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I don’t care what anyone says about Rosa…Gunther didn’t have to worry about getting a face full of door, when he had her…and he didn’t have to worry about any awkward laughter, misunderstanding, or “we’re just friends”, if he asked her out, either! – And I guess Bernice holds the record for the fastest time showing someone the door, even before they could set foot in, to enjoy a visit…. -I do undeerstand, though, how Bernice feels a bit dismayed…after all, she’s finding no inroad of feelings to Piro’s heart, after she hoped, her “romantic vision” is being demolished by the turn of the breeze….much the same way as Gunther is now experiencing from her, actually..
I really hope Gunther is starting to rethink his idea that Bernice is the woman he should be dating. And there’s a very good alternative, standing right behind you, Gunther…
“I Think I’m Alone, Now” (♫)“The Closer”“Shut Up, Shut Down, Shut Off, Shut Out”“The Uninitiated”“Making Love Out Of Nothing At All” (♫)“Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight”“Clueless, More Or Less”“Was It Something I Said?”“Dealing With The Feeling”“I…Uh…Door You!”“Stopped At The Border”“I’ll Take Bernice To Block…”“An Open And Shut Case”
Dez: I saw Gunther coming out of Tiffany’s room this morningBernice: I just don’t care any moreDez: Let me make you a nice cup of herbal tea and we can talkBernice: I just don’t care any more
Dez (on phone): Luann? Dez … I think you better come over right away … Bernice is in a bad place and I think she need you. Oh, right, the New York trip … and you have that shopping trip planned today with Prudence. Well, okay – it’s just that Bernice has been in the bathroom for over an hour and water is starting come from underneath the door …
I predict that Gunther will go back to Tiffany’s room and she will console him and ultimately seduce him. Gunth will be the first of the gang to become an “adult.”
As in a Shakespeare play, timing is everything. At the least maybe Tiff will explain to Gunther that Piro crashed at Bernice’s pad one night (and more of his situation). Bernice, don’t waste a broken heart on something that never was.
Tiffany is a very lonely girl (for many good reasons) and she sees Gunth as a friend. Yes she’s interested in him as a man, Rosa has changed him a lot. She’s immodest, selfish, untrustworthy and dumb. But in the entire history of the strip she is not, and has never been, Pass Around Puss. She has too much self-regard for that.
Why does everyone think the worst of poor Tiff? Piro spent a night in her room, but Piro seems to flake out on any available sofa. Gunth has been there after curfew, but he was helping her with her maths. Tiffany is labelled a bad girl, but Bern has had both Piro and Hair spend the night and she, it seems, is as pure as the driven snow.
I think Tiff is sad and a bit desperate in this strip. She needs our sympathy, not our condemnation.
Majyck Toad said:“this may be blunt, but it appears tiff has just become what we used to call Pass Around Puss”.Yes, it’s Tiffany’s fault. If there’s a tornado tomorrow, it’ll be Tiffany’s fault. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire was Tiffany’s fault.
Tiff was always the “Made the Team” girl. Gunth and Tiff together could be fun, but it would never last.
Bernice has got that ‘bad boy’ obsession going. She doesn’t even see Gunther. She sees Piro. And the fact that she’s getting nowhere makes her want him more.
In real life, Rosa will come back, but she’ll be married. In real life, Bernice will become Margo Phelps. In real life, Gunther will get Tiffany pregnant.
Gunther (inside his head:) “oh, hi Tiff’, I’m looking at something with beer goggles.”(in other words:) I’M BEING A COMPLETE IDIOT! it’s now time for Gunther and Bernice’s reality check!(courtesy of the “surprise corps.”)
Gunther is too much like Bernice for her to appreciate him. They’re both just starting to grow beyond the good girl/boy persona that they’ve always had and are beginning to explore the world as adults. Gunther had Rosa as a step towards breaking out of that role. Bernice hasn’t had anyone yet and is drawn to Piro for that reason. OR it’s a comic strip. One or the other.
“Whatcha Doin” Indeed, Gunth. Off hand, I’d say “Making a BIG Mistake,” if You decide to take either of THESE two Babes SERIOUSLY, Especially “Blondie” here.
Go to Tiff now, as She probably needs MORE ‘Help’ with Her homework and an additional “LINK” in Her “Chain of FOOLS.”
Ideally, Bernice ought to have been more polite about canceling their brewing date. But to defend her, it is important that sort out how her behavior and assumptions have mainly rebounded painfully on her, with some backsplash on poor Gunther. She learn to be direct with her feelings and not try to manipulate events. All of these young folks are flawed, like most of us were at that age. I like seeing this process unfold, but I understand the impatience of others. But if the Evans match up all the male/female characters, It becomes a very dull and shallow strip.
When this started out on Monday, the school tower clock said 6:10 p.m., so the evening is young. Plenty of time for Tiff and Gunther to forget the text books and just go out for whatever, and let the darkness creep in.
Tiff is not really dumb………….. she is just disinterested in certain things and chooses not to get informed on those…………. she has no trouble learning the ancient history of Egypt in area of cosmetics, and IN SOME CASES, there is no way she does not know but chooses either to be in actual denial or give the image that she does not while crying in the inside…………… and in one of the strips she revealed she goes out on many dates but she has not reached even 3rd base ( maybe has not reached 2nd base either )
NG, thank you. You gave me a smile. (I am glad to be able to answer you when awake w no ferrets having medical demands for a while. Last night was a little weird and tiring — but worked at fine — so a few of my replies needed propped up eyelids between adrenalin rushes.)
This turned out worse than the coffee date Poor Gunther. Bernice deserves to be alone for the lousy way she treats everyone. Is there anyone she treats well? Tiffany is a much better person than Bernice.
Maricruz, you often go short times without posting, but this time is longer than usual. So, knowing there is likely no cause for concern, i am just waving and wondering about your take on this current theme.
“She doesn’t want an audience now. Can’t you understand that? It is her right.”^You may need to reread my comments. That was the very thing I pointed out, in the last general line, in my first comment.
And don’t forget, too, there are two sides to that door, they’re both standing at. The are both going through something, and missing the signals, to boot….
just like many of you are giving Tiff hope for the future, there is hope for Rosa (I am not necessarily saying either the G/Rosa ship can be saved or is sunk beyond hope, just focusing on just her) if she matures and realizes is better to be a Bill Gates or a Zuckerberg in how they help others than to be a Don Quixote where her view is not grounded in common sense, but in her view of how “important” her work is, noble at heart but not constructive in solving the problems of the village
I came to my conclusion by reading what Luann herself says. For example, the 6 Nov 2004 strip, where Luann admits that she wants Gunther to like her instead of Bernice but doesn’t have any intention of dating him (at least in that one she admits that it’s a selfish wish on her part).There’s also another one (the date of which i can’t find) where Luann tells her audio diary that she wants Aaron and Gunther to both be in love with her, and while she wants the feeling mutual in Aaron’s case, she specifically says that she still wants to think of Gunther as just a friend. And yes, she used the exact phrase “in love with”.
This isn’t a case of Gunther not admitting his feelings. Hell, in these instances it’s not even about what he actually feels at all, but what Luann wants him to feel. She actually wanted a person to be into her while having no intention of reciprocating the feeling, just to boost her self-esteem. And that’s a pretty messed-up wish to have.
Though like I said, it’s a sign of her character development that she stopped doing that and actually supported her friends in their relationships.
No I tink he should see that not only is she using him by pushing him toward Tiff, Bernice also doesn’t care if her actions hurt Gunther. Why give someone like that another chance, before at least getting an apology.
Your comment was crude, but I have to admit it was clever and catchy, as so many crude things are to men who tend to be pretty crude, ourselves. Sorry, everyone, I liked it.
Although I didn’t mind Toad’s comment, I wouldn’t apply it to Tiffany. She is as pure as the driven snow, “all yack and no shack”. She has matured with Gunther’s guidance and company. Right now, Gunther is the one with the problem. When they finally realize that they complement each other, the result won’t be explosive, it will be shy, tentative, and gentle.
Majyck Toad said, this may be blunt, but it appears tiff has just become what we used to call Pass Around Puss . . . . =====No, that is NOT it at all. Tiff is oblivious to all that is going on.but so are:Gunth,Piro,Hair,etc.
pros and cons of the FOUR alternatives for Gunt ( the senioritas do not count ) Tiff she is underneath her “I am superior to anyone, admire me” exterior a not confidant girl who needs guidance and to be shown that smart is good and fun and despite her chosen image and vibes, she is pure………. BUT she needs to be constantly pushed into the right direction ……………………….. Bernice is one most similar to him but she is blind to seeing what is obvious to others, and seems to be attracted to people outside of her image, and despite her demure manner, she is eager to go into a “wilder side” ……………….. Luann is more easy going and one who is the one with the best friendship foundation, but along with Rosa, one who is waiting for him to have more initiative and of the 4, is one who is most likely to bring the “inconsiderate dominant persona” of Gunther which is scary to be truthful, seems to lean toward being a bully ……………. Rosa had many things in common, and had the patience to wait for him to take initiative, or to “guide him” into doing it, but sadly at this time has noble ideals that are manifested in a witless manner with senseless actions that are discrepant to her aspirations
if they take themselves on the emotional ride in same situation Lue and Quill were in the “dark room”, they are less likely to be able to stop, but at same time are most likely to regret “allowing it” to happen
JPuzzleWhiz said, about 5 hours ago@IamJayBluE“Shut Up, Shut Down, Shut Off, Shut Out”And, in Bernice’s case, “Shut In”.====Inside the room, a crying Bernice will find Dez. If this arc is to continue at all.
Sorry, Lonnie, i did not mean to cause any pain. You know, though, you would not be who you are today without what you went through before. As hard as your experience was for you i suspect it granted you strength that you woukd not otherwise have,
I must disagree and that was unspeakably rude. There has never been the least hint that Tiff is loose or sleeps aroundEND quote
Yes, that is correct, but the problem goes beyond that. Many young women who were very active either were for exactly the same reasons that young men were praised as studs, or were because they were seeking affection in the wrong way. As a result, the label is an objectifying sexist stereotype.
change all depends on what “causes it”, for myself, I want to stop 100% to think of any girl in a miniskirt as sexy, desirable and an object but to make a judgement on her as a person, but has been hard to stop the influence of media(specially ads) that keeps telling you that girls in miniskirts are “inviting” ………….. but as a kid I was easily riled when people made fun of me with a stupid song, but one day I got so mad that I pushed one kid, he hit head against wall and went unconscious, and since that time I made the determination not to get riled and act on that feeling, thus I had become patient, and extremely hard to get riled, and even when I get riled, I don’t act on it, but actually I analyze feelings, and let it go………… BTW, the school almost expelled me, but my mom was able to stop that, and after that, the taunting actually stopped (partly afraid of me, partly seeing that I stopped putting attention to the taunting), so sometimes is a hard battle, sometimes is sudden and permanent the change
Nothing "NEW’….Stuff like this happened to your parents, happened to yourGrand parents, Great Grand Parents…on and onAd-infinitum….Where do you think You came from?Be wise enough to understand your childrenAnd be humble enough to Shut-Up!
Tiff was originally a “cardboard cutout”, a totally superficial character, to make Luann feel inferior. She started a little later than the others, but she, too, is growing into a real 3-dimensional human being. We’ve only had glimpses of her family life, enough to explain a lot of why she views the world the way she does. In the last year or two she’s shown signs of trying to be a better person, it just hasn’t always worked. She’s finding out that there’s more to people than their looks, and more to life than partying. I suspect some of you will be really surprised at who she becomes in another year or so.
" And others were “rescuers” trying to change guys while not being mature or wise enough to know you can’t change anyone but yourself and even then that’s damn near impossible for most of us.",.How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?.Just one, but it has to want to change.
So much confusion and misunderstanding. But maybe this is a good experience for Bern., i.e. she needs to realize that she cannot micromanage the relationships of others to suit her own desire outcome.
Dammit, boy! That’s the Tiffster, and she’s practically throwing herself at you1 Wake up, dummy! Tiffany is potentially the best thing that’s ever happened, or is going to happen, to you!
Brd, your “change with Joe” joke was so good that i showed Steve. He got a look i love, where he can not help but smile but is trying to not do so. (Hmmmm, that gives me an idea. Mad Magazine used to give him that look. Is it any good now? If so, maybe i will surprise him.)
The sense of the blog is we are liking Tiffany more, she is growing more, and she is not a bad girl. A little flirty sometimes, and a bit self-centered, and self-aggrandiziing but she is getting better all the time.
Spoiler III, the Syndicated Movie version, based off of a loose retelling of the original series, done as a reboot, but shown as a prequel: Uh….I’ve got nothing.
Templo S.U.D. about 9 years ago
don’t we all, gunther, don’t we all
SactoSylvia about 9 years ago
You’r not alone Gunther – Bernice is equally in the dark about what she’s doing.
JayBluE about 9 years ago
I don’t care what anyone says about Rosa…Gunther didn’t have to worry about getting a face full of door, when he had her…and he didn’t have to worry about any awkward laughter, misunderstanding, or “we’re just friends”, if he asked her out, either! – And I guess Bernice holds the record for the fastest time showing someone the door, even before they could set foot in, to enjoy a visit…. -I do undeerstand, though, how Bernice feels a bit dismayed…after all, she’s finding no inroad of feelings to Piro’s heart, after she hoped, her “romantic vision” is being demolished by the turn of the breeze….much the same way as Gunther is now experiencing from her, actually..
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
When you wish upon a starThings seem different than they are.For others hope is not too farJust turn around…
People are so prone to strifeFrom forcing patterns unto lifeHave a friend you don’t need a wifePlease, be a youth
From childhood jumped to middle ageIt doesn’t take an ancient sageTo know you’ve skipped a wond’rous stage So turn around
Bernie cries behind her doorFrom shattered hopes of sweet amoreYet adventure might still be in storeAnd that’s the truth
Wilde Bill about 9 years ago
He has no idea what just happened. I wonder if he wishes he was back in Peru. Never did get that cuppa.
Argythree about 9 years ago
I really hope Gunther is starting to rethink his idea that Bernice is the woman he should be dating. And there’s a very good alternative, standing right behind you, Gunther…
Mikeyj about 9 years ago
SHE offered the coffee, the least she could have done was given him a rain check!
Kymberleigh about 9 years ago
She. Is. Clueless.
JimT8 about 9 years ago
Not nice, Toad.
jemgirl81 about 9 years ago
This whole situation is sad.
JayBluE about 9 years ago
“I Think I’m Alone, Now” (♫)“The Closer”“Shut Up, Shut Down, Shut Off, Shut Out”“The Uninitiated”“Making Love Out Of Nothing At All” (♫)“Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight”“Clueless, More Or Less”“Was It Something I Said?”“Dealing With The Feeling”“I…Uh…Door You!”“Stopped At The Border”“I’ll Take Bernice To Block…”“An Open And Shut Case”
or“How Soon Is Not Now?” (♫)
luann1212 about 9 years ago
Rosa, where are you!!
Argythree about 9 years ago
No, no, no. Luann just ended a relationship. Worst time in the world to start a new one…
CR7hater about 9 years ago
Dez: I saw Gunther coming out of Tiffany’s room this morningBernice: I just don’t care any moreDez: Let me make you a nice cup of herbal tea and we can talkBernice: I just don’t care any more
Dez (on phone): Luann? Dez … I think you better come over right away … Bernice is in a bad place and I think she need you. Oh, right, the New York trip … and you have that shopping trip planned today with Prudence. Well, okay – it’s just that Bernice has been in the bathroom for over an hour and water is starting come from underneath the door …
Darwin7848 Premium Member about 9 years ago
I think team Evans could have a great deal of fun in casting Tiff as Eliza Doolittle to Gunth’s Henry Higgins.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Thanks, Brd
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Hitting the hay! Ferrets all medicated, dishes washing, hubby snoozing, so time to crash. Sleep tight, all!
Lilikoi70 about 9 years ago
I predict that Gunther will go back to Tiffany’s room and she will console him and ultimately seduce him. Gunth will be the first of the gang to become an “adult.”
blunebottle about 9 years ago
I was in that play once….played Eliza’s fawthah…
Ruth Brown about 9 years ago
As in a Shakespeare play, timing is everything. At the least maybe Tiff will explain to Gunther that Piro crashed at Bernice’s pad one night (and more of his situation). Bernice, don’t waste a broken heart on something that never was.
kenhense about 9 years ago
Gunth – Take Tiff to a scary movie. Soak up a little body heat. You can’t sort it out with just your brain…
ianm about 9 years ago
Tiffany is a very lonely girl (for many good reasons) and she sees Gunth as a friend. Yes she’s interested in him as a man, Rosa has changed him a lot. She’s immodest, selfish, untrustworthy and dumb. But in the entire history of the strip she is not, and has never been, Pass Around Puss. She has too much self-regard for that.
Why does everyone think the worst of poor Tiff? Piro spent a night in her room, but Piro seems to flake out on any available sofa. Gunth has been there after curfew, but he was helping her with her maths. Tiffany is labelled a bad girl, but Bern has had both Piro and Hair spend the night and she, it seems, is as pure as the driven snow.
I think Tiff is sad and a bit desperate in this strip. She needs our sympathy, not our condemnation.
dmdip about 9 years ago
Enter Tiffany, and time for good advice from Stephen Stills :
King_Shark about 9 years ago
Majyck Toad said:“this may be blunt, but it appears tiff has just become what we used to call Pass Around Puss”.Yes, it’s Tiffany’s fault. If there’s a tornado tomorrow, it’ll be Tiffany’s fault. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire was Tiffany’s fault.
Crash7 about 9 years ago
One door closes, another opens.
charne about 9 years ago
Come on Bernice wake up. You don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone.
mgrossberg about 9 years ago
Tiff was always the “Made the Team” girl. Gunth and Tiff together could be fun, but it would never last.
Bernice has got that ‘bad boy’ obsession going. She doesn’t even see Gunther. She sees Piro. And the fact that she’s getting nowhere makes her want him more.
Little idiot.
cjswan232482 about 9 years ago
Honestly Gunther can do better than Bernice. I predict Rosa will make a comeback.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 9 years ago
I with Gunther, I do not know what is going on either. Bernice is a roller coaster of emotions.
Airman about 9 years ago
In real life, Rosa will come back, but she’ll be married. In real life, Bernice will become Margo Phelps. In real life, Gunther will get Tiffany pregnant.
31768 about 9 years ago
Gunther (inside his head:) “oh, hi Tiff’, I’m looking at something with beer goggles.”(in other words:) I’M BEING A COMPLETE IDIOT! it’s now time for Gunther and Bernice’s reality check!(courtesy of the “surprise corps.”)
31768 about 9 years ago
Can’t help but notice how “Paris” lit up like a bulb when she saw Gunther. And he is looking at another bulb that was just dimmed.
Willywise52 Premium Member about 9 years ago
A dim bulb…
BlinkyPuddleJumper about 9 years ago
Gunther is too much like Bernice for her to appreciate him. They’re both just starting to grow beyond the good girl/boy persona that they’ve always had and are beginning to explore the world as adults. Gunther had Rosa as a step towards breaking out of that role. Bernice hasn’t had anyone yet and is drawn to Piro for that reason. OR it’s a comic strip. One or the other.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 9 years ago
“Whatcha Doin” Indeed, Gunth. Off hand, I’d say “Making a BIG Mistake,” if You decide to take either of THESE two Babes SERIOUSLY, Especially “Blondie” here.
Go to Tiff now, as She probably needs MORE ‘Help’ with Her homework and an additional “LINK” in Her “Chain of FOOLS.”
Luanaphile about 9 years ago
Ideally, Bernice ought to have been more polite about canceling their brewing date. But to defend her, it is important that sort out how her behavior and assumptions have mainly rebounded painfully on her, with some backsplash on poor Gunther. She learn to be direct with her feelings and not try to manipulate events. All of these young folks are flawed, like most of us were at that age. I like seeing this process unfold, but I understand the impatience of others. But if the Evans match up all the male/female characters, It becomes a very dull and shallow strip.
3pibgorn9 about 9 years ago
You have that right.
And a lot of times we adults aren’t much, if any, better.
cubswin2016 about 9 years ago
Sometimes what you need is right in front of you and you don’t see it.
Airman about 9 years ago
When this started out on Monday, the school tower clock said 6:10 p.m., so the evening is young. Plenty of time for Tiff and Gunther to forget the text books and just go out for whatever, and let the darkness creep in.
edge2edge about 9 years ago
Gunther if you don’t make your move on one of these girls soon you may as well join a monastery.
wiselad about 9 years ago
? 3 ships? some would say 4…………. gunther/Tiff, Tiff.piro, Piro/Bern and Bern/Gunther, and even some very silly will say Bern/Tiff
Contessa Carrington about 9 years ago
You are correct. The Titanic, The Exxon Valdez, and The Flying Dutchman.
wiselad about 9 years ago
Tiff is not really dumb………….. she is just disinterested in certain things and chooses not to get informed on those…………. she has no trouble learning the ancient history of Egypt in area of cosmetics, and IN SOME CASES, there is no way she does not know but chooses either to be in actual denial or give the image that she does not while crying in the inside…………… and in one of the strips she revealed she goes out on many dates but she has not reached even 3rd base ( maybe has not reached 2nd base either )
JayBluE about 9 years ago
I can comply with the jumping jacks, and the nap, for sure! But can I at least drink choco-milk?
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
NG, thank you. You gave me a smile. (I am glad to be able to answer you when awake w no ferrets having medical demands for a while. Last night was a little weird and tiring — but worked at fine — so a few of my replies needed propped up eyelids between adrenalin rushes.)
locake about 9 years ago
This turned out worse than the coffee date Poor Gunther. Bernice deserves to be alone for the lousy way she treats everyone. Is there anyone she treats well? Tiffany is a much better person than Bernice.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Maricruz, you often go short times without posting, but this time is longer than usual. So, knowing there is likely no cause for concern, i am just waving and wondering about your take on this current theme.
Schrodinger's Dog about 9 years ago
both Gunther and Bernice are living in fantasy worlds, which unfortunately don’t intersect.
JayBluE about 9 years ago
“The Brew That Is Through”^Sums it up, nicely!
JayBluE about 9 years ago
“She doesn’t want an audience now. Can’t you understand that? It is her right.”^You may need to reread my comments. That was the very thing I pointed out, in the last general line, in my first comment.
JayBluE about 9 years ago
And don’t forget, too, there are two sides to that door, they’re both standing at. The are both going through something, and missing the signals, to boot….
wiselad about 9 years ago
just like many of you are giving Tiff hope for the future, there is hope for Rosa (I am not necessarily saying either the G/Rosa ship can be saved or is sunk beyond hope, just focusing on just her) if she matures and realizes is better to be a Bill Gates or a Zuckerberg in how they help others than to be a Don Quixote where her view is not grounded in common sense, but in her view of how “important” her work is, noble at heart but not constructive in solving the problems of the village
harkherp about 9 years ago
….“Hey There Lonely Boy !!!”,,,,
BJShipley1 about 9 years ago
I came to my conclusion by reading what Luann herself says. For example, the 6 Nov 2004 strip, where Luann admits that she wants Gunther to like her instead of Bernice but doesn’t have any intention of dating him (at least in that one she admits that it’s a selfish wish on her part).There’s also another one (the date of which i can’t find) where Luann tells her audio diary that she wants Aaron and Gunther to both be in love with her, and while she wants the feeling mutual in Aaron’s case, she specifically says that she still wants to think of Gunther as just a friend. And yes, she used the exact phrase “in love with”.
This isn’t a case of Gunther not admitting his feelings. Hell, in these instances it’s not even about what he actually feels at all, but what Luann wants him to feel. She actually wanted a person to be into her while having no intention of reciprocating the feeling, just to boost her self-esteem. And that’s a pretty messed-up wish to have.
Though like I said, it’s a sign of her character development that she stopped doing that and actually supported her friends in their relationships.
ironman01 about 9 years ago
I don’t see a happy ending here. At best bittersweet.
Pointspread about 9 years ago
Nothing. I’ve always liked Rosa.
Pointspread about 9 years ago
No I tink he should see that not only is she using him by pushing him toward Tiff, Bernice also doesn’t care if her actions hurt Gunther. Why give someone like that another chance, before at least getting an apology.
Airman about 9 years ago
Your comment was crude, but I have to admit it was clever and catchy, as so many crude things are to men who tend to be pretty crude, ourselves. Sorry, everyone, I liked it.
kritter666 about 9 years ago
Luann should go for Gunther.
Airman about 9 years ago
Although I didn’t mind Toad’s comment, I wouldn’t apply it to Tiffany. She is as pure as the driven snow, “all yack and no shack”. She has matured with Gunther’s guidance and company. Right now, Gunther is the one with the problem. When they finally realize that they complement each other, the result won’t be explosive, it will be shy, tentative, and gentle.
Wilde Bill about 9 years ago
After reading this strip for years, something has happened that I would never have imagined. Tiffany has become a sympathetic character.
doverdan about 9 years ago
Majyck Toad said, this may be blunt, but it appears tiff has just become what we used to call Pass Around Puss . . . . =====No, that is NOT it at all. Tiff is oblivious to all that is going on.but so are:Gunth,Piro,Hair,etc.
wiselad about 9 years ago
pros and cons of the FOUR alternatives for Gunt ( the senioritas do not count ) Tiff she is underneath her “I am superior to anyone, admire me” exterior a not confidant girl who needs guidance and to be shown that smart is good and fun and despite her chosen image and vibes, she is pure………. BUT she needs to be constantly pushed into the right direction ……………………….. Bernice is one most similar to him but she is blind to seeing what is obvious to others, and seems to be attracted to people outside of her image, and despite her demure manner, she is eager to go into a “wilder side” ……………….. Luann is more easy going and one who is the one with the best friendship foundation, but along with Rosa, one who is waiting for him to have more initiative and of the 4, is one who is most likely to bring the “inconsiderate dominant persona” of Gunther which is scary to be truthful, seems to lean toward being a bully ……………. Rosa had many things in common, and had the patience to wait for him to take initiative, or to “guide him” into doing it, but sadly at this time has noble ideals that are manifested in a witless manner with senseless actions that are discrepant to her aspirations
wiselad about 9 years ago
if they take themselves on the emotional ride in same situation Lue and Quill were in the “dark room”, they are less likely to be able to stop, but at same time are most likely to regret “allowing it” to happen
doverdan about 9 years ago
JPuzzleWhiz said, about 5 hours ago@IamJayBluE“Shut Up, Shut Down, Shut Off, Shut Out”And, in Bernice’s case, “Shut In”.====Inside the room, a crying Bernice will find Dez. If this arc is to continue at all.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Sorry, Lonnie, i did not mean to cause any pain. You know, though, you would not be who you are today without what you went through before. As hard as your experience was for you i suspect it granted you strength that you woukd not otherwise have,
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Lonnie wrote:
I must disagree and that was unspeakably rude. There has never been the least hint that Tiff is loose or sleeps aroundEND quote
Yes, that is correct, but the problem goes beyond that. Many young women who were very active either were for exactly the same reasons that young men were praised as studs, or were because they were seeking affection in the wrong way. As a result, the label is an objectifying sexist stereotype.
wiselad about 9 years ago
change all depends on what “causes it”, for myself, I want to stop 100% to think of any girl in a miniskirt as sexy, desirable and an object but to make a judgement on her as a person, but has been hard to stop the influence of media(specially ads) that keeps telling you that girls in miniskirts are “inviting” ………….. but as a kid I was easily riled when people made fun of me with a stupid song, but one day I got so mad that I pushed one kid, he hit head against wall and went unconscious, and since that time I made the determination not to get riled and act on that feeling, thus I had become patient, and extremely hard to get riled, and even when I get riled, I don’t act on it, but actually I analyze feelings, and let it go………… BTW, the school almost expelled me, but my mom was able to stop that, and after that, the taunting actually stopped (partly afraid of me, partly seeing that I stopped putting attention to the taunting), so sometimes is a hard battle, sometimes is sudden and permanent the change
chain gang charlie about 9 years ago
Nothing "NEW’….Stuff like this happened to your parents, happened to yourGrand parents, Great Grand Parents…on and onAd-infinitum….Where do you think You came from?Be wise enough to understand your childrenAnd be humble enough to Shut-Up!
Mike Parsons Premium Member about 9 years ago
Good God, boy – jump on the opportunity presented to you.
For better or worse, opposites attract!
glynis37 about 9 years ago
Tiff was originally a “cardboard cutout”, a totally superficial character, to make Luann feel inferior. She started a little later than the others, but she, too, is growing into a real 3-dimensional human being. We’ve only had glimpses of her family life, enough to explain a lot of why she views the world the way she does. In the last year or two she’s shown signs of trying to be a better person, it just hasn’t always worked. She’s finding out that there’s more to people than their looks, and more to life than partying. I suspect some of you will be really surprised at who she becomes in another year or so.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 9 years ago
" And others were “rescuers” trying to change guys while not being mature or wise enough to know you can’t change anyone but yourself and even then that’s damn near impossible for most of us.",.How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?.Just one, but it has to want to change.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 9 years ago
@Wiselad" but hides fact she is actually pure”.Presumably a euphemism for sexually inexperienced. Purity should mean more.
abstractnotions about 9 years ago
Make a break for it Gunther, get out of community college and into a top notch university that gives you a challenge and future!
RSH about 9 years ago
So much confusion and misunderstanding. But maybe this is a good experience for Bern., i.e. she needs to realize that she cannot micromanage the relationships of others to suit her own desire outcome.
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Dammit, boy! That’s the Tiffster, and she’s practically throwing herself at you1 Wake up, dummy! Tiffany is potentially the best thing that’s ever happened, or is going to happen, to you!
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Brd, your “change with Joe” joke was so good that i showed Steve. He got a look i love, where he can not help but smile but is trying to not do so. (Hmmmm, that gives me an idea. Mad Magazine used to give him that look. Is it any good now? If so, maybe i will surprise him.)
luann1212 about 9 years ago
The sense of the blog is we are liking Tiffany more, she is growing more, and she is not a bad girl. A little flirty sometimes, and a bit self-centered, and self-aggrandiziing but she is getting better all the time.
Willow Mt Lyon about 9 years ago
Gunther, find someone who needs a friend. Just turn around, and you will find her.
Argythree about 9 years ago
To me, the only thing offensive about the scene is that it interrupts an arc that I really hoped would have an actual conclusion. Monday?
JayBluE about 9 years ago
Spoiler III, the Syndicated Movie version, based off of a loose retelling of the original series, done as a reboot, but shown as a prequel: Uh….I’ve got nothing.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 9 years ago
Puzz, we had never heard the joke before. Presented as it was it worked.
Meowmocha about 9 years ago
Bernice and Gunther would make a good match. They have so much in common, like confusion, inner turmoil, and getting into no-win situations.