Michael Ramirez for June 20, 2024

  1. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  13 days ago

    Out of ideas, eh micheal?

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    GentlemanBill  13 days ago

    Schumer should stick with putting cheese on raw burgers… It’s a better use of his time.

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    truthsocialol  13 days ago

    Millions in bribes. The wife flies the insurrectionist flag. The other wife wanted to overturn the election, and she supported the insurrectionists, and was conversing with the chief of staff in support of them on the day of the insurrection, while they were attacking the Capitol, trying to kill the vice president.

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    The Nodding Head  13 days ago

    Straws? Open corruption and flaunting of political bias are straws? Mr. Ramirez, have you seen the polls measuring the confidence Americans have in SCOTUS? Those issues aren’t straws. They are logs.

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  13 days ago

    Reliable SCOTUS justices ignore public disapproval … and just stay bought.

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    Dangerguy  13 days ago

    A belief in God does not empower one to attempt to force that belief on a whole country. “Historic flags?” That’s like insisting that “gay” only means “happy or carefree.” Yeah, Thomas takes trips with a guy with billions to spend bending things his own way.

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    davidthoms1  13 days ago

    Ramirez returns to the dark side after a brief venture into the light!

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    Johncom  13 days ago

    Democrats attacking the Supreme Court because the Justices make decisions they don’t like? Who are the insurrectionists now?

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    GroupiesOfPutin  13 days ago

    “Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication, and courage. But if we don’t practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us—and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along.”

    —Carl Sagan

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    rmike7842  13 days ago

    Oww…that was such a stretch it hurt. The Alito and his wife bits were bad enough, but “Thomas takes trips”? That’s what Ramirez is calling it, just taking trips? The sad thing is that so many people like Ramirez who rationalize the suborning of justice think they will be safe.

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  11. Me thinks
    MIAMIJAC12 Premium Member 13 days ago

    So USoSC US vs Nixon 54 days….US vs Trump 112 days and counting

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    phobos  13 days ago

    Democrats are attempting what every tyrant does: Imprison opposition leaders, silence opposing points of view, take political prisoners. And of course accuse the opposition of exactly what they themselves are doing.

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    DC Swamp  13 days ago

    Leftists have been mewling about Alito and Thomas for months when most Americans care about paying the mortgage/rent and buying groceries.

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    Ontman  13 days ago

    Really Mr. Ramirez? Really?

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    cbedda  13 days ago

    the legal system is set up so that everyone can have their day in court. no one is above the law – but they do seem to give the orange orangutan so much more consideration than the rest of us – the rules have shifted and anyone who plays by the old ones is targeted and destroyed. what do you get when you mix the philosophies of nazis, kkk and the mafia, and lace the government with these monsters to rig elections and destroy our legal system. It’s bad when the orange’s stated heros are capone, hitler and a hannibal lecter and wants to have a love affair with North Korea, Putin and Chin Nah. Wake up please. The system is not perfect but it was designed to be as fair as humans can make it, based on the ideals and ideas of men who wanted a better world for everyone. How fast it all crumbles when evil men conspire to destroy the system. Bannon spent his time stealing and grifting and only stayed out of jail because his pal sold him a pardon. Same with the rest of the insurrectionists and his cronies. Save our country from idiots and sycophants.

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    Jefano Premium Member 13 days ago

    Ramirez’s cartoons are always brilliantly executed. When taking the right to task, they’re often insightful. When trying to be “balanced,” it would be nice if he took the left to task for actual shortcomings, rather than brilliantly and uncritically embodying right-wing lies and delusions.

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  17. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 13 days ago

    Alito is corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.

    Why are Supreme Court Judges taking “gifts”?

    Why are they ALLOWED to take gifts?

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    Al Fresco  13 days ago

    “The best laid plans of mice and men” Sorry, Chuck, your attack on certain justices has gone nowhere except down..

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    newyorkslim  13 days ago

    GREAT cartoon!

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  13 days ago

    Grasping greedy unreal Republicans grasp at every straw man Trump lie.

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    Patjade  13 days ago

    Yes you are, Ramirez, yes you are. Is the sundowning of CF Fraudfather leaving you in that much of a panic?

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    ToonaD68 Premium Member 13 days ago

    I’m here because I like his art and his content. Seems like so many others are here because they hate his content.

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    sincavage05  13 days ago

    Schumer needs to go over the falls and take all of his cohorts with him. Just curious, did Thomas get charged with tax evasion? Average joe would already be doing jail time and community service. And to plead ignorance of the law, is another reason he shouldn’t he shouldn’t be a judge.

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  24. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  13 days ago

    For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out who this AUTO guy was.

    (Time for new glasses, I suppose).

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    billsplut  13 days ago

    He’d better be careful in those waters! A SHARK COULD ELECTROCUTE HIM

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    calliarcale  12 days ago

    Nitpick: that’s a cattail (or bulrush) not a straw. But the allegations against Alito and Thomas should be taken exceptionally seriously. I’m very surprised at Ramirez taking Alito and Thomas’ extremely thin excuses (I can hardly describe them as defenses, since they’re about as plausible as “the dog ate my homework”) and putting them in Schumer’s mouth like this, characterizing them as what Schumer is accusing the justices of and describing serious concerns about judicial integrity as “political intimidation”. It’s not that “Alito believes in God” — it’s that he allows his religious views to determine his rulings. That’s inappropriate; if he can’t rule based on the law, he should not be on the SCOTUS. It’s not that “Alito’s wife likes flags,” which was a blatantly ridiculous excuse — it’s that his household was involved in a feud with a neighbor and displayed overtly political images as part of that feud, which tarnishes the SCOTUS’ high standards for impartiality. Sure, he can claim it’s just his wife’s hobby and he’s completely unfazed by it, but that would make him a very unusual human being, and he’s offered no evidence that a) he is such an unusual human and b) that it really was just his wife’s idea and he didn’t approve of it. If he can’t see the ethical problem, then he really shouldn’t be a judge. I could be fired for that and my job is nowhere near as important. And “Thomas takes trips”? Good lord. That’s all you see, Ramirez? Really? I bet you thought it was fine and dandy when the makers of Oxycontin were wining and dining all those doctors to encourage them to write more prescriptions, too. Because what’s a little palm-greasing between friends, eh? There’s no harm in it, right?

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    Zykoic  12 days ago

    Cheese on hamburger!

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    parkerinthehouse  12 days ago

    so, ramirez, you do approve of buying supreme court decisions

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  29. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  12 days ago

    There’s no problem with his believing in God. The problem is him making legal decisions based on what the giant invisible spaghetti monster tells him to do,

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