Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 15, 2019

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    Better hop to it, Luann, you procrastinator you.

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    howtheduck  over 5 years ago

    While this would be an easy task in the real world, in the Luannverse, figuring whether the semester ends in a few months or in a few years could be quite difficult.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Puddles knows her only too well. His eyes tell the story.

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    Prescott_Philosopher   over 5 years ago

    So for Luann, what’s wrong with a forth?

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    Joe1962  over 5 years ago

    Let’s get moving Luann.

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    kenhense  over 5 years ago

    Never do today what you can do tomorrow.

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    kenhense  over 5 years ago

    I love Luann’s (temporary) joy in the second frame. She should be an actress.

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    chris_weaver  over 5 years ago

    All those last minute all-nighters to juggle!

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    ZeMastor  over 5 years ago

    ??? English Lit? Art Class with Zebo? I really do have to ask
 why is Luann taking the same types of classes in community college as she would take in high school? Is she not planning on a major in something, preferably something practical that would eventually land her a j-o-b or a career later? The time that she’s spending (wasting) right now on these classes don’t seem to be preparing her for a financially independent future, nor actual adulthood. And, based on her lack of enthusiasm on getting her assignments done, why is she taking that class in the first place? At this rate, it sure looks like Frank and Nancy will need to plan on having her as a dependent adult-child living at home for a long long time.

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    SHIVA  over 5 years ago

    At least she had the forethought of checking to avoid a rude awakening at the end of the semester!!

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    Twobit  over 5 years ago

    Several hours of English are required for graduation from many colleges. Liberal arts classes can also be a requirement. Perhaps she is simply getting the basics out of the way and then deciding on a major. You don’t have to declare a major immediately in many schools.

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    axianova  over 5 years ago

    If I recall correctly, Luann enrolled in the local community college (2-year) while Bernice (and Tiffany) enrolled in the local university (4-year). Regardless where one starts, usually the first two years of study for an undergraduate is mostly focused on completing the mundane, but necessary general education (lower division) classes (i.e. English, algebra, natural sciences, basic computer applications, ethics, etc.). To those wondering why Luann is not taking more interesting, degree-focused classes, it is because she is not eligible yet. To take most degree-centric classes (upper division) require declaring a major. And if Luann is in community college, she is not in a position to declare a major because lower division courses are all that are offered at community colleges. However, she can still earn an associate’s degree there before transfering to the university to complete her bachelor’s. She will need to declare her major upon transferring to the university, though.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Bernice can understand what Luann is doing without looking at her. It’s so nice to see how much they knows each other. This is true friendship ♡

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 5 years ago

why does she always do that?

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    Ellis97  over 5 years ago

    Community college? Guess Luann doesn’t really have any plans for a career anytime soon.

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    DaJellyBelly  over 5 years ago

    It appears that Luann will be pulling several All-Nighters the last couple of weeks of the semester!!

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Relax. Luann has NEVER flunked a class. And I doubt she’s gonna start NOW


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    TraceySmith  over 5 years ago

    I thought that she wanted to be a teacher.

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    Pohka  over 5 years ago

    Ok, Luann is taking classes that are either a “general” degree (no major declared) or working toward an education or art degree (I’ll suggest that due to her job we haven’t seen her at in a while and her being a TA in art). We don’t see all the classes she’s in (or even hear about them, same for Bernice, Tiff, Bets, and Tara as well as Jack and Nil). Go with the flow; J&K are basically showing us “classic Luann and Bernice” time.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 5 years ago

    It seems there actually is no time like the present since everything must be shifted into the relatively distant future.

    Good thing she checks, though.

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    fix-n-fly  over 5 years ago

    Will Luann ever graduate from college in this comic strip?

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    Mayor Snorkum  over 5 years ago

    Notice how Bernice is always reading a book when they’re hanging out in Luann’s room? It’s because L.‘s blabber isn’t worth paying attention to, and B. is interested in improving her mind.

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    shamino  over 5 years ago

    Uh oh. She seems not to realize that when a professor gives an assignment with a 3 month deadline that he/she is going to expect to see 3 months worth of work in it.

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    kenhense  over 5 years ago

    Lu should take step two in learning to be a responsible adult. Time for her to move out of the house. She would probably need a roommate however. That would probably require a new character. Tara is too flaky. Bernice is too much of the same. Tiff is too wiggy. Bets is too dominating.

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    DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I love how human Puddles’s reactions are.

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    Scoutmaster77  over 5 years ago

    I always told my students, if you flunk out or quit college, they don’t give you you’re money back

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    ZeMastor  over 5 years ago

    I wanted to thank the people who explained how colleges and “general” degrees work. I’m not insulting any real people who got English majors, or applied that knowledge in their adult careers. I was asking a question, because I didn’t have the luxury of taking non-career-focused classes at age 19 and I didn’t understand their relevance for Luann’s future.

    My Depression-era parents were very intent that “us kids” got on-track for a good job, and I ended up in a specialized technical training school that got me into a 33 year career in Information Technologies (IT, formerly MIS). In technical and vocational classes, as well as in the military, the focus is training for a job and a career. That’s what I know and understand. What I don’t understand is what Luann is doing. If I had offended people, I did not intend to, but I sure as hell won’t shut up and go away and stop posting here because some people took my postings and questions in the wrong way. Nuff said.

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    ElaineFisherManning  over 5 years ago

    I was (and still am) the weirdo. In school I did my assignments ASAP – I wanted them out of the way. If there was a free period (study hall), I’d try and do my homework there so I didn’t have to take it home. Yeah, I was a goody-two-shoes, but I got good grades. COLLEGE? Forgetaboutit!! I joined the Navy, never set foot in a college class, worked hard, and retired after 20 years with a pension at age 38. You don’t need college 
 repeat, repeat, repeat. Better to go to a trade school.

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    EvanFloyd  over 5 years ago

    Anybody else remember the Foreigner song Luanne?

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    Airman  over 5 years ago

    We should let Luann flash forward, for a change, by about 25 years. She is still laying on the bed consulting with Bernice and trying to decide what she should do about dinner. They have just heard from Tiffany, who is married to the U.S. Ambassador to France and is firmly ensconced with the fashion mavens of Paris. Delta is staying with her in the ambassador’s mansion after supporting Chelsea Clinton’s 3rd. unsuccessful run for president Luann decides on hot dogs and beans.

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    bakana  over 5 years ago

    Hey, I got good grades on those “Panic Mode, Last Minute, finished just in time to take a shower before class” papers.

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    luann1212  over 5 years ago

    Actually one of things college does is teach time management, scheduling, prioritizing, all parts of growing up and becoming responsible. What Luann is doing in a funny way is not uncommon with college students actually, but contrary to what some have said, is absolutely—in the real world—any real predictor of how a student will do in the long run. This is a fantasy world, but Luann has shown she is serious about school, but she is also shown to be human, vulnerable, crazy, in a word normal. Give it a break why don’t cha please.

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    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    Guess what, DeGroot? “Any time between now and the end of the semester” does not mean “start it on the last day of the semester”! Sheesh!

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    Jim Kerner  over 5 years ago

    This is the Luann that we all know and Love.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  over 5 years ago

    This Car has run out of gas:

    It’s just been announced that Ric Ocasek of The Cars has passed away at 75. R.I.P.

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    Asharah  over 5 years ago

    I remember in college starting every semester by taking the schedules for all my classes and making up a single list of dates for tests and papers due. October 10 – English paper dueOctober 15 – Accounting testOctober 25 – Philosophy testNovember 5 – 1st part of Accounting project dueEtc.

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    Faith :)  over 5 years ago

    I’m just like her.

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