Holy smoke! That’s a pretty fancy headquarters Mr. Alldid has there. He must be doing better than I thought. I love the :-| expression on Tracy’s face in the second panel. Looks like Vera has been just waiting for this moment.
I’m sure that Mike and Joe wish that comic strip creators had giant offices with hot chicks at the front desk. Rather than an art table or word processor in the corner of a spare room.
Good Morning Vista Bill! I’m wondering if Alldid has become his own Syndicate? Or if he’s doing ad and other commercial art in addition to Straightedge?
Oh boy, Alldid! Your goose is pre-cooked. Tracy is definitely Not Amused in panel 3. I think he came to ask you to ease up on the Trustworthy parody, but now he may just take you out back and tune you up!
I wonder what’s behind Alldid’s change in fortune.He was down and almost out, drawing a coloring book for Abner Kadaver not too long ago.I wonder if his backers aren’t the Blackhearts, using him to harass Tracy.
For the record, I hated those “minimalist” strips SAWDUST and THE INVISIBLE TRIBE (though I think Chester Gould could’ve been attempting a not-too-subtle social message with that one: good for him!!) comic strips by “V.A,” when he first showed up in the strip.
Gould was displeased with the shrinking of the space allotted to comic strips (from 4 panels daily to 3 and with decreased panel sizes). He was forced to make the artwork in Dick Tracy more minimal. I believe his Sawdust and Invisible Tribe were comments on his dislike for the forced minimalism.
avenger09, if you ae really eating a Pig on Wheel sandwich, you should end up in the lake with the Nitrites and Lena! The Pig on Wheels is not something to joke about! I hope you choke on the wheels!
I loved both shows.I remember the producers of “Hill Street Blues” were ordered to wrap up one sub-plot an episode. (I think it usually had 4 or 5 plots going all the time). At first it wasn’t doing too well in the ratings, but NBC stuck with it (and it bevcame a hit and won a bunch of Emmys).ABC gave up on “Max Headroom” because it required viewers to think, pure and simple.Great shows.
Very late in the day. Probably no one will notice. Probably better that way!.Vera Alldid: I stand corrected on the spelling of his name..Too bad he’s probably a baddie; I kind of like this character. I can imagine myself calling Tracy “Fosdick”! And since Fearless is Fosdick’s first name, and Trustworthy is Alldid’s character’s last name, I’m still not sure this is meant to be an insult – even if Tracy thinks it is..In an earlier strip with Alldid, Tracy’s last words to Vera was the name, Fearless Fosdick..Sawdust: I thought that strip was allegedly done by Moon Maid! I think I have some black-and-whites saved from the Internet substantiating this..I am far less familiar with Invisible Tribe – though there’s enough documentation to establish that this was Alldid’s..Last, and certainly least: The comment from VistaBill seems out of character for him. Something bothering him?.As for Still Da Avenger: Pigs on Wheels are some of his best posts!
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Don’t like that grimace at all.
cpalmeresq almost 11 years ago
Fosdick?!!!! Funny!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 11 years ago
Hello everyone
If I was Tracy, I would not appreciate that greeting!
Rod Gonzalez almost 11 years ago
All Tracy needs is a derby and a moustache . . .
(Yes, I know Tracy had a moustache in the 70s.)
willy007 almost 11 years ago
Tracy doesn’t look the slightest bit amused. Watch yourself, Vera.
Chris-One almost 11 years ago
I have a theory on what happened to Little Orphan Annie. She got abducted by aliens after the final strip.
Neil Wick almost 11 years ago
Holy smoke! That’s a pretty fancy headquarters Mr. Alldid has there. He must be doing better than I thought. I love the :-| expression on Tracy’s face in the second panel. Looks like Vera has been just waiting for this moment.
nerdhoof almost 11 years ago
Now when is Tracy going to meet Abner and the folks from Dogpatch?
coldsooner almost 11 years ago
Alldid, what a goob. Even I want to punch him out.
yumpinyiminey almost 11 years ago
Last time we saw Vera, his ex-wife punched him and he was close to scraping bottom. Now he’s bounced back, but he’s still a punk.
Neil Wick almost 11 years ago
Vera’s in a much cheerier mood than Dick. It seems that he has the upper hand at the moment.
TJ000 almost 11 years ago
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember Vera being like this when he was in the strip years ago. He seems like quite the jerk now.
TJ000 almost 11 years ago
“Who’s the hot chiquita ?!?!?!”I noticed her, too. A real cutie! Staton women seem prettier and prettier.
jz27wk Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I’m sure that Mike and Joe wish that comic strip creators had giant offices with hot chicks at the front desk. Rather than an art table or word processor in the corner of a spare room.
pschearer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
“Dick Tracy” is the only place I’ve ever seen Vera as a man’s name. What’s up with that?
crobinson019 almost 11 years ago
Good Morning Vista Bill! I’m wondering if Alldid has become his own Syndicate? Or if he’s doing ad and other commercial art in addition to Straightedge?
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 11 years ago
I am old enough to remember “modesty panels” on desks to keep men from having a “peek-a-boo”! Hubba Hubba!
tsull2121 almost 11 years ago
SNAP….. that weas the sound of my neck from all this jumping around this strip is doing
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
Oh boy, Alldid! Your goose is pre-cooked. Tracy is definitely Not Amused in panel 3. I think he came to ask you to ease up on the Trustworthy parody, but now he may just take you out back and tune you up!
thunderbearr almost 11 years ago
“Hey Vera, you want a real story? Go look in the bottom of the lake. Go ahead. I’ll wait.”
avenger09 almost 11 years ago
This poor soul from Texas attempted to follow all the different directions the Dick Tracy comic strip has veered off in. Pity him!
FFosdick almost 11 years ago
Fosdick the Fearless!
Blindfolded Wildcat almost 11 years ago
This is definitely a great week in this strip!
abdullahbaba999 almost 11 years ago
Mama was right, “Those Damn Funny Pages are gonna rot you brain !!!”
Can't Sleep almost 11 years ago
I wonder what’s behind Alldid’s change in fortune.He was down and almost out, drawing a coloring book for Abner Kadaver not too long ago.I wonder if his backers aren’t the Blackhearts, using him to harass Tracy.
tsull2121 almost 11 years ago
NG, readers shouldnt HAVE to take notes to follow a storyline, thats my point
Chris Sherlock almost 11 years ago
Dick apparently doesn’t share Vera’s enthusiasm for their reunion.
avenger09 almost 11 years ago
It’s not nice to call your cuz big. She’s got feelings ya know!
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Clock that dweeb, Richard!! Then he’ll be “Vera’s All-done”!!
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago
For the record, I hated those “minimalist” strips SAWDUST and THE INVISIBLE TRIBE (though I think Chester Gould could’ve been attempting a not-too-subtle social message with that one: good for him!!) comic strips by “V.A,” when he first showed up in the strip.
LittleIggy almost 11 years ago
Dick needs to look up the First Amendment.
sjsczurek almost 11 years ago
I thought Vera Alldid was killed years ago… that Sparkle Plenty was his widow, and later on Sparkle married Junior Tracy. What’s up with all this?
Ray Toler almost 11 years ago
Gould was displeased with the shrinking of the space allotted to comic strips (from 4 panels daily to 3 and with decreased panel sizes). He was forced to make the artwork in Dick Tracy more minimal. I believe his Sawdust and Invisible Tribe were comments on his dislike for the forced minimalism.
Ray Toler almost 11 years ago
The names of the artists for the Invisible Tribe in the strip were the first names of the members of Gould’s team.
avenger09 almost 11 years ago
Morrow definitely gave my hero CF53 bad info yesterday! LOL!!!Don’t listen to him CF53, wherever you are!!!!!
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 11 years ago
avenger09, if you ae really eating a Pig on Wheel sandwich, you should end up in the lake with the Nitrites and Lena! The Pig on Wheels is not something to joke about! I hope you choke on the wheels!
Modelautoman almost 11 years ago
I take it this won’t be a pleasant visit. Vera, you’re in big trouble, boy!
stomaino almost 11 years ago
For me there is only one “Staton woman” and her name is Nova!
Can't Sleep almost 11 years ago
I loved both shows.I remember the producers of “Hill Street Blues” were ordered to wrap up one sub-plot an episode. (I think it usually had 4 or 5 plots going all the time). At first it wasn’t doing too well in the ratings, but NBC stuck with it (and it bevcame a hit and won a bunch of Emmys).ABC gave up on “Max Headroom” because it required viewers to think, pure and simple.Great shows.
Morrow Cummings almost 11 years ago
Finally, a “selfie” from avanger09!
dennis4476 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Vera Alldid is making a come back, but he is doing it ALL- WRONG!
Morrow Cummings almost 11 years ago
Cheapskate0 almost 11 years ago
Very late in the day. Probably no one will notice. Probably better that way!.Vera Alldid: I stand corrected on the spelling of his name..Too bad he’s probably a baddie; I kind of like this character. I can imagine myself calling Tracy “Fosdick”! And since Fearless is Fosdick’s first name, and Trustworthy is Alldid’s character’s last name, I’m still not sure this is meant to be an insult – even if Tracy thinks it is..In an earlier strip with Alldid, Tracy’s last words to Vera was the name, Fearless Fosdick..Sawdust: I thought that strip was allegedly done by Moon Maid! I think I have some black-and-whites saved from the Internet substantiating this..I am far less familiar with Invisible Tribe – though there’s enough documentation to establish that this was Alldid’s..Last, and certainly least: The comment from VistaBill seems out of character for him. Something bothering him?.As for Still Da Avenger: Pigs on Wheels are some of his best posts!