Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 21, 2022

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 3 years ago
    Nearly everyone almost killed Tracy, though. ✨
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  2. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  almost 3 years ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Well, at least Tracy has an ally in Sam against the Tonsils impersonator. Sam should have guessed instantly that it was Tonsils, since the monitor right beside Tracy’s head already knew the answer to the “guess who” question.

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  3. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  almost 3 years ago

    Good morning™, let down follow up strips !

    At least the “talking heads” are in different positions and we learn a bit more about the Tonsils character especially for paper only readers who do not have benefit of the Great talk about this rehash bad guy in yesterday’s Comments.

    Sunday’s talk, with links to old Tracy stories and remembrances was a very good way to spend time for those of us who had time to read the large volume of talk. It was a good day. :-)

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  4. Brainygrrrl avatar
    L Silverman  almost 3 years ago

    Man, I haven’t seen Tracy this peeved in forever. In weather-related news, it’s been snowing all day in Tracyville. Expect hazardous driving conditions in the evening! And Sam should have gone for the alliterative slam dunk and said “cacophonic crooner who almost killed you!”

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    Cheapskate0  almost 3 years ago

    And just in case the story wasn’t bad enough, now we’re in a quagmire with talking heads!

    By the by, I like some of the ideas you guys came up with yesterday. Since it appears that Mike loves these retro and recycled villains so much, why not turn this into a period piece. That way, we don’t have to keep coming up with villains that can’t stay dead or need to be cosplayed.

    Oh, and Flattop, the villain it would appear that Mike is just itching to use – but can’t because he’s dead – wouldn’t have to be dead anymore. Just put Tracy in there sometime before his death.

    Then seal the time capsule.

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  6. Db icon60
    Ashmael  almost 3 years ago

    I understand revengevmotivated killing attempts. But a criminal killing the cop investigating on him makes no sense. The investigation may be momentarily stopped, but another cop will take over. As when Miss Egghead discovered “I’m still wanter by the police!”. Gee, really?

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  7. The phantom reference book edition alfons germany june 2022 1
    Phantomfire 01  almost 3 years ago

    Tracy looks sharper than ever because of Shelley Pleger. I think Curtis is slowly and slightly expanding on his plot. We’ll see soon enough.

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    GoComicsGo!  almost 3 years ago

    P1 – Love the cartoon black fume of anger above DT’s head, even though it’s disguise as part of the background shading.

    P2 – Yes, the guy in the monitor that DT just passed.

    P3 – Sam’s translation. “What a Ba@^%#!”

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  9. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Will Tonsils turn out to be a nephew, or a long lost son?

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  10. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  almost 3 years ago

    Oh – the guy behind you on the screen? (Or is that the impersonator?)

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  11. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    ….something bugged me about neo-tonsils all last week…..I awoke today realizing what it is…..that eye (the wide open blue one, e.i.)…..brrrrrr……..it’s the same kind of eye that Poe’s Tell-tale Heart guy was freaking out over……….brrrrrrrrrr……..

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    artheaded1  almost 3 years ago

    Not for nothing, but isn’t “Killing Dick Tracy” sort of the theme of the strip? He’s got a list as long as both his arms of people who’ve tried to kill him. Its not like the original Tonsils is getting his own Netflix show and cashing in on his life of crime.

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    IvanB.Cohen  almost 3 years ago

    Why is this impersonator showing up on a police monitor at MCU…he got a criminal record already? Wow! Sure didn’t waste no time…probably was busted for mangling melodies.

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    IvanB.Cohen  almost 3 years ago

    Due to the show biz world, Vitamin never kept up with current events. Ah yes…I can see it clearly. Vitamin, Tracy, Sam and others in this strip. They may be on the same planet but they are in different orbits.

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    IvanB.Cohen  almost 3 years ago

    I must have been out to lunch…when did Vitamin become a business manager? He is going to represent a “mimic”? Heaven help us all.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Yeah, what Cheapskate0 said!

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  17. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 3 years ago

    1-SAM: Uh, who shot your dog, Tracy?

    2-DT: Huh? No one. That’s an odd question considering I don’t have a dog. ANYWAY, Vitamin, knowing full well the story of Tonsil’s theft of my song, Groom Your Poodle, had me listening to it while it was being performed by a Tonsil’s impersonator!

    SAM: Ouchie, that’s tough. By the way, don’t turn around…

    3-DT: That old fool! I’d never go around him again if his wife hadn’t had my child – or so she claims. We all know it couldn’t be Vitamin’s. ANYWAY, I feel the obligation to look at it ever now and then ya know.

    SAM: I know! You’re the best absent father there ever was. And by that I mean, you’re the best father when you’re absent in the kid’s life.

    DT: YEAH! Wait, what? SAM: What?

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    tcayer  almost 3 years ago

    Sam can’t guess when his picture pops up on the screen behind him?

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    Wichita1.0  almost 3 years ago

    And Sam’s been thinking about that promotion to the top he’s been wanting. Could get dicey.

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  20. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 3 years ago

    This strip is perfect.

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    Guy Steele Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    The important thing is: Sam’s toothpick is back! :-)

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  22. 200w
    CRUUNER  almost 3 years ago

    New villain idea: “Nick O’Teene!” Born in July (Cancer), owns “Coffin Nail” bar as a front for criminal tobacco bootlegging. Aided by cronies “Chaw”, “Vape” and moll “Hookah” deals black market tobacco products laced with drugs.

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    Lord Flatulence Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    There’s nothing like a good cacophony.

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  24. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 3 years ago

    Tracy is still steaming, back now at MCU HQ. Sam serves as a valued release-valve for his partner!

    But we have just an angry Tracy, no crime….

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  25. Missing large  almost 3 years ago

    If Tonsils hadn’t panicked and run away from police custody,he might have had a happier ending.Maybe there’s still a little guilt complex in Tracy because hefailed to protect the guy.

    To DMITRIO and your updates—-A one-panel Sunday hintsthat Moppet &pal were CONTRACTED by the originalMr.Crime to hit Dude because they feared he’d become ablabbermouth about The Apparatus.

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