Many things look easy until we try to do them ourselves. And to do them well requires even more levels of knowledge, skill and talent.Like I can cook an okay meal, but it is primitive next to what my mother can do or those that cook in restaurants (note – McDonalds is NOT a restaurant despite what they claim).Likewise I am handy enough to lay a new floor, change a light socket, hang a painting… however I’d rather not attempt to build a house.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there are approximately 171,476 words currently in use in the English language, with an additional number of obsolete words listed as well; however, the total number of words including technical terms, slang, and newly coined words is often estimated to be around a million
Like I used to tell the people on my software development team: It’s all just ones and zeroes. All you need to do is figure out how many of each and in what order. Problem solved.
Of course, after dropping that I was on the hook for some useful advice. Happily, I usually had some.
On a side note….I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in newspapers lately of supposedly professional writers using words that only sound like the word they need — and it actually getting past editors! Or have they been replaced by spell-check? If so, bad call.
hariseldon59 2 days ago
Why English, necessarily? There are professional writers publishing in other languages.
BasilBruce 2 days ago
To save on car insurance, don’t have an accident.
Seth down 2 days ago
To win a basketball game, score more points than the other team.
win.45mag 2 days ago
Sounds more like a game of AdLibs……..The notepads where you fill in the blanks…….
Johnny Q Premium Member 2 days ago
Reminds me of an elephant joke:
How do you make a statue of an elephant?
Take a block of marble, and chip away everything that doesn’t look like an elephant…
sergioandrade Premium Member 2 days ago
I thought the method was to stare at a blank piece of paper or computer screen until drops of blood start forming on your forehead.
iggyman 2 days ago
Liquid inspiration, sound about right, or “write” for Rat!
californiamonty 2 days ago
Hey, it worked for Hemingway!
pearlsbs 2 days ago
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Purple People Eater 2 days ago
The Oxford English Dictionary has about 600,000 words, but the average person has a vocabulary of “only” about 20,000 to 35,000 words.
akachman Premium Member 2 days ago
Oh, good. Finally some advice I can use.
cdward 2 days ago
Write drunk, edit sober.
wrd2255 1 day ago
James Joyce says Sláinte!
steveh64 1 day ago
Rat is basically correct, but the trick to being a professional writer is to know which words to choose and what constitutes the right order.
Like Mark Twain said, “The difference between the right word and almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.”
Of course, all this assumes that the writer has something worth saying.
Linguist 1 day ago
I once tried to write a Country-Western song I called “Drunk Before Noon” … but I never made it past 11 o’clock!
ClaytonEmery1 1 day ago
If you’re writing for streaming TV or the movies, you only need one word that begins with F.
No6 1 day ago
(1.) Be a relatively well known celebrity or a member of the royal family.
(2.) Write a childrens book.CountOlaf2.0 Premium Member 1 day ago
That sounds like what Truman Capote said about Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” and they, Rat and Capote, were both right.
karenjean123 Premium Member 1 day ago
and ignore Goat!
TheBigPickle 1 day ago
Really not much more to it than that.
Huckleberry Hiroshima 1 day ago
Try Esperanto. Fewer words.
Ellis97 1 day ago
All I can think of is to write about whatever is on your mind.
MRBLUESKY529 1 day ago
Step 1: Acquire an infinite number of monkeys. Step 2: Acquire an infinite number of typewriters. Step 3: Wait.
Slowly, he turned... 1 day ago
and use AI.
ladykat 1 day ago
Well, I guess that’s one way to do it. It’s worked for a lot of authors.
Packratjohn Premium Member 1 day ago
They say, “Write what you know”. That’s why I haven’t published anything.
newsbb 1 day ago
I love irony.
Many things look easy until we try to do them ourselves. And to do them well requires even more levels of knowledge, skill and talent.Like I can cook an okay meal, but it is primitive next to what my mother can do or those that cook in restaurants (note – McDonalds is NOT a restaurant despite what they claim).Likewise I am handy enough to lay a new floor, change a light socket, hang a painting… however I’d rather not attempt to build a house.
jtburgess Premium Member 1 day ago
That’s the chatbots’ approach.
aerotica69 1 day ago
The best cure for writer’s block is a juice glass of Jack Daniels.
royq27 1 day ago
Amazing how many seem to have a real issue in getting the right order, myself example for…
Heelboy 12 1 day ago
Is Pastis giving us a clue as to how he comes up with his strips?
Alicia1955 1 day ago
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there are approximately 171,476 words currently in use in the English language, with an additional number of obsolete words listed as well; however, the total number of words including technical terms, slang, and newly coined words is often estimated to be around a million
rshive 1 day ago
The drinking part helps a bit.
Ken Otwell 1 day ago
No, drinking comes first.
Kaputnik 1 day ago
It might be more than that, but 170,000 words is certainly more than I know.
alreadyinuse 1 day ago
Step 3: enter the words as a prompt into your preferred AI generator.
John Leonard Premium Member 1 day ago
Like I used to tell the people on my software development team: It’s all just ones and zeroes. All you need to do is figure out how many of each and in what order. Problem solved.
Of course, after dropping that I was on the hook for some useful advice. Happily, I usually had some.
Goat from PBS 1 day ago
This doesn’t work if you’re writing in Spanish.
klapre 1 day ago
Strangely enough, that is the process.
marilynnbyerly 1 day ago
Don’t drink a lot. Writing is work. Deadlines are work. People who drink and write are just looking for a reason to drink.
dpatrickryan Premium Member 1 day ago
Ah – the Hemingway school of writing.
mindjob 1 day ago
Finally, a use for that big, humongous, unabridged dictionary I got in 8th grade
Godfreydaniel 1 day ago
And remember, sequels are a writer’s friend (if not necessarily a reader’s friend…..)
krisjackson01 1 day ago
Alcohol seems to be a major occupational hazard of the creative set.
rat with a bat 1 day ago
Actually, Goat, the only thing Rat’s missing is a little creativity.
fritzoid Premium Member 1 day ago
New Yorker cartoon showing a man raking leaves in his suburban front yard, speaking to a passerby:
“I used to be an important writer, but then I gave up smoking and drinking.”
pamela welch Premium Member 1 day ago
OMG! This is so funny — LOLOL
Bilan 1 day ago
If you want to be a professional writer for TV, you only need a dozen or so words.
dogday Premium Member 1 day ago
On a side note….I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in newspapers lately of supposedly professional writers using words that only sound like the word they need — and it actually getting past editors! Or have they been replaced by spell-check? If so, bad call.
wildlandwaters 1 day ago
or you could just hire a roomful of monkeys on typewriters…
einarbt 1 day ago
Is this what Stephan does?
erinurse2000 1 day ago
That’s what I’ve been doing wrong!
eddi-TBH 1 day ago
If that doesn’t work, ask an AI to make up some new words. They are very good at that.
aunt granny 1 day ago
To be a professional writer, you also need to know how to sell the arrangement of words.
sincavage05 1 day ago
Is that how cartoonists do it?
rgcviper about 23 hours ago
I can relate, Rat. I write for fun, and though it ain’t easy, I enjoy it and keep at it.