Bob Gorrell for March 11, 2024

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  4 months ago

    I see you miss out the crucial bits of information as to why the dems are calling out those morons and criminals for their actions. Clown!

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 4 months ago

    The projection is strong in this one.

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    knutdl  4 months ago

    Where is the elephant?

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    Hello Everyone  4 months ago

    The scary thing is a lot of people actually believe this excrement.

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    This cartoonist I do not like. He stokes misinformation and lies to rabble rouse.

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    So it was “unconstitutional” to prevent an insurrectionist (which the Supreme Court acknowledged) from being President? There are lies in every panel except the last.

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    Oh, how dreadful. Did we interrupt your “legitimate political discourse” proceedings?

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    Patjade  4 months ago

    Funny, I thought it was republicans trying to ban the Fraudfather from the Colorado ballot.

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    think it through  4 months ago

    Why is this cartoonist drawing a donkey when the dialog is talking about republicans???

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  4 months ago

    Republicans are facist , racist , xenophobic , homophobic and misantropic (anti human)

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    baroden Premium Member 4 months ago

    1) Certain segments of the GOP ARE Fascist2) The GOP is working to ban social media completely3) Parents who wish to restrict curriculum based on their narrow minded perceptions are domestic terrorists and should be banned. If you don’t want your child to read a book, then be a good parent and restrict your child. Leave mine alone.4) The GOP has worked tirelessly on their STATED GOAL of purging the government of the liberal deep state and is currently involved in trying to gin up an impeachment with no legal basis.5) The GOP has used the courts to push their political agenda, including an absolutely outrageous definition of the second amendment. There was literally once case exercising the interpretation of the insurrectionist statement.6) The GOP is working to concentrate power in the hands of one president in order to push their authoritarian agenda.

    You must be sundowning, Gorrell, because there’s no way a competent human being could believe what you wrote.

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    DC Swamp  4 months ago


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    Dangerguy  4 months ago

    I guess Bob thinks it’s OK to allow disinformation (defined as deliberate malicious misinformation) about vaccines and Covid remedies that could cost people their LIVES should just be allowed so the gullible can be led into slow suicide?

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 4 months ago

    Translation: “Let me demonstrate projection and gaslighting for you”.

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    aristoclesplato9  4 months ago

    And you can bet all the horrors the Dems predict should Trump take office will never happen when he’s back for his second term in 2025. Just like last time. They use fear as a political tool and their gloom and doom future never materializes.

    Don’t be fooled again.

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    The democrats are correct. Outside of bank records, the suspicious activity reports from the banks, the wire transfers, the LLC’s, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunters business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners confirming Joe is “the brand” they were selling, the “big guy”, the “chairman”, the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving half of his income to dad, there is no evidence of Biden being involved. Good call, guys.

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    It always fascinates me how MAGA-type either flat our lie, to avoid facts, or dislike context. Ordinary citizens decided Trump (and others) should be charged; the 14th Amendment clause should not have to be used, but it is called for; the Democratic Party never called concerned parents terrorists, parents who were threatening to kill teachers and school administrators over their response to a once-in-100 year global pandemic were said to be engaging in terrorism; and the MAGA-GOP proclaims it organized plan to overthrow the government and shred the Constitution, so you come up with a name for it, Gorrell.

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    suzalee  4 months ago

    Prosecuting crimes committed by anyone, even a past President, is not persecution. It is honoring our Constitution and our forefathers who were determined to have no person above the law They had had enough of that from Kings who were “strong men” who ruled over them, and were free from answering from their crimes. You put in a “strong man” and there is no protest when you are treated unfairly. The “strong man” decides everything. You don’t count.

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    davidthoms1  4 months ago

    Gorell has entered the alternate reality zone.

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  20. Rat
    Rat's My Hero Premium Member 4 months ago

    That kool-aid must taste pretty good, Bob. Just remember Jonestown.

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  21. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 4 months ago

    True words, Bob, great toon!

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    The Nodding Head  4 months ago

    “No, no, no. We’re not the Nazis. You’re the Nazis! You are!”

    Straight out of The Aspiring Authoritarian’s playbook.


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  23. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  4 months ago

    Yet your party can’t grasp the distinction.

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    steveconkey2003  4 months ago

    Very accurate.

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    VKent  4 months ago

    It would be funnier if it wasn’t true.

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    Adolf Trump  4 months ago

    Seems like the New American Fascist comic strip artists are a little cranky lately. They must be upset that the orange blob didn’t crush President Joe Biden, with some witty repartee after the State of The Union speech.

    These guys are so dull. They know one tune to play on their out of tune banjo, and they just won’t stop playing. SAD

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    sevaar777  4 months ago

    Is there a way to flag a ‘toonist for astounding misinformation, misdirection, and just blatant BS? I don’t like Lame-o-crats in general, for various reasons, but Basic Garbage takes Rethugican modus operandi and does projections that would make Goebbels proud.

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  28. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 4 months ago

    All very true. Yet the usual suspects above just keep trying to deflect. Also I wouldn’t put it past them to go with their final option, the sniper on the grassy knoll. Sure got rid of Epstein.

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    Ontman  4 months ago

    Does Gorrell not know how foolish his cartoons are? Most of us do.

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  30. Yin yang
    Havel  4 months ago


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    ChristopherBurns  4 months ago

    No, you’re the cartoonist that lies constantly.After the first panel everything Mr. Gorrell says is a lie.

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    IndyW  4 months ago

    Yes, oh yes, very well said this toon. Spot on today.

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    Teddy bear Premium Member 4 months ago

    Truer words were never spoken. It’s a sad state of affairs that this country is in. Whatever happened to ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I miss the country. I grew up in.

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    preacherman Premium Member 4 months ago

    Once again, the Repub toonist is busy hiding the truth within a great big lie.

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    flpmlp  4 months ago

    Great cartoon. It makes me sad there are so many “blind” people who approve of the democrat’s headlong rush into socialism/communism. Just look at the comments above!

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    Kurtass Premium Member 4 months ago

    Gorrell, who brought the case to keep trump off the ballot? It wasn’t the democrats. As always, you lie about everything.

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  37. P1000380
    A# 466  4 months ago

    This cartoon is just like a Trumpian monologue. Everything that Trump claims, indeed, every word that passes his lips, is precisely the opposite of what is true and factual.

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    Aliquid  4 months ago

    I find it interesting that whenever anyone does something against Trump, Gorrell says “Democrats are attacking Trump”… even when it is a Republican trying to stop Trump.

    The whole thing about getting Trump kicked off the ballot was started by a republican (Norma Anderson)

    Keep lying Gorrell… it is the only way to make your messages make sense.

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    Benaiah67  4 months ago

    Still just dribble from dems -nothing that deviates from the party line – you know – MAGA is bad – orange bad – GOP never does anything good. The come out like a pack – do you all get an email with what dribble you are write – group think you know. No original though and you all soung like Chuck U. Shumer

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    The Dem Veteran   4 months ago

    84 Treasonous republican state officals swore an oath that they were the “Duly elected representitives of the eletoral college” when they knew they wereent.

    The Fact that all 84 are not on trial for treason is the reason we are still in this mess.

    Gorrell calls investigating documented treason as “Using the Legal system to prosecute opponents”


    The Dems biggest crime is NOT arresting all 84 the day it became public.

    Now the public thinks this kind of action is simply politics

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    The GOP is the party that trembles before Trump. This is the party that chooses Putin over Biden. This is the party that chooses party before their country. This is the party willing to suspend the Constitution. This the party willing to elect a dictator on day one. Oh. . . and this is the party of Patriots.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  4 months ago

    Democrats and the Biden Administration = the real Nazis.

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    Civitas Libertas  4 months ago

    Here is a question for you Gorrell: How much did the Republican Party and/or Trump pay you to produce this propagandic drivel? How do you sleep at night knowing full well that you have sold out your country and betrayed your fellow citizens in perpetuating the ongoing march to fascism?

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    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    What a full load of baloney. Democrats uphold the Laws of the U.S. while Republicans only use the laws that benefit themselves.

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  45. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  4 months ago

    They tried to CONSTITUTIONALLY ban Trump from the ballot. 14th Amendment. Look it up. Just like the Republican party had no problem with trying to claim Obama was ineligible to run. The Democrats just got a lot further on their attempt because there was a lot more basis to the claim that the candidate was CONSTITUTIONALLY ineligible.

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    GradingGorrell  4 months ago


    Same 6 panel donkey as 10/24/2022




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    cfkelley  4 months ago

    The symbol of the Democrat Party should be a round square.

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    Rich Douglas  4 months ago

    Democrats don’t modify “fascists” with “semi-”; we just say “fascists.” Easier and more accurate.

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    Jimathai Premium Member 4 months ago

    look at how much disinformation and lies they have to spew to justify nominating a rapist/con-man/insurrectionist/felon/wanna be dictator. Calling themselves patriots when they are eager to completely destroy the country just so they can own some liberals. What a joke of a party.

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    mrwiskers  4 months ago

    Let’s face facts. No political party exists without its faults. As voters, we are left to choose which one will address societies problems most effectively in the least authoritarian and most democratic way possible.

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