshman. I already had my circle of girlfriends and activities we liked to do. He wanted me to spend all of my free time with him. I told him, no way! He had to accept me as I was or find a new girlfriend. We were happily married for 38 years, spending our lives separately and together. When he died, I still had that “separate” part of my life going forward.
Robert4170 over 1 year ago
dlaemmerhirt999 over 1 year ago
eced52 over 1 year ago
Angry Indeed Premium Member over 1 year ago
Well since you’re diving in the dumps, Liz, you can’t find better than Morton Goldthwait of FoxTrot fame. I’m sure he can pried away from Paige. ;-p
oakie817 over 1 year ago
oh the irony over 1 year ago
Well,Elly can always teach her how to knit
howtheduck over 1 year ago
The interesting aspect of Dawn having a boyfriend is that she is the stark contrast to her brother Brian, who would only date Asian girls. They are going to a school where the only Asian girl is his sister, so Brian does not date until years later. Dawn, on the other hand, had no problem with dating guys from other races, which is what she is doing. We will never see the guy or get his name to confirm.
Lynn Johnston, on the other other hand, had a real problem with mixed race marriages, so when we finally see Dawn with a guy, she draws the guy way back in the background so we cannot see what he looks like.
Curiosity Premium Member over 1 year ago
I am sooo glad I’m long since past that age. Mind you I wouldn’t mind having their strength, flexibility, stamina, and healthy joints but it’s jus not worth the emotional angst.
asrialfeeple over 1 year ago
Now the shoe is on the other foot.
g04922 over 1 year ago
Liz is about to receive some Karma…
wolff5491 over 1 year ago
There is no reason why she couldn’t have spent time with both Anthony and Dawn. Perhaps even double dated
dlaemmerhirt999 over 1 year ago
“Threesome?” “WHAT?!?” “What?” . . . sorry, that was a “Stewie Family Guy Joke.”