Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for July 24, 2015

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    Argythree  over 9 years ago

    Among the many recommendations of sensible nutritionists to those who need to lose weight: quit the booze, and start a low impact, safe exercise program. Obviously, neither are part of Bobā€™s routine.

    If all he stopped eating was meat and dairy, I have to wonder what his blood glucose looks like. (After all, he didnā€™t say anything about reducing carbsā€¦)

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    A rather recent study into various diets found no significant difference in adipose changes for diets that reduced carbs vs ones that reduced dietary fats. I,too, hope the brother is logically exercising when not working, learning, or socializingā€¦ Maybe in future panels? It would be growth for the strip to tackle that as a new subject. Weight is a tricky thing, though, and far more complex than C in vs C out. Arya Sharma has an excellent site for those interested in the topic at a rigorous level, often on endocrinology, neurology, microbiome, epigenetics, and more.

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    pbarnrob  over 9 years ago

    And we resist the LOSING part.Think of Getting Lighter, you donā€™t Lose anything (that you need)!Omega-3s vs. Omega-6s; grass-fed vs. corn-fed (beef, chicken, etc.).Sugar and shame, both cause inflammation in arteries. Ainā€™t that a kick?

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    tripwire45  over 9 years ago

    Brother, do you even lift?

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    Aaberon  over 9 years ago


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    ekw555  over 9 years ago

    eat what you like. youā€™re going to die anyway.

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    starcandles Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Sorry, Wiley, but I am a fitness professional, & vegans tend to be thin, but are lacking in energy & do not build much in the way of muscle. Moderation & eating less than you expend is the key. Meat & dairy are part of a healthy lifestyle.

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    puddleglum1066  over 9 years ago

    Five days into the storyline, and the dialog has become indistinguishable from the comments. I really hope thereā€™s a good punchline tomorrowā€¦

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    Dr_Zinj  over 9 years ago

    You are SOOOOOO right.The formula is simple.Burn more calories than you consume to lose weight.Thereā€™s a reason why you didnā€™t see any fat people coming out of the Nazi death camps in the photos from WWII.

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    e.groves  over 9 years ago

    ā€œAre you drinking 1% because you think youā€™re fat?ā€

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    CYGNUS X1  over 9 years ago

    Again, all thing in moderationā€¦.

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    dabugger  over 9 years ago

    Besides weight an girth there is the stereotypes for this guy. Where do they pick up that junk; maybe fox pseudo news?

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    Miba  over 9 years ago

    I am so sick of the vegan storylines in this comic. You donā€™t have to give up good nutrition to be thin and healthy. There are a lot of really thin meat eaters out there and walking around with your fingers in your ears going ā€œlalala I canā€™t hear youā€ wonā€™t make that change.

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    christina.roberts1  over 9 years ago

    Question is, is Wiley actually passionate about this and it is why he keeps bringing it up or is he just trolling us all and delights in the idea of all the people he is annoying and the arguments heā€™s causing?

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    ronmor1  over 9 years ago

    Iā€™ll pass on the vegan life. I raise, catch or shoot 90%+ of the fish, fowl or meat I eat. Grow the bulk of my own herbs and veggies too. Doesnā€™t other in me the slightest to kill, clean, butcher and prepare what I eat. I always know how itā€™s been treated and how itā€™s been stored.

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    Cozmik Cowboy  over 9 years ago

    In my experience, you can always spot a vegan; theyā€™re ones who are always sick.

    And I wonder ā€“ would a vegan ride a horse?

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    Kveldulf  over 9 years ago

    Carbs in versus carbs out ā€” seems so simple and obvious that it MUST BE RIGHT. Unfortunately, it is not. Your weight is determined largely by the bacteria in your gut..Guess what. Artificial sweeteners, the stuff put into diet foods to keep us thin, kill off the healthy biota in our guts and replace them with bacteria that make us fat..Gee, I wonder if the companies that sell us diet food know that?

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    scpandich  over 9 years ago

    I lost 140 pounds without cutting out meat or dairy. I just ate less of what I had been eating and exercised a bit more.

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    vwdualnomand  over 9 years ago

    losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is dependent on your daily activity level and food consumption. If you are doing extremely physically work, then a lot of food consumption to keep your energy level. but, if you are at a desk for 8-10 hours a day(a sedentary lifestyle), then low food consumption is necessary to keep your energy level.

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    paul GROSS Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Self righteous is the adjective you are looking for

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    yimhere  over 9 years ago

    HEELLLOOOOO good people! Itā€™s a cartoon. I suspect that the specifics of Bobā€™s dietary solution to his heart condition are less the issue in this dialogue as the flawed equation of being a vegan and gay, mixed into the complex context of our nationā€™s obesity epidemic?

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    Rarely528  over 9 years ago

    I lost 130 lbs of hideous, awful, obnoxious fat IN ONE DAY!!!Then she came back.

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    Linguist  over 9 years ago

    When I first moved to Ecuador, I weighed 260 lbs. Within a yearā€™s time I was down to 198 lbs. I did not diet ! Between the change in latitude and attitude, a diet of fresh unprocessed foods , and walking briskly for at least 1 mile everyday ( gradually built up to this and eventually to 2 miles ) I lost the excess tonnage and felt great.As someone said , everything in moderation.

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    NWdryad  over 9 years ago

    I have given up meat, but the thought of a life without dairy might as well be like a life after the Apocalypse, to meā€¦. I adore cheese and an occasional bit of whipped cream on my coffee.

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    Andy P Premium Member over 9 years ago

    This guy is so delusional itā€™s more sad than funny. Obesity didnā€™t become a problem until peopleā€™s carb intake raised due to high fructose corn syrup. Before then, we also got all our protein from natural sources instead of with synthetics. Taking out essential natural proteins is detrimental to oneā€™s health, not the other way around.

    Eat more grass-fed meat and fewer carbs, especially the fructose and sucralose kinds. THAT is how you lose weight.

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    Andy P Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Wiley, in case youā€™re not seeing what I just posted in yesterdayā€™s stripā€¦ I did not make anything up.

    Veganism is a completely unhealthy, unnatural diet.

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    phoenixnyc  over 9 years ago

    Iā€™m gay, and I was ā€œtrimā€ in my 20s. I was ā€œtrimā€ in my 30s.

    Iā€™m now 47 years old, and you would need a computer to calculate all the f***s I no longer give.

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    Ziveron  over 9 years ago

    Itā€™s worth noting that every scientific article I read about just about every ailment says the same thing: Diet and exercise is the key to illness prevention. I really should get startedā€¦

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 9 years ago


    Yes, thereā€™s a reason why you donā€™t see fat people coming out of Nazi death camps. Itā€™s because the Nazis systematically starved anyone they didnā€™t incinerate in an oven.

    Itā€™s NOT because the prisoners ā€˜burned more calories than they consumedā€™.

    Unspeakable thoughts hereā€¦

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    meowlin  over 9 years ago

    Most people donā€™t really need to lose weight; they need to increase biomass density.

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    Prestondinjax  over 9 years ago

    I gues. iā€™m about done with this strip. Donā€™t read comics to be preached at. Most vegans I know are not healthy, not particularly happy people. Leave the dietary advice to doctors maybe.

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    Troy Premium Member over 9 years ago


    Meat and Dairy doesnā€™t make you fat, eating to much makes you fat.

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    Marathon Zack  over 9 years ago

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    Wiley creator over 9 years ago

    More material. Thanks!

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    Dr.silly  over 9 years ago

    Exactly where did you see proselytizing here? All I see is a gag. Or do you have a different definition of proselytizing than whatā€™s found in the dictionary?

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I was a serious natural weight trainer way back in my forties, and luckily I was an easy gainer for a woman so was very proud of my 15" upper arms and about giving some men the hiccups (which my hubby who is a hard gainer found hilarious).I also have a very serious biology background and love journal articles. Obesity interests me because both my hubby and i come from families in which it is easy to gain. He not only has the watch C but he rows seriously for 80 minutes a day, five days a week, and walks about 2,500 miles per year. We also have a few friends, one of whom also has the education to know well what approaches to use and records to keep, on the opposite side of the spectrum who have difficulties from being too thin despite great care given to gaining.People vary greatly is a range of physiological aspects, and even those are more complex than thought. For instance, certain population types in intestinal bacteria increase bith inflamation and weight gain while other gut populations (which are also more diverse) tend to reduce those, and for some people a microbiome transplant can be useful but other people appear to have personal genetics which interfere with the survival of certain helpful bacteria or to have sequestered microflora which do so.There are also three known neurological and endocrinological loops which affect how well and how easily or difficultly fat loss and muscle addition can happen. That does not mean they can not happen but the range of difficulty and of long term success vary hugely among people.Genetics and eoigenetics play a great role. A quick example are the Navaho and Hopi who are genetically incredible at extracting energy from some food sources which are not optimal. Add more calorie dense food and great problems can occur. If you look at epigenetics the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of men who suffered through serious nutritional deprivation during formative years tend to be unusually good at extracting nutrients from food.People vary, too, in their ability to lay down muscle, to hydrate, to retain significan levels of brown fat into adulthood (though rigorous exercise can build beige fat which is a large improvement from yellow/white fat). AND people vary in what sorts of medical conditions make weight control hard. For example, asthma makes exercise more difficult while the inflamation from coughing can mechanically irritate the stomach, resulting in a false sensation of hunger. In my own case, serious vision loss can result in nausea with similar results. In fact, i know a number of blind and low vision individuals, including myself, who keep requesting that companies make diet and exercise tracking software which is friendly for our loss. After invasive eye surgery and dome others there are proscriptions on exercise for a while. Given, that this is just a summary of part of what varies among individuals you can see thst oversimplification can result in guilt which can make things even harder. I consider myself lucky because i am just healthy overweight with a good deal of muscle despite three of my recent eye meds including a class of meds that makes exercise less tolerated, but i know people on both ends of the weight spectrum who have it so much worse and try so very hard yet are treated like dirt by people who do NOT know squat about them.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    BTW, For those who do not move iron: in the first paragraph in my note above the terms easy gainer and hard gainer refer to muscle mass. I put it on very readily, but sadly was barred from doing it for a while due to health issues.Quivk note for people planning on adding weight training: form is ESSENTIAL so if you do not know good form go with machines and a trainer at first while you learn. SERIOUSLY. Secondly, vertebral discs become more friable w age. I learned the hard way by running up the rack too high w pulldowns back in my fifties. Even those w good form can be injured if they do not consider age related changes.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Nightgaunt, yeah, w the blind portions of my visual field i too often hit the wrong key. People are usually kind and intelligent so figure out what i am trying to type.for anyone wondering, i did NOT get glaucoma from steroids. It just strongly runs in my paternal family and i am very myopic which worsens the risk amd presentation. Bad combination. I DID go from moderate glaucoma to advanced in one eye due to steroids for two bouts of severe bronchial asthma during sequential infections. Mixing bad allergies and glaucoma is not a cake walkā€¦Now to the hope that someone here is a software writer willing to tackle full function caloric diaries with scalability in all segments for the visually impairedā€¦ PLEASE!BTW, Bck around two decades ago one nationally rated male body builder was a vegan. He was careful, though. Big,too, but not like the steroided ones. I was a non- competitor active in the community back before Lenda Murray responded to competative pressures and changed so much. Those familiar w the Ms. Olympia where she was still drop dead gorgeous and big, and demonstrated flexibility by doing a phone call routine by doing belly dancing moves like the helix, circles, figure eights, etc. might be interested to know that was my flexibility choice and due to Mike Sullivanā€™s list of that time i wound up privately describing how to do those motions to a coach who told us to watch the competition without telling me who the trained competitor was. I was TOTALLY flattered when it was Lenda Murray who did the moves! She and Cory Everson were totally incredible for what they coukd do without enhanccement.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Oh, and Neaderthals did not totally die out. A large portion of the current human population ā€” most of it, actually ā€” contains 1 to 4% neanderthal genetics, much of that positively affecting disease resustance and disease recovery.

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    ThumperMcDuff  over 9 years ago

    and comments on comic strips.

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    Rarely528  over 9 years ago

    No problem. My brain hasnā€™t worked in years.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Nightgaunt, everyone varies and that only increases with age, but for my needs i found some abs exercises that are highly effective but also low impact for me in the Hip Hop Abs DVDs. It might surprise people to find an old fart saying to check out some of the exercises in those DVDs but my internist and allergist were really pleased by my three favorite exercises from the DVDs, too. They took down my middle and also strengthened my diaphram, but everyone varies in what is safe, depending on things like age and health.

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    Sheila Hardie  over 9 years ago

    A vegan diet is ā€œtoo extremeā€ but having your chest cut open isnā€™t. lol We Americans are so dumbā€¦

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    WM, many thanks for posting the vegan athlete linkhttp://www.greatveganathletes.comI personallydo not process some nutrients well so can not go that routebut i minimize certain foods, an option available to almost anyone when shaped for personL needs.I am glad that in the selection of posts i read i did not encounter homophobic ones, and hope that garbage did not appear, but what is with the comments guilt imposition of simplifying dieting on people whose body builds are not average just because some average people have it easier than people more at the extremes, and why woukd anyone be phobic about others choosing balanced vegan diets? Yes, people need to learn to balance them right and the more demanding the situation the more care is needed, but for many people, millions in the world, it turns out to be the best option, so to each whatever works best. It will be interesting if the strip charactersā€™ friend has a more challenging situation.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Thanks, QuiteDragon! I will check out that one. Often applications have scalable diaries, but the ref lists for finding the items to enter are impossibly small. No one wants to be prematurely overly dependent, and computing could offer many more options if vision friendly choices were made for low vision, and subtitles on videos for the hearing impaired. I look forward to seeing the CalorieKing site you suggest!

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    Spade Jr.  over 9 years ago

    Go get a copy of Dr. Atkins Vita-Nutrient Solution and read it from cover to coverā€”and be sure to read all the research credits he included from world-wide studies (not sponsored by drug companies) if you need to verify. Or do what I did for the major claims-go to your nearest major university with a med school and look up what youā€™d like to challenge in the International Medical Archives. Youā€™ll be surprised.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    QuiteDragon, in case you come back to look: what is best w low vision is usually full scalability without the item running off the page. Spot magnifiers are good only when you can first see what you want to magnify. That is why they work for comic strips. In that way it is related to three other common computer difficulties w reduced visual abilities. The first relates to some comic strip but NOT this one. WM is GREAT about having bold and clear font in his strips. There are others who might as well be writing in cobwebs because they use a thin and light, jumpy line so it can not be read small but enlarged it largely becomes meaningless dors and dashes. A strip i used to absolutely love is going to return but that other person always wrote like that and i know I can not read his old strips, so hope he has changed how he is writing because otherwuse it will be inaccessible. The other two common problems are light blue live links when they are sitting alone on a page because they fade away and are not seen but they can be saved with buttons drawn around them, or with high contradt alerting text or high contrast underlining, and third is having only partial accessibility like menus with tiny font.

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