Vintage seats are bad enough, but using a vintage wooden ladder is a bad idea. The chances of an accidental fall are . . . um, hm. Lovely weather today, isn’t it?
Only vintage seats? Ain’t this whole theatre vintage? A most valuable ancient relic? A building of great vintage heritage? Why ain’t it declared a world vintage heritage site already? They is waits for it to be in ruins?
As promised, ladies and gentlemen, the Big Payoff from this week’s series of strips! A pat on their own backs for… umm… actually tying Saturday’s “joke” to Monday’s strip. Given the way so many of Batty’s “story arcs” [sic] just wander aimlessly and end up going nowhere, this is worthy of a Major Award!
“Anyone who sits in the Saturday Seat Stain of the Week wins a free refill on their popcorn!”
A weeklong arc primarily focusing on how wonderful the old-time movie theatre wooden armrests were before those young whippersnappers added nuisances like padding and cupholders. You have to step back and marvel at the sheer gall that a comic strip creator with 50-plus years of work under his belt would foist this on his reading public. To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, “His arrogance was an Empire State Building of arrogance. You had to admire it for its size.”
I found this when searching: Batiuk will continue his other newspaper comic, “Crankshaft,” and promises that some “Crankshaft” strips will have crossover episodes featuring some of his “Funky Winkerbean” characters.
wherescrankshaft 7 months ago
Ed’s down there holding the ladder and just saw a penny on the ground.
Bill Thompson 7 months ago
Tattered, smelly, sticky, with worn-out cushions and inadequate leg room—the customers will be drawn like flies, only with two legs and smaller wings.
Bill Thompson 7 months ago
Vintage seats are bad enough, but using a vintage wooden ladder is a bad idea. The chances of an accidental fall are . . . um, hm. Lovely weather today, isn’t it?
B UTTONS 7 months ago
… Springs not guaranteed
top cat james 7 months ago
[double feature] 36 HOURS TO KILL with HIS BROTHER’S WIFE
from the 1937 Merrie Melodies cartoon, She Was an Acrobat’s Daughter
Gent 7 months ago
Only vintage seats? Ain’t this whole theatre vintage? A most valuable ancient relic? A building of great vintage heritage? Why ain’t it declared a world vintage heritage site already? They is waits for it to be in ruins?
sueb1863 7 months ago
A better word might be “retro”.
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member 7 months ago
“Vintage Seats” means that they are far too small for most modern people.
cor_en_fa 7 months ago
Given the addition of today’s added line, shouldn’t the top line read WORMY LEATHER?
ladykat Premium Member 7 months ago
Good sign.
puddleglum1066 7 months ago
As promised, ladies and gentlemen, the Big Payoff from this week’s series of strips! A pat on their own backs for… umm… actually tying Saturday’s “joke” to Monday’s strip. Given the way so many of Batty’s “story arcs” [sic] just wander aimlessly and end up going nowhere, this is worthy of a Major Award!
MuddyUSA Premium Member 7 months ago
Can’t wait for 12/31……..
J.J. O'Malley 7 months ago
“Anyone who sits in the Saturday Seat Stain of the Week wins a free refill on their popcorn!”
A weeklong arc primarily focusing on how wonderful the old-time movie theatre wooden armrests were before those young whippersnappers added nuisances like padding and cupholders. You have to step back and marvel at the sheer gall that a comic strip creator with 50-plus years of work under his belt would foist this on his reading public. To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, “His arrogance was an Empire State Building of arrogance. You had to admire it for its size.”
Mopman 7 months ago
Dang, I think my side just split from laughing so hard.
BuckeyeFanForever Premium Member 7 months ago
Stormy Weather movie. “spells trouble” Watch the clip on the imda site. I think I get it now. Anyhow, that’s how I see it.
Irish53 7 months ago
Is there some sort of joke in today’s strip? If there is, I must be pretty dense because I don’t see it.
Strawberry King 7 months ago
Nostalgia rules!
catmom to Atticus +4 7 months ago
I found this when searching: Batiuk will continue his other newspaper comic, “Crankshaft,” and promises that some “Crankshaft” strips will have crossover episodes featuring some of his “Funky Winkerbean” characters.
rockyridge1977 7 months ago
Showing two movies??
puddleglum1066 7 months ago
So the Valentine is reverting to its strip-club days, featuring pole dancer Stormy Weather and the Vintage Seats Rear End Revue?
csroberto2854 7 months ago
Meanwhile in the official GC fandom wiki: Juicewrld has ravaged the wiki and is banning anyone who is calling him out on it
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 7 months ago
Make that “Vintage Seats With The Springs sticking Out”
FritzvonLans 7 months ago
Maybe the cinematic stars (strippers?) have nicely aged rear ends?