Lady you overused the word maybe, when you wear that kind of clothes, you ask for trouble, and also your friend is right, when you wear that you look cheap!
It’s clearly Lynn talking through the characters here, but there’s something to it- especially for 1993, this outfit was pretty scandalous, and looks like Candace was trying to show off as much skin as was allowed. That pretty much always looks “cheap”, particularly in a setting like this. Granted, nowadays it’s much more likely to be treated as a woman “owning her sexuality”, but those are, y’know, WOMEN, not teenagers who are desperately trying to be seen as adults, like Candace is.
But like a lot of people like that, Candace had to “grow up” fast.
This series of cartoons received a heated response. Some readers took issue with me for suggesting Candace was dressing inappropriately, others were supportive and thought she should be told to change.
Clothes are a sales tool. Salesmen overdress so that what they are selling looks important and expensive. Walk into a store with expensive clothes and knockabout clothes and see the difference in response.
Being a man I’m not familiar with women’s clothes, but I submit that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to look good and feel comfortable. One big reason why so many people find business or school dress uncomfortable is that they don’t get the proper sizes. Men in particular try to suck in their guts when they should just “let it all hang out” and let the clothiers conceal it (that’s their job). And it doesn’t require a gold card or some such, just a sense of dress and a sense of good taste. You don’t have to shop at Brooks Brothers, either (check out their website to see out-of-this-world prices). You can get good clothing anywhere from J.C. Penney’s to your local thrift store. It can be done.
I have always felt like the phrase “you’re asking for trouble when you wear something like that” was completely offensive. While I agree that we should teach our daughters to have self-respect, I do NOT believe that we should be teaching our boys that when a girl dresses a certain way, that must mean “she’s asking for it”, or that it somehow means “yes”. Because it doesn’t. Why not teach our boys to have some self-discipline and be decent human beings instead? Also, for the record, self-respect has nothing to do with clothing…just saying. Since I’m sure this will elicit some sort of hate replies…have at it…
This is the last strip in this story arc. I am very disappointed in the ending. Lynn set up a “cheap” joke (sorry) and did not deal with any consequences for Candice’s choices. She should have been shown being sent home to change.
“I never knew how expensive it was to look cheap!!” Obviously she isn’t a Dolly parton fan who has admitted something similar “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”
This is a comic strip, and they are supposed to be funny. So here is a better idea: the two other girls get their hair changed, one shaves it off and the other gets a curly tonsure. Then they would be:
The Benefits of a Catholic High School…Uniforms for the Girls…Shirt and Tie for the Boys….At least you didn’t have to think about what you were going to wear……..k
Ironic that some of these expensive looking “preppy” outfits can be bought for a good deal if you look hard enough, while some of these “casual clothes” that “normal kids” wear can cost a bundle.
Templo S.U.D. almost 3 years ago
the truth hurts, does it not? Candace is just getting a “flesh wound” after getting her friends’ statement
Baarorso almost 3 years ago
I never understood why you had to “dress to impress”, even during my schooling years. If it fit and was comfortable I wore it come what may.
howtheduck almost 3 years ago
Dolly Parton called and wants her punchline back.
JD'Huntsville'AL almost 3 years ago
But have you EVER known a “designer” with good taste?
Enter.Name.Here almost 3 years ago
What does “designer outfit” and “expensive” have to do with school-wear acceptable?
Caldonia almost 3 years ago
Why, she looks roadside.
Johnny Q Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Even a Canadian comic strip can do the occasional “fan service”!
M2MM almost 3 years ago
She resembles one of those pricey hookers. :P
rekam Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Maybe she’ll bump into the school counselor who might be able to set her straight and send her home to change.
nicka93 almost 3 years ago
All she can think of is the cost, so she is “showing” off.
Johnnyrico almost 3 years ago
Black76Manta almost 3 years ago
Lady you overused the word maybe, when you wear that kind of clothes, you ask for trouble, and also your friend is right, when you wear that you look cheap!
Jabroniville Premium Member almost 3 years ago
It’s clearly Lynn talking through the characters here, but there’s something to it- especially for 1993, this outfit was pretty scandalous, and looks like Candace was trying to show off as much skin as was allowed. That pretty much always looks “cheap”, particularly in a setting like this. Granted, nowadays it’s much more likely to be treated as a woman “owning her sexuality”, but those are, y’know, WOMEN, not teenagers who are desperately trying to be seen as adults, like Candace is.
But like a lot of people like that, Candace had to “grow up” fast.
jimchronister2016 almost 3 years ago
Perfect Lynn!
Susan00100 almost 3 years ago
Where did Candace get the money to buy those rags?
Turning tricks??
Susan00100 almost 3 years ago
Give it up, girls.
Your so-called “friend” is nothing but a cheap slut—just like her egg-donor!!
bobbie24601 almost 3 years ago
Dolly Parton’s line “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap”
coffeemom88 almost 3 years ago
Just ask Dolly — she’s an expert at spending $$ to look cheap. And she’ll tell you that, herself!
goboboyd almost 3 years ago
“It costs an awful lot to look this cheap.” – Dolly Parton
Johnnyrico almost 3 years ago
“She was asking for trouble, dressed like that”… this argument may have worked in the 70s-80’s, but today it’s considered “victim blaming”.
More Coffee Please! Premium Member almost 3 years ago
To quote the amazing Dolly Parton: “It takes a lot of time and money to look this cheap, honey.”
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Well, I suppose the less you wear the more you have to spend to make it look good.
dsatvoinde Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Problem is, the boys that are ogling her don’t care about the expensive clothing, just how they’re going to get her out of them. smh
Prescott_Philosopher almost 3 years ago
Doing the math here. Does that mean that her bra cost over $100?
Gerard:D almost 3 years ago
Lynn’s Comments:
This series of cartoons received a heated response. Some readers took issue with me for suggesting Candace was dressing inappropriately, others were supportive and thought she should be told to change.
kenharkins almost 3 years ago
Dolly Parton made this joke about herself.
PoodleGroomer almost 3 years ago
Clothes are a sales tool. Salesmen overdress so that what they are selling looks important and expensive. Walk into a store with expensive clothes and knockabout clothes and see the difference in response.
Wren Fahel almost 3 years ago
That’s what Dolly Parton says.
USN1977 almost 3 years ago
In this story arc about school we have seen:Five strips about Elizabeth’s locker.
Four strips about Candace’s attire.
Two strips about a boy’s spiked hairdo.
One strip that dealt with actual academics.
Train 1911 almost 3 years ago
Last panel truer words ever spoken
JCB almost 3 years ago
Once again proof that money can’t buy taste.
mindjob almost 3 years ago
I don’t think designer clothes are as popular now as they were then
Cincoflex almost 3 years ago
“I guess” Man what a snotty answer. I hope the school admin bust her before the end of the day.
Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl almost 3 years ago
I went back to the original 1993 strip to see if the prices had been updated, but the dialogue has remained unaltered.
The $350 Candace spent in 1993 would equal $598 today.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 3 years ago
It all depends on the eyes of the beholder….
sjsczurek almost 3 years ago
Being a man I’m not familiar with women’s clothes, but I submit that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to look good and feel comfortable. One big reason why so many people find business or school dress uncomfortable is that they don’t get the proper sizes. Men in particular try to suck in their guts when they should just “let it all hang out” and let the clothiers conceal it (that’s their job). And it doesn’t require a gold card or some such, just a sense of dress and a sense of good taste. You don’t have to shop at Brooks Brothers, either (check out their website to see out-of-this-world prices). You can get good clothing anywhere from J.C. Penney’s to your local thrift store. It can be done.
Drag0nr1der almost 3 years ago
Zoom! Right over her head
raybarb44 almost 3 years ago
School uniforms stopped all of this many years ago…..
JustMe almost 3 years ago
I have always felt like the phrase “you’re asking for trouble when you wear something like that” was completely offensive. While I agree that we should teach our daughters to have self-respect, I do NOT believe that we should be teaching our boys that when a girl dresses a certain way, that must mean “she’s asking for it”, or that it somehow means “yes”. Because it doesn’t. Why not teach our boys to have some self-discipline and be decent human beings instead? Also, for the record, self-respect has nothing to do with clothing…just saying. Since I’m sure this will elicit some sort of hate replies…have at it… almost 3 years ago
SPOILER:When Candace finally “grew up”,the guy she settled down with wasn’t exactly Clark Gable.
this is summerdog almost 3 years ago
Only one person wondered where she got the money for her outfit. I’ll make that two.
Jan C almost 3 years ago
This is the last strip in this story arc. I am very disappointed in the ending. Lynn set up a “cheap” joke (sorry) and did not deal with any consequences for Candice’s choices. She should have been shown being sent home to change.
kathleenhicks62 almost 3 years ago
Looking cheap knows no monetary bounds.
Thorby almost 3 years ago
“Designer outfit”, huh?!? Yesterday’s arc shows that Candace, whilst not a “slut”, is surely a hypocrite. Respect her- PUL-LLEASSE!
rob almost 3 years ago
Real beauty shines through any outfit that someone wears.
S&C = Dismayed&Depressed almost 3 years ago
The double edged sword of fashion. Damocles sword hangs over the choices.
CoreyTaylor1 almost 3 years ago
Dawn just nearly quoted Dolly Parton(a.k.a. Smoky Mountain Barbie)’s famous line:
“It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!”
sbwertz almost 3 years ago
I’m so old that in HS we wore circle skirts with a bazillion yards of nylon net underneath.
al007itali almost 3 years ago
“I never knew how expensive it was to look cheap!!” Obviously she isn’t a Dolly parton fan who has admitted something similar “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”
Snolep almost 3 years ago
As they say at Starkist, “Sorry, Charlie.”
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 3 years ago
That’s exactly what Dolly Parton says.
kaycstamper almost 3 years ago
Haha, that was a great comment!
kamoolah almost 3 years ago
Relax, this is only school. This will be one of Candace’s fondest memories when she is pumping gas for a living.
The_Great_Black President almost 3 years ago
This is a comic strip, and they are supposed to be funny. So here is a better idea: the two other girls get their hair changed, one shaves it off and the other gets a curly tonsure. Then they would be:
Dawn En-“Moe”
The Three Stoogettes!
Bradley Walker almost 3 years ago
Quite a bit of overlap in the Venn Diagram of FBOFW fans and Dolly Parton fans.
edeloriea14 almost 3 years ago
I would rather get some clothes from Old Navy by comparison. (Practical, yet fashionable.)
Ukko wilko almost 3 years ago
Slut wear is expensive.
kennnyp almost 3 years ago
The Benefits of a Catholic High School…Uniforms for the Girls…Shirt and Tie for the Boys….At least you didn’t have to think about what you were going to wear……..k
USN1977 almost 3 years ago
Ironic that some of these expensive looking “preppy” outfits can be bought for a good deal if you look hard enough, while some of these “casual clothes” that “normal kids” wear can cost a bundle.
Eclectic Wanderer almost 3 years ago
If what you’re wearing is important to other people, you need to cut off those people, because they are shallow and toxic.
misslaurastoyroom almost 3 years ago
A see-through piece of fabric was over $100? I’m shocked.