Mike Luckovich for June 23, 2024

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 10 days ago

    W, Bush was demoted to the second stupidest modern president when tRump became the first.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  10 days ago

    Why would he

    Without some money that is ..

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    pasharuzam Premium Member 10 days ago

    He’s stuck in a time warp slavishly following Reagan’s 11th Commandment, except the Pyrite Cow and his worshipful minions are no longer really Republican or conservative and the GOP is no more.

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    melvincole73  10 days ago

    Following in his father’s footsteps, his father watched and loved Reagan. Read my lips!

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  5. Mooseguy
    moosemin  10 days ago

    George Herbert Walker Bush became president because he promised to merely continue Reagan’s policies, greatest of which was to protect all the financial gains of the Billionaire-Investor class. The Bush family, protectors of the Texas Oil giants, benefited tremendously by republican policies, including trump’s totally un-necessary tax cuts which benefited that class all the more. Little Georgie has his, and doesn’t have to say anything.

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    happyinvenice23  10 days ago

    Thank you moosemin for exposing worthless w

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    robcarroll1213  10 days ago

    Amazing how silent W has been about Trump and his MAGAts…

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  8. Animals being weird
    wildthing  10 days ago

    He did. Referring to Trump’s inaugural speech he commented, “That was some weird sh!t”.

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    DC Swamp  10 days ago

    GWB started two lengthy, unnecessary wars resulting in immense loss of blood and treasure, the bad orange man sought peace.

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    The Nodding Head  10 days ago

    On the one hand, he has nothing to gain. He is already in the toilet, a subject of scorn from Democrats and MAGAcrats alike. In the other hand, he could act out of courage and principle.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Had you for a second.

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    Papakillamon  10 days ago

    W the war criminal keeps his fat head down

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    akachman Premium Member 10 days ago

    Yes, he should.

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  13. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  10 days ago

    Yep, W.’s vice showed up in the capitol one day a few years ago and was haild as a paragon of democratic virtue. The rehabilitation bar is very low these days.

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    truthsocialol  10 days ago

    Why the heII hasn’t the little bush spoken out about his appointment of alito

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  15. 3 stooges
    tee929  10 days ago

    To paraphrase President Ronnie Raygun, “Mr. Bush, Tear down the Trump”.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 10 days ago

    The moment he comes out against the orange criminal publicly, his ability to sway opinion will be discredited. From what I have read, President Bush is working behind the scenes against Trump, but the Party Bush knew is dead. It is the cult of Trump now.

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    wrkg_onit  10 days ago

    He as done so already. Makes no difference to the “true believers”.

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  18. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 10 days ago

    Speak out against trump at your own peril, trump’s goons will hunt you down. The “mafia” was nothing compared to what the trump team has accomplished.

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    Ally2005  10 days ago

    Like most others, W doesn’t want his house attacked by the magat goon squad.

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    MARK SHOENFELT Premium Member 10 days ago

    Three of the present not-so-supreme court justices were on bush’s team of lawyers that successfully stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. He awarded roberts the chief justice seat over other, more experienced justices. Also on that team were kavanagh and covid-barrett. bush is as responsible for this court as trump is. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that roberts won’t rein in the other justices.

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    Arthur I Romeo Premium Member 10 days ago

    And Obama should voice his distrust of Biden. What’s good for the goose…

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    piper_gilbert  10 days ago

    Republicans back Republicans no matter what. Even the ones that say they will not vote for Trump, will vote for Trump. It’s in their DNA.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 10 days ago

    I had little respect for George W. Bush, who plunged the US into two wars against the wrong enemies. However, to give him his due, once he left the White House he stayed out of the public spotlight and let the country move on. In this regard, he resembled other contemporary presidents once their terms were over: Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, his dad, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Also the presidential candidates who had been defeated in fair elections: Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bob Dole, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Hillary Clinton. While a couple of the latter went (or continued) on to government service in other capacities, they let the duly elected presidents govern without blustering and second-guessing them and doing everything in their power to hog the spotlight for themselves. However, there is one prominent loser who felt, as he always has, that the rules and norms of civilized, responsible behavior didn’t apply to him. I cannot wait for him too to shut up and go away.

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  24. Blizzard
    Escapee  10 days ago

    He always was a coward-who cares what his opinion is

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  25. P1000380
    A# 466  10 days ago

    W, for all his faults, took positive action as regards the AIDS/HIV epidemic, something that nearly ALL the rest of the Bible Bashers and GOP pols refused to do. Trump, on the other hand did nothing positive as regards the COVID pandemic. Trump did take action however, he excoriated the scientific community, recommended snake oil “cures”, and fiddle-farted around until COVID nearly killed him (dammmit!). And then, after millions of cases, he finally engaged the crisis and pushed for “Warp Speed.”

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  26. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  10 days ago

    At least Liz Cheney continues to point out that Traitor Trump is a dire threat to our country.

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    ncorgbl  10 days ago

    The sitting president, Bush2, was not invited and didn’t attend thehe Republican convention in 2008. Democrats messed up. When conservatives crashed our economy in the Great Depression, Democrats governed for the next 21 years, and the U.S. became the Leader of the Free World. By not burying Republicans, Bush2’s Great Recession only opened the door for tRump.

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    GiantShetlandPony  10 days ago

    Not going to happen. Had expected more of what is going on now when he was president, though he set the stage for much of what the Repubs have taken from Americans to happen.

    His family, wealthy friends, and oil cartel friends benefit far too much from Repub policies. He may not show outward support for Traitor Trump and the other Repub traitors, but he’s more on their side, than against. He’s a wealthy elite that like Traitor Trump was better at getting businesses to fail, than make them functional. He was even known to speak gibberish and get things really wrong, but he was better at shutting up and not drawing attention to the fact he was/is a moron. Used his senator father to go AWOL and avoid being sent to Vietnam with his unit/squadron. Something that should have put in in the brig/jail for a lengthy sentence, not made him a president.

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  29. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member 10 days ago

    Dick Cheney spoke out against trump from the first day trump took office. You can’t expect W to have the same principles as Dick Cheney. W has no principles at all.

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    Raging Moderate  10 days ago

    Like I need to hear from the worst president ever.

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    Glib Sporgen  10 days ago

    Donald Trump is:


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    bigheadx  10 days ago

    well…. who would listen?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member 10 days ago

    GWB has quietly made it known he despises Trump & will not vote for him. I don’t think Bush is the kind of endorsement Biden wants.

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  34. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  10 days ago

    I was in grade school when Joe McCarthy was big. The GOP leadership said nothing. My folks read the newspaper and listened to, gasp, network radio news.

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  35. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 9 days ago

    Sadly, he won’t.

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    CasperFourTeen Premium Member 9 days ago

    Once a coward (Vietnam) & a liar (Iraq), always will be the same.

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  37. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  9 days ago

    Junior showed no integrity as president…why would he start now?

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  38. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 9 days ago

    My hope, my expectation is that there is a campaign that brings out every cabinet member who now rejects Trump, every general, and yes everyone former POTUS who decides to heck with “normalcy” to come into the ring and declare Donald J Trump UNFIT for office!!!

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    Old recluse  9 days ago

    Add Biden as unfit and I am all in. The MSN will never turn on the Biden unless the DNC initiates it even if Biden is at death’s door.

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    elgrecousa Premium Member 9 days ago

    I am really puzzled, who in his right mind would ask George to do a thing like that?

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  41. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  9 days ago

    He has spoken out. He even voted for Hillary in 2016.

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  42. Unnamed
    Another Take  9 days ago

    Come on Mike! You know W can’t paint that well.

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    GiantShetlandPony  9 days ago


    Hey, now! Traitor Trump did release 5,000 elite Taliban war criminals, including Taliban leadership and hand over Afghanistan to them.

    Traitor Trump did everything he could to make the withdrawal as difficult as possible.

    President Biden managed to get the Taliban to agree to a later date for withdrawal. After a shaky start, ended in one of the most successful withdrawals from a a country ever. It’s not to say there was no tragedies to be had during the withdrawal, but on the greater scale of things it was an incredible operation.

    One of the things that could have made it more successful would have been if the Repubs hadn’t made it so hard for our Afghan allies to get their paperwork in order for asylum in the USA.

    I put this hear, because I’m not going to feed that lazy trolls thread any further than it already has been.

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    Truthinker  9 days ago

    It is utterly rediculous that people on both sides of the aisle call the other side stupid. None of them are stupid. Some of them are hell bent on destroying the american way of life but they are not stupid. The Stupid people are the ones blindly following anything they hear a celebrity say without actually researching all sides of the subject and forming your own informed opinion.

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