Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 01, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    I ā€” another guy ā€” also want the deets, Luann, on you and Ryder.

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    ct0760  over 5 years ago

    Wouldnt be surprised if all tbis gossip turns Ryder off and ends it

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    howtheduck  over 5 years ago

    Everyone knows Ryder, except Luann. The fact they want deets tells me that Ryder must have some kind of reputation.

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    AnyFace  over 5 years ago
    ā€œGossip Hounds.ā€ āœØ
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    eujeste  over 5 years ago

    ā€œThere are no deets. Iā€™m going to be a nun.ā€

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    Joe1962  over 5 years ago

    Ryder could be a player.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Well now.

    It looks like Jack, likes to YAK.

    Not only to Nil, but Tara too. So does that mean that Jack told the ā€œGangā€ all about Luā€™s date with ā€œDougā€ too? Or what he and Luann did whenever they were alone together? Which wasnā€™t all that much, but Still. Not a GOOD sign IMHO.

    Yeah, Yeah, I know. ā€œFolksā€ Who are ā€œdyingā€ to see Jack and Luann together will QUICKLY dismiss this as all being ā€œperfectly innocentā€ on Jackā€™s part.

    But the fact of the matter is, Jack talked, and pretty much put Luā€™s business in the ā€œstreet.ā€ And to people who want to get into Luannā€™s business, today.

    Okay. Let the slings and arrows fly, As we await Tara and Nil teasing that Luann ā€œshould Date Jack.ā€

    Letā€™s hope Lu doesnā€™t tell Jack everything. Lest it ends up on Instagramā€¦ā€¦, :)

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    Argythree  over 5 years ago

    So much for all the posters who thought the appearance of Nil meant he was the next guy in Luannā€™s lifeā€¦

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    Cheapskate0  over 5 years ago

    What the Sam Hill is ā€œDeetsā€?

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    Snark-impaired  over 5 years ago

    Omg, I absolutely loathe calling a woman ā€œ(Boyfriend Name) Girlā€. I honestly didnā€™t think young women today did that kind of sexist, retrograde crap. I hope this is just because the Evanses are older. (If you think this isnā€™t sexist, do you think theyā€™ll have someone calling Jack ā€œKaylie Boyā€?

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    kenhense  over 5 years ago

    Excuse me ā€“ but does Nil have his hand on Taraā€™s derriere? (if she allows it ā€“ Iā€™m jealous).

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    capricorn9th  over 5 years ago

    I teach high school and I can verify that guys gossip as much as the girls do.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Isnā€™t DEET something that is in mosquito repellent spray?

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    Don Draper  over 5 years ago

    For a change of pace, I would love to see Luann meet a black guy with a similar personality to her and they hit it off splendidly. Or did we fill the interracial quota with Gunther and Bets? (Sarcasm)

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    Baarorso  over 5 years ago

    Iā€™d tell her that the deets are on a ā€œneed to knowā€ basis, and she doesnā€™t ā€œneed to knowā€.

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    SJhapamama  over 5 years ago

    Oh boy, Jackā€™s gonna get an earful from Luannā€” and Iā€™ll bet it wonā€™t include date deets!

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    BJShipley1  over 5 years ago

    Apparently this whole week is gonna be a wash, since all the other characters are asking about a guy that we all know will never actually play a real part in the story. Heā€™s a plot device at best.

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    The Joke Explainer Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Clearly Greg Evans is the biggest gossip around. Heā€™s broadcasting it to the world.

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    imagenesis  over 5 years ago

    Yeah, we want deets!

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    Terminal Frost Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I donā€™t . Ryder is a plot device.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Jack told that to everyone. But he has done it because he was happy for Luann or..? I think men and women are blabs at the same level.

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    darker7image  over 5 years ago

    your in collage for god sake girl work out some frustration and have some fun.

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    eladee AKA Wally  over 5 years ago

    Oh great! Now sheā€™s going to get mad at Jack for interfering in her love lifeā€”-just as SHE was doing to Gunther and Bets. Jack should not have told them though. That knocks him down a bit in my book. Thatā€™s Luannā€™s personal business.

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  24. Stormking
    mountainclimber  over 5 years ago

    ā€œDeetsā€? Itā€™s in the dictionary, first used in 1986. Same year as ā€œfax modemā€ was first introduced. I closed my eyes for a moment and that moments gone.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 5 years ago


    It is a bit disappointing that it now seems that Nil is not going to be considered by Luann as a potential dating partner. Even though Nil and Tara really want the ā€œdeetsā€ (details) hereā€¦.. I am not as interested in learning more about Ryder as they are. I am hoping the story migrates away from Ryder quickly.

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  26. Tyge
    Tyge  over 5 years ago

    Once again I get the sense that Jackā€™s character is acting strangely. Heā€™s always been affable, outgoing, gentlemanly and caring. Often socially naĆÆve but not prone to gossip, as many characters in the strip are.

    GnK may be setting up a crisis point in the relationship. If they are, thereā€™s not much point in a ā€œfalling out.ā€ Jack is too ingrained with other characters; Tara, Nil, even Tiffany and Bernice. Whatever comes of this, ā€œdrama will ensue.ā€

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 5 years ago

    This, to me, is part of the new ā€˜sharingā€™ world. You ā€˜shareā€™ a pic of your meal on social media (like who cares what it looks like? Iā€™d wanna know what it tastes like!); you ā€˜shareā€™ a ride by calling some stranger to pick you up and you pay for the right to sit in that car and hope the stranger gets you where you need to go instead of getting you lost; you ā€˜shareā€™ your house with total strangers who start wars in your neighborhood by stealing all the parking spaces; you ā€˜shareā€™ all the so-called ā€˜deetsā€™ about a date. The ā€˜sharingā€™ world is a world with no idea that such a thing as privacy exists.

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    ForrestOverin  over 5 years ago

    Luann is in the same shoes she put Bets in, when Bets was meeting Gunther.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 5 years ago

    Likes to learn/hear/receive, less inclined to teach/share/gossip.

    Not us. We share like crazyā€¦ exactly like crazy.

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    KEA  over 5 years ago

    Deet is a Grottanā€¦ ??

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    Airman  over 5 years ago

    At least it seems Jack spread the latest gossip in person. But Bets took pictures of Gunther, put them on the computer, and sent them out to over 100 friends, relatives, neighbors, and benefactors.

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    Ellis97  over 5 years ago

    Will Luann ever find true love?

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    luann1212  over 5 years ago

    ā€œDeetsā€ aka ā€œdetails.ā€ Those details are going to turn around to Jack, which might circle around back to Luann, which might mean something, or disappear into a Luannverse Black Hole never to resurface again. I think though, to carry that analogy further, the concentric arc will not get past the event horizon of the black hole, but will be like plasma rays shooting out, symbolic of the energy it took for Luann for finally realize that true love was that hunk in her art class and dog park. If so he is the coolest romance dude around, he should be a contestant on one of those silly Bachelor shows.

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    Tha_Hype  over 5 years ago

    Never helps to have too many noses in a coupleā€™s relationship.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Jack probably spread the ā€œdeetsā€ around as he was responsible for getting Luann and Ryder together. He was proud of his work. Even if it doesnā€™t lastā€¦

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    Ruth Brown  over 5 years ago

    Not too long ago (in comic strip time) Luann had Jack monitor a date so she could bail. History says, date privacy isnā€™t high to her. That, however, may be changing.

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  37. Toughcat
    bakana  over 5 years ago

    And, thus ends what Could have been the beginning of a ā€œBeautiful Romanceā€.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    ā€œDeetsā€ for ā€œdetailsā€.

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    Caldonia  over 5 years ago

    ā€œNilā€ or ā€œTaraā€ or whoever has a stupid name that doesnā€™t exist except for Evans: ā€œSo are you going to lose your v-card to this Ryder? Ryder is an ADORABLE name! Is Ryder a puppy? He must be, right?ā€

    Luann: ā€œNo, heā€™s asexual, like me. Most people my age have sex, bit I donā€™t! Can you imagine how many elderly people I would offend if I had sex before marriage? I still laugh about how I scared away Qā€”some guy.ā€

    Tara, Nil, whatever: ā€œYouā€™re pathetic. Itā€™s depressing that youā€™ve reached this age and still donā€™t care about someone at least making out with you.ā€

    Luann: ā€œWould you like to see a picture of how STUPID Gunther looks naked?ā€

    T and or N: ā€œYeah! Screw that ā€˜Nice Guyā€™! What a loser! Lol!ā€

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    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    Word gets around pretty quickly!

    So, yeah, Luann, youā€™d might as well give all of us the deetsā€¦.

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