Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 13, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    again, sounds like TJ is planning is own wedding instead of Brad/Toni’s

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    Argythree  over 8 years ago

    Just really disappointed. Was actually looking forward to Toni and Brad getting married.

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  3. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago

    By the time Teej gets done with her, the wedding will cost about 5 bucks. Then he will write her a bad check for the 5 bucks. Just before the place burns down as a result of the pyrotechnics…

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    gromit82  over 8 years ago

    I don’t know what exactly TJ got Brad and Toni from this particular negotiation, but at least it’s not going to cost them a lot of money.

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  5. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago

    It is funny – Toni’s choice of a white dress and the color of lime for the wedding. Three years ago, I suggested chartreuse and puce and put up this exact picture:..If one were to take out the puce colored items, I think I came pretty close…

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    richard0184  over 8 years ago

    I think it’s great that TJ is here. If it were up to Brad, he’ll probably ending up sell various part and organs of his body just to get a napkin.

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    King_Shark  over 8 years ago

    Trufans actually imagine this is drama? Wow.

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    Dreamdeer  over 8 years ago

    I like TJ! Almost as much as I like Crystal and Knute (and I bet THEIR wedding will be an adventure to remember!)

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    bsolomich  over 8 years ago

    Give TJ a break. He means well. We know he is good at negotiating and making a deal. Wait, that sounds familiar……..

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    Stanwal2  over 8 years ago

    When I got married I was 40 and she 27. I have never decided which of us were crazier.

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    JimT8  over 8 years ago

    I was hoping Brad would have told TJ to get lost by now.

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    Chuck374  over 8 years ago

    You’re not buying a car, TJ. This person is planning the most important party of Brads life. You start nickle and dime-ing this lady, she will short you someplace you weren’t expecting.

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    sueb1863  over 8 years ago

    Since this strip isn’t really about Luann any more, it should be retitled.

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  14. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  over 8 years ago

    That’s the best way to deal. Never deal yourself, have someone who is not as involved as you are – and who knows how to deal – do it for you.

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    sarazan7  over 8 years ago

    I just want to get past this arc and move on.

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    imagenesis  over 8 years ago

    Looks like this is not the first wedding plan TJ has worked on, is it?

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Just wondering: Might TJ have asked Shannon about Toni’s favorite colors?

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    31768  over 8 years ago

    like I said before…..I’d much rather hang with T.J than with Jonah any day. why would anyone here be annoyed by somebody so useful as T.J is, is beyond me.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    TJ has mad negotiating skills. I have a brother in law like that. He haggles every time he can, mostly for the fun of it.

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  20. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 8 years ago

    Brad wanted to do this himself, but TJ took that from him. The writing is so inconsistent it’s hard to tell whether or not Brad will resent it

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Accent metal

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Yo, Smiley? You Forgot to add CLOWNS.

    Everybody Loves CLOWNS at a Wedding.

    They’re WEIRD, They’re Funny-Looking, "They* make Balloon Animals, They GIVE the Kiddies TREATS and….,WHAT??

    What Do You MEAN, “Haven’t I Been Keeping Up wit Current Events???”

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  23. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 8 years ago

    If you get a GREAT deal on something you don’t want, you still lose.

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  24. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 8 years ago

    “Here’s an idea for you… why don’t you start your own comic,…”. but then they’d have to put up with someone trolling them !

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  25. Endu
    Endunamoo  over 8 years ago

    gessssh. Why does this guy always get away with this stuff. What is his secret? He seems a Mr Gray Protege. Still I would fuss at him for taking over what I wanted to do.

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 8 years ago

    The marriage of a couple before a tragic date for a particular group of people, and their natural desire to commemorate their special day, has little to do with someone who is a member of that group affected by the tragedy deciding to marry on the anniversary date of the tragedy.

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  27. 465975127 10236240384648689 2964973113190168193 n
    Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago


    My long post is in no way meant to be argumentative or call you out on something specific to you. When I said ‘annoying’ i meant in the greater context, because since 2001 i have had to walk a tightrope on my anniversary whenever we go celebrate in public.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 8 years ago

    2While I am sure this will lead to an eventually interesting conclusion this week, I must say that for me, personally…. I find TJ negotiating with the “Wedding Lady” to be dull. Do not get me wrong… I like TJ as a character, and usually find when he is featured to be great fun. And I thought the prior three weeks of the “wedding planning” were done well. But, yesterday and today…. for me, have been ho-hum. Maybe I am more like Toni than I thought…. and I just hate all the detail nonsense about weddings? :)

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Wait, does it also come with silverware ?

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Trilogy, while there may have been some grumps who have groused at you about having a celebration on 9/11… I think for the vast majority of folks, the following is more what is commonly thought:1. People who had major celebratory events that occurred on 9/11 prior to the tragic event…. no one logically should complain or grouse about these folks celebrating their special day. My sister and her husband were married also on 9/11… long, long before the tragic event. I have never heard them mention anyone complaining about them celebrating their anniversary.2. Folks planning new “special events” who are considering 9/11 as the day to have their event…. these folks need to think carefully and critically about whether or not it is appropriate for them to have their celebratory day on that date due the feelings that day evokes. It is a judgement call, however. Some events may be appropriate, while others may not be.3. Specifically for Brad and Toni’s wedding date…. IMO, it was not a good choice to have had their wedding on 9/11. For me, it felt disrespectful… and I was very glad when Greg either only had 9/11 as the date as a “red herring” or he decided to switch the date after he thought about it more.

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    Guilty Bystander  over 8 years ago

    When I saw that it was TJ doing the negotiating, I thought the best thing Brad could do was zip it and watch the master at work. Whatever else one thinks of TJ, the guy has a gift for wheeling and dealing.

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    smurf764  over 8 years ago

    Yawn…Never cared for TJ Time to check back next week.

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  33. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  over 8 years ago

    Do we have any evidence that TJ is ordering something that Brad and Toni do not need or want, as some have suggested? TJ just realizes that Brad would be a pitiful amateur at this game, as would I, and many of you here, I suspect. He appears to be saving the couple scarce cash. But we shall see.

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  34. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 8 years ago

    thanks for sharing your story..In my case, we were holding a funeral service for my brother who had died unexpectedly a few days before. I told those present ( as some reports of the goings-on in NY began filtering in), that we would have time to mourn others later, but right at that moment we needed to mourn our own.Oh, and the plane that crashed in Shanksville Pa. was about 30 miles from where we were during the service. It’s flight path had passed over us. My wife ( who could not attend the service for health reasons) was panicking to check that I was not nearer to where the crash occurred. For a while it was impossible for her to reach me. So I will always especially remember that day in sadness.

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  35. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  over 8 years ago

    On another matter, I guess I am a “trufan”, because I mostly like the strip (my cybername is a clue, ha ha). Please skip over the negative comments by the “antifans” and don’t let them get to you. Everyday two or three posts will be a bit hostile or annoying. I say this because not only do I waste time reading the initial comments but yours as well! Feel free to skip my comment, which is probably also gratuitous…

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  36. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  over 8 years ago

    I don’t see anything wrong with scheduling or not scheduling a wedding on September 11. I understand how some might be offended, and how others might feel they are honoring the fallen. I seem to be tossing out my two cents on everything. Well, it’s a slow day here.

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  37. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    “Or else we walk.” Remember how many weeks – months – we had to endure while B&T tried to find a suitable venue for the wedding? Now they’re going to leave the one they finally found, and find a whole new one and arrange everything there by December? Yeah, right.

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  38. Spinynorman
    Doctor Go  over 8 years ago

    Sheesh, what a racket. Cheaper to elope!

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  39. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Is Brad going to tell TJ to go home, or is he going to turn everything over to TJ to decide and arrange? If the latter, then so much for the “personal growth” aspect of this story arc.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Trilogy, THANK YOU for posting that. It is an absolutely brilliant post. People who skip posts based upon length will miss so very much.

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    ai_vin  over 8 years ago

    Well it looks like I called this right.

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    nomomaniacs  over 8 years ago

    Damn! Give the brother a break! He’s helping and doing exactly what Brad wants and can’t do himself. I think that the wedding is going to be perfect and both Brad and Toni will be thrilled.

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  43. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Excellent post. Thank you for taking the time to write it and place it here.

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  44. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 8 years ago

    OMG! TJ may congratulate himself on driving a hard bargain, but this looks like a disaster in the making!Fire everyone, Brad. Do it yourself, simple and sweet….

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    bravechow  over 8 years ago

    Time to shift over to a different story line for a few weeks.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    If the plot continues at this location then Brad’s, “Wow” may be followed by, “Too bad that it is not what we want, and you do not represent us.”With a possible 4 more days in this arc, i think the location tomorrow may itself tell us things even before reading the text.

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    yangeldf  over 8 years ago

    you wanna REALLY scam a wedding planner? Tell them you’re just doing a party, don’t bring up the fact that it’s a wedding until after all the prices are set.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Just doggerol and drivel for some fun while all opineIf you decide that you dislike it, then at least try to be kind.A bargain’s not a bargain if it is not a good fitBut communication failures oft guaranty it.When listening and speaking are a problem for all threeIs it really any wonder if we see that guaranty?Now, we don’t know whose skills are worst, or worse, or only bad,Because all three have failed before: Teej, Toni, and, yes, Brad.So knowing if today is good, or signaling collapseCan strain all the fine readers who put on their thinking capsAs we question and we postulate We also need to knowIf we’re seeing things we can relateOr if growers hoe new row.

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    ViscountNik  over 8 years ago

    Mr. Grey is going to fire Leslie and hire TJ for the nephew position…

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  50. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 8 years ago

    In the last frame, is Brad’s non-exclamation a “wow” meaninga) amazed?b) dismayed?

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    Phatts  over 8 years ago

    GO TJ!boy knows how to haggle!

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  52. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  over 8 years ago

    I suspect that the Evanses are in the process of “reforming” TJ and, for that matter, Tiffany. This is not a firm conviction because I am a moderate. But we will see soon enough.

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    Airman  over 8 years ago

    Comments better than story arc. Bottom line: A trip down a bumpy memory lane for some of us, a warning to others to take the detour. Have a destination wedding but don’t tell anyone where it is.

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  54. 465975127 10236240384648689 2964973113190168193 n
    Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Looks like replies went away, so here ya go!To everyone who expressed it, thank you for thanking ME!

    thank you. every once in a while the neurons fire at the same time.

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  55. Bigger lucy
    joanb  over 8 years ago

    To h3[[ with the wedding — I am anxious to see Leslie get sent up the river for his nefarious deeds during the pageants..can’t wait… can’t wait — sitting on the edge of my chair in anticipation.

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  56. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Was just cruising through the archives and found these two:..Fire? Firemen? LOL!...Ya know, some things never change…

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  57. Ligand1
    RSH  over 8 years ago

    I don’t understand how this business which has has set up a transaction with Toni and Brad can just let some stranger (TJ) come in and make changes to their reservations and plans.

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  58. Michaelparksjimbronson
    well-i-never  over 8 years ago

    Everyone sells TJ short. This guy is a fighter/negotiator and he has ideas. The whole family is lucky to have him in their corner. Where the family is concerned, he’s as loyal as they get.

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    washatkc  over 8 years ago

    Looks like TJ is helping to me. You all just jump on the negatives to fast.

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  60. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Spoiler Alert: The art of the deal becomes a pain in the neck.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Spoiler 2:One of the commenters correctly guessed the hook. It was not me. You can guess who.

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