Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 12, 2018

  1. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    So many bowling balls, so little timeā€¦

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    Vilyehm  almost 7 years ago

    Letā€™s see Nil without Jack.

    1. Nil did not recognize Tara. He is an art student. He studied the elbow.

    2. Jack has his elbow on the table, and is drinking Luannā€™s soda without asking first.

    Inane smile. Maybe he recognized Tara.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 7 years ago

    and Jack still apologizes for that accident he gave Luann

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Aw, take a chance, Luann. You know what they say: ā€œOnce you go Caveman, you never go back!ā€

    Besides, Jack just drank out of YOUR cupā€¦..,

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    SactoSylvia  almost 7 years ago

    ā€œOh. I did elbow studies.ā€ Love it! Especially after all consternation ā€“ Luannā€™s and that of a few commenters ā€“ about the art students seeing the models as objects dā€™sex rather than objects dā€™art.

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    capricorn9th  almost 7 years ago

    So Nil is an artist ā€“ explains his wardrobe and hair. For looking like a tortured soul. I donā€™t much care for Jack but Iā€™d like Nil be a permanent character. He is interesting.

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    31768  almost 7 years ago

    Lu, set Jack up with Tara. Emo can chaperone them.

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    howtheduck  almost 7 years ago

    I hope Nil can draw elbows better than Evans does. Look at those limp spaghetti pipes on Tara. You canā€™t even tell where the elbow is (and donā€™t bother telling me that slightly thinner glob of ink on Taraā€™s arm counts as an elbow). Even on Luann he hides her elbows behind dishes or the table. I think Evans must realize he is weak on elbows and this is an elaborate self-parody.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 7 years ago

    Several items.

    Jack drinks from Luann ā€™s drink: Butterfly_Qvrs calls that an indirect kiss, whatever that is. To me, it looks just plain rude!

    Luann ā€˜s reactions to Jack ā€“ apparently, whatever they had going on at the bowling alley ended rather abruptly. As in the Stan Freberg sound effects, ā€œow, OW, OW!ā€ (Svengoolie fans know what Iā€™m talking about)

    Is it just me, or does Jack look different now? Frankly, I needed you guys to help identify whoever this brute is.

    Nils and the elbow excuse? Thatā€™s about as lame as they come.

    Heck, two guys are making me miss Les ā€“ and thatā€™s pretty bad!

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    Joe1962  almost 7 years ago

    Luann, Jack is trying apologize so kindly except it.

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    Joe1962  almost 7 years ago

    Tara slow the train down thatā€™s not the first thing you say to somebody.

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    mobeydick  almost 7 years ago

    So Luann skipped an art class?

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    ianm  almost 7 years ago

    In spite of her poor self-image and (mostly) modest clothing Luann inevitably succeeds in dating and usually making out with any guy who comes along ā€“ Gunther, Aaron, Miguel, Stuart, TJ, Elwood, Quill etc. Will Jack or Nil be next and has she met Piro yet? There have been hints of an impending love interest ā€“ maybe someone other than herself will see her in her lacy racy panties, or maybe her new (if fake) Souffle lingerie will get a trial run. However I think sheā€™ll find that Tara is much stiffer opposition than Tiffany ever was.

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    donwalter  almost 7 years ago

    yesā€¦lets get back to soufflĆ©, Ann, Les, and Tiff. And Tiff`s dad.

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    Rosette  almost 7 years ago

    And Nilā€™s been carrying them around ever sinceā€¦?

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    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Was Jack trying to be funny?

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    Namrepus  almost 7 years ago

    A little ditty about Jack and Luann, two American kids growinā€™ up in Pittsville.

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    luann1212  almost 7 years ago

    Jack and Emo again! It makes sense as they are back from Spring break, and maybe not having the same classes? So Jack is still (trying) to be funny, clearly liking Luann (I think he is a nice guy personally) and Emo, doing elbow studies of the hot girl, Tara, who posed nude for his class. Jack seems not to remember her, if he was in the class. This really puts the fuddy duddies here to shame; that nude art modeling seemed to be just another art class to these college students, not some excursion into, heaven forbid, sex!!!

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    luann1212  almost 7 years ago

    OMG!! Just thought of something: Greg loves to do opposites attract in romantic or possible romantic liaisons. So, Tara and Emo? Could happen.

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  20. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 7 years ago

    Perhaps weā€™re seeing the set up for the double date some of us have been expecting. Looks like G&K are setting up a Nil/Tara couple and keeping the Jack/Luann thread in place?

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 7 years ago

    ā€œā€¦but itā€™s hard to keep track.ā€

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  22. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 7 years ago

    I assume Jack, like Luann, bailed on Art ala Zemo 102. It would have been interesting to see his folio.

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  23. Hearteater s lion
    Lord Hearteater  almost 7 years ago

    Tara Starr is the female analog of Knute. They should eventually be together.

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    wig406  almost 7 years ago

    She was posing nude and he did her elbows? I think ā€œNilā€ is his sex life.

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    Code the Enforcer  almost 7 years ago

    I think itā€™s more like Jack is still trying to ā€˜test the watersā€™ with Luann, and see if sheā€™ll let him into her pool. So, in Jack-style, he starts off with the classic ā€˜icebreakerā€™ approach ā€“ but in this here case, itā€™s more apt to say, ā€˜FOOT-breakerā€™ approach! :)

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    brimina  almost 7 years ago

    Why are Jack and Nil always together? They have one class together as far as we know. They are as unalike as two people can be and, while Iā€™ll be the first to say that doesnā€™t preclude that they COULDNā€™T be friends, it seems a bit forced to think that they are joined at the hip.

    A perfect example within this script is Gunther and Knute. They are very different and yet are friends, but you donā€™t see them together EVERY TIME one of them is in the story line.

    I agree with Vilyehm, letā€™s see them appearing autonomous of one other more often than not. In class, Iā€™ll bite, outside class, not so much.

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    Code the Enforcer  almost 7 years ago

    I had a studio class during freshman year, and the day before a certain class, the professor told everyone to bring their large drawings pads and art stuff ā€“ NO explanation given!

    We all did the next day, and the prof said, ā€œTODAY, we will be having a nude model to draw as an assignment. Get ready.ā€ In she walks, onto the platform, disrobes and takes position. To work we went for the bulk of the class, drawing.

    As we were completing our sketches, the session then concluded. The prof then asked a few students for there sketches to show to the class for critique, mine of course, being one of the samples.

    I was a capable, if not naturally gifted sketch artist, but the professor showed my sketch to the class and critiqued it ā€“ saying it was quite a good work! He DID note, however, that my detailing of her ankle seemed as if I ā€™wasnā€™t paying too much attentionā€™ perhaps to that point.

    She WAS rather nice-looking, though! So, huh ā€¦ imagine that!! ;)

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    TiarellaClark  almost 7 years ago

    Request to all limerick-writers: Please check out NAMREPUSā€™s post/thread above, and add your contribution! :D

    Deleted & reposted to try to get name-bolding correct.

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    Airman  almost 7 years ago

    The scene: The title character, the original surrounded by her new supporting cast. Have these three survived the Evansā€™ cut? Tara has the physical appeal of Tiffany and the free spirit of Crystal, but who knows how far Tara will go? And Nil, like Piro is a shadowy mystery. And Jack, Happy Jack, Mr. Neanderthal Jack, needs something before he fades off to Gilliganā€™s Island with the other old characters.

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  30. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 7 years ago

    I guess Luann just didnā€™t want to have to deal with Jack. Itā€™s nice that Nil is taking more art and might be an art major; Luann should be doing that since she displayed talent; Nil submitted black sheets of paper for his self portraits; Luannā€™s were quite good though they got shredded (sadly) and she won the humane society poster contest. That said, Nil is displaying attributes of a true artist; i.e. heā€™s sees a nude body as live art for sketching, not as a sex object.

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  31. Captain klutz
    spikelovesmusic  almost 7 years ago

    Nil was so focused on Taraā€™s beautiful elbows that he did not pay attention to other features, such as her womanly hips.The question remains: can Nil tell an a** from an elbow?

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    Vilyehm  almost 7 years ago

    I am suffering from number withdrawal.

    A tired finger scrolling up and down to no avail.


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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 7 years ago

    @RSH: Iā€™m honestly puzzled by your reaction (and that of others) to Luannā€™s conversation with Jack. I thought she was just kidding around with him, same as he was with her. Nothing critical but also nothing serious, just pals. If she didnā€™t want to deal with him, IMO, she would have said nothing or maybe even just leftā€¦

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 7 years ago

    @SACTOSYLVIA: As I said to @RSH, I donā€™t get why you are seeing Luann as being nasty to Jack. He was kidding her, so she kidded him right back.

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    What a pair of pairs, Luann and Jack, and Tara and One-Eye!

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  36. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 7 years ago

    another dog in the park date? or will Luann tell Jack thanks but no thanks ā€¦..

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  37. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 7 years ago

    Iā€™m hoping that by the end of this arc, the issue of Luann taking more art classes will come up.

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  38. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    All this in the last few days has made me think of an announcement they have on one of our local radio stations, ā€œEvery hour, on the hour, nudes, weather, and sports.ā€

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  39. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 7 years ago

    Gotta love Earnest Artist Nil and his elbow studies! Makes it easier for Tara, too, not that she has any discernible inhibitions.

    Luann may or may not reciprocate Jackā€™s interest. But ā€œNil and Taraā€ interests meā€¦.

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