Lisa Benson for July 18, 2023

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 12 months ago

    Notice that the “agenda” path turns right.

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    suv2000  12 months ago

    You know they’re not gonna follow the agenda now they’d have to go right

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    Will?  12 months ago

    Since when do you care about facts, Lisa?

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    Judge Magney  12 months ago

    I take it this is Lisa as showing us her own decision-making process.

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    braindead Premium Member 12 months ago

    Lisa REALLY, REALLY wants The Media to follow the widespread undetectable voter fraud facts. Really.

    Also, them facts about how 87,000 armed IRS thugs are going to break down your front door and confiscate your gas stove.

    Also, all them facts about how vaccines are totally ineffective and had NO part whatsoever in bringing the pandemic under control. And the use of masks was just to get the population used to the yoke of big Government.

    And how Gal Luft is totally credible just like all Chinese agents under indictment.

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    Zykoic  12 months ago

    Must support their sponsors.

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    catmom1360  12 months ago

    The media does have an agenda. No question about it.

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  8. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  12 months ago

    It’s follow the money and the corporate agenda.

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    RLG Premium Member 12 months ago

    I suspect this is one of those strips where the artist hit other, or more, targets than intended.

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    ElEfJay  12 months ago

    It’ll be agenda every time regardless of which network it is our whose interests they are protecting.

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  11. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  12 months ago

    The only time the media remotely cares about facts is if it helps push their agenda.

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  12. Shakes
    shakeswilly  12 months ago

    By “media” she means Right wing media.

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    gccowboy27  12 months ago

    Benson hits the nail on the head in relation to the position of the media right now.

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    GiantShetlandPony  12 months ago

    Is that an Orange Traitor rally to the right?

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    aristoclesplato9  12 months ago

    Why is he pausing. They usually follow the agenda – which turns left.

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    My First Premium Member 12 months ago

    Democrat dream city is everything but a dream. More like a nightmare. The North Beach neighborhood in San Francisco, a spot famous for its restaurants and bars, is the top area in the city for vehicle break-ins, according to the Standard. There have been 190 vehicle break-ins in the city in the last 30 days and 2,432 incidents since the beginning of this year, over a 50% spike since the same time in 2019. And that’s Nancy Pelosi’s neighborhood.

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  17. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 12 months ago

    Very few media orgs don’t let any biases creep into, at least, which stories they choose to put efforts into covering.

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    Retrac Premium Member 12 months ago

    Very good, Ms. Benson. What is not shown is the crooked path of deceit followed to get to that point. The media should first acknowledge their lies before continuing the path to truth.

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    RitaGB  12 months ago

    Every now and then I almost like one of Lisa’s comics. It’s as if she used a brain cell today; one which didn’t aim to be snarky and missed.

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  20. P1000380
    A# 466  12 months ago

    Looks like Lisa has presented an unintentionally accurate subliminal message about the real world instead of her usual right-wing lies and wishful “thinking.” Not only is following the agenda a move to the right, it’s comparatively easy for right-wing automatons, while following the facts straight ahead is often a harder lift. But the view from the top of the hill is broader, and it’s often more satisfying.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 12 months ago

    Lisa knows that side path is there….she’s building it

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    The Nodding Head  12 months ago

    Media are a singular entity only to the simple

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    suzalee  12 months ago

    Tucker Carlson and his ilk certainly didn’t follow the facts—caught on tape telling the truth, which contradicted what they said on the air.

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    ladykat  12 months ago

    Follow the facts.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  12 months ago

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.- Robert Frost

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    tamrich59  12 months ago

    So sad, but so true!!

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  27. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 12 months ago

    Lisa is suddenly concerned about these “facts” things?

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    njchris  12 months ago

    Without Lisa how would we know what the MAGAs are thinking?

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Is that a Fox reporter?

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  30. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Just like the lying fact free republican party agenda.

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    BB71  12 months ago

    Has the media admitted that Russian collusion was a hoax? Has the media reported on Hunter`s laptop yet? Have they reported that Joe has a medical problem? Just saying!

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    piper_gilbert  12 months ago

    And in your case, Lisa there are alternative facts.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 12 months ago

    Somehow I agree with Lisa but networks like fox and newsmax would lose their viewers.

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  34. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 12 months ago

    Naied it, Lisa!

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 12 months ago

    Couldn’t agree more. How many years should Mar-A-Lardo get for his multiple crimes?

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  36. Pine marten3
    martens  12 months ago

    Too bad Lisa doesn’t follow her own advice.

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  37. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 12 months ago

    This is the most ironic comic she has ever done. She wouldn’t know a real fact if it slapped her in the face! Still thinks the Jan Sixxers were tourists!!

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    StackableContainers  12 months ago

    Today’s actual news outlets are still better than cable news “infotainment”.

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  39. Unnamed
    Another Take  12 months ago

    Lisa is on that low road.

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  40. Marx lennon
    charliekane  12 months ago

    The folks from Faux, Noosemax and O(n)AN already done disappeared down that rightward path.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member 12 months ago

    Lisa, you do realize you’re the media, right?

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  42. Winged monkey
    Li'l Dale  12 months ago

    As if Media is one white guy…

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    cdbro  12 months ago

    Being hidden by the MSM who are following the “Agenda” path

    Family homelessness in the US is on the rise in an alarming sign of how the increasing cost of goods, the ever-tightening housing supply and the end of most pandemic-era benefits are putting pressure on Americans.

    Some 72,700 people in families with children were experiencing homelessness in 20 of the largest cities in the nation as of January, a 37.6% jump from a year before, according to an analysis of data provided by jurisdictions. In New York, that figure shot up by two thirds, while Chicago, the District of Columbia and Fort Worth, Texas, also saw outsize increases.

    I thought that Joe Biden was “fixing” the economy.

    So why has that number gone up by 37.6 percent in just one year?

    Something is not adding up. - Discern Report

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    ncorgbl  12 months ago

    The ‘FOLLOW THE AGENDA’ sign leading to the low road is brought to you by FOX ‘news’, and Tucker Carlson on Russian State TV.

    The Truth, ‘woke’, is always harder and an uphill battle.

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    cdbro  12 months ago

    Not part of the “Agenda”

    BREAKING: Bombshell Revelations Prove Federal Agents Tipped Off Hunter Biden Amid Investigation

    “Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation,” the committee wrote. “The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview.”

    “In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call,” they continued. “As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.”

    “The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation,” the post reads. “The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens.”

    It is becoming increasingly clear that the Department of Justice’s investigation into Hunter Biden has been handicapped from the beginning thanks to partisan actors working to protect the Biden family from criminal and political backlash. Thanks to the work from the House Oversight Committee, the American people can begin to see how bad actors are able to protect the ones that benefit them while punishing those that stand in their way. – DCEnquirer

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    cdbro  12 months ago

    Bloomberg ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo ContributorMeet Noah Berlatsky: he’s just your average liberal mainstream media news contributor. Ironically, Berlatsky’s latest criticism of the drama focusing on the grave yet glossed over issue of child trafficking lambasted the movie with vitriolic scorn for perpetuating dangerous tropes, whilst he himself turned to the truly tired trope of accusing the movie of packaging together various QAnon conspiracy theories and being a movie made for alt-right boomers. There’s just one problem…Berlatsky has a sordid history of advocating for the normalization of pedophilia.

    In 2021, Berlatsky was named the communications director at Prostasia, a non-profit organization which has dedicates itself to a self-avowed mission of protecting children from sexual abuse. While that on its face sounds antithetical to advocating for the normalization of pedophilia, a deeper look into Prostasia’s published content shows it merely masquerades under the guise of acting in the interest of protecting children from sexual abuse in order to promote a much more perverse ulterior motive.

    In a 2018 piece addressing the FOSTA bill which was eventually signed into law as the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Trafficking Act, Prostasia laments the legislation’s stigmatization of pedophiles. Prostasia’s criticism of FOSTA is rife with the use of terms like “minor attracted persons” and the deluded idea of the virtuous pedophile, i.e., one who is sexually attracted to children but fights their urges to refrain from abuses them in a measure of self-restraint that the sex positive non-profit champions as some sort of moral paragon. If there’s any doubt about Prostasia’s pro-pedophilia stance, the organization literally facilitates a safe space for pedophiles, which it has dubbed its MAP Support Club Partnership.

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    cdbro  12 months ago

    A cursory examination of establishment media parasites the likes of Noah Berlatsky shows that the organized hostility against The Sound of Freedom isn’t simply the tactic of the mainstream taking aim at a low-budget independent studio film that challenges Hollywood productions pining to be this summer’s blockbuster. Instead, the criticism serves as a vehicle for advocates of the normalization of pedophilia to undermine any attempt to expose the cruel realities of the agenda they are promoting. By associating themselves with perverts like Berlatsky, NBC News, The Atlantic, WaPo, The Verge, Yahoo News, Insider, Bloomberg, and the other mainstream media outlets that have hosted his work show whose side they are on when it comes to protecting children, making the echoes of their criticisms of those speaking out against child trafficking ring hollow.

    -Zero Hedge

    Part of MSM’s Agenda: normalize pedophilia

    Again, is this the side of history you want to be on?

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  48. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    The republican agenda is to destroy democracy and make themselves dictators.

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  49. Freeradical
    Free Radical  12 months ago

    LOOK, a fox news backpacker ready to turn right again

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    john_chubb  12 months ago

    Unfortunately facts and truth are irredeemably biased towards liberals.

    Oh, maybe you mean alternative facts?

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Sign points to the far right.

    Lisa Benson finally, at long last, acknowledges RWNJ “media” (FOX, Newsmax, Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, The New York Post, InfoWars, The Blaze, The Daily Wire, The Epoch Times, The Daily Caller, et al ad nauseam) is comprised solely of a far right agenda instead of facts.

    ‘Bout time.

    Thank you, Lisa.

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    Drgnslr Premium Member 12 months ago

    I’d say this comment section shows Lisa really knows how to get under a left wingers skin.

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    Addled Brain  12 months ago

    Lisa, you misspelled “Fox News” on the backpack.

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    Rich Douglas  12 months ago

    When the facts are against you, complain that there aren’t any. Nice.

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    tpcox928  12 months ago

    To 10%4TheBigGuy: if everyone is OK and able to support themselves, why is homelessness such a problem? Why are their break-ins? Why does the GOP keep pushing money to the top and gutting the middle class, compliments of the GOP since 1981. And the media tries to follow the facts, which drives the GOP nuts as they exist in a fact-free zone.

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  56. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  12 months ago

    Seattle & Portland are democratic night mares, free drugs, no drugs laws, defunding police , murders at all time high. Homeless out of control.

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    da_villa  12 months ago

    The Biden propaganda machine keeps on ignoring facts, hiding truth and spreading whatever lies are necessary to enforce the Party narrative.

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    think it through  12 months ago

    Notice that the media is just looking in that direction but not going that way. Maybe the crime increase in Nancy Pelosi’s neighborhood is from all of the trumpies following the radical right-wing republican who attacked her husband with a hammer and was rewarded by the trumpies defending his cowardly act.

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    washatkc Premium Member 11 months ago

    Democrats HATE facts.

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