That is Priceless by Steve Melcher for November 29, 2022

  1. Missing large
    rmremail  over 2 years ago

    So, dear, that means you’ll just have to stop taking your work home from the Lubyanka Building

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The Kowalskis enjoyed starting the day by reading how they cut their children out or their will.

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  3. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  over 2 years ago

    “To the Honorable Horace Weems, dear sir, this is to inform you that the warranty on thy carriage has expired! Further, did you or a loved one live on or near Camp Lejuene?”

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  4. Avatar 3
    Solstice*1947  over 2 years ago

    /// The proud parents of Polish-born Weiss

    read his letter of friendly advice:

    “Well-known spreaders of hate

    dined with ex-head-of-state.

    Hide the bagels; croissants would be nice.”

     •  Reply
  5. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 2 years ago

    “Dear Mom and Dad,

    Will you be willing to pose for a commission for my next painting? I’ll give you 10% for what I get paid for it; 25% if I’m paid in crypto.


    Your Son Wojciech”

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  6. Groucho
    Jayalexander  over 2 years ago

    So Stanley these limericks are a form of entertainment?

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    Buzzworld  over 2 years ago

    It’s a letter from the new IRS saying we’re being audited, and their new name is now IRSS.

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    lagoulou  over 2 years ago

    So, snow on the roof; fire in the furnace, eh?

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    jdculhane46  over 2 years ago

    It’s from the neighbors. Did you tell them we like to dance? They invited us to something called a “swingers party”

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    rmremail  over 2 years ago

    Anna finally found a way to tell Boris that neither of the children were his.

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  11. Chief wahoo
    aerotica69  over 2 years ago

    My dear, if you would put aside your vanity and get glasses, I would not have to read your sister’s gossip to you.

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  12. Boston
    MS72  over 2 years ago

    Somebody sent us a Polish joke!

    The HOA wants us to keep the goat out-of-sight.

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  13. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 2 years ago

    Looking at Stanislaus, Katrina realized that he really was a smug, self-centered, self-righteous knob.

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  14. Google profile picture
    Sir Isaac  over 2 years ago

    Well, sweetie, it seems our boy Wojo has found a nice job with the police in the American city of New York and will send for us soon.

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    wincoach Premium Member over 2 years ago

    This letter says to check our email; what’s email?

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  16. Ankh 280
    David_J Premium Member over 2 years ago

    My great-grandmother, reading letters from back home (Romania) that were written in old German. Sure do miss her. And her wisdom. And her cooking.

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  17. Duke
    Rev Phnk Ey  over 2 years ago

    It says, “If you can read this you are holding it too close”.

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  18. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  over 2 years ago

    “‘It was a dark and stormy night….’ And you’re wondering why they rejected your novel?”

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  19. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 2 years ago

    “So, this new Will allocates none of my fortune to the children from my first marriage should I die within the next couple of days. Otherwise my original Will allocating a 50/50 split between them and you still applies.”

    “I’m feeling pretty good so OK…GET ME A PEN!”

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  20. Martini glass blue
    RadioDial Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The Polish did know how to make them babies…

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    FireAnt_Hater  over 2 years ago

    The best one in a long time LOL

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  22. Wcfields
    Funny_Ha_Ha  over 2 years ago

    Apparently our ethnicity qualifies us to live rent free in one of the nations retirement camps.

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  23. The wanderer
    anomaly  over 2 years ago

    “Everything in this agreement seems to be in order. But what’s this about a ‘male harem’?”

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  24. Imagescaxtkub3
    Calvins Brother  over 2 years ago

    “Do you know any Nigerian Princes, dear?"

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  25. Gkholman closeup 1500x1500
    Ken Holman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Why does this mail-in ballot have only one name when there are two people running?

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  26. Zoot and saxophone
    Boise Ed Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Wait. They’re the ones with small children, but they’re asking the neighbor to keep it down?

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  27. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Artist’s Parents

    Paste (including the quote marks) 

    "Category:Paintings by Wojciech Weiss" 

    (syntax supported by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, and Yandex search engines) in the browser address bar (or search for it using one of those search engines) and choose the first Category: found, and once there find the text string Eltern, and click its link for info and links that point to more info (best viewed using Google Chrome which can automatically translate most webpages as necessary) about this roughly jumbo envelope size painting.


    Again, a larger strip image is shown by (Ctrl- or right-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #3033 (November 22, 2022) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment, and using the dropdown menu (even larger if you trim what’s after .png from the URL). I have added a comment there (awaiting Mr. Melcher’s approval) pointing to info about this artist I used to point to here. First work by this artist used here.

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  28. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 2 years ago

    Soon thereafter their will was read/

    And Wojo might aswell have been dead/

    He had hoped for a portion/

    Of the family fortune/

    But the cat got the whole thing Instead.
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    d1234dick Premium Member over 2 years ago

    mr.& mrs. Stinemetz looking at bill for her abortion. it would cost less to have the boy

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    Solstice*1947  over 2 years ago

    /// Stanislaw was convinced he’d succeed

    at obtaining her half of the deed.

    His wife shortly would sign

    her name there. Bottom line?

    Wife Maria had not learned to read.

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  31. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    He: It is from my brother. He his wife and 12 children want to spend the holidays with us. She: oh joy!

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  32. Buffaloanimatedrunningrightoneofearliestanimatedmovies001
    Running Buffalo Premium Member over 2 years ago

    You did say you wanted me to spell it out for you!

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