Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 07, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    TJ & Brad: what a couple of idiots (I can’t believe Brad went along with TJ’s idea).

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  2. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Well I GUESS You Two “Geniuses” Didn’t Notice She had a Handicap Card Hanging from Her Rear-View Mirror.

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  3. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    In (a parking) space, no one everyone can hear you scream
 – More than one “breakdown” going on, here
 aah, the slow “Engine Of Progress”
 – Somebody is probably writing down Brad and TJ’s vehicle number
. In order to nominate them as "Laureates for ‘Poetic Justice’ "
as soon as they can find a pen in the midst of their own junky car
. – Caution: Object lessons closer than they appear

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  4. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

 so she is wearing a gym outfit and yet can’t be bothered to walk from a further space? I love the smell of irony in the morning
. – Brad and TJ are trying to make a good point- if the lady bothers to “pick up” on it
 but all the same, in this society, somebody could just as soon try to “make them out” to be the “bad guys” in this scenario

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  5. Missing large
    Pointspread  almost 10 years ago

    Pretty funny.

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  6. Shran1
    atomicdog  almost 10 years ago

    A $500 ticket would have been a better lesson.

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  7. Missing large
    keema70  almost 10 years ago

    People do this all the time, and in handicap spaces, too.

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  8. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “For Your Inconvenience”“Hurry Up And Wait”“Space Relations”“A Convenient Truth”“Practically Impractical”“Breakdown Dead Ahead” (♫)“
Put Up A Parking Lot” (â™Ș)“Accept An Exception?”“Asphalt Justice”“Mal-Practice”“Attack Of The Space Invaders”“Instant Everything”or“Tow With The Flow”

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  9. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    how often does TJ make a good decision?^And if the cops come and “talk” to them , what are the odds on TJ coming up with a reason why it was all Brad’s fault?

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  10. Missing large
    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    Obviously These two twits have nothing better to do than try to make a point to someone they know nothing about. They will block the whole traffic lane just to irk an unthinking person or teach them (her) a lesson
 Let it go boys. She might have just returned from her Cardio- Rehab session and stopped in for her prescription. Did they even check to see IF she had a handicap sticker? Sometimes they are laying on the dash board and not readily available to see.-———————————————————————————-—————————————————————————————————————Just drive by. It isn’t any of your business
 If she is breaking the law the law will handle it.

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  11. Missing large
    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    T.J. You have no right to criticize anyone’s action after you had that Mystery Fire in your failed business venture
 how much $$$$$ did you soak that insurance company for?

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  12. Missing large
    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    I missed the ATM sign
 even so how long would a transaction take? 3-5 min? They are both still twits.

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  13. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    (“Scott free”:) Sad, but true! – (oil leaks in striped spaces:) I can attest to that, as I had nearly slipped on a spot or two.. And sadly, a lot of vehicles leak oil (and just about everything else!)

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  14. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    LOL, that’s a good new name for him!

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago


    I don’t see a handicap card, myself.

    I had one briefly, when I had surgery on my foot and had to use a walker. It didn’t really help, because most of the spots were already taken. I was glad that I didn’t have to use the walker for long; now use a cane due to bad arthritis. Walking hurts, but at least I can still do it

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    EGOIST 101  almost 10 years ago

    Yet again, Evans continues to show the protagonists being bigger jerks than the “villains”. While they punish her for an hour, there’s a good chance an actual handicapped person will need that spot. Not to mention the traffic that has to avoid the car. If Evans wants us to hate Brad, he’s doing a great job.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nope this woman has mental handicapped why would she be driving?

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    kenhense  almost 10 years ago

    We know TJ is a misogynist. Brad too? Doesn’t bode well for Brad & Toni. The woman didn’t park to go somewhere for lunch. It was a really quick stop that would tempt most people. Granted the woman is a hottie that feels privileged. But there are soooo many things that deserve our anger more than this

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  18. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Not to mention, one of many “possible” outcomes:

    If this became a “ticket issue” and they were to get before a judge (and depending on who it would be), t’wont look too good on them in looking like they were trying to carry out “their own brand of justice”, especially as it would have taken more time and expense ( +pain) than it would have to just call the cops, or let it just go (plus, that’s perhaps money that a tow company wouldn’t be able to get, unless the company towed them, if the lady had called in Brad and TJ’s vehicle)

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  19. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago


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    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    Brad is a Fireman right? Sooo that makes him a ‘Safety Officer’. he should be able to pull off an arrest on the spot as a safety officer
 It might work. It might be the better way to handle the situation.

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  21. Missing large
    paha_siga  almost 10 years ago

    My son goes to a health centre, you could call it a gym, where we bump into people in wheelchairs all the time. I’m sure there are other, less obvious disabled people, too. (OK, this is mostly a rehabilitation type of gym.)

    I still have the disabled parking space card for my MIL who died yesterday a year ago. I ever used it at her hospital, though. But I did wonder at the time whether someone thought the same when they saw me parking in that space and running to or fro (in one direction I necessarily ran alone each time).

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  22. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 10 years ago

    The blonde in the gym suit does not have a handicapped sticker, tag, hanging card, or license plate. We are supposed to be able to recognize that she is breaking the law and potentially depriving a needy person of that special parking space.Thus, there are at least two major flaws with TJ’s silly solution. First, the boys are blocking the handicapped space even longer than the blonde would have. Second, for all they know, she just might be angry enough to ram her big SUV into their car, or commit some other act of violence. TJ and Brad are wrong to play vigilante.

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  23. Buffy1
    sarafaye  almost 10 years ago

    Whatever the motivation, it’s kind of nostalgic to see Brad with his hands in the guts of a car again.

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    Dreamdeer  almost 10 years ago

    Obviously, Greg Evans has never heard of invisible disabilities. Yes, disabled people do exercise—it’s the only thing keeping me out of a wheelchair. Yes, we can appear to walk normally for a few steps. No, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a horrible time walking farther than that.

    Do able-bodied people abuse handicapped spaces? Yes. Can you tell by looking who needs them and who doesn’t? Not always.

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  25. Skylark
    Skylark  almost 10 years ago

this one hits close to home for me. I use a handicap placard and it is not one bit funny when I see someone using a spot for their arrogant, selfish use when they are obviously not handicapped. One thing to mention however, is that heart problems do not show the obvious physical signs of being handicapped, but wearing gym clothes should be an dead giveaway! (I have a visible physical issue FYI) I use a cane, have bypassed a spot on occasion but by the time I reach my destination, I am sometimes wiped out for a few minutes! NOT fun!!

    I doubt she will be blocked for an hour, tying the spot up too long and I hope it teaches this twit a lesson in manners, which she appears to be lacking!

    I have this tiny notecard I carry (some of) in my wallet. It’s called a “Rude and Obnoxious” award and shows Mickey Mouse giving the bird. It says..“You have received this award today because you obviously are handicapped in the head only.” I put it under wiper blades of anyone I see parking like an idiot
for more reasons that just using a handicapped spot. Once I came back to my car and could not get IN because someone had whipped in, in their gigantic tank of a truck way too close to me. Somehow I managed to squeeze in. You can bet he/she got one of them!!

    So, just be kind (and thoughtful) out there.Now
.I feel better!!! :-)

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  26. Missing large
    rocky63it  almost 10 years ago

    How is it possible people reverse right and wrong all the time? We are forever looking for excuses.I am a REAL handicapped, i NEED to use handicapped spaces and for years I have been unable to simply wave my kids goodby into school (just being there at the door with all the other parents) because some idiot just parked in the allocated space in front of the Elementary school.

    The excuse was always that they took the place for just 5 minutes
But i NEEDED the space THEN. I have in reality blocked them in just to give Police the time to get there and fine them.

    I also have been threatened with physical violence just because I requested someone to clear the space

    And, BTW, when my ife drives me somewhere, if I am not in the car on the way back, she NEVER takes advantage of the Permit.

    So, sorry, NO WAY, NO EXCUSE if you want to park there you FIRST SWAP YOUR LEGS WITH MINES. I would gladly get rid of the Permit to be able, just once in my lifetime, to play football or Basket or anything with my kids.

    Stay off the slot,

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  27. Tiny avatar
    L  almost 10 years ago


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  28. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 10 years ago

    Truly this comic no longer knows how to have likable characters (except for Tiffany from time to time). I do believe TJ could be a great Dexter Morgan type of guy though. Y’know, a criminal who dispenses his own brand of justice—-even murder! Hahahahaha!

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    jenbrown1017  almost 10 years ago

    I think the point Brad was making about her being in a gym outfit was that she is obviously fit enough to go workout
she doesn’t need to be parking in a handicapp spot! And I doubt the woman would call the police on the 2 of them for blocking her in because , oh what? she’s not supposed to be parking there!

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    Scott Stevenson  almost 10 years ago

    Ah, but there’s a difference between the urgent need for a toilet and being too damn lazy and entitled to walk an additional 50 feet from a non-handicapped space.

    My job has me visiting 10-12 of the “big box” electronic or office supply stores each week. At least once a day, I’ll see one or more carts left in the parking space next to the cart return space. They were literally two steps from putting the cart where it’s supposed to go, but they couldn’t be bothered.

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  31. 23319335 10210502686791380 8223130004357214071 n
    Barry1941  almost 10 years ago

    And just where is this card?

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    coastie90  almost 10 years ago

    I don’t have one, but my Doctor offered to help me get one because I have trouble breathing. I declined. If people don’t see a cane or some other implement, they will complain.

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  33. Jim   kineta terrace2
    charne  almost 10 years ago

    Bless their hearts! :-)

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    Alan Smithee  almost 10 years ago

    Years ago someone I worked with told me of the time he parked in a HC space in front of a bank on a Sunday to use the ATM and a cop rolled up and gave him a ticket. He wasn’t depriving anyone. Sometimes enforcement needs to be tempered with some discretion.

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  35. 20063942 118295443891
    upanddown17  almost 10 years ago

    I don’t see it. either.

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  36. Misto
    oldcomicsfan  almost 10 years ago

    Being handicapped myself, I think what they did is great and funny.

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  37. Boston
    MS72  almost 10 years ago

    Don’t frequent ATMs. Bad people hang out there.

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    notbornyesterday  almost 10 years ago

    Ah yes the self appointed arbiters of vice and virtue. Now where would America be without vigilante justice?

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  39. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “No there is no card hanging from her Her rear view mirror view mirror.”_____________________________________

    Yeah, Yeah I Know Nigthie, I’m Just Saying.Not Everybody Has the Nandicap License Plate. Many Folks Like the Elderly Prefer the Rear View Mirror Hanger as It can “float” from car to Car. And They Are EASILY Missed on First Glance.

    What Ticks Me off are the Stores that DON’T Have the Handicap Signs but have those Spaces Boarded in Blue lines and the lines have faded to point that You Barely tell it IS a Handicap Spot.

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  40. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    You’ve Got a LOT of GUTS If You Take THAT Gadget on the Highway, Brdy.Especially with ALL the Speeding, “Distracted Driving,” Cell-Phone Using LOONS Out.

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  41. Missing large
    entirely  almost 10 years ago

    she might be packin’

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  42. Missing large
    Lamberger  almost 10 years ago

    I’ve seen a number of side loading vans off/on load wheel chaired people in that striped zone between the handicapped parking spaces. I suspect that that is their real purpose. I’ve also seen stores using it as a loading ramp and even temporarily leaving loaded pallets on them.

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  43. Missing large
    PackerBronco  almost 10 years ago

    Sure hope a disabled person doesn’t need that space while Brad and TJ are teaching her a “lesson”

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    James Jacobs Premium Member almost 10 years ago


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  45. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 10 years ago

    What is wrong with you people? Can you tell by looking that a person has COPD? Can you tell by looking at her that a woman has congestive heart failure? Both of these conditions warrant a handicapped placard or license plate. And there are a LOT more medical conditions just like them. Judging whether or not someone is using a handicapped spot fraudulently is not something you can do by looking at their clothes or ability to walk into a store. Shame on all of you!

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  46. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I really want one of those! It would appear that I am getting exercise when I would ride around on it. ‘course I’d need a basket to go to the store.

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  47. Tophat
    William Loster  almost 10 years ago

    (a) Not all handicaps are visible.(b) Why block the space for those who need it next?-Not a fan of text lingo, but smh.

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    polliwogg  almost 10 years ago

    LOVE IT!!

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  49. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    you assuming they literally gonna stay one hour, they might be waiting for a cop to come and give that girl a ticket

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  50. Missing large
    dollsmaker  almost 10 years ago

    Actually there is no handicap thing in her car. It’s a headrest and yeh to the 2 boys..I can’t tell you how many times had to deal with this when transporting my Mom (wheelchair) Yeh biys!!!!

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  51. Tulips
    locake  almost 10 years ago

    I agree, you never know what handicap some person might have. Just because she is wearing workout clothes doesn’t mean she is going to the gym. TJ and Brad are wrong here. They should mind their own business or report her license if she does not have a handicap card.

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  52. Missing large
    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    They are both mean and petty. They should give her a break. It is not as though she was stiffing an old lady.

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  53. Missing large
    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    “If Evans wants us to hate Brad, he’s doing a great job.”

    But why?

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    magnus  almost 10 years ago

    From the comments, you can tell who abuses the handicapped parking and who have been with a friend who was handicapped and needed room to unload his chair. when the cop shows up, I suspect he will help “push” Brad’s car forward to let the cow out after he sites her for being a cow.

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  55. Missing large
    PrincessMaggieChance  almost 10 years ago

    Oh let’s see, there are several hundred thousand young women that have served in the Armed Forces over the years, and a couple thousand have been disabled in the line of duty.

    There are millions of young women that have various diseases and illnesses that limit their mobility and ability. There are also many injuries that hamper mobility and you can have a “handicap” placard with an expiration date on it.

    I am a veteran, and I have had surgeries on my knees, and I have had broken bones in my foot and ankle. I have had a Handicap placard before.

    And finally, yes, some “fitness facilities” have special classes and session for those in rehab therapy.

    Yep just like Brad Degroot’s mistaking a Girl Scout membership pin for some “award” once again a “jump” in logical thinking means an interesting story arc.

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  56. Picture 7 banjogordy crp 100
    Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Hey Brdshtt, back in 1951 I had a western auto Doodle Bug scooter with a BS lawn mower size motor. Your new toy looks like fun, but no match for my Whizzer powered bike I also had.

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    The comments today are even more depressing than the strip. Lighten up, guys!

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    Just So So Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Somehow a not surprised that a lot of people who post to this comic are defending the cute blonde using the handicap spot. OF COURSE she is cute and blonde so her actions are innocent and valid. hack

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  59. Picture 7 banjogordy crp 100
    Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I have visible handicap. Both legs with APO braces. I’m not disabled, just different, with a quirky sense of humor.

    Yes I have a cane, a bamboo flute cane. One party was in a handicapped parking spot, but wasn’t a shaded spot, I usually try to find in Tucson Summer.

    I stood by the car playing songs on my cane flute attracting all manner of attention, smiles & conversation. By the time the car’s owner came back, there was quite a crowd of folks around the car, full of smiles over the fun I was having.

    Expression on owner of car was wonderful.

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  60. Tulips
    locake  almost 10 years ago

    If the cops come by they will write up Brad and TJ for blocking a handicap space. They are jerks today.

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  61. Missing large
    pabsfx-comics  almost 10 years ago

    I always get a laugh when I see people driving around the gym parking lot waiting for a space near the door to open up.

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  62. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 10 years ago

    Back in the day, I witnessed four football players at my university park in a handicapped spot and literally jump out of a convertible (no opening of doors).

    When I confronted them about it, one of them snorted “this guy got hurt in a game last week” and they loped off laughing.

    I would have complained, but football players are a sacred and protected species in Texas.

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  63. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    even if the great mastermind TJwanted to stay there one hour, other people will call the police if all 3 start a commotion (she won’t as she knows if cops come she would get ticket)

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  64. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    people BTW, we should see this in a sitcom sort of way(for example, the family in love and marriage would have gotten jail terms for many years if what they did happened in real life), and we have to take it without unlikely possibilities, the Handicapped sign is at the sidewalk, not on the car mirror, Greg drew her with exercise gear and good body to emphasize that she is 100% healthy and we have to infer that there is no handicapped sticker, temporary sign or handicapped license plate on the car and that he wanted the boys to give the lady a lesson in as funny as possible way, and Brad calling cops in his cell phone would not be as funny

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  65. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    does not matter the reason, even if a KKK guy called a guy in a car the N word, and is not about cell phones

.the hit and run on the motorcycle guy is still illegal and not justified

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  66. Construction coffee
    sml7291 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    When I was much younger I had an accident and came within a tiny fraction of an inch of needing those spaces for life. Before the accident I would never have used one of those spaces for anything but also didn’t give them much thought otherwise. Since the accident I am a bit militant about folks using those spaces that have no right there.

    I’m a firm believer that anyone using a handicap spot that doesn’t have a need should have their leg broken and be forced to park as far away as possible until it heals. Anyone abusing a handicapped placard that belongs to someone else should have both legs broken and be forced to park as far away as possible.

    Maybe then they would understand why those spots are so important to the folks that actually need them. Of course, anyone dim enough to think they are entitled to those spots when they aren’t, probably wouldn’t get the point. But the punishment would at least fit the crime.

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  67. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 10 years ago

    Do we know there are not three handicapped persons in the car, or that she is not getting some cash as she russes her grandmother to the hospital?

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  68. Construction coffee
    sml7291 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    It is really sad, but not terribly surprising, that there are so many people here defending the jerk parking in that spot for her own convenience. These are the same folks that wouldn’t think twice about taking that spot for their own convenience too. So sad

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  69. Naturalhairmecartoon
    Nicole ♫ âŠ±âœż â—•â€żâ—•âœżâŠ°â™« Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Agreed, smlinde. There is NO excuse for someone to park in a handicap space unless they are legally cleared for that. I see this every day at my son’s elementary school. Parents parking in the handicap spaces with NO handicap tags anywhere in or on their car. They jump out, run to the school to pick up or drop off their kids. Makes me angry to see that.

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  70. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 10 years ago

    They don’t know anything about this lady. She might be mentally handicapped. Her handicapped father might be in the backseat. She might have a serious emergency where she needs money quickly, and heaven forbid she takes up a handicapped spot for 60 seconds. . . . . . "-——————————-I agree.

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  71. Lizardtiltglow
    Lizard Lass Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I’m another person with an invisible disability. I’m a healthy looking 30-something who happens to have recently started dialysis because I was born with PKD. I get dirty looks but honestly, right now I just can’t walk far, especially in heat (I’ve fainted before.) It’s never good to judge other people when you don’t know anything about them.

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  72. Black lace 9 edited 1
    Sangelia  almost 10 years ago

    Being physically disabled myself. If a real life Brad & TJ did this to a idiot who thought it was ok to do what the beotch did. I would be thanking them.

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  73. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 10 years ago

    1) I feel bad about calling police in situations like this, and admire TJ & Brad for taking responsibility.*2) On the other hand, not every disability is visible. She may have a seizure disorder or something else that makes walking iffy. (Perhaps she was at the gym for therapy.)*3) I doubt the goofuses are going to actually be there an hour tying up the space. More like the 5 minutes she would have needed to walk the three car spaces.*Good one, Team Evans!

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  74. Missing large
    TORAD_07  almost 10 years ago

    I’m curious about something else, though. Any bets on whether or not this lady becomes a “new character” in the Luanniverse and we see more of her interacting with Brad or TJ (or others), especially within the context of this encounter???

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  75. Missing large
    drewpamon  almost 10 years ago

    It doesn’t matter how bad your mental handicap is, you don’t get a disabled parking pass. But then again you should have already known that.

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  76. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  almost 10 years ago

    “Highway to Heaven”: Jonathan confronts a turdcasket who has parked in a handicapped space. Said turdcasket acts all threatening, asks him “What are you going to do about it?” Jonathan replies, “Nothing.” “That’s what I thought, you pussy” was the essence of the answer.

    Turdcasket enters convenience store. When he comes out, he finds his car upside-down in the handicapped space, with police officers investigating. Jonathan walks away with a grin.

    If only Karma were so instant in real life.

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  77. Profile
    Stormcloud Silverlining Snowpaws  almost 10 years ago

    It’s a pet hate of mine, perfectly able-bodied people parking in handicapped stalls. I think the guys found a brilliant solution.

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  78. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    comedy ha ha ha

.. real life potentially dangerous specially if BF of a woman doing this happens to be an NFL linebacker that knows martial arts or if she has gun inside her car 

let’s see, is this real life? or is this a comic strip that is a comedy? than stop taking it as real life of 2 guys named Brad and TJ, and take it as simply a comedy about how thoughtless some people are about using the handicapped park sections and the things we wish we could do about it and laugh about the main characters doing just that

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  79. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    EVEN if she was mentally handicapped or was ancient and had difficulty walking or she was in crutches

.. if the person’s car HAS NO permit to use the handicapped section, the person CAN"T use it same thing with persons using the “pregnancy or having a newborn baby parking sections” does not matter if the person is obviously 7 months pregnant or if she has a 2 months old baby in her arms, no permit, no allowed to use them AND AGAIN, we should see this as a comedy, not as “is this is smart in real life?”

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  80. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    Next week, watch RB2 being arrested for protesting in front of a Larry, Moe and Curly festival because he thinks the things they did was dangerous and was use of Assault and Battery and is not Classic comedy!

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  81. Missing large
    FoxyPookie  almost 10 years ago

    I had two employees. One had a heart condition that eventually killed her. The other had severe asthma that eventually killed her. Neither had a limp. I made both get a handicap placard to lessen their walks to the office. No dress code was required. People can be idiots making stupid assumptions.

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  82. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 10 years ago

    james cameron said, .It always amazes me how people will jump to a beautiful woman’s defense, no matter how wrong she obviously is, no matter if she’s even real or fictional. “She’s cute and Brad’s inconveniencing her! What a jerk!” Well, no, actually, you’re just a sexist. . . . . ?-————————she may be just as much a jerk as TJ. But we don’t know. .The driver doesn’t have to be the disabled person. She may have a disabled child in the back seat and a proper tag on the dashboard.


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  83. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 10 years ago

    @james cameronIt always amazes me how people will jump to a beautiful woman’s defense-I don’t see one comment defending her because she’s a “beautiful woman”. Rather, the complaint is that Brad/TJ don’t have all the facts, but decide to be jerks anyway. . . . . "-—————————She looks kind of ugly to me.

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  84. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  almost 10 years ago

    Where is that? I’d love to write a few.

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  85. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 10 years ago

    I’m surprised no one mentioned that such blocking of another person constitutes the tort of false imprisonment. But even so, I applaud Brad and TJ’s action. ( despite contrary postings , there is NO evidence the lady in question is LEGALLY permitted to park there). . . . .-——————————-Most basic legal observations:Yes, there was a tort involved here. Clearly shown in the actions of TJ and Brad!,As for the “NO evidence” issue, we must recall that the lack of evidence is material . And persons are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty

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  86. Missing large
    the borg  almost 10 years ago

    have to rember that one that is good i drive a ram

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  87. Missing large
    Tom Eisenmenger  almost 10 years ago

    Back in the day, there were “grey market” cars – Mercedes, Bimmers, Porsches, etc. that were purchased overseas at stupid low prices due to the strong dollar and then shipped over here. It was common, especially during Christmas season, to find such cars taking up two parking spaces at shopping centers. Luckily, I had a slightly beat Triumph Spitfire that was really good at getting into tight parking spaces and I’d do just that – squeeze ever so carefully into what was left of one of the two parking places used by such dweebs and let them figure out how to get out of their parking space without scratching their own auto.

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  88. Missing large
    junieb  almost 10 years ago

    I bet she never uses a turn signal either. She’s too busy and important to bother.

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  89. Img 20181009 125216
    patlaborvi  almost 10 years ago

    A friend of mine was a Korean War vet and he use to tell us about a friend of his, a female army nurse who was disabled but still worked at the VA. If she was out and saw someone without a tag parked in a disabled parking spot she’d park behind them and time how long it took those people to get back to their vehicle. If it turned out that they had a permit but forgot to put it up she’d let them out, no problem. If they didn’t have a permit she’d stay parked where she was for as long as she’d been waiting. If the person called the police she’d accept the ticket for double parking, but they’d get a ticket for parking in a disabled spot (much more money than the one she got for double parking). At the end of the month she’d walk into the VA hospital and tell everyone how many people she’d caught and all the vets would take up a collection for her tickets. She never had to pay for a single ticket out of her own pocket.

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  90. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 10 years ago

    In my state, the gym woman would probably have a legal concealed pink pistol in her handbag. She would go bat crazy and shoot the tires out of the car blocking her way.

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  91. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  almost 10 years ago

    Woman should call police & tell them stalkers have blocked her in and she fears for her safety. Maybe she could MACE them for good measure.

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  92. Missing large
    john worth  almost 10 years ago

    My mother had multiple sclerosis; people often thought she wasn’t handicapped. Can’t be judgmental.

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  93. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    Those who abuse their power over others are bulliesNo matter what their reasonEven if I find myself tempted to cheer..If someone who needs the handicapped parking space comes by in the next little while, it will still be taken up due to their actions.(I’ll read what the previous 168 statements say later.)

     •  Reply
  94. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    LOL, and the sad fact is, though they think they’re “doing something”, as if they feel “compelled” to get ahead of your “slow butt” (read: driving snobbery), all they’re doing is going to the same red light as you, where “the rest of the world catches up to them” at the light
.. (and you can hear several faint “Ha! Ha!”s stirring

     •  Reply
  95. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    he either honestly believes(or is doing like Tiff, and pretending it is so) that the head rest of the passenger seat is the tag? or the outside passenger side mirror is one he is talking about and the sidewalk sign “appears” to be attached to that

     •  Reply
  96. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “Block Party”, LOL!

     •  Reply
  97. Goku
    Goku  almost 10 years ago

    You see the way Greg draws Brad as compared to TJ. TJ is drawn with a fine pen and Brad looks like he’s drawn with a crayon. WTF – Even Tiff looks better than Brad and he’s one of the main characters. Greg, I think it’s time for Brad to have a make over.

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  98. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “Dishonest Engine” fits, as they’re using “Cowboy Diplomacy”

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  99. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    you KNOW that if that was his handicap, just in fact that he is driving it would be a violation and a cop can suspend his driving license or you meant to put “not visible” and not “vision”?

     •  Reply
  100. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    you could be correct or Greg might have made a minor oops with his eagerness to show she was parked in the handicapped section (only exception is for “van accessible spots” which are wider but that is usually for dropping off and picking up, not parking in itself)

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  101. Missing large
    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    I had a co-worker who would expect to be let onto the freeway by whomever was passing the on ramp. If they didn’t let him on, he’d speed up and pass them then cut them off and give ‘em a ’brake check’. all three of his vehicles had rear-end damage
 I told him he was a ‘rectal pore’ and he should go back and learn how to drive
 he said it was to teach people to be polite and LET him on the high way. I said the right of way belongs to the driver in the lane he wants in and he must speed up or slow down as required before he changes lanes. That is the law and rule of the road and he should work with it

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  102. Missing large
    biggirlnow  almost 10 years ago

    This promotes the ignorant thinking that a disability is only something you can see. The guys didn’t even bother to check if she had a placard on her front window, they just assumed they know better than her. Of course there are people that park in spots they arent’ supposed to, and yes those people are jerks, but Brad and TJ are just as big of jerks for this behavior.

    For a real life example of this kind of holier-than-thou public shaming, check this out:

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  103. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago
    And though it isn’t depicted here, there seem to be more “sideways”[in relation to the direction of the other spaces] HC spaces appearing in large parking lots

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  104. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Like this one, resting inside of a Nova? (

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  105. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    LOL, Towed/Toad!

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  106. Missing large
    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    As well as you do.

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  107. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    sometimes John Doe might have wife Jane Doe who is handicapped and one day he needs to pay the gas bill, so he takes car, sees there is no parking nearby except the handicap one and uses it as he has the tag (but not the wife) 

. lot of cops in different cities are making stings to catch those people

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  108. B8546024892a31e1277e8972ae0cfd06
    jeannep60  almost 10 years ago

    Where do you see the handicap tag hanging in the mirror, and haven’t you heard – people lie and use relatives tags.

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  109. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    he might think that the hot chick might be actually 95 years old and with lot of plastic surgery she had in Peru or maybe a 324 years old alien from alpha Centauri

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  110. Missing large
    amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Scene: back to school night. I was in a motorized wheelchair at the time. Got back to the car afterwards and couldn’t set up the ramp to load the thing: another parent had parked in the crosshatch markings. At the end of the event we got to stand there (we had no other choice) and watch that woman walk a suddenly-long walk back to her car, highly embarrassed. As well she should have been. 
.That said, most of the time I don’t have to use the chair now. But exposure to UV light triggers my autoimmune illness—we’re talking going blind for two weeks after five minutes in the June sun, organ damage. Not something that anyone else walking by could see. If I were to run into a Brad and TJ duo they would learn all kinds of medical details that hey, might help Brad in his firefighting mode some day! And he would feel like that woman walking back to her car.

     •  Reply
  111. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    I agree with what you replied to RB2 but no matter if the person in a car has crutches, and has a limp and has difficulty breathing thanks to asthma and needs rest every block 

.if there is no tag, that person can’t use the handicap parking

     •  Reply
  112. Black lace 9 edited 1
    Sangelia  almost 10 years ago

    No, their car technically didn’t break down. They made it look like it did. Plus with the idiot there in the spot. I would have had to walk those extra spaces as it was. I do have something I do want to do. And that is get a bunch of bumper stickers printed out saying – I love to break the law by parking in handicapped spaces. Even though I’m not disabled.And slap one onto the car that is there that does not have either the plates or the placard.

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  113. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 10 years ago

    Ha Ha.. I love it

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  114. Dragon
    Asharah  almost 10 years ago
    Okay, the protocol is, if somebody is displaying a handicapped placard or license plate, assume they do have a legitimate reason to use the space, even if it isn’t obvious. If they don’t have the placard or license plate, notify security or call the cops.
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  115. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 10 years ago

    “from the look of that air filter he’s holding, is that an old 350 chevy under the hood?”-———————————————I think it was established awhile back that Brad drives a Chevy Nova.I had a 1976 hatchback, and is was fast!Unfortunately, I had to give it up because as a poor college student at the time, I couldn’t afford the transmission work it needed.

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  116. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I do not think a handicapped toilet is for use by ONLY handicapped folks. Many handicapped accessible toilets have only ONE stall. The bathroom is for everyone. It is handicapped accessible for people who need the special size and bars, but everyone is allowed to use it.

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  117. Missing large
    mks951  almost 10 years ago

    Not all handicaps are readily seen. While this girl appears to not have one, she may indeed be disabled. I have disabilities that qualify me for my disabled plate, but neither one is readily apparent just from looking at me. (I do not think she is disabled, but it is possible.)

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  118. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    that post was more of an attack than one I made fun of his post(not of him as a person)

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  119. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    NO MATTER YOUR CONJECTURES influenced by your hate of these 2 characters(specially TJ), the fact is that there is no evidence that there is any tag or sticker allowing her to park in handicap parking

 or you WANT TO FORCE GREG to draw a 6 panel Sunday strip, with the first 3 showing the lady exercising HEAVILY in the gym in first panel, she spotting the handicap parking with empty spaces 2 or 3 spaces to the side in the second panel, and she parking in 3rd panel while getting a thought balloon where she says, “no time to waste, going to use handicap parking even if I am not” and than have these 3 panels as 4 to 6?

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  120. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago


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  121. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “Nice arguement mister attorney. Won’t work here. You have to have it and show it or you are illegally parked.”_____________________________________

    The Handicap Sticker IS There, Nightie. Its Just Obscured by the Rear Passenger Car-Door Post as depicted in the First Panel.The REAL Issue In Today’s Strip, that NOBODY Seemed to have Noticed, is that Brad is Driving around with Expired Tags

     •  Reply
  122. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “tho I doubt Brad’s is all chromed out.”^Yeah, True. Brad is probably happy just having his engine, let alone “tricking it out”

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  123. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Then maybe I should have said but “2 Wrights make an airplane”

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  124. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Yeah, she started off in the “B&W dailies”, and her hair was ‘platinumish’ "

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  125. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago


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  126. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “Grisly accidents and high crime scenes such as depicted by today’s strip attract people. It’s just in our nature
”^Well, there goes my consecutive “no rubbernecking streak” of
 12 months, multiplied by 3 years, divided by 365, carry the two

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  127. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    And the comical thing is that the very last time Diane saw Brad, he was “pulling his car apart”
which would make it “sooo funny” if it were her, again (though, of course, the lady in today’s strip is not really Diane)
. –

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  128. Missing large
    nickel_penny   almost 10 years ago

    because people with extreme, chronic pain don’t try to make it better via exercise. and don’t mask their pain when trying to run a quick errand

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  129. Missing large
    Scott Stevenson  almost 10 years ago

    “or if someone handicapped is in the car”

    Doesn’t matter—if they’re staying in the car, there’s no need to use the handicapped space. The spaces are there to make it easier for people who are handicapped to get in and out of the business. “There’s a handicapped person in the car who isn’t getting out” is just a ruse to force poor old Aunt Gert to go with you when you do errands instead of staying home and watching “Matlock” like she wants to.

    If they’re getting out, you’re obligated to have plates or the placard to use the space.

    She’s far too important to walk from a non-handicapped space. That’s the bottom line.

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  130. Missing large
    Wallythe2  almost 10 years ago

    So you will let illegal parking pass for you? That is some messed up thinking.___________________________________No I don’t think so. My wife has heart problems and asthma but she says she needs to exercise (see previous post about the cardio-rehab). So she didn’t get a sticker or tag. My father is 94 and wheelchair bound. He (I) use(s) his mirror hanger, whenever I take him out to eat at his favorite place. There are 8 ADA parking places right in front of the doors including two van unloading areas. Many times when we drive up they are all taken. I don’t check to see if all of the vehicles have the tags or plates. I assume they belong there and that’s it. I unload my dad and wheel him into the restaurant and leave him to chat up the hostess while I go park in a conventional place. Not a big deal. Not messed up thinking; just assuming the vehicles belong there even if I can’t see the sticker. Sticker checkers should be the cops or the restaurant employees at least.

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  131. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    comics having visual lack of something, than that is not part of situation, IS NOT REAL LIFE where we definitely can’t assume

.in comics specially in one gag strip, we have to go by the visual evidence, or in this case LACK OF VISUAL EVIDENCE, there is no tag, if person has tag, it would have been shown

 if TJ and Brad had make a mistake, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOWN IN the last panel 

 do not make real life logic part of a one gag comic strip logic

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  132. Shadow wrong baldwin
    mormonyoyoman  almost 10 years ago

    Trust me – those of us who need to struggle to get our chairs or walkers out of a car (when a loved one can give us a lift) because a hater of the handicapped blocks us – yeah, we notice.

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  133. Missing large
    sbischof  almost 10 years ago

    I need to just throw two situations at you lot.

    1) Sometimes people are disabled in a way you would clearly recognise and accept, but its not obvious. An example is someone I know with a prosthetic leg (from hip level) who sometimes chooses to cover the metal in clothes/fake skin etc to make it look normal from any distance. They still have trouble with various parts of walking far or going up steps that varies by day as well, but they can certainly gym the rest of their body and they can certainly hop out to an atm on most days without looking too awkward. I don’t see any real reason to force them to park three spaces down because they’re having a good day
 part of continuing to have good days is not doubling the distance they walk!

    2) Sometimes people are disabled in ways that you don’t clearly understand and accept. For example, the vast majority of people in wheelchairs can walk. The distance and the smoothness might vary, but the fact that they can stand up and walk at all is not that weird. Buckets of wheelchair users go to gyms – slightly more would except staff can get very distressed that they don’t know how safety works, and understandably not everyone wants to go through that. The other day a lift was broken at a highway service complex I was at, and a very kind coach/physio was carrying the sports wheelchair up and down the stairs for one of the kids there. He was navigating them slowly with the handrail. You could really tell it wasn’t the easiest task ever, and it was slow, but it meant he could join everyone else getting food. No one wants to stand out. If she has mobility issues but at that moment can walk normally to and from the atm, she’s going to act normal about it! Then imagine its normally crutches, or a cane
 even easier to not need for five feet and just be in the car out of sight.


    3) I also just want to remind people there are some other invisible disabilities that can still result in handicapped placards for safety. If someone is deaf giving them a place to park with easy access to sidewalks/buildings mean they get run over by crazy parking lot drivers less.

    I’m not saying that people don’t use placards fraudulently or take up handicapped spaces when they don’t even have one at all, and that’s something which should be addressed, but the comic as written comes across both ableist and perpetrating some really horrible stereotypes.

     •  Reply
  134. Untitled
    angelfiredragon  almost 10 years ago

    I like this idea, where I live it isn’t just handicapped spots, people think they can part where ever they want so long as it is for 10 mins or less. In fact the towing industry was booming off this, but the citizens petitioned the city claiming that tow truck drivers on the prowl shouldn’t be allowed to tow someone who leaves their car parking in the middle of the travel lane for 5 mins while they run into a friend house, etc
until after 10 mins. Thus the city passed a resolution that no one can get towed until after 10 mins.

    That being said while I may agree with TJ, and have considered doing things like that myself
I don’t personally have an hour to waste to prove a point that won’t make a difference to one who already does not care.

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  135. Snow on snout polar bear 1600x1200 799243
    Kirokithikis  almost 10 years ago

    only time I use the handicap sign that I have is when I’m taking mom out for lunch or shopping

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  136. N yellow passionfruit large570
    Lilikoi70  almost 10 years ago

    They shouldn’t jump to conclusions. You can’t always identify people with disabilities visually – and, yes, disabled people go for physical therapy and wear athletic clothes, too. Sheesh.

     •  Reply
  137. Bettyboop
    ulomz  almost 10 years ago

    OK. So when a real, valid user comes along and needs to park. Then what? By doing this nonsense, how does it help the person they are supposedly trying to protect? It doesn’t. Instead it satisfies their over-bloated-self-righteousness.

     •  Reply
  138. Missing large
    TexanAtHeart  over 9 years ago

    Greg would have had to put a smudge and X over her lips if she had been facing us.

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  139. Cat
    Ericacook  over 9 years ago

    worked for 18 years for a woman who had MS. I’ve had to get her into my car in a busy street because people decided that they could illegally park in the handicapped spot. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I have called the cops for this. When you do it you are risking the life of a disable person, plane and simple.

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