Clay Jones for May 03, 2024

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    JDave   2 months ago

    The only fair and effective punishment for contempt is time in jail. Please be fair and effective Judge Merchan.

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    Psilocybin Fernensis  2 months ago

    If you wish to treat Trump differently based on his socioeconomic status, then wouldn’t the jury of his peers have to change?

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  3. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  2 months ago

    I don’t think unfortunates with mental health problems are allowed on juries.

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  4. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  2 months ago

    I’ve kept my New Year’s resolution to not reply directly to trolls, for four months so far (and I rarely can keep my resolutions that long) , but when the trolls are THAT stupid or dishonest…..Traitor Trump lives DOWN to his name, and I wish Biden were younger. I wish all kinds of things. At the moment the Democrats are in favor of our democracy, and the Trump Traitors want to destroy it .

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    Concretionist  2 months ago

    The judge did point out that he’s limited by law to a maximum of $1000 per incident. Or jail, it’s true.

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    rekam Premium Member 2 months ago

    Concretionist, How many incidents have there been so far? $1000 per and jail time too after X.

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    ♪ I see, a bad moon rising. I see, trouble on the way… ♫

    Just put ’im in an orange jump suit and let the chips fall where they lie. HIs radicalized disciples are already viciously freaky,

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  8. Me4
    Guy from southern Indiana  2 months ago

    Fining Trump is useless, since the Trumpites will happily donate to Trump to pay the fines. I can picture, in my mind’s eye, the following text message being sent out by Trumpite husbands to their wives: “Hunny, yor gonna hafta werk dubul shifts at thuh strip klub, Prezident Trump needz mor munny!”

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  2 months ago

    2 tier justice system much?

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    oldchas  2 months ago

    tRump Von Sh!tzinpants needs a shock collar. A wide leather one with spikes. Activated by a button on the judges desk.

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    robcarroll1213  2 months ago

    Amazing to me how the GOP Senators/Congressmen all fell to their knees to kiss Trump’s orange butt…and now the judges as well. Gutless.

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    truthsocialol  2 months ago

    Forget a cell.

    If they really want to punish trump for contempt they should threaten to bring a fan into the courtroom powerful enough to blow his hair around.

    I know, I know. Cruel and unusual punishment.

    For the people in court to have to see.

    That sorta thing shouldn’t happen even to his vice president’s dog.

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  13. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  2 months ago

    And you don’t have to ACTUALLY pay the nickel.

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  14. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member 2 months ago

    For the mounting incidents of contempt, I suggest Judge Merchan order Trump to perform one hour of community service for each violation. My choice is to pick up roadside trash.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Clay, I would dare you to try that in any court of the land if you think that’s what a judge will do.

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    Henwood  2 months ago

    It’s a fun toon, but if the orange baboon actually did that then everyone could see he uses Depends.

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  17. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  2 months ago

    The great. flatulent, orange blob wants to be jailed, so he can play the martyr, be another Mandela. Fine with me, remembering, Mandela was in jail for 27 years.

    trump is such a clown. Betcha he can’t spell martyr, let alone understand the courage it takes give oneself to a cause.

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  18. Missing large  2 months ago

    I’m confused. Is he saying the appropriate fine for regular defendants is a nickel and Trump received an unreasonably harsh punishment. Well, I disagree. The judge should have let him “work it off” by putting him in the courthouse lockup everyday during the lunch hour. You would hear fat Donnie scream then.

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    piper_gilbert  2 months ago

    Fines aren’t working. What are you going to do, Judge?

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  20. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  2 months ago

    Where are the hanging judges now when we need them?

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    ShadowMaster  2 months ago

    I hope you are being very sarcastic here, Clay…

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    IndyW  2 months ago

    Good toon. Kiss the end of that Merchan. This whole sham show trial smells as bad too.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 2 months ago

    A jail sentence to be served after this trial is over would be the way to go. Possibly suspended for good behavior going forward but days added for continued violations.

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    fourteenpeeves  2 months ago

    An old judge named Julius Hoffman bound and gagged unruly defendants in his courtroom

    Now that a legal precedent has bene established……

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    walkingmancomics  2 months ago

    what a misleading cartoon

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Maybe coulda drawn Al Fresco with head partially obscured behind left orange buttock and Fern, 1Black, IndyW, et. al. lined up behind him, impatiently awaiting their turns.

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    Ally2005  2 months ago

    T’s pants have a built-in flap in the rear. It’s more convenient for the a$$ kissers.

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    cbellmerit  2 months ago

    And use the Family Court rules and drain his bank accounts to pay the fines. Doesn’t matter the can’t make payroll for his employees or legal expenses. He may get something back upon appeal, but in the meantime the fine is paid and the pain continues.

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  29. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  2 months ago

    i wouldn’t mind, if they put a flour sack over trump’s head, so we wouldn’t have to look at the ugly puss.

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    Gary Williams Premium Member 2 months ago

    In actuality the penalty is appropriately the same, being that to Trump $9000 is less than a nickel.

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  31. 3 stooges
    tee929  2 months ago

    He has gone from Trumpasaurus Rex to Fartasauras Rexks

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  32. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  2 months ago

    Kaiser Donno Von Shitzenpantz

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 2 months ago

    Another fine example of the “slap on the wrist” penalty for them that’s got…..

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  34. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    “I’m not allowed to testify. I’m under a gag order,” he told reporters in the hallway outside the courtroom. “I’m not allowed to testify because this judge who’s totally conflicted, has me under an unconstitutional gag order.”

    Judge Juan Merchan corrected Trump’s apparent misunderstanding before the jury filed in Friday morning.

    The gag order “does not prohibit you from taking the stand,” Merchan told Trump. “As the name of the order indicates, it only applies to extrajudicial statements.”

    CNN fact checker Daniel Dale called out Trump’s lie immediately.

    “This claim that the gag order means he can’t testify, it’s just conjured out of thin air,” he told Jake Tapper on Thursday.

    “Trump has gone from saying that he will testify, to he maybe will testify, to if it’s necessary, to now, ‘Whoa, whoa, I can’t testify, it’s out of my hands.’ But it’s in his hands. He can testify and he’s just making stuff up.”

    Pathological liar Trump lies about everything all of the time.

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  35. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    The most chilling example of what is at stake this fall is the devastation of women’s right to privacy and reproductive freedom. Trump “would let red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans.” A scenario that gruesomely echoes The Handmaid’s Tale.

    Doubt he means it? He’s already bragged about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade. Now he’s endorsing the next governmental invasion of women’s bodies. It’s not only abortion rights he’s after. All the individual freedoms our Constitution guarantees are at risk if we hand power to someone intent on being a dictator “on Day One.” As the eminent historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat tweeted Tuesday, “Trump has been conditioning Americans for years to desire authoritarian rule with him as dictator.”

    She pointed to Trump’s response to Time’s question about whether he understood “why so many Americans see all this talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished freedoms?” He disagreed, insisting quite the opposite: “I think a lot of people like it.”

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  36. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    MAGA Embraces The Slogan “Real Men Wear Diapers”


    Donald ‘Von S****InPantz’ has now formally been entered into the public record at Trump’s hush-money trial

    Donald Trump’s defense attorneys read aloud Michael Cohen’s X rants about the former president in court as he sits listening to himself being called ‘Von S****InPantz’

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    GiantShetlandPony  2 months ago

    Going to be fun when the Judge explains that the gag order only restricts what Traitor Trump and can say outside the courtroom (not that has) and doesn’t stop him from testifying on his own behalf.

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