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Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 22, 2012
Aid: Don't bug him - he hates exploiting the family. Aid: But there are seven Romneys out there! Count 'em - seven! Sir, could we talk about a new family campaign video? Obama: Why? Can't we just keep using the one from Father's Day? Aid: Well, sir, that was a strong video, and it got four times as many Youtube views as Romney's Father's Day video... but Romney's kept all five of his sons in play, sending them out to talk up their "normal" upbringing... we think his oldest, Tagg, may even be doing a solo video! Tagg Romney: I'll never forget the dad Dad gave me $10 million to invest... Director: Cut. Not to worry.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
If you got a rich Dad, might as well take advantage of it.
chassimmons Premium Member over 12 years ago
I don’t follow this “take a look at my kids” side of politics very much, but it does appear that the Obamas don’t use their children the way that some politicians do. I can certainly think of one recent candidate for high office for whom the term “abuse” would be appropriate.
billydub over 12 years ago
Um, hello? Where’s the comic?
hoshisato over 12 years ago
No images today for any of the comics….
jnik23260 over 12 years ago
My e-mail from Go Comics has them just fine, Except “Foxtrot”, which was pulled because of the Aurora Colorado shootings.
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Like father, like son. But not like father’s father.
carlzr over 12 years ago
The pop-up ads and the rude noisy commercials that I can’t stop work just fine all the time. But the reason I come to this site is to read the comics and you can’t be bothered to make those work right.
corzak over 12 years ago
My name is sarge and I’m monomaniacal.
Doughfoot over 12 years ago
He had two different icons for Bush II, a cowboy hat and a Roman helmet. Clinton came off a bit worse, as his was a Waffle. For Obama, hmm … maybe a Basketball? He’s good at that game. Maybe a Lei. He is very Hawaiian in some ways. They know he’s one of their own in the islands. Don’t think there’d be any point to anything African. The man hasn’t much of Africa in him, in spite of having relatives there. He’s about as all-American as you can get, if you confine yourself to all the best things about America. He’s been an effective and efficient warrior. How about the B-17 his granddad flew in WWII?
Nighthawks Premium Member over 12 years ago
my name is sarge and I am addicted to fox news and rush, let me spew some more of their garbage……….
grandpa1 over 12 years ago
How did where is the comic go to questioning the President’s birth? A question that has been legally answered over and over?
corzak over 12 years ago
2*sarge = 1/2(4*monomania)
ruce42 over 12 years ago
Turn in ur money, Gary. Your part of the 1%. And with you and other libs donating your “hard earned cash” U could wipe out the growing number on food stamps!
FormerSalemite over 12 years ago
I thought I was logging onto GoComics, guess I must have entered GoneComics by mistake!
Bruce L2 over 12 years ago
Guard SGT, you don’t even seem to be able to get his name correct.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I switched to an apple computer and have not had pop up ads and rude noisy commercials anymore. Apple is a little more expensive but worth it.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
GT was juxtaposing the 2 candidates and their lives. There is quite a difference in their life experiences. Hence, the comedy.
corzak over 12 years ago
Since set {sarge} is entirely contained within superset {monomania}, set {sarge} is therefore a proper subset.
Blood-Poisoning Vermin over 12 years ago
Doonesbury not available here, but available on Yahoo? I knew that Marissa Mayer was good, but I didn’t know she was this good.
Hufn over 12 years ago
Sharuniboy, gs is just falling down due to the long time gop play book. See the official 2012 Texas gop platform. They would like to prohibit the teaching of higher order thinking skills (I could not even make this $-@! up) they actually put it down in writing. Just shows how well it’s been working :)
Hufn over 12 years ago
Meant to add this above… ;). To those complaining about how horrible gocomics is, seriously, it’s one day. Chill out a bit. Why is everyone so impatient?
lauisha over 12 years ago
Mitt & his father were both born in Mexico.
timmmy666 over 12 years ago
2nd time in less than a week i havent been able to see comics..
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
“Why? Can’t we just keep using the one from Father’s Day?”
That’s fine, just as long as it’s not ‘08 Father’s Day.
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
“And it is his Father that disqualifies him forever from being President.”
“You speak unskilfully: or, if your knowledge be more, it is much darkened in your malice”, Sarge.
Habogee over 12 years ago
Pictures just came back. About 10:10-10:15.
McSpook over 12 years ago
Yo, Guard SGT, did you ask all of these probing questions about “Bush the Lesser” a decade ago? Talk about a guy with a shady and unsubstantiated past. If you really can’t stand having Obama as your president, I’m sure there are a bunch of countries with your kind of leader (you know, one of those “Exhalted Leader for Life” types) that would welcome you.
pfhobson over 12 years ago
Why are some people so jealous and envious when a guy works hard and makes a lot of money. I wonder how many millions old Gary and his wife have racked up
elliott.manning over 12 years ago
Sure would like to see more of Bo the First Dog…
puddleglum1066 over 12 years ago
Actually, I think a question mark might be a good icon for the president, though not for the reasons Sarge makes up. Those things have been resolved to the satisfaction of anyone who still lives in the reality based community (y’know, the place where what actually IS matters more than what you BELIEVE). .But—let’s face it, Obama is a bit of an enigmatic character. He plays his cards close to the vest, and often engages in political moves that seem inexplicable… and it isn’t till well after the fact that you can judge whether it was a novice politician’s gaffe or a Jedi mind trick..Further, he is often a paradoxical character, a supposed liberal who says Reagan is one of his heroes, a constitutional lawyer who seems comfortable with continuing (and even expanding) the blatantly unconstitutional policies of his predecessor (y’know, the one with the frayed Roman helmet). .So maybe the question mark would make a good icon, because while I’m quite satisfied he was born in Hawaii and is legally qualified to be president, I’m often very unsure just who this guy is and what he really believes.
Nelly55 over 12 years ago
he doesn’t care what he reads. it’s what he has decided to be the truth in his head.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
Ah, when it comes to using “family”, can’t forget ol’ Billy Carter. As to GT using a symbol? Obama = surfboard. Mitt = barrel full of fishhooks.
btw, you can use ANY name you want, and as long as it’s not intended to defraud, it IS your “legal” name! Adoption also does NOT require the child to use the adopter’s name. Likewise a woman does NOT have to adopt her husband’s name for “legal purposes”, and in fact often does not, even if “socially” using the husbands. But as the bard said: “What’s in a name?” (INteresting though that SAG does NOT allow two living people to use the same name, and of course Martin Sheen can sign as either Sheen or Estevez, any time he wants.)
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
OK,I’ll ask the Big Dumb Question(s): Where are you getting this information? Who/where are your sources?
Nebulous Premium Member over 12 years ago
We have disputed what you typed. Time and again quoted chapter and verse of US law, and all you can say is “That doesn’t invalidate this earlier decision, that happens to be the one I want to be true.”Obama’s mother was born an American Citizen. As of the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, THAT IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED to be a Natural Born American Citizen.As for the BC, the State of Hawaii says that it’s an Official Copy of the Birth Certificate. Unless you are qualified and have EVIDENCE that their records are wrong, then PLEASE SHUT UP about it.
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
Ah yes, I remember one birthday when dad give me a brand new Rolls Royce! CUT!!!
Linguist over 12 years ago
Have you seen a real Draft Registration form?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FYI: By the time President Obama was 18 years old, there was NO draft and No Draft Registration. Where do you get your misinformation ?
brick10 over 12 years ago
I wonder what the poor people are doing today…..
Yuseff over 12 years ago
Guard SGT you would make a lot of since if the U.S. Constitution didn’t disagree with you so much.
Dean over 12 years ago
do we need a felon for president?
Alms4Thorby over 12 years ago
It’s a family tradition.
Yuseff over 12 years ago
He was born on U.S. soil to parents subject to U.S. law. This is the standard the constitution and the supreme court demands. Guard SGT has much higher standards.
jbarnes over 12 years ago
I have not seen the legal documents of any President of the United States, ever. Nor do I care to. Frankly, President Obama’s legal documents have no impact on his presidency. If you want to debate about him, do it based on his actions while in office. There is plenty of material there for a sensible discussion. He follows the law of the land far more closely than certain other Presidents. For instance, Andrew Jackson ordered the Trail of Tears after the Supreme Court ruled against it.
JosephBidenJr99 over 12 years ago
You don’t need to be rich like Romney to enjoy a life of luxury if you can get the taxpayers to pay the bulk of your frequent vacations to some of the finest digs in the world.
Spaghettus1 over 12 years ago
“The Supreme Court has spoken in 1875.”Close, it was 1874, but here’s exactly what they said:
“The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is not necessary to solve these doubts.”
Now, what does that last sentence say? It is not necessary to solve the doubts about exactly who is a NBC, because it was not relevant to the case at hand. This is the line that birthers can’t get into their heads. They see that “s” on “parents” and get all exited. Then when the decision goes on to punt the question of exactly who is an NBC, they refuse to believe it.
McSpook over 12 years ago
You’re right, Guard SGT, I have no actual paperwork re: Bush the Lesser. It’s known (and in the public record) that a company he headed went bankrupt looking for oil in Texas (a notable non-accomplishment), and there are many legitmate questions about his service in the Air Nat. Guard. But he’s history, and already more-or-less forgotten.But this mindless blather of your’s about Pres. Obama is just more Limbaugh-Beck-Fox News tripe regurgitated once again. You have NO proof, and you damned well know it, but that doesn’t stop you from spouting off about a Constitutional scholar that just happens to rub you the wrong way, be it that he’s a Democrat or 1/2 black or just a heck of a lot smarter and more successful than you are, and a self-made man at that.Sorry you aren’t on his level, but please try to curb your jealousy and spite.If you want to discuss FACTS re:his record as a leader, then, as you say, bring them on; but get off this garbage about his past. If any of it were true, it would have been proven by now, and again, you damned well know it.
Weakstream over 12 years ago
They got stuff for that.
BradMcM over 12 years ago
What problems you folks have been talking a bout here (and over at Calvin & Hobbes) must have been time related. I logged on late in the day yesterday and today and experienced no viewing issues??
The Obama mystery hunters are funny in my humble opinion. There hasn’t been a draft necessitating up since my era with the Viey Nam fiasco. ( I signed up on 18th birthday and got snagged at 20 while in college) What do we not know about Mr. Romney?
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
The REMF hath spoken! The great god of all bigots and morons has confirmed all his “facts”, RUSHBO LI VES! (under a rock, in a swamp, high on oxy, he bought from Jeb’s daughter!) Premium Member over 12 years ago
Some folks might find that a little racist. Premium Member over 12 years ago
Since when does one person have the right to take over a Comments section of the comics. I count 20 comments from one person on this site (most of them redundant) making them nearly a quarter of all the comments today. Isn’t that just a little bit excessive? Quite frankly I don’t care what you have to say, you don’t need to say it 20 times — at what point does it become harassment?
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Wonder why GBT hasn’t seen fit to make up an icon for Obama? I’ll suggest two candidates:1.A halo.2.A drone.Or, combining the two, and throwing in the usual Peace Prizident propaganda,3.A drone wearing a halo.
Spaghettus1 over 12 years ago
“There is never any doubt that it took parentS that were both citizens to pass on Natural Born Citizenship.”No, those are YOUR words. That’s NOT what the original decision says.
There were never any doubts that those born with two citizen parents werecitizens, but not a word about who is not a citizen, or who is not a natural born citizen. As lwp pointed out, the case at hand had nothing to do with whether a citizen was natural born or not. Once it was determined that the woman in question was in fact a citizen, the court moved on to the central question of a woman’s right to vote. The “doubts” were left unresolved because the exact definition of “natural born citizen” was irrelevant to the case.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
Obama doesn’t have to prove his citizenship. His accusers have to prove he is not a citizen. There is a “foundling” law. Any child found in the US under the age of 5 is assumed to be a citizen of the US unless proven otherwise. Saying that his birth certificate is fraudulent does not negate his citizenship. It has to be proven that he was born elsewhere.
McSpook over 12 years ago
Face it, Sarge, you can get your feathers all ruffled and spout all about the laws you cherrypick to supposedly prove your claims, but you can’t PROVE a thing. If you could, then better men than you could also, and this discussion would be held in the courts instead of on Rush’s little radio dog and pony act, the talking heads at Fox News and the comments section of GoComics. You bores that rant the loudest use your volume to beat back any arguments, but in the end it’s just as Nazi propaganda Minister J. Goebbels pointed out, “Repeat the lie often enough and loudly enough and you can force people to believe it is the truth.”But it ain’t. And deep down inside you know it ain’t.
McSpook over 12 years ago
p.s. You’re correct, Sarge, I am full of hate. I hate the radical right and how it has polluted this country and the entire world. Anything the radical right touches becomes a playground for bullies and liars and men of cruel and evil intent. Grotesque trolls like Limbaugh and Beck and Shelton and Gingrich have befouled this country with lies and hypocrisy in an effort to gain power and wealth, appealing to the worst in mankind in an effort to enrich and empower themselves. And I will fight against their evil plans with every ability I can muster.As far as facts go, you haven’t provided anything but opinion yourself, so don’t hold yourself up as some kind of noble teller of truths. You are as full of crap as your slimy idols, and all to ready to do their dirty work for them, which speaks volumes about you.“It’s hard to know what to hate more; the rabid dog or the lowly bastard that sics the rabid dog on you.”