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Mysta still hasn’t forgotten her goal of going to see “old” Moon Valley on the actual Moon. That might be an interesting adventure. I guess this is the end of this story. It wasn’t bad, but I think it was a little thin on plot. It could have been worse.
Tomorrow Daylight Saving Time starts on the East coast of Aus, except for Queensland, so the change over will be four o’clock for me until the US changes.
And with an evocative shot of deuce Coupes in flight, we put this often baffling arc behind us. If we must have Moon stories in Tracy, they should be rare and special epics instead of haphazard hokum foisted on us to fill a few weeks….
….didn’t Diet ’n D.T. take Honeymoon there for a brief, rather melancholy visit some years back? And they instructed her: “No one must know that we came here today” or some such advice……..?
So we’ll never learn what, if anything, was in that sarcophagus? Or how Ro made contact with the gangsters in the first place? Or just what was in that folder that made Ro so angry? I do hate lose ends (sigh). Otherwise, this story wasn’t so bad, but it did lack the punch of the last Moon story.
1-DT: What say we take advantage of Doit’s absence and make mad love on his big bed? MYSTA: Me and Doit done did that last night. DT: Ugh. Never mind.
2-DOIT: This is Doit. Come in Thor-Ax. THOR-AX: I know it’s you. We’re the only ones on the special Moon frequency. Whadaya want? DOIT: I was wondering what this red button does? THOR-AX: DON’T TOUCH…
Happy Birthday DT strip, began in 4 October 1931 (First Sunday strip featuring DT and Chief Brandon). The First Daily strip was on 12 0ctober 1931 First appearance of Tess. Gould will be writer and artist of the strip till 25 December 1977.
After Gould there were writers Max Allan Collins who had Moon Maid murderer, then Mike Kilian and current writer Mike Curtis. Artists were Rick Fletcher,Dick Locher, Joe Staton, Shelley Plegher and current artist Charles Ettinger
Hi all! Just stopping by to introduce myself. My name is Matthew K. Manning, and I’ll be writing the new Tracy Minit Mystery starting tomorrow. To let you know a bit about my work, I’m the author of a few hundred books and comics (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures, Marvel Action Avengers, The DC Comics Encyclopedia, Rise of the TMNT, DC vs. Vampires: World War V), and a lifelong Tracy fan. I’m teaming with artist Howie Noel (check out his work on the social media of your choice under dicktracyroguesgallery if you’d like to see some amazing Tracy art). Expect some stylized fun and maybe a new villain or two along the way. I’m from Asheville, so things are a bit hectic right now due to the flooding, but I’ll try to stop by when I can. Hope you like what we’ve cooked up!
Oh, for anyone interested…I finally settled on a name for Mayor Armstrong’s nephew in my story…and am going to introduce THREE OTHER NEW CHARACTERS as well…one of them is an actual person on the radio station where I live, sorry that it took me so darned long to stumble across the perfect name…and I also apologize for a GLARING ERROR I made in my story…it was supposed to be a “split story” with Sam leading the investigation in Tracyville and Tracy himself running his own in Hawaii on a two week forced vacation…so once this story gets wound up I will TRY to get the Tracy in Hawaii story running after Patton inquires how the vacation went
Another reason, not that I’m making excuses for anything, for the delay is my bizarre work hours (2pm til 10PM Sunday and Monday, and for the last…and next….few months 6:45am til 3:15pm) PLUS I had to get rid of my car back in late July and the new-ish truck I got has been in every weekend for repairs here and there, mostly engine light and tire pressure light issues that have yet to be resolved, so…theres that, plus I’m trying to increase player interest in my dc/marvel rpg boards at the same time
Pequod 6 months ago
Diet sure could us a break. His business keeps him busy
The Time Drone did much damage. Rebuilding made him dizzy.
Chimera, she is on the team. She knew Ro-Zan was wrong
A xenophobic misanthrope, he sings a traitor’s song.
Taken by the Governor, he exits in restraints
In solitary he’ll do time. None there hear sad complaints.
To New Moon Valley Diet soars. The flight time it is brief
Take a load off and relax. Grab some sweet relief.
firestrike1 6 months ago
and now comes the Misery tomorrow…
Neil Wick 6 months ago
Good morning™, everyone!
Mysta still hasn’t forgotten her goal of going to see “old” Moon Valley on the actual Moon. That might be an interesting adventure. I guess this is the end of this story. It wasn’t bad, but I think it was a little thin on plot. It could have been worse.
avenger09 6 months ago
Perhaps one day I can persuade Mike to write an exciting ending to one of his stories, instead of the usual Firestrike type limp-out!
Perhaps, Mad Mindy, perhaps. But don’t hold your Moonie breath waiting for it!
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 6 months ago
Good morning™, Prematurely Departed Unfinished Story Lines !
Even Honeymoon has seen (what’s left of) the old original Moon colony. Mysta needs that closure.
GoComicsGo! 6 months ago
Thorin - "Remember to pump the accelerator a couple of times. Not too many times or you’ll flood it.
Diet - “Right. So I just follow you?”
GoComicsGo! 6 months ago
Tomorrow Daylight Saving Time starts on the East coast of Aus, except for Queensland, so the change over will be four o’clock for me until the US changes.
BigDaveGlass 6 months ago
Erm. Why not ask?
iggyman 6 months ago
Have a great voyage, Diet!
Sporteric11 6 months ago
Are the coupes large enough to hold Diet Smith ?
Sporteric11 6 months ago
Is Mysta going to entertain her fellow Lunarians by putting on a special show ?
Batster 6 months ago
And with an evocative shot of deuce Coupes in flight, we put this often baffling arc behind us. If we must have Moon stories in Tracy, they should be rare and special epics instead of haphazard hokum foisted on us to fill a few weeks….
Null Island 6 months ago
Always loved the odd design of those space coupes.
orbenjawell Premium Member 6 months ago
….didn’t Diet ’n D.T. take Honeymoon there for a brief, rather melancholy visit some years back? And they instructed her: “No one must know that we came here today” or some such advice……..?
sugordon 6 months ago
So we’ll never learn what, if anything, was in that sarcophagus? Or how Ro made contact with the gangsters in the first place? Or just what was in that folder that made Ro so angry? I do hate lose ends (sigh). Otherwise, this story wasn’t so bad, but it did lack the punch of the last Moon story.
Another Take 6 months ago
1-DT: What say we take advantage of Doit’s absence and make mad love on his big bed? MYSTA: Me and Doit done did that last night. DT: Ugh. Never mind.
2-DOIT: This is Doit. Come in Thor-Ax. THOR-AX: I know it’s you. We’re the only ones on the special Moon frequency. Whadaya want? DOIT: I was wondering what this red button does? THOR-AX: DON’T TOUCH…
That Wichita Guy! 6 months ago
“It’s a lovely palace, filed with Harryhausen moon calves and, of course, the ghosts. Bring a machete.”
Ashmael 6 months ago
Happy Birthday DT strip, began in 4 October 1931 (First Sunday strip featuring DT and Chief Brandon). The First Daily strip was on 12 0ctober 1931 First appearance of Tess. Gould will be writer and artist of the strip till 25 December 1977.
Ashmael 6 months ago
After Gould there were writers Max Allan Collins who had Moon Maid murderer, then Mike Kilian and current writer Mike Curtis. Artists were Rick Fletcher,Dick Locher, Joe Staton, Shelley Plegher and current artist Charles Ettinger
Ashmael 6 months ago
Lunarians should try to settle on Mars and offer a lift to Elon Musk
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 6 months ago
What a ho – hum ending .
mokspr Premium Member 6 months ago
Why do the moon coupes remind me of Aku from Samurai Jack?
mxy 6 months ago
I think they may need a story writer on the team.
Jefano Premium Member 6 months ago
I miss the flying garbage cans. At least, I miss having the chance to make fun of them.
LAFITZGERALD 6 months ago
Me, too, Mystra!
SGIBeachbum 6 months ago
Say good night, Dick.
matthewkmanning 6 months ago
Hi all! Just stopping by to introduce myself. My name is Matthew K. Manning, and I’ll be writing the new Tracy Minit Mystery starting tomorrow. To let you know a bit about my work, I’m the author of a few hundred books and comics (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures, Marvel Action Avengers, The DC Comics Encyclopedia, Rise of the TMNT, DC vs. Vampires: World War V), and a lifelong Tracy fan. I’m teaming with artist Howie Noel (check out his work on the social media of your choice under dicktracyroguesgallery if you’d like to see some amazing Tracy art). Expect some stylized fun and maybe a new villain or two along the way. I’m from Asheville, so things are a bit hectic right now due to the flooding, but I’ll try to stop by when I can. Hope you like what we’ve cooked up!
tsull2121 6 months ago
Oh, for anyone interested…I finally settled on a name for Mayor Armstrong’s nephew in my story…and am going to introduce THREE OTHER NEW CHARACTERS as well…one of them is an actual person on the radio station where I live, sorry that it took me so darned long to stumble across the perfect name…and I also apologize for a GLARING ERROR I made in my story…it was supposed to be a “split story” with Sam leading the investigation in Tracyville and Tracy himself running his own in Hawaii on a two week forced vacation…so once this story gets wound up I will TRY to get the Tracy in Hawaii story running after Patton inquires how the vacation went
Another reason, not that I’m making excuses for anything, for the delay is my bizarre work hours (2pm til 10PM Sunday and Monday, and for the last…and next….few months 6:45am til 3:15pm) PLUS I had to get rid of my car back in late July and the new-ish truck I got has been in every weekend for repairs here and there, mostly engine light and tire pressure light issues that have yet to be resolved, so…theres that, plus I’m trying to increase player interest in my dc/marvel rpg boards at the same time
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 6 months ago
The last panel reminds me of the westerns where the hero rides off into the sunset.
Everybody HATED Roz-An when he was first introduced, so he was brought back due to his “popularity”. Still think he should be executed.