Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 25, 2018

  1. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  over 6 years ago

    I keep my hair short because it’s a pain to handle when it’s long. I also don’t bother with bangs and just leave them the same length as the rest. I must admit to being impressed by long-haired people being able to take care of theirs!

    I’m convinced mine just has a mind of its own. Even the part doesn’t want to cooperate.

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  2. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    You look fabulous!

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  3. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 6 years ago

    I still have long hair, but it has thinned with age to the point that it is a piece of cake to wash, dry and brush. An advantage, I guess.

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  4. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 6 years ago

    Now to lure The Man to “the love shack”..

    [Groucho eyebrow waggle]

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  5. C9969abe b10d 49de b382 ab1511eff385
    amethyst52 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I’m too grumpy to style my hair anymore! I keep it short, if it takes me longer than 3 minutes to dry it I need a haircut. I used to have it long and I would blow dry and style it every morning before work. I kept it long so it could be styled around my veil. When we went to Germany I got it cut short because I had no idea who would cut it for me over there. I had a Dorothy Hamill for years but that is the only style I ever copied. In the morning I’m like the seven dwarfs. Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy…

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  6. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    “Frivolous thing like brushing her hair!” Ha!

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  7. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Gotta love all the charts!

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  8. Boudicca1
    Strawberry Hellcat: Gair I gall, ffon I’r anghall  over 6 years ago

    I decided to have my long hair cut to shoulder length this year. Now I don’t have to put it up every night to avoid pulling it in my sleep. More astoundingly, the hairdo that is getting complimented by friends and family comes courtesy of my hubby – channeling his inner hair stylist! xD

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  9. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 6 years ago

    At 36 she look’s like she oughta be some little kid from the turn of the last century to at least the ’40s with an all day sucker.

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  10. Missing large
    catmom1360  over 6 years ago

    Georgia continues to make Pucky cuter and cuter as he is seen in the last panel. Such cuteness.

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  11. F72798fc 23b3 4446 ba71 c86071cde6f1
    Strob  over 6 years ago

    The B-52’s! Your hairstyle is Da Bomb! Now for dinner, prepare Rock Lobster.

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  12. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 6 years ago

    Let it fly in the breeze

    And get caught in the trees

    Give a home to the fleas in my hair

    A home for fleas

    A hive for bees

    A nest for birds

    There ain’t no words

    For the beauty, the splendor, the wonder

    Of my…Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair

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  13. Photo
    Robin Harwood  over 6 years ago

    There was nothing wrong with it the way it was.

    (As every husband has thought, if not said, at some time or another.)

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  14. Missing large
      over 6 years ago

    The Woman looks like a famous fashion model! I’m very impressed.

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  15. 2b21f09a 63d7 4ad1 83a6 fdf4d8b30651
    Zev   over 6 years ago

    Back in my thirties, I used to go to a special, long-hair-only salon in NYC, where my butt-length hair was considered nothing special (Crystal Gayle, with her floor-length hair, was a client). To say hair was a religion there was an understatement. It was fabulous until I started going grey at 35, so I decided to cut my hair so as to make coloring it easier. Even decades later, part of me misses those days.

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  16. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    Kinda looks like she’s rockin’ the 70’s stewardess look. (Wait… didn’t I see you in “Our Man Flint?”)

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  17. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    As a rule, a Maine Coon is not a threatening cat- at least to a human. People know these cats as being very even-tempered and distinctly lovable. An average ally cat… well, even a large alley cat, would have entirely different point of view (an effect that did not escape the eye of his former employer, Mr Nibbles). Max was by no means a bully, but he knew how to use his assets to get what he wanted. Intimidation was natural- he just had the type of presence that made other cats acquiesce. And in all honesty, he really preferred to “use sugar” rather than vinegar. But he was well aware that the path ahead would not be that simple, nor that easy. Yes, he was going to be engaging other cats, unknown cats- and he would be on their turf. But that was part and parcel to the job, and another cat- even multiple cats- had never been a challenge to Max. It was the unknown factor that he was concerned with. Should it be needed, he may actually have to go up against a dog. And if so, this would not be like that loudmouth Labrador back home. These were fighting dogs. They did nothing else. “We’ll just have to see how good Megan’s power of persuasion really is…”

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  18. 20171209 162903
    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    “OMC Yas” is right! I love all of the woman’s different looks!

    Myself, I have a new puppy, so I’m sporting the “unbrushed” look as well. Maybe I can style my hair in two years, when he’s grown up a bit!

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  19. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 6 years ago

    What’s all the buzz about… Oh wait!

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  20. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The boys know their furstyles.

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  21. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  over 6 years ago

    LOL! I know exactly how the Woman feels. I’ve tried to give myself bangs every now and then when I feel like I can’t stand my look and I need a change, but every time I’ve done I instantly regret it. It just doesn’t work for my face. (sigh) I have curly hair but it’s messy curly and I’ve pondered perming it to get that curls contained within chaos look. That’s what I call it, haha!

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  22. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Gotta agree with Elvis – some men can wear mustaches and some women can wear bangs but not everybody. Yeesh.

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  23. Missing large
    Display  over 6 years ago

    Maybe a beehive like Mary Huff’s (bass player for Southern Culture on the Skids)

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  24. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Puck how many stylists have stood over their clients in the chair at the salon and thought those very words – it’s a bold look she’ll regret immediately. And then I’ll have to fix it.

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  25. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    According to the “fun colors” chart (Pucky Toe beans!), the Woman had green hair as a new mom. Why don’t I remember the Woman with green hair?

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  26. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    The Woman is rocking that hive! Heck yeah.

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  27. Missing large
    asrialfeeple  over 6 years ago

    Well, folks, looks like we have a hairy situation here.

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  28. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Don’t let Puck get his paws on the Woman’s hair dye.

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  29. V389789 401448543
    Marusya Step  over 6 years ago

    I’m 22 years old. This frivolous things like brushing my hair are in the past already

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  30. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  over 6 years ago

    You know… it’s nearly Georgia’s birthday! I wish I could remember the exact date of it, but I know it’s at the end of November because I’m only a few days older than she—my birthday was November 16, 1981 and she was also born in ‘81 and I remember a few years ago she mentioned what her birthday was and I thought it interesting because she just missed being a Scorpio by a hair! She’s a Sagittarius and it makes a lot of sense because they are extroverts, optimistic and enthusiastic, and like change whereas Scorpios, like me, tend to be moody and introverted. :-)

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  31. 5821
    SheMc  over 6 years ago

    Who wouldn’t want a moustache on her forehead?!!!

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  32. Gocomics avatar
    xsintricks  over 6 years ago

    I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzySnaggy, shaggy, ratty, mattyOily, greasy, fleecy, shiningGleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxenKnotted, polka dotted, twisted, beaded, braidedPowdered, flowered and confettiedBangled, tangled, spangled and sphagettied

    (©Andrew Lloyd-Webber {??})

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  33. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 6 years ago

    Just as long as she doesn’t start singing Love Shack.

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  34. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Was Lupin’s side part just a gratitude feast thing?

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  35. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago

    If you were going to Beehive, koi ought to have dyed it blue first.

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  36. Marvin
    Smokie  over 6 years ago

    I retired and cut my hair. It takes me about 2 minutes to dry it, if I want to take the time. However, I think my cats don’t like it as they would sit on the counter and play with my hairties and brushes while I dried.

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  37. 250
    ladykat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Good morning and happy bunday, orbsters and orbabies. My hair is shoulder length (bangs have long since disappeared into the general mass) and am searching for a style to wear to mother-in-law’s wedding in early January. I don’t want to wear it loose because sister-in-law and I will be decorating the hall in early afternoon before we get gussied up. I am thinking of a French braid with a bun at the bottom, but I have seen a lot of interesting styles on the internet. But, I can’t spend too much time at the hairdresser’s because I have to whip Paul into presentability for the wedding (he’s a track pants and t-shirt guy and bitterly resents being forced into anything else). Oh well, I’ll figure something out.

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  38. Rose 1
    Zoomer&Yeti Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Love this one, and it’s #5 today! Heck YEAH!!!

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  39. 2019063095133708
    rs0204 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    On the crawl….Werk???

    I love that Georgia has an existential fashion argument with herself through the strip. Each part of her thought process is taken up by one of the Boys.

    Thank the Universe for Ms. Dunn. After my family, her strip is one of my favorite things.

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  40. Pytheimperial
    momma-tink  over 6 years ago

    Yes indeed, bangs are not for everybody. I hate them. My Momma loves them. But wasn’t allowed to wear them as a child. So guess what I wore until I was old enough to fight back. To this day, Momma is still trying to get me to wear them.

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  41. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  over 6 years ago

    The boys seem a lot better informed about this than they were when the Man cut off his tail.

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  42. 5e501644 3186 4f2f a0b1 700cec77242c
    Venetus Alpha  over 6 years ago

    I like the beehive better, but that’s just me

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  43. Picture
    Erin Pierce  over 6 years ago

    “It’s a bold look she’ll immediately regret” should be on a poster in every hair salon in the world (full disclosure: I only go to my hair stylist (god bless her for putting up with me) when I absolutely have to…she carefully, professionally and with great love styles my long hair and bangs (without bangs, my forehead is approximately the size of Montana), puts in some highlights and lowlights, and then lets me slide out of the chair 1/2 way through the blow-dry because that’s about as long as I can handle someone working on my hair)…cut my hair once to shoulder-length for “something different” and did, indeed, immediately regret it!

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  44. 20200405 170614
    Catmom  over 6 years ago

    I wanted bangs as a child but my mom would not allow me to have them, stating that my “forehead is too low”. Not sure what her reasoning was, as my forehead is and always was quite high enough. She finally relented when I was about 12. Wore them for several years until fashion changed, then went back to them in the 80s and kept them with my long straight hair until a year ago when I grew frustrated that nobody seemed to be able to cut my baby fine hair evenly. I let them grow out enough to get a “fresh start”, then got out my barber shears, sectioned the hair evenly and combed it down over my face. And then stopped in my tracks because the hair has thinned to the point that there’s not enough for decent bangs. According to the dermatologist, the stresses of the last two years are probably at least part of the cause, and it “may” come back eventually. So I am unhappily bangless and mom is probably clapping with joy wherever she is. ; ) The only advantage is without bangs I can shampoo less often—so keep that in mind, Woman and all other exhausted moms!

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  45. 1628996 t1
    enigmamz  over 6 years ago

    I like when a woman’s hair can fall in front of her face. To “brush your hair back from your eyes” is a wonderful moment.

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  46. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The ladies are free to do what they want with their hair. I just know I love a woman with long hair, the thicker the better.

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  47. Missing large
    prrdh  over 6 years ago

    “A messy bun for bees” =?= a honey bun?

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  48. Avatar02
    Kim Metzger  over 6 years ago

    For six years now, I have shaved my head. What I had was thinning and turning white and grey. The look has apparently shaved some years off of me, too, as most people I encounter seem to think I’m in my 50s, instead of my mid-60s.

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  49. Logo
    Chris Sherlock  over 6 years ago

    The B-52’s reference in the last panel is on target.

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  50. Successful runner
    skipper1992  over 6 years ago

    If I didn’t know better, I’d swear the Woman was a contemporary of my mom, particularly with the high-school hairstyle.

    As for me, I’m an Army brat (sort of … my dad was in the National Guard) so I default to something that isn’t quite a buzz cut, but isn’t a whole lot longer, either. (The last time I got an actual buzz cut was as a show of support for my SIL who was undergoing chemo at the time. This was when I learned I have developed a prominent widow’s peak.)

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  51. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 6 years ago

    Good look.

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  52. Kaboodle av
    Kit'n'Kaboodle  over 6 years ago

    Well, this is timely…. I have an appointment with a stylist in a few weeks and, yes, I’m considering bangs… and possibly going as short as just-below-shoulders. I haven’t had it that short since second grade when my mother cut my long hair up to my jaw (I still haven’t forgiven her for that….).

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  53. Hobbes
    MDMom  over 6 years ago

    . . . Newton Update! Sorry, for the delay. Pictures of Newton were posted yesterday and a video, the day before. Regretfully, they were really too dark to share. Here is one of them, that I “tweaked” to make it lighter, so that you can see more of Newton at home. I also “trimmed the noise”. I have shared it on fb, so that BCN and Newton’s “staff” are aware of my actions. “So far, so good.” FYI, if anyone cares, I’m doing better. lol! :)

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  54. Bunny waffle
    daswaff  over 6 years ago

    “Is that you Mo-Dean?”

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  55. Th
    Code the Enforcer  over 6 years ago

    Love the news ticker under Panel 3. Kate Pierson! I love you!! :)

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  56. Missing large
    LadyPeterW  over 6 years ago

    High school in the early 70’s. Hair so long I was able to grow it long enough to sit on, one year after my Dad told me his Mom, my beloved Grandma, had hair long enough to sit on. Kept it that way for 20 years, then found out the weight of it was pulling my neck out of whack. Been shoulder-length ever since. Which is another 20+ years ago now…flies time when you’re fun having.

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  57. Successful runner
    skipper1992  over 6 years ago

    For a couple of years after my neck fusion, I wore my hair collar length in the back to cover the scar. This earned me condemnation to hell when a street preacher visited the University of Rhode Island campus and quoted 1 Corinthians 11:14 at me. Asked him what Paul said about covering up a surgical scar due to a medical condition and was told that the need for the surgery was a consequence of my rebellion against God.

    And that’s the story of how it took four people to physically drag me away to keep me from assaulting an able-bodied man a foot and a half taller than me.

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  58. Missing large
    maggijoseph Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I love how happy she is with the result!

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  59. Missing large
    colleen_demaio Premium Member over 6 years ago

    As someone who is yet again growing out ill-advised bangs, I’m going to get a print of today’s comic and hang it next to my bathroom mirror. “It’s a bold look she’ll immediately regret” “Like a mustache for your forehead” – LOL!!!

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  60. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    Georgia posted photos of her real life hairdos and hair colors on her Instagram. It’s a slide show, so be sure to click the arrow to see all.

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  61. 20250124 121401
    Font Lady Premium Member over 6 years ago

    When I was not quite 2 I fell and got half inch horizontal scar right in the middle of my forehead. My mother insisted that I wear bangs to “cover up that ugly scar!” Then she wanted my hair short in a pixie cut because it took too long to take care of long. When I was about 10 my cousin showed me how to cut my own hair and I refused to let my mother come near me with scissors again. My hair now is halfway down my back, fine, ultra straight, and just going silver-gray in the front so it looks like I have platinum blond highlights in dark blonde. Every few months I go to the local beauty college and let one of the students trim the split ends. Other than that, I just brush it in the mornings and if I want something fancy, my oldest daughter does incredible braids.

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  62. 1
    metagalaxy1970  over 6 years ago

    As a child, my mother didn’t want the hassle of dealing with long hair, so I had short hair up until I could start taking care of it myself. My hair goes just a little past the top of my shoulders. As much as I would love longer hair, I can’t stand when I’m stilling and I have to pull my hair out of the way or else start pulling on it. Kind of hard to explain, but those with long hair understands.

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  63. 2vx3att
    lightoftriumph  over 6 years ago

    Georgia, you’ve already got a shade of red that most people would kill for…

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  64. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  over 6 years ago

    Puck is such a fashionista!

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  65. Picture
    MatthewI.Bishop  over 6 years ago

    I’m loving that “High School” was basically Rogue from “X-Men: Evolution.”

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  66. Missing large
    57BelAir  over 6 years ago

    B52’s meets Far Side…LOL

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