I took in a kitten; had him for a year and a half until I got married to an allergic and passed him to my sister. She had to move, and the cat went to my next-door neighbor. They had another male cat who was rather bossy, and my cat drifted across the street to another family, where he lived out his life, coming over to visit often. So, he had little experience of loyalty, but didn’t hold a grudge.
Dtroutma almost 5 years ago
RAGs almost 5 years ago
First you have to get their attention. Do you have a laser pointer?
jollyjack almost 5 years ago
Once signed there might be an “acting” cabinet position available. Although the cat may be too qualified compared to a current office holder.
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
Well sure. But how can you TELL they’re laughing?
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 5 years ago
And the cats’ response is “Oh, you are? It’s about time.”
Enter.Name.Here almost 5 years ago
The one in the photograph is ready.
Superfrog almost 5 years ago
Turn on the can opener.
mischugenah almost 5 years ago
As if dogs won’t throw you over the instant someone shows up holding bacon :P
The Old Wolf almost 5 years ago
Is Wiley taking a break with these reruns? I hope all is well and not Covfefe19-related.
jessie d. almost 5 years ago
but they’ll love you dearly if you keep the food a’coming …wait a minute or is that the food they love? ha.ha.ha but I do love them, that I do.
Egrayjames almost 5 years ago
Love the cat cleaning itself on the coach….Wiley must have cats at home.
Masterskrain almost 5 years ago
Remember, Dogs have owners, but Cats have STAFF MEMBERS!
1953Baby almost 5 years ago
All commenters must be cat owners: they sure know the species! Couldn’t do without my imperious impervious felines. . .
Andrew Sleeth almost 5 years ago
Mine’s pretty loyal; he follows me around like a puppy.
WDemBlk Premium Member almost 5 years ago
For loyalty- just keep the food coming & the litter box clean.
monya_43 almost 5 years ago
Oh yeah…she has their rapt attention.
steverinoCT almost 5 years ago
I took in a kitten; had him for a year and a half until I got married to an allergic and passed him to my sister. She had to move, and the cat went to my next-door neighbor. They had another male cat who was rather bossy, and my cat drifted across the street to another family, where he lived out his life, coming over to visit often. So, he had little experience of loyalty, but didn’t hold a grudge.
sandpiper almost 5 years ago
An earlier commenter made a wise statement – dogs have owners, cats have staff A very cool observation
ninecat Premium Member almost 5 years ago
There’s probably a fly in that lampshade. If so, it’s doomed. The lampshade, that is.
marilynnbyerly almost 5 years ago
Cats are loyal, they just don’t show it the same way dogs do.
KEA almost 5 years ago
Must be Mrs. Griffin. see… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NalZ53-MRPw
Alabama Al almost 5 years ago
Oh, if they believed it would keep the gravy train rolling they would take that oath without a second thought.
mistercatworks almost 5 years ago
Cats are loyal enough. People mistake obedience for loyalty.
saltylife16 almost 5 years ago
Grandma’s legs in them shoes should do the trick.
Snoots almost 5 years ago
“I will be loyal to myself.”
“I will indulge my whims.”
“I will ignore external influences contrary to my will.”
“I will ignore external influences even if they agree with my will, just because.”
“I will loyally deprive myself of internal gas buildup, preferably when my tail is facing she who delusionally believes she is my owner.”
“I will follow my true nature and nurture my inner self.”
“I will be loyal to no other than myself… unless they have tuna or salmon.”
“Even if they have tuna or salmon, loyalty will be a flip of the coin… and temporary.”
— The Cat Loyalty Oath
Redd Panda almost 5 years ago
How about…“Everybody line up, c’mon now, in a straight line”
ChristopherSutler almost 5 years ago
“I’d like a book on training cats.”“That’s over in the science fiction section.”
spoeden almost 5 years ago
Must be a slow day for Wiley, repeating a panel from 2016.
anomaly almost 5 years ago
If someone is anxious to betray you, they’d jump at the chance to gain your trust by taking a loyalty oath.
wordsmeet 6 months ago
I spy…a childless cat lady! heheh