Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 15, 2016
TJ: What's up? Brad: They're calling crews to the big wildfire up north. I'm glad to help, but there's so much to do here! I mean, look at your list! TJ: chill, Brad. go put out your fire. I can handle mine, ok? Brad: yeah. Ok. Brad: snif. what's that smell? TJ: Augh! My quiche is burning!
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
the conversation distracted TJ from his quiche I presume
luann1212 about 8 years ago
The wildfire worries me far more than the quiche burning. I hope no unpleasant surprises are in store. Greg less than a month from the wedding, none of that please.
Dreamdeer about 8 years ago
Enter Mr. Gray.
Ida No about 8 years ago
For Luann readers that like to learn more about other artists:
Sam Hurt (Eyebeam):
Garey McKee (Batch Rejection):
Paige Braddock (Jane’s World):
Bill Barnes (Not Invented Here):
(Polls for each one are at the bottoms of the interviews.)
AnyFace about 8 years ago
I’d worry more, but the contest pretty much guarantees Brad will survive till the wedding.
GirlGeek Premium Member about 8 years ago
Not again
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
A new creation is born: Quiche Flambé
bigcatbusiness about 8 years ago
You can’t help the world if you can’t even help yourself. Hurry up and save that quiche!
Caldonia about 8 years ago
TJ committed arson again
Caldonia about 8 years ago
I don’t buy that Brad needs to do anything about the wedding all of a sudden, that’s TJ’s only purpose
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
Brad is really getting thin, he’d better start working out again, before he flunks another fitness test!
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
Ironic, isn’t it? Brad the fireman is living with TJ, the firestarter!
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
There’s a hot time in the old town tonight….C’mon Baby light my fire… Ok Jay, you can take over now :p
paha_siga about 8 years ago
I have wondered for a while – is it usual in USA to break holes into walls in rented houses as you wish without even consulting the owner? Here, you are supposed to give the rental place back the way you got it, minus the normal wear and tear.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 8 years ago
Sure, that was my life, too. Having to put out fires for everyone else.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
“Something’s Burning” (♪♫)
“A Crisp Scent In The Air”
“Kitchen Kaboodle”
“Foam, Foam On The Range…” (♪)
“Have You Met My Ex-tinguisher?”
“Fume And Far Between”
“The Lava My Life”
“A Very Hot Pocket”
“Going Good, Without A Hitch…Or A Kitchen…”
“Charred And Tethered”
“Brad, Mind If I Smoke?”
“Cinder Fella”
OneTime59 about 8 years ago
TJ – the accidental pirotechnician with a flamboyant personality.
sueb1863 about 8 years ago
I’d worry about the fact that the wedding is less than a month away and there is no way they’d be ready for it if this was real life. The menu would have been locked in a long time ago.
dmostroff about 8 years ago
I’m not passing moral judgement, but I wonder if TJ is gay.
dlkrueger33 about 8 years ago
As someone wrote yesterday, I hope this is a ruse to get Brad to go to the firehouse only to discover they are holding a bachelor party for him! I hope beyond hope that this is not leading into a tragedy of some kind. Please, no.
Tyge about 8 years ago
Didn’t he burn up his food truck?
desert-cat about 8 years ago
burn down # 3 is coming
dadoctah about 8 years ago
TJ is a lot like Doc Brown from Back to the Future. He doesn’t mean to start fires, it just happens. (Recall that in 1985 he was living in what in ‘55 had been his garage because the rest of the house had burned down. And that every time he builds a model — "Excuse the crudeness of this model; I didn’t have time to build it to scale or to paint it" — he ends up setting a pile of rags on fire showing it off.)
æ² about 8 years ago
Uh oh. Quiche your house goodbye?
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 8 years ago
Let’s not suffer another fire
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
Those wall studs don’t seem very deep.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Hey Smiley? Why not put a call into Chip and Joanna Gaines, of TV “Fixer Upper” fame to SOLVE Your remodeling plight? You got the ‘dough’ and They’ve got the time since this currently the off season. Come On, You’d be on Television!
…..,And the FACT that YOU would have to MOVE to Waco, Texas, AWAY from the Newly Wed DeGroots, would be even BETTER……,
ACTIVIST1234 about 8 years ago
Well, that quiche was a quick-y
jimboklein about 8 years ago
Either Brad or Toni are going to get seriously hurt in this fire. One may not survive….
Outsideplaying about 8 years ago
I mentioned a potential hospital wedding yesterday. Toni always wanted a small wedding. Just a thought. I really hope nobody, including Brad or Toni, gets hurt. She needs to wear her dress and they need to enjoy their wedding day when all’s said and done. As the potential MIL of a firefighter, it’s a real fear many face every day.
Terminal Frost Premium Member about 8 years ago
So you think adding a ‘lol’ excuses you calling the guy a loser? ERROR on your part.
bookworm0812 about 8 years ago
This is making me want to bake a quiche.
stealth694 about 8 years ago
Did Toni get the same Notice???Who knows maybe a wedding at the Fire Site?
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
By coincidence today’s Poem a Day is one which reminds people of what can be lost to a wildfire, even one that does not endanger structures:
drodr05 about 8 years ago
Brad is not the one who will suffer injury from the fire. But Brad will be hurt because of the fire.
Just saying.
Pipe Tobacco about 8 years ago
Interesting juxtaposition of fire in the woods and fire in the oven.
Since an “in-the-know” person has suggested for quite some time that there is a tragedy planned, here is my prognostication of said event:
1. Apparently Brad is going to go fight the “wildfire”.
2. Brad will be at very grave risk for injury, and presuming he may be injured, this will destroy the wedding.
3. While many have suggested that Toni will marry Brad in the hospital…. I offer these alternatives:
a. Perhaps TONI will also go and fight the “wildfire”. Perhaps she will be the individual who is hurt. Perhaps it will be Brad who has them get married in the hospital while SHE recuperates.
Perhaps both Brad and Toni are hurt. They both end up in the hospital and have a dual hospital bed wedding..
c. Perhaps both Brad and Toni are hurt. They are hurt a bad enough way that the wedding has to be cancelled. When they recover, they decide “to hell with it” and just elope.
d. Perhaps a co-worker/friend who is also working at the “wildfire” perishes in the flames which then causes the distraught Brad and Toni to postpone their wedding.
e. Perhaps the “wildfire” is a ruse the Captain has set into motion for another surprise party for the couple…. or perhaps a “raucous” bachelor party. The tragedy in this instance would stem from Brad perhaps behaving boorishly…. which Toni finds out and it leads to a postponement of the wedding.
bravechow about 8 years ago
Or…Brad dies in the fire. Toni is a hard luck girl in her personal life. They could kill Brad off. What’s-her-name knocked off loads of characters in For Better or Worse. Grandpa and Farley the Dog come to mind. Maybe Evans has a death and a Brad-the-Ghost image up his sleeve? He could have Brad join Grandpa and Farley in Farley’s Tree.
kauri44 about 8 years ago
I’m still leaning towards the tragedy being that Jonah dies suddenly (perhaps in a car accident) and Toni and Brad become instant adoptive parents. There’d be more drama in one of the couple being in danger/hurt in the wildfire, though.
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
trauma: The makeshift wall they are erecting falls over, seriously injuring Jonah who is no longer able to pursue work as an actor, and cannot support Shannon. She goes to live with Toni and Brad as a result.
Pipe Tobacco about 8 years ago
Maybe the trauma will be that TJ gets a cutting board injury while worrying about Brad in the midst of the “wildfire”. The injury, while temporary, makes it impossible for TJ to cater the food for the wedding, and so they have to make the traumatic choice of either having the wedding catered by Subway, or by Taco Bell. :)
Luanaphile about 8 years ago
The force is rife with speculation this day, young Skywalker.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 8 years ago
Did anyone else notice the Calendar icon isn’t working up there next to the date?
Airman about 8 years ago
If Brad is to face a wildfire, endangering himself and the wedding, then let’s cut to the chase and not be interrupted by the Great Quiche Fire of 2016. We have a potential Indiana Jones epic adventure here, so don’t deflate the action with some silly Marx Brothers’ slapstick routine. Focus. Stay on task. Get serious.
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
Ever-overconfident TJ has a bad track record with fires.
But the ominous nature of the wildfire up north and what it can do to firefighters like Brad and Toni is what really worries me….
Train 1911 about 8 years ago
No wedding in December They will never marry
æ² about 8 years ago
Groaner quiche joke:
Q. What does Sean Connery do with quiche?
A. He opensh hish doorsh with them.
wiatr about 8 years ago
Reminds me of “Wings.”
RSH about 8 years ago
it is interesting that we suddenly switch from Jack (who wanted to go climbing), Nil, Bernice and Luann back to Brad and wedding affairs. But now there is a fire somewhere (on forested land?). Could it be that Jack will be off climbing somewhere and be caught in a wildfire? It seems like we weren’t really finished with last week’s episode.
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
Somewhat Truncated Spoiler Alert: Things are heating up, Toni says she is glad she’s doing it with Brad.
howtheduck about 8 years ago
Quiche. Might as well put away the man card.
Rose686 about 1 year ago
Tj, its all part of a cooking learning experience!