I can do the pursed whistle well enough, I can even throw in a few trills. But I never could learn to whistle through my teeth! My dad used to call us home with that whistle—we could hear it from across the street in the field behind the neighbor’s barn, at least a quarter mile or more. Now that was a whistle!
Phoebe shouldn’t be surprised. She may have let Marigold share her tenth birthday with her – which was also the strip’s tenth birthday – but Marigold was around in the Middle Ages when she modelled for tapestries of unicorns and she claims to remember the Ice Age. She is clearly much older than Phoebe – and any of us – and therefore learned many things before Phoebe was born. Indeed, before many of Phoebe’s ancestors were born.
I have a small gap between my top two front teeth, small enough that you can’t really see it outwardly, but enough that any air I try to direct for whistling goes right through that instead and severely hinders my pitch and range—I can only hit really really high pitched notes, and never entirely on key. As such, I’ve never been able to find a way to properly whistle.
Meanwhile, my dad can whistle like Marigold can…the show off. :P
On the violin, piano, or even the flute, sure, but whistling that melody is quite the magnificent talent to behold! The only way I can explain this is…well, UNICORN.
Averagemoe over 1 year ago
I learned how to whistle in the weirdest way. By realizing I was already doing it to imitate the sound of squeaking metal.
codycab over 1 year ago
Whistle while you trot.
Sugar Bombs 95 over 1 year ago
Has anyone seen that one video of a horse playing a piano with its lip?
Wizard4168 over 1 year ago
Sounds more like Phoebe has hoarse lips.
Jungle Empress over 1 year ago
Well, Phoebe is officially smarter than me.
LeslieBark over 1 year ago
I can do the pursed whistle well enough, I can even throw in a few trills. But I never could learn to whistle through my teeth! My dad used to call us home with that whistle—we could hear it from across the street in the field behind the neighbor’s barn, at least a quarter mile or more. Now that was a whistle!
Calvinist1966 over 1 year ago
Phoebe shouldn’t be surprised. She may have let Marigold share her tenth birthday with her – which was also the strip’s tenth birthday – but Marigold was around in the Middle Ages when she modelled for tapestries of unicorns and she claims to remember the Ice Age. She is clearly much older than Phoebe – and any of us – and therefore learned many things before Phoebe was born. Indeed, before many of Phoebe’s ancestors were born.
Decepticomic over 1 year ago
Now-now, you’re both horse-like.
iggyman over 1 year ago
Phoebe, you have to realize Marigold is much older and has more practice!
whelan_jj over 1 year ago
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member over 1 year ago
To be fair, Marigold, being immortal, has had thousands of years of practice.
scyphi26 over 1 year ago
I have a small gap between my top two front teeth, small enough that you can’t really see it outwardly, but enough that any air I try to direct for whistling goes right through that instead and severely hinders my pitch and range—I can only hit really really high pitched notes, and never entirely on key. As such, I’ve never been able to find a way to properly whistle.
Meanwhile, my dad can whistle like Marigold can…the show off. :P
tudza Premium Member over 1 year ago
Ha, I’m over here doing the opening theme from Steamboat Willie
The Wolf In Your Midst over 1 year ago
I once creeped out my brother by whistling along with the theme to The X-Files pitch-perfectly.
Jefano Premium Member over 1 year ago
No doubt it’s just a coincidence that Irish trad rockers Horslips sometimes incorporated a tin whistle into their arrangements, as at 2:20 here:
BiggerNate91 over 1 year ago
Twenty years and I still do not have the ability to whistle.
PuggyPug over 1 year ago
I can actually whistle better when pulling air in instead of blowing out.
Averagemoe over 1 year ago
I tried transcribing the sheet music into an online sequencer, and I don’t recognize the tune.
Joseph comicinthestrip over 1 year ago
On the violin, piano, or even the flute, sure, but whistling that melody is quite the magnificent talent to behold! The only way I can explain this is…well, UNICORN.
sjsczurek over 1 year ago
Enter.Name.Here over 1 year ago
MAGIC-assisted whistling does not count.
weshorse over 1 year ago
Anyone lucky enough here to play the 7th panel on piano?.
It’s do rae me fa so la ti do. isn’t it?.
Trevor.brown over 1 year ago
Marigold probably has a flute hidden in her horn