Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 07, 2025

  1. Missing large
    think it through  about 1 month ago

    WOW, there is a difference, but not much.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Finally, one that magats can understand.

    And deny, of course.

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    Pickled Pete  about 1 month ago

    The two Dā€™s ā€” Democracy or Dictatorship

    America was given the choice, and chose the latter!

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    Argythree  about 1 month ago

    Whatever happened to ā€˜Never Againā€™ā€¦

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    Coopersdad  about 1 month ago

    Does the T on the arm band stand for Toad or T*rd?

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  6. New badger avatar
    tudza Premium Member about 1 month ago

    When is Trump going to confiscate all the money we paid for our new cars?

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    Alabama Al  about 1 month ago

    Did Trumpā€™s election really come as that much of a surprise? Remember, during the COVID pandemic, a significant percentage of the American population sided with the virus.

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  8. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  about 1 month ago

    With trumpā€™s recent announcement that america will take over Gaza, the settler colonial project that is ā€œisraelā€ will soon be complete. The vote blue no matter who crowd has taken this opportunity to say ā€œtoldja soā€ to Palestinian-americans, Muslims, and any who refused to vote for either partyā€™s form of genocide in the 2024 election. This leads to a question.

    What makes blue maga different from red maga? Neither will vote in their best interest. Red maga votes for a moron who doesnā€™t know what tariffs are. Blue maga chose a milquetoast lib over Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 elections despite the fact that Sandersā€™ policies have been more popular among most citizens. Blue maga opposed criticizing harris when she wasnā€™t planning to deviate from bidenā€™s approach despite his massive unpopularity in 2024.

    Both donā€™t care about minority groups. Red maga is of course inherently racist, sexist, etc. After harris lost, blue maga made excuses for the loss by claiming she spent too much time talking about trans people and DEI; leading up to the election, some popular lib pundits were saying that trans people should be banned from cis peopleā€™s sports. And now, some libs are bragging online that they reported Latinos to ICE as revenge for voting for trump. And if youā€™re laughing at the fact that trump will soon complete a genocide that biden cultivated for 15 months prior over pettiness, youā€™re just a racist.

    How about faith? Red maga believes in trump no matter what he does, giving him god-like significance. Blue maga naively believes in dems following ā€œprocessā€ and ā€œdecorumā€, aligning with the rules even tho republicans never do.

    So whatā€™s the difference? Nothing of substance. My advice to americans for the next election, if youā€™re ever allowed to vote again, is this: vote for a social democrat or donā€™t vote. Even if the alternative is trump 2 or some variant, donā€™t vote for another corporate democrat. No more half-measures.

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    Stopthespendingnow  about 1 month ago

    Wow! Great observations! And donā€™t forget, Hitler also even had a Nazi-filled DOJ and FBI that tried to prosecute, arrest and assassinate him multiple times, a Nazi-driven media base that spread lies about him, Third-Reich led social media platforms that suppressed the truth about him, and a prostitute-cavorting, drug-addicted son who built Hitler family wealth through shady influence peddling. Oh, and donā€™t forget, they hated the Palestinians too for some reason which never made sense.

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    robcarroll1213  about 1 month ago

    ā€œButā€¦butā€¦butā€¦things were SOOOOOOO bad under Biden what with the low unemployment and the stock market soaring and common decency!ā€~Trumpā€™s Idiot Voters

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    Kurtass  about 1 month ago

    Something about a duckā€¦.

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  12. Beach
    notmoving Premium Member about 1 month ago

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA HA HAAAAAAA!!! Whoooooooo, youā€™re a hoot, Fisher!

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  13. Photo
    Zesty  about 1 month ago

    @Stopthespendingnow ā€œOh, and donā€™t forget, they [the Nazis] hated the Palestinians too for some reason which never made sense"

    It was nice of you, as a self-proclaimed ā€œLife-long die-hard conservative MAGA Republicanā€, to highlight another parallel, as Trump declares his plan to ā€œownā€ the Gaza Strip and ethnically cleanse it of the Palestinian people.

    You certainly scored a bit of an own goal, there. Better luck next time.

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  14. Coexistence
    Wit Memo Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Also, Hitler liked dogs?

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  15. Deck of cards
    SNVBD  about 1 month ago

    European here. Fascism is correcter. Itā€™s more Mussolini/Franco than Hitler. Also some flavours of Putinism. President TruMuspk doesnā€™t want to be the new Hitler, they are trying to be Putin.

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  16. Beach
    notmoving Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Check out these keywords: Jon Stewart our fault fascist

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  17. Coexistence
    Wit Memo Premium Member about 1 month ago

    So a new under secretary at the State Department is a white supremacist whoā€™s tweeted that white males should be in charge of everything and that Black elected officials and celebs must ā€œtake a knee to MAGAā€; one of Cissy Spacexā€™s 20-something douchebros now messing with your govt records was fired for racist posts (ā€œI was racist before it was coolā€); one of the January 6 convicts who dresses like Hitler was at 47ā€™s Bedminster golf club while the Proud Boy founder says he was at Mar-a-Lago; and other violent J6 thugs are publicly harassing and taunting the law enforcement officers they were pardoned for assaulting. And all that was just in one week! Itā€™s almost enough to make one not really care how some Dems felt about slavery 200 years ago.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    America the beautiful is no more

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  19. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  about 1 month ago

    Wow, what did you call Obama putting kids in cages, yes it was Obama in 2013? What do you call all those missing kids being trafficked? What do you call the weaponization of the justice department, the IRS under both Obama & Biden? USAID was a Democrat slush fund. How many millions did the government pay for Politico Pro, did they pay for anything like Townhall? It is only OK if the leftists do pay for media influence.

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  20. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 1 month ago

    People, corporations, and entire industries are cowardly caving in to Traitor Trumpā€™s handlers and henchmen. The end zone ā€œend racismā€ messages are being covered up since Queen Traitor Trump will be at the Super Bowl. (King Elon Traitor Musk is too busy!)

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  21. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 1 month ago

    Talk about protecting snowflakesā€¦..

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  22. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 1 month ago

    To all you MAGAts ā€“ especially, all of you who have loudly complained about the government interfering in your lives and Big BrotherĀ“s all-knowing attempt to control your privacy and your lives ā€¦ CONGRATULATIONS!! You no longer have to worry about the U.S. Government. No sir! Itā€™s all taken care of!

    Reich Chancellor Musk and DOGE (Department of Grabbing Everything) now have ALL your information, all your records, everything you ever knew about yourself, and a lot you didnā€™t! Now, every single United States citizenā€™s information is in the competent, capable s/ hands of a billionaire and his technocrate minions.

    Long live the 4th Reich! Long Live the FĆ¼rher Trump & Reich Minister Musk! God help America!

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    Mike Baldwin creator about 1 month ago

    When I was young I couldnā€™t understand how people in Germany did nothing about Hitler. Now I understand.

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    curtlyon19 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    wow, I see why Iā€™ā€™ve been avoiding this ā€˜stripā€™

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  25. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  about 1 month ago

    Donā€™t tell me we did Not See this coming. :-(

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    Coming to a home near you.

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  27. Sunimage
    Sun  about 1 month ago

    I wonder if Ruben Bolling secretly thinks of his Republican friends as being Naziā€™s?

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    If you donā€™t want people calling you nazis, stop doing nazi sh!t.

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  29. Missing large  about 1 month ago

    When I read about the rise of the third Reich in Germany, I used to think how extraordinary their days must have been until things like the annexation of Sudeten took place. But no, if you read the newspapers of that time, you realise that pretty common news would find their way into the 1st page.Maybe people in Germany, as we now, were expecting rough times but never imaging the worst. Maybe, as now, they saw the governmentā€™s actions as a form of burlesque entertainment. They had the hubris and stupidity leading to 1st war as a warning. We have 2WW as warning. But maybe humans just have a very large tolerance for the preposterous.I hope Iā€™m wrong. If Iā€™m not, I fear that suffering at an unimaginable scale will be needed to defeat these vampires. And there will be no Soviet Union to provide the millions of dead in battle. That will be up to us.

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  30. Coexistence
    Wit Memo Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Another difference: Hitler had his Brownshirt enforcers, while 47 has his Pardoned Thug Army who know theyā€™ve got a get-out-of-jail-free card to commit more violence against anyone they think are his enemies ā€¦ Hmm maybe not so different my bad nevermind.

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  31. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 1 month ago

    Iā€™m waiting for the falling out between Musk and Trump. No room is big enough for two egos that size.

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  32. Saurichia
    Saurischia  about 1 month ago

    Is anyone else concerned that the regime is setting up concentration camps in Cuba and also in El Salvador, which will also take US citizens? Starting to sound like they are building gulags to house political dissidents, anyone who doesnā€™t agree with them. Perhaps that explains the tacit cooperation and silence of even past presidents? The silence is deafening.

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    puddleglum1066  about 1 month ago

    Proof that Elongated Muskrat is not a Nazi: the Nazis made good cars.

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    kaffekup   30 days ago

    My wife said heā€™s not like the Nazis, heā€™s not going after Jews.

    No, heā€™s going after trans people and immigrants. Typical Nazi playbook: go after the weak and disenfranchised first.

    When people accept that, you can attack stronger groups, and itā€™ll be no big deal. Once enough people fear you, then theyā€™ll fall in line and happily do the salute. And we already have 78 million of them.

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    news  29 days ago

    DJT ist der Putsch Putz.

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  36. Coexistence
    Wit Memo Premium Member 28 days ago

    Pam Bondi to order arrest of whoever confiscated and burned the swastika flag from the Ohio highway overpass Nazi rally last week in 5 ā€¦ 4 ā€¦ 3 ā€¦ 2 ā€¦..

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    Kornfield Kounty  28 days ago

    ā€œWe learn from history that we do not learn from historyā€

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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