When Frank has a dream, he does not dream of himself having more hair, just a great idea for making money. However, Frank’s dream version of Nancy is a lot better-looking than the final panel version of Nancy which looks like she is waking up from a night of heavy drinking (possibly because she has to put up with schemes like this from Frank).
I guess Frank (or Greg) forgot they actually used to do that. They stopped because the plain brown cores were cheaper… they didn’t have to be customized for each brand.
Two quibbles: my dreams are more vivid than reality, and I usually am not able to change the clothing of people in my dreams. So Frank is impressive on the latter one.
You’ll probably get some free coupons though. I wrote a email to Kelloggs about a product I didn’t like and got a coupon for a free box of cereal and cents off for other produicts.
Frank’s dreamy idea is sensible, but too expensive. Toilet paper is experiencing the same Inflationary Creep as other products, too: the individual sheets are smaller in dimension than a year or so ago, and the cardboard roll is of greater diameter, so that a roll of TP that outwardly appears to be the same size as one from Olden Days is actually smaller, cheaper to produce, but of course more expensive to buy….
Namrepus over 7 years ago
No matter how broke you are, there’s always money for the good TP.
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
I wondered why the first three panels looked pale. (Now on what could Mr. Degroot buy with five grand? Aside from toilet paper that is.)
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
Frank is on a roll, possibly.
But at least he’s not three sheets to the wins.
howtheduck over 7 years ago
When Frank has a dream, he does not dream of himself having more hair, just a great idea for making money. However, Frank’s dream version of Nancy is a lot better-looking than the final panel version of Nancy which looks like she is waking up from a night of heavy drinking (possibly because she has to put up with schemes like this from Frank).
Glen.A.Zerbi over 7 years ago
Now we know where Luann gets her dreams from :p
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
If I was rich, I’d have three TP holders in the bathroom. With signs.
Plain: Single ply.Fancy: Two ply quilted.
Then six feet above these two, and well out of reach…
Desperate: A roll from 1950s Russia in a sealed glass case with a hammer on a chain.
Kymberleigh over 7 years ago
Trust me, Frank. The most they’ll give you is a coupon for a free pack.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 7 years ago
Rewarding good ideas encourages submission of ideas, some of which will count as good.
Carrots over 7 years ago
What did you eat before bed frank? Im very concerned
JayBluE over 7 years ago
The moral, here? In a sense, Frank using up all the TP is like him printing his own money….
wiatr over 7 years ago
I tried Cottonelle. While it worked as intended it also stuffed up the john so it was not purchased again.
alasko over 7 years ago
Today’s strip brought to you by Cpttonelle. Advertisements in comic strips. Just stop.
Wizardgoat over 7 years ago
Here I sit, broken hearted.
“Thanks a lot!” they just retorted.
JayBluE over 7 years ago
“The 2-Ply Reply”
“Stinkin’ Rich”
“Number Two, With A Bulletin”
“The Sunny Side Of The Sheet” (♬)
“Handle Me Downs"
“Getting On, Scott’s Free”
“Prints Charmin”
“Throne, For A Loop”
“It’s Worth A Mint”
“Bowl-ing For Dollars”
“For Richer Or Porcelain”
“Checks, And Balanced Sheets”
“It’s All Going South, Anyway”
“A Case Of The Bends”
“The Ol’ Beamer’s Out Of Gas”
“Let’s Take The Rolls, Today”
kenhense over 7 years ago
I hope to be able to retire before all offices have “User Name” and “Password” to enter before you get TP.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago
Great Scott! Just make sure it is non – skid toilet paper.
BJShipley1 over 7 years ago
Now I know where Luann gets it. Who knew ditziness was genetic?
CG 23 Sailor over 7 years ago
They say that getting in touch with your inner self is a good thing.
But I swear… That is absolutely the last time I buy 1-ply toilet paper!
kenhense over 7 years ago
Geez – Frank isn’t all that old. Dreaming about T.P…..
M2MM over 7 years ago
At best, they would send him a coupon with a form letter of thanks.
electricpostcard over 7 years ago
Hey, ain’t gonna knock it. We need more dreamers in this world. At least he’s following through.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Poop in one hand and dream in the other,Frank,and see which one fills up first.
Ignatz Premium Member over 7 years ago
A little product placement? Did Greg get a kick back?
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 7 years ago
I like the pale coloration of the dream sequence very much! Highly effective, IMO.
Chuck374 over 7 years ago
Surprised he used a real brand. Maybe he did receive something from Cottonelle.
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
Product Placement !!!!!
Will tomorrow star Shannon eating Cheerios ?
RoadTrip3500 over 7 years ago
I guess Frank (or Greg) forgot they actually used to do that. They stopped because the plain brown cores were cheaper… they didn’t have to be customized for each brand.
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
The key is whether they are more interested in bum than income.
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
What a bummer !
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 7 years ago
They’d write that check on TP with disposable ink.
Alberta Oil over 7 years ago
In spite of all the jokes.. it is a good idea as one seldom remembers the brand after the packaging is thrown out.
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
Nancy would settle for putting down the toilet seat and flushing twice.
kauri44 over 7 years ago
I think a nice touch would have been to have dream Frank with a full head of hair (wishful dreaming?).
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
Two quibbles: my dreams are more vivid than reality, and I usually am not able to change the clothing of people in my dreams. So Frank is impressive on the latter one.
Don Draper over 7 years ago
Interesting.Most people cannot comprehend words and numbers in their dreams.
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
only $5000 ?!
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
Potty talk always brings the arrested development crowd in, including me.
JayBluE over 7 years ago
“(♪)Well, it’s aaaaaaalriiiight, now!…
In fact, it’s just gas…"
drewpamon over 7 years ago
And this is why Karen is taking over
pickled-onions over 7 years ago
You’ll probably get some free coupons though. I wrote a email to Kelloggs about a product I didn’t like and got a coupon for a free box of cereal and cents off for other produicts.
Code the Enforcer over 7 years ago
I was gonna comment how I like the lighter colored dream sequence panels – but I gotta say, “What a crappy strip!!”
Just kiddin’ – as David Letterman used to say, Good Night, everybody!
squireobrien over 7 years ago
I wonder how many good improvements have not been suggested due to lack of monetary incentive?
RSH over 7 years ago
their skin is like white chalk (in the dream) and with eyes to match, a little creepy.
Bob10113 over 7 years ago
“Dear Mr. Degroot,
Thank you for your recent suggestion. We have considered it and we recommend that you treat it the same way that you treat our fine product.
Kind regards…”
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
Tomorrow: Knute and Crystal order a pizza !
shamino over 7 years ago
FWIW, Charmin embosses the product name in the paper. And I think it’s a good idea, for this very reason.
Sisyphos over 7 years ago
Frank’s dreamy idea is sensible, but too expensive. Toilet paper is experiencing the same Inflationary Creep as other products, too: the individual sheets are smaller in dimension than a year or so ago, and the cardboard roll is of greater diameter, so that a roll of TP that outwardly appears to be the same size as one from Olden Days is actually smaller, cheaper to produce, but of course more expensive to buy….
luann1212 over 7 years ago
Sunday strips bring out the hokiness even more than usual. Can’t wait until tomorrow I admit.