B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for April 21, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Old Man River  over 9 years ago

    Hanna and Barbera beat you to it.

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  2. Mainavatar
    Leroy  over 9 years ago

    Who needs carbon dating when we have comics and cartoons??

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  3. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I see Alley Oop and Dinny coming this way with their lawyers…

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    cdward  over 9 years ago

    First of all, the Brontosaurus issue was simply a matter of deciding whether it was misnamed – not a question of whether it existed. Secondly, I get so tired of these so-called Christians insisting that earth was created in 7 24-hour periods and that dinosaurs and humans had to coexist because their biblical dating have to match. That is not faith, that’s willfully ignorance. Since there are two distinct creation narratives, and only one of them mentions seven days, he timeframe is not important. The fact that God created is the point, not how God did it. A 4.5 billion year process seems about the right timeline to me (unless you think that’s too long for God?). Evolution seems like a pretty brilliant method.

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    Falcon57  over 9 years ago

    Backhanded slap at Ken Ham? What is the point? Besides, evolution is simply illogical. People are still hung up on the propaganda of the uniformitarians. “So-called Christians?” Really ? When you take God at His word, you can help but come away realizing that He meant 7 24-hour days for creation. Brilliant method? Not so fast. Why assume God would take so long? It would seem that 6 days would be too long for an all powerful and all knowing, infinite God. Believing in evolution is what should be considered willful ignorance of the complexity of life (DNA, etc.). It takes more faith to believe in evolution than in the God of Creation to create a universe and life on Earth in 6 days and completing his work on the 7th.

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  6. Clover
    paddy  over 9 years ago

    Pfft! You guys have no idea. It was the FSM who created the universe. Get real!


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    contralto2b  over 9 years ago

    Who said God had to use a 24 hr day? What’s a day to God?

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    Claire Jordan  over 9 years ago

    Actually the genus name Brontosaurus was revived a couple of weeks ago, after new, more detailed specimens revealed that the original Brontosaurus skeleton was sufficiently different from Apatosaurus to be considered a different genus.

    We can’t know exactly how long ago various things in the fossil record lived, there’s always going to be an element of guesswork, but we can see that there were multiple successive ecosystems each of which must have taken at least tens of thousands of years to rise and fall, so we know that the dating proposed by Creationists is nonsense. Why they should even want to deny evolution, God alone knows, since the only evidence that the Judeo-Christian creation myth is any more valid than anyone else’s Creation myth is that if you squint at it, and assume that “day” means “epoch”, it coincides fairly well with the fossil record.

    I have an essay explaining how we can know from first principles that evolution happens, even without consulting the fossil record, at www.whitehound.co.uk/essays/Evolution.htm

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  9. Feldman01
    Abby Normal  over 9 years ago

    I always loved this strip. My opinion of it just increased by a factor of 10,000.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 9 years ago

    No brontosaurus? My day is ruined.

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  11. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Wow, quite a conversation for so early in the morning. Thanks for all the entertainment!

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  12. Wildcat cub trotting ing grass
    Tigdi  over 9 years ago

    G-d has always existed. G-d by definition is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question Who created G-d? is illogical, just like To whom is the bachelor married?

    So a more sophisticated questioner might ask: If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t G-d need a cause? And if G-d doesn’t need a cause, why should the universe need a cause? In reply, Christians should use the following reasoning:

    Everything which has a beginning has a cause. The universe has a beginning.

    Therefore the universe has a cause.

    The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, as will be shown below. G-d, unlike the universe, had no beginning, so doesn’t need a cause. In addition, Einstein’s general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since G-d, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created, so has no beginning in time G-d is the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity (Isaiah 57:15). Therefore He doesn’t have a cause.

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    guy42  over 9 years ago

    Great that’s all we need a 6 day work week.

    Actually that’s better than the 7 day week I’m working on…

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    thirdguy  over 9 years ago

    Thank You, Go Comic readers, for showing that it is possible to have a discussion, where people disagree, and yet remain civil, and even keep a sense of humor. Compared to this forum, the rest of the web is a festering sewer.

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  15. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 9 years ago

    I don’t read any posts over 4 lines…They are usually boring.

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    Dennis1944  over 9 years ago

    Funny strip today. But Falcon57 wrote: “:When you take God at His word”….411! God DID NOT write the bible. People did.

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    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    “Still waiting for the answer on who / what created God.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m still wondering if his mother breast-fed him.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Geepers Creepers everyone! It’s just a comic!

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    reverendike  over 9 years ago

    The original source material for sections of the Bible used language that was not directly translatable in many cases. The wording of the story of creation used terms that represented a “period of time” not “one day”. The development of the universe may be divided into six periods of time, but those periods would represent supereons of billions of years. But when a mythology is being put together, it needs to be dumbed-down so the masses can grasp it, so we get “days” and other totally inaccurate literal translations and interpretations.

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  20. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    “And once more exd proves that they don’t have a clue….”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please enlighten me — What is an ’exd?"

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  21. Mroh
    Back_phil  over 9 years ago

    Don’t ask a Mormon where fossils came from, or anything that is over 6,000 years old.

    Hint: they all were planted here from other worlds.

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  22. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago

    As a huge fan and user of Answer in Genesis materials (Ken Ham’s organization), I am so thankful for BC, for Ham and Hart are friends, and Hart does see that humans have always been humans, not some mutated ape.

    So much evidence, from the Bible (which never once says the world is flat, but has been scientifically accurate even in stating that the earth is round and suspended in space, the oceans have currents, etc.) and from man throughout the ages shows that man has always lived with dangerous beasts like dinosaurs, but have been at battle with them, causing the big ones to go extinct. Just look at https://creationsciencestudy.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/proof-that-dinosaurs-and-man-lived-together/

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  23. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago
    Don’t get it why people think it is crazy to even think man and dinosaurs once lived together, and at odds with each other.Truly have been brainwashed by secular history being forced on us, needing some unscientific millions of years so that no one seeks forgiveness of sins for eternal life (sins are real, just look at your ability to lie or lust, or what Hitler did).Do you think it is crazy that lions, tigers, bears, sharks and poisonous spiders live with man? What about whales and elephants? Here’s what you need to get clear to actually see the truth and proof man has lived with dinosaurs: WE DON’T LIVE IN THE SAME ROOM, NOR CITY AS THEM! :PGod bless you all who have read this. Please do think about what Jesus did on the cross, and the fact his resurrection is not a myth or fairy tale, but had eye witnesses and written down so you may believe and have eternal life.
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  24. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago

    If you do believe in evolution, the ironic thing, while BC is a comic which is pro-creation and pro-Christ-died-for-our-sins, the sad part is that all evolution has, from ape to man, is drawings. No where do you see any of one kind that God created becoming another. Genetic variations, natural selection, and survival of the fittest? SURE! We observe that, and expect that in God’s creation. But WITHIN A KIND. Man is not an animal, for we obviously think, explore, and dress differently than animals, for we are the crown of God’s creation. Do you know that one day we will reign with Christ, and even judge angels? Grasp this, and repent of sins and sin no more.

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  25. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago

    This got me to go read answersingenesis.org today. Some fascinating articles there, such as:

    “God created our brains to process an unimaginably complex stream of information—trillions of bits pour into our brain every second from all our senses. As we monitor the world, our brains must discard useless details and latch onto anything of short-term or long-term value.”


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  26. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago

    And if you think that for some reason believing man and beast live at the same time (hey, we do!) means that person is an idiot and science can’t progress, think again. No part of science, even medical, requires the religious belief that we and apes come from some ancestor and we are just evolved mutated animals (it is a religion, for it puts faith in nothing to become something for no reason….origins at the worse). So many Christians, those who are messengers of the Gospel, are also scientists, hold PhDs, etc. Here is the blurp of the neuroscientist who’s article I linked in my last comment:

    “Dr. David A. DeWitt holds a PhD in neuroscience from Case Western Reserve University. Currently chair of the Department of Biology and Chemistry and director of the Center for Creation Studies at Liberty University, his primary research efforts have focused on the mechanisms causing cellular damage in Alzheimer’s disease.”

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    ap655744  over 9 years ago

    All conditioned things are transient,The law is: Birth, then Death.Beyond the coditioned world,Blissfully, is the Absolute.

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    dflak  over 9 years ago

    If God is all-powerful, why did he have to rest? Don’t tell me he gets tired.

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    ap655744  over 9 years ago

    Religion is a mental condition. Of course it is. If it wasn’t it would be a physical condition. Do things without minds have religion? Truly, though, mentality and physicality exist on the same plane, and your distinction between them is completely arbitrary.All things that are conditioned – all things that have a cause – are transient, and manifest without real, individual existance. The movie isn’t really there, it’s just a bunch of stills your brain puts together in order to define a world that it can interact with.

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    potrerokid  over 9 years ago

    Ever hear of the Westboro Baptist Church?

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    TimTheScooper Premium Member over 9 years ago

    There have never been a bonified contradiction in scripture. Every so-called contradiction has been dis-proven. Every time I address this, no one has ever showed me the contradiction! Why? Because they have been told there are contradictions, but never read scripture.

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    1148559  over 9 years ago

    You might have a point if we had the original text of the Bible as written by the authors… but what we have are translations of copies of copies of copies. Do you really think that hand written copies of copies of copies will be exact and have no errors?

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    Kaputnik  over 9 years ago

    If you want a serious discussion on serious subjects, the comment section of an online comic strip may not be the ideal place. You could try http://www.talkorigins.org/ for example.In the mean time, dinosaurs and humans living together has been a traditional source of cartoon humor even for cartoonists who knew better, such as Gary Larson in “The Far Side”.

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  35. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 9 years ago

    Did I just type “I strain”? ohh boy…. Well – read the post out loud, then you won’t notice I used “I” instead of “eye”. lol.BC needs to gets Mr Flintstone to drop in – There is a proper way to ride a Bronto and Fred knows all the right and wrong ways.

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  36. Cal2
    lthale  over 9 years ago

    Christians don’t believe in a created God, we believe God is infinite – he always was and will always be. Watch God’ Not Dead – Josh does a good job of answering that question.

    Also, the Bible says God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th, but no where does it say 6 24hr days. A day on earth isn’t the same as a day in Heaven. The bible never specifically says how long a day in Heaven is, Jesus only made a reference as part of an analogy but that doesn’t mean it was absolute but rather a way of showing time in Heaven is basically meaningless when he said a day in Heaven is like a thousand years on earth. So, when God created the world in 6 days – it’s 6 days as HE defines them, not us, and we don’t know how long that actually is.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    “When will you guys figure out being a cartoon doesn’t reduce its relevancy to its content?”.When will you stop editorializing on this concept?

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    thirdguy  over 9 years ago

    Well, that was fun. And nobody resorted to name calling, or cursing, or incivility. Ok, a bit of sarcasm here and there, and certainly a lot of intellect, and passion on both sides. (if there were only two sides) It makes me look forward to tomorrow.

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    Jim Kerner  over 9 years ago

    Who’s Ken Ham?

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    For those dissing science, I’d suggest Carl Sagan’s The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, an excellent look at how science works.There are several good books showing why science and religion are incompatible. Jerry Coyne’s book Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible will be on sale May 19.Briefly, science is based on observation, reason, and logic; given the community of scientists, and its willingness to compare its hypotheses to reality, it is not surprising that science converges on the truth. Religion, on the other hand, is based on authority, tradition, and faith. It has no way of demonstrating, or even supporting its claims, which is why, given the immense variety of “sacred” books and religious teachers and leaders, there is quite literally nothing on which they all agree. Case in point—read through the comments here; the christians can’t even agree on the age of the earth. Science, of course, has pinpointed it to 4.53 plus or minus .02 billion years.

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    Specifically concerning radiometric dating and the age of the earth, the comments made by some that it “doesn’t support evolution" are simply ignorant. One notices that no mention is made (1) of the method of isochrons (which gets around the problem of initial conditions), or (2) the fact that numerous rocks can be dated by more than one method (it is not possible for them to coincidentally give the same age), or (3) the radiometric dates of meteorites and moon rocks. I necessarily conclude that they are trying to win a debate, lawyer or politician style, rather than trying to find out what is true about nature, the approach of the scientist.A good technical source on radiometric dating is The Age of the Earth by G. Brent Dalrymple; he also has a less technical book titled Ancient Earth, Ancient Skies: The Age of Earth and Its Cosmic Surroundings. You might start at the Wikipedia page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isochron_dating or the page at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/isochron-dating.html

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    How interesting; a report I ran across today about 60 million year old feathers found in amber. Religion never says anything interesting.


    Excellent books for people wanting to learn about what evolution really is, and who are not just interested in formulating a straw man:

    1) Jerry Coyne “Why Evolution is True”2) Richard Dawkins “The Greatest Show on Earth” (two overviews of the convergent multiple lines of evidence for evolution).3) Donald Prothero “Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters” (the fossil evidence).4) Sean B. Carroll “The Making of the Fittest” (the DNA evidence).5) Jonathan Weiner “The Beak of the Finch” (experimental evidence; real-time evolution).6) Neil Shubin “Your Inner Fish” (evidence of evolution as seen in the human body)7) Matt Ridley “The Red Queen” (evolutionary “arms races”)8) Carl Zimmer “Parasite Rex” (the history and evolution of parasites)Also these web sites: 29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: The Scientific Case for Common Descent at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/A Complete on-line course at http://evolution.berkeley.edu/

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  43. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago

    Check this recent post out on Facebook on Ica stones, depicting dinosaurs and man together, before we even found fossils. Yet it doesn’t get taught in school, as for some reason people want to fit their origins in a world that wasn’t design by God, interacted with by God, and where eternal life is granted by God. Sad. Here’s the link from the Northwest Science Museum:


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  44. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 9 years ago

    Tons of proof that God exists and this earth is one where humans have been here since the beginning, yet no one wants that. Why not give your life to the Lord and know Him? I went from atheist to Christian on the day I encountered Him, and proved Himself to be the God of the Bible, King Jesus the Messiah. Don’t turn a blind eye to this, please? Your death, judgement and eternal life depend on it.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    “Look up the word “god” and find it doesn’t mean deity, it means “to invoke a deity” and are you Jewish?”.Dictionaries don’t create or establish meaning.At best, they tell what most mean when they use the words.Most commonly, they tell nearly what the dictionary writer means or wants them to mean, just as you did..Some think lightly using the name of their deity is a violation of the commandment against using it in vain.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    @exoticdoc2“Diversification is a different game ".As you are using it, it looks like a euphemism for the taboo word “evolution”..Understand evolution does not require DNA change any particular way because its existence wasn’t known when evolutionary processes were first recognized.. Understanding DNA helps us understand the processes better. DNA makes DNA (imperfectly but well) and RNA. RNA makes proteins. Proteins make bits and pieces of us.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    @corzak“Exoticdoc’s opinion on this is about 20 years outdated.”.Not actually 20 years. I’ve read claims similar to this over 30 years and they were old then..

    The information comes from questionable sources and a few false assumptions.One of the basic assumptions is that if I don’t understand how it works, it must not work.. “Actually we are are learning a great deal about this.”.Yes, more than we can wrap our heads around. I can think of many I’ve come across over the years..Dogs have some 2,000 genes for smelling scents.Humans have some 200 functional scent genes.We also have the rest, or nearly have them. Due to copying errors and the fact we can survive without them, the rest are nonfunctional...Birds and reptiles have extra color sensing genes. We have them too but they don’t work.The vision we do have involves a duplication and mutation of an existing gene.Result?Birds see colors we can’t envision. (And they say I don’t have a sense of humor!).Anyhoo, fossil DNA is full of fascinating information and it is found in every living thing.It also is interesting to think that some evolutionary processes involve getting rid of information, simplifying..We obviously don’t know lots of things or else we wouldn’t have all the problems we do have (such as getting old).

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    LuigiWriter  over 9 years ago

    Obviously only those who know the rivalry between the two early paleontologists get the joke. Claiming victory by mounting a headless skeleton in the museum entrance hall just wouldn’t do.

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    LuigiWriter  over 9 years ago

    Now that I know who Ken Ham is, I also know he will not get the joke. Just wonder why the author he believes in didn’t write the book in English to begin with, and stick around to make sure all copies read exactly the same, which they do not, especially the Greek texts.

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    corzak  over 9 years ago

    “So you like quotes? Okay, I have put MANY out there over time, but I will indulge again”Sorry @exotic. All that you wrote here is a whole bunch of peoples’ opinions. Nothing but opinions. For every one you mentioned, the are ten opinions opposing. Words.None of this is evidence against evolution.None of this is evidence demonstrating literal young-earth Genesis.

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    corzak  over 9 years ago

    Just to pick through some of your quotes . . . it’s particularly amusing to see you using Stephen J. Gould to discredit evolution. Gould wrote hundreds of articles and dozens of books illustrating the evidence and principles of evolutionary biology – and yet you cherry-pick two quotes, out of context – to “refute evolution”Watch how that sounds:1 Corinthians 15:13-14: If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.So from this passage I show that Paul of Taurus refuted the resurrection. And this passage also proves that even Paul thought Christianity is ‘useless’.See how stupid that sounds?

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  52. United federation
    corzak  over 9 years ago

    Making a direct association between evolution and evil is also absurd of course.Jim Jones, responsible for the Jonestown murder-suicide of 900 people, was an ordained Christian minister. Hitler rose to power in solid alliance with both the Lutheran and Catholic churches. In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote that he was “acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator” and to have been chosen by providence. Catholics and Protestants murdered and tortured one another for over 450 years, as recently as in Northern Ireland. And so on.

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  53. United federation
    corzak  over 9 years ago

    Meanwhile, this is what actual empirical evidence looks like. Actual analysis of the actual genetic, anatomical and fossil evidence.Origin and evolution of water oxidation before the last common ancestor of the Cyanobacteria – Cardona, Murray, Rutherford. MBE, Feb 2015“we reconstruct the origin and evolution of water oxidation at an unprecedented level of detail by studying the phylogeny of all D1 subunits, the main protein coordinating the water oxidizing cluster Mn4CaO5 of Photosystem II” – the oxygen-evolving machine of photosynthesis.Starvation-Associated Genome Restructuring Can Lead to Reproductive Isolation in Yeast – Kroll, Coyle, Dunn, Koniges et al. PLOS One. July 2013“Using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae…showed that novel lineages with restructured genomes quickly emerged in starved populations, and that these survivors were more fit than their ancestors when re-starved.”First cranial remains of a gondwanatherian mammal reveal remarkable mosaicism. – Krause, Hoffmann, Wible, Kirk, Schultz. “PubMed” Nov 2014“report the discovery of the first skull material of a gondwanatherian, a complete and well-preserved cranium from Upper Cretaceous strata in Madagascar . . . analysis strongly supports its placement within Gondwanatheria, which are recognized as monophyletic and closely related to multituberculates, an evolutionarily successful clade of Mesozoic mammals known almost exclusively from the Northern Hemisphere. The cranium exhibits a mosaic of primitive and derived features, the disparity of which is extreme and probably reflective of a long evolutionary history in geographic isolation.”Origin and Spread of de Novo Genes in Drosophila melanogaster Populations- Zhao1, Saelao1, Jones, Begun. 2013“identified 142 segregating and 106 fixed testis-expressed de novo genes in a population sample of Drosophila melanogaster. These genes derive primarily from ancestral intergenic, unexpressed open reading frames, with natural selection playing a significant role in their spread. These results reveal a heretofore unappreciated dynamism of gene content.”Horizontal transfer of an adaptive chimeric photoreceptor from bryophytes to ferns – Lia, Villarreal, Kelly, Rothfelsd, Melkoniane, Frangedakis, et al. PNAS, Oct 2013.“we discovered that fern neochrome was derived from a bryophyte lineage via horizontal gene transfer (HGT). This finding not only provides the first evidence that a plant-to-plant HGT can have a profound evolutionary impact but also has implications for the evolution of photosensory systems in plants”Three crocodilian genomes reveal ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs – Green, Braun, Armstrong, Earl, et al. Science AAAS. Dec. 2014“sequenced shotgun genomic libraries from each species and used a variety of assembly strategies to obtain draft genomes for these three crocodilians. Using a panel of reptile genome sequences, we generated phylogenies that confirm the sister relationship between crocodiles and gharials, the relationship with birds as members of extant Archosauria, and the outgroup status of turtles relative to birds and crocodilians. We also estimated evolutionary rates along branches of the tetrapod phylogeny”

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    corzak  over 9 years ago

    This study was just recently released. It came from the ‘1K Insect Transcriptome Evolution Project’ (1KITE). It is the product of a four-year effort by more than 100 accredited scientists from dozens of research centers around the around the world.Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolutionFrom 1kite website: “1KITE has brought together internationally recognized experts in molecular biology, morphology, paleontology, embryology, bioinformatics, and scientific computing in a yet unparalleled way.”Methodology:“They sequenced transcriptomes from 103 insect species distributed across all living insect orders. They also drew data from previously published whole-genome sequences of 14 [non-insect] arthropod species, as well as from transcriptomes of 27 additional species. They then narrowed down their genetic data to 1,478 protein-coding genes that are present in all of the species analyzed. By comparing differences and similarities between the sequences of these protein-coding genes, as well as the sequences of amino acids the genes encode, the researchers were able to create a tree showing the relationships between 144 insect genuses…”They “dated the origin of insects to the Early Ordovician [~479 million years ago], of insect flight to the Early Devonian (~406 Ma), of major extant lineages to the Mississippian (~345 Ma), and the major diversification of holometabolous insects to the Early Cretaceous.”The 1KITE team utilyzed state-of-art sequencing techniques. They developed new software and data assemblage methods. Their results in addition provide a “comprehensive reliable scaffold for future comparative analyses of evolutionary innovations among insects”.

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  55. Cnh1 large
    tirnaaisling  over 9 years ago

    As corzak said below your post, these are not substantiated findings that have been published in reliable journals and received peer review from the wider community.

    I did ask you for reliable quotes (I meant quotes from scientific papers, as I’m sure you knew, with references to those papers so that their validity could be verified). None of what you posted in your ridiculously long post proves anything, they are just quotes from people with views like your own or out of context quotes from reputable people as corzak has already pointed out in his posts.

    As your ability to use rational thought processes seems to be seriously limited by your religious view point I see no further point listening to you. It is fine to have view points, but to blindly warp reality to fit those view is just plain ignorant.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    “evolutionist Niles Eldridge who said, “The intermediates (demanded by Darwinian gradualism) were not detected in the fossil record.” ".Which is to say he believed Darwin doesn’t get the final say on matters of mechanisms despite believing evidence supports the result. He expressed the belief things would reach stability with no visible evidence of change over long periods of time, followed by extinctions and/or new species..Contemplation of mechanisms is not rejection of evidence, rather of what it implies

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    “And on the matters of morality, note that evolutionary thinking play no small part in the hideous Nazi regime, who sought to put it into practice.”.The teachings of Martin Luther and hatred of Jews for not converting also fueled a lot of it..Belief that God supports your hatred has led to many crimes against humanity. Making a god or a demon of a theory doesn’t change the tendency to justify every evil. The fact that people do so doesn’t mean reality should be ignored..Consider your usage and how you try to use it as a proof. This is similar to the desire to outlaw guns because outlaws do evil things with them.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    “In many cases, such as that of leading creation science author Henry Morris, they have earned advanced technical degrees.”.He seems to have given himself impressive degrees if he claimed expertise in anything other than hydraulics — and it is good he abandoned his civil engineering work if he was that careless — to lend weight where his thinking had none. I read what he wrote long ago and most of it was simply stupid, his conclusions unreasonable, his biases obvious.

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    Kudos to DavidHuieGreen for slapping down all exoticdoc2’s ridiculous, and unsupported, religious and pseudo-scientific assertions.As for the doc’s quotations, it is not known widely enough that lying creationists love to take things out of context, and/or present only part of a quote, to make it seem like it says the exact opposite of what it actually does say; that is how they end up with the farcical ploy of pretending that, say, Stephen Jay Gould opposed evolution.Fortunately, hardworking scientists have developed a vaccine for this: The Quote Mine Project.That’s right—creationists do this so often that it was felt necessary to gather all of their lies into one place for ease of reference.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    @exoticdoc2“When you use loss as an example it is the equivalent of saying you are going to get rich by losing you money only a little bit at a time. Absurd in the extreme.”.The comparison is obviously absurd because it is inaccurate..if a fat man loses weight, he gains health, mobility, freedom and may even become more desirable..if a company can reduce workers while producing product, they lost employees but gained profitability..Nothing indicates having as much DNA as possible is in any organism’s best interests. (Some more may improve performance, but not just to have more.)

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago


    “I have given you more than enough to find the truth, resources far more than adequate for the open-minded. ".But if your resources used lies, they aren’t good resources and indicate they don’t trust the truth to support their own arguments.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    @exoticdoc2“And there are answers to Green’s nonsense about the second law of thermodynamics,”.So I spoke too soon?The Second Law states that the randomness — the entropy — of a closed system never decreases. Some have misstated this two different ways..The first way is to confuse entropy with complexity even though they are not the same thing..The second is to claim the Second Law doesn’t allow more orderly or complex things to occur. They don’t understand the randomness of the universe can go up even though less random ice crystals can form within it..Some go the other way — often at the same time — and pretend development of a single fertilized cell into a human or a whale or an oak tree violates the Second Law.. You haven’t stated which — if not all — interpretation or interpretations you misunderstand or misstate.

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago

    “hydrogen turning into people given enough time (i.e., spontaneous generation)”.Much of what makes a human body is hydrogen, usually in the form of water, less often — but still often — in the atoms of proteins..The intention, though, seems to be to deny the fact that hydrogen will fuse in stars to form heavier elements and that supernova produce elements even heavier than iron. They have to ignore the spectral signature of those elements, but they don’t/can’t accept the reality of physics or astronomy. So they also have to ignore the reality of chemistry..They have to ignore the dimness of light from distant stars because electromagnetic science requires distances too great to have the light of the observed brightness reach us on less than ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, a billion years because they can’t accept a universe even 8,000 years old..They bring up “spontaneous generation”, the idea that complete mature organisms happen overnight as if that is the same thing as the idea that living things produce living things which are not exactly like themselves and that the differences would add up over time. .Instead they claim unproven vast changes in the human genome some 4,000 years ago to explain away the visible differences we see today..There is none so blind as one who WILL NOT see.

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    Larrs  over 9 years ago

    If God is all powerful why would he have to rest after just six days of work?

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    David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs  over 9 years ago


    One reason to rest is because you are finished and do not have another work to do.

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    parkerfields  over 9 years ago

    You mention Ken Ham’s heart, but it is really your own heart that you need to be concerned about. To reject God because you “suspect” something is being a fool. Hart would never approve of a cartoon like that. He loved God. Too bad you didn’t follow in his footsteps.

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