Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 24, 2017

  1. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 8 years ago

    Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of Obamacare being signed into law. The country did not fall into chaos. However, the GOP did.

    I got rid of cable. My apartment is a Trump-free zone.

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  2. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Marketed for sports watchers, but the applications are endless.

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    strictures  almost 8 years ago

    My guess is that this will be Paul Ryan’s fate when Trumpcare fails in the house, which he allegedly controls!

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    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    This is the dumpster’s version.

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    somebodyshort  almost 8 years ago

    “Obamacare” to be replaced with “Trumpdon’tcare”

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    somebodyshort  almost 8 years ago

    Actually I think he’s fitting it for Trump

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    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Many will take this way out if either the Ryan plan, or the more radical right get their version that would be many times worse.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Yesterday the Marquette Law School in Wisconsin released the results of one of its periodic opinion polls. 51% of the people surveyed disliked “Obamacare”, but only 40% disliked “the Affordable Care Act”. Yes, each of these people’s votes counts just as much as yours.

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  9. Bluedog
    Bilan  almost 8 years ago

    The Republican Health Plan:

    1) Make certain everyone’s covered by making it optional.

    2) Provide better coverage by taking away benefits.

    3) Making it more affordable by giving rich people tax breaks.

    4) Save money by making the states run and pay for it.

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    Superfrog  almost 8 years ago

    I hope that’s ‘fake noose’.

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    Kaputnik  almost 8 years ago

    Not turning on the TV at all would be an easy technical fix.

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  12. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  almost 8 years ago

    This “comic” is not funny!

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 8 years ago

    TrumpCare doesn’t have a snowball’s chance
in anywhere that’s hot.

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    billsarar  almost 8 years ago

    SO before he can get the noose on, he slipped off the chair and breaks his back
fortunately before Tumpcare starts. However he’ll still have to deal with his wife for standing on upholstered furniture with his shoes on.

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  15. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 8 years ago

    Lots of people did the figurative version of this when election results were reported. Most are still on the ‘chair’

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  16. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 8 years ago

    Hopefully it will all be over today when the House refuses to knuckle under to the toddler-in-chief’s threats.

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    goblue86  almost 8 years ago

    I realized recently how “wound up” I was getting just reading (online) news
not to mention compulsively checking it every 5 minutes. So I just stopped. Cold turkey. I stay informed by reading a newspaper (yes, they still print those, and mine gets delivered to my house for about $1 a day). I’m doing much better (thanks for asking)

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  18. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 8 years ago

    Insurance isn’t healthcare, so how in the world can either side call these “efforts” (both presentations) affordable health care? Oh, right. Politics.

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    Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    So no one else here had a 150% increase in their insurance cost with Obamacare??? I am not making a political statement , I’m just stating a fact. And I did not get to keep my doctor or my insurance.

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    dflak  almost 8 years ago

    Trumpcare will work, trust me. Has the man ever been wrong?

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  21. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 8 years ago

health care for all isn’t in the U.S. Constitution so the government doesn’t need to worry about citizens not having it. Just like education, hunger, the environment, etc.

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  22. Kumamon 2
    wallylm  almost 8 years ago

    WIley Miller re great timing of today’s toon: “I’d like claim clairvoyance, like Trump does, when I scheduled this cartoon 3 weeks ago, but I’m not a delusional egomaniacal liar” (& hard to believe he only has 235 followers after a month on Twiiter @TheWileyMiller)

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    sufamelico  almost 8 years ago

    Just like I said before November 8, " I am scared ! " And now everyone else is too !

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  24. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 8 years ago

    Just an observation from afar of the fray
I really don’t think Trump wants this fiasco of a bill to succeed.

    While he’s thrilled to take credit where not due, he is adverse to condemnation. I don’t he wants this going forward and having the dire consequences thrown up in his face as Trumpcare – which it surely will be, should it pass.

    With its demise, he can save face, go back to his base – who incidentally, this bill would have had the highest negative impact on – and say he gave it his best shot at fulfilling his campaign promise.

    It was the ineffective, dysfunctional House of Representatives and the recalcitrant Senate that blocked America – proving once again how corrupt the government and the fake press really are.

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 8 years ago

    Sadly, that is exactly the healthcare plan the Republicans want us to have. Hoping we are good enough to kill ourselves or just die, so they don’t have to come up with euthanasia laws for those they deem not useful enough to live. Which is a strange irony from a party that pretends it cares about life. After all, increasing an already too large nuclear arsenal (don’t have to do much research, it’s already tipy top and over the top) just speaks volumes of peace, love, and understanding, right?

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    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    @GIANTSHETLANDPONY: This is the oxymoron of “conservative” “Christian”. I guess it’s easier to “love your neighbor” when they’re dead.

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    euvnrutas  almost 8 years ago

    He can just take a pain pill instead.

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    UpaCoCoCreek Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Ooh, that’s not gonna be covered.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Well, yeah, but then there are the death taxes and so forth.

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    Germanshepherds4ever  almost 8 years ago

    I haven’t watched the news since January 20th. Can’t stand the sight of Orange Hitler!

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  31. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    So glad he blamed the democrats
happy to take the credit for tanking this piece of sh*t.

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    MartyLikeIts1991  over 3 years ago

    69th Like lol

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