Georgia, what a delightful and wonderful way to introduce us to your family’s feline history! You are so lucky to have lived with so many beautiful kitties!
To all the cats I’ve loved before…Katzenheimer, the first gray striped tabby; Blackie, long haired black cat with white chest floof; Old Yeller Tom, an orange and blonde swirled tabby; Squaller, my first olive loving Siamese mama cat; Big Bad John, my Siamese protector cat; shy, aloof Annabelle, elder daughter of BBJ and Squaller; Minnie the Moocher, bossy younger sister; Snowball, the beautiful while cat we tried to rescue from the blizzard but despite the best efforts of the vet, it was just too late; Ringo Barry Goldwater, the gray tuxedo boy who fell victim to the neighborhood poisoner and left us way too soon, Baby Girl, the gray tabby tuxedo I brought home on the school bus to save her from boys who were trying to stone her to death; Miss Kitty, my black and white tuxedo who appeared on the porch two days before Christmas; Snagglepuss, the Maine Coon cat who was near starvation when he found his way to me; and last and best of all, my dearly departed tabby boy Jasper.
In our cats-tory, each was and is unique. We are blessed to have had so much love and memories and still have the knit mouse that was given to the first cat 43 years ago. The current love it as much as the first did. Though we never see them play with it, it is never where it was the previous day…….
What a delightful picture……Definitely poster worthy! I hope it makes it to one of Georgia’s future books. To all the cats I’ve loved through out the years, Tom, Smokey, Humphrey the First, Stanley, Lord Humphrey, Queen Margot, Mocha, Suzie Q, Cleo, Bucky, Larry and Charlie…Cheers!
My first cats were Thunderfoot and Mobycat, who was a great and powerful shamanThen the loved but ill-fated Eight Bars who died of feline AIDSThen Salem, our scholar cat and Rennie the mighty huntress and Protector of the HouseAnd now Misty
I love how they all have their own clothing styles, and that the clothing is all pre-modern and exactly what you would see in children’s books of folktales and myths. These are clearly cats of olden times.And fuzzy baby Elvis is extreeeeeemely cute!
First was Boots/Mittens (I couldn’t decide on a name. I was five) who was orange with white feet. Next were four adopted newborns, Gold, Smoke, Sugar, and Spice. Spice was my baby for 6 years until my parents got tired of her having kittens and abandoned her near the ag farm of a nearby university. I wasn’t allowed to keep any of her kittens though one I really wanted was Tie-Su. She was a pure white Siamese whose points came in jet black. She went to live with one of my mother’s teacher friends. I didn’t have any more cats until I married and my husband had Tabu, a grey and white tuxedo with thumbs. Tabu resented me and would slash my ankles whenever I got near. Eventually he went to live with Marc’s sister in the country where he was much happier.
Next we adopted Mama Kat and her kittens, Spike and Slash. Slash was black with a white lightning bolt from her chin down her tummy to her back legs and Spike was grey and white with what looked like a white spike right between her eyes. We had Spike for 21 years and she helped raise my youngest girl. Spike had a number of kittens before we had her fixed, most of which we didn’t give names to before they were adopted out. Some of the ones we kept were Shiver-Me-Timbers, grey and white, Pallet and Painting, identical colors but one in patches and the other in tabby, and Sir Edmund Hillary who liked to be perched on the peak of the roof. We kept her last three kittens, all grey tabbies. Idiot Kittiot eventually died of cancer and the others ran off to live with neighbors. Komiko adopted us one day when she came in the backyard, jumped in the hammock with me, said, “Hi, I’m here. Pet me.” She had already been fixed and wasn’t chipped so we kept her for a few years until one day she said, “Bye!” and moved on to another family.
I’ve got a long list, too, starting w my first, Google-Eyes [she had strange eyes and I named her after Barney Google] Then came Spot and Spike, Orangecat, Jack and Mick, Seamus, Slugger, Braveheart, Cian, Moire, Sheila, Ruari, Danny…did I miss anybody?
Purrito Elivs is just adorable! I keep wondering if we’ll ever see any glimpses of his littermate sister and brother Georgia met when she adopted Elvis.
I never had cats as a boy. We moved a lot. One day I found a stray kitten, I looked into his little face and had a tabby epiphany. He got returned to his home but, ever since, the cats just keep on coming.
Well, my cat family has been extensive. Katie, Tuffy, Tigger, Blackie Jane, Mama Kitty, GinGin, my little hitchhiker Peekaboo, Turbo, Tucker Lovesponge, Ozzy and Inky the Black Devil twins, Rosie, Shadow, and Cindy. Only Tucker, the Twins, and Cindy are still with me, and we are all “seniors” now.
Today is Log Cabin Day. Unfortunately, I cannot find an entry for “cabin” on my log table. Must be higher math than I ever studied. Robin? Gent? A little help here? Is this related to the nature of time/not time? OT: Whenever these two excessively erudite gentlemen (okay, gentleman and gentlebear) get into it, I cue up The Guess Who’s "No Time Left For You, though they do seem to lean toward Gent’s side.
Now back to domiciles made of wood. I’ve lived in well made log cabins dating from the 1900s. They are beautiful, comfortable, and there is something comforting about them—or maybe it’s just some of my ancestry coming out. They are, if properly cared for, also quite durable. I’ve always dreamed of owning and living in one.
There is another form of log construction which can be made when one does not have timber of sufficient length and diameter to build a log cabin. It’s called “cordwood masonry.” Picture a neatly stacked cord of cut wood with the spaces between the logs filled with mortar. As long as this is done properly, and the roof has a minimum three-foot per story (six is better!) overhang, it’s as durable as fired clay (brick) masonry. To see how it’s done properly visit
LOVE this! Georgia, we read you every day! you should know that my grand kids quibble over who gets to use the CN mug, so we’re going to have to get 4 more!
Please do keep up these excellent kitty stories, they make us soooooo happy!
My sister brought home a drug addict from College.
Castidian was an outdoor stray at Drake U, fed by the dorm population. He was also the subject of many many bong parties. Not that he objected.
Once she got him home he was always on alert. The moment my brother lit up a joint in his room Cassie would make a beeline for his room and settle in close enough to take advantage of the exhales.
Let’s see: There was Tiger who would be in my crib, swishing her tail in front of me, let me grab it, and gently pulled it from my hand until I fell asleep (story told to me by my mother). Then there was Old Grandpa who allowed my brother to carry him when my brother was a toddler. My brother would loose his grip under the arms of Grandpa, dropped him, and instead of running away, he would wait patiently to be picked up again (story told by my mother). Then my memories of MaMa Kittay (aka: Scratch), her kittens Brutus (brother’s cat) and Wacky (Mine, don’t ask me how I came up with that name since I was a little kid). Wacky did have kittens on my pillow as I was sleeping. They were all lost to the “cat disease” (Feline Leukemia, this before cats were discovered to still be able to live full lives with this disease.) Sylvester (big, beautiful b/w long hair Mainecoon, 36 inches from tip of nose to tail, 28 pounds, not fat, paw as big as my hand and STRONG!) Then my kitties: Sammy, Samon, Grizzy (grizzly bear, Blackie (black bear). Then as an adult: Natasha and Ash. And now my current two: Vlad and Sebastian. And my Vlad has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of rare cancer. The meds he’s currently on are helping him to live his best life possible. Ironically, since he went onto the heart/steriods meds, he’s acting more like his old self. Everyday he’s here with me is a blessing. He’s 13 as is Sebastian. I would rather him go to sleep and not wait up, and he knows he can leave when it’s time. He’ll be cremated and some of his ashes will be placed in a locket and join Natasha and Ash on my necklace, always being with me.
We’ve had 12 cats with since we’ve been married, the last four are still with us: Spock, Brandi, Saavik, Grey, Dax, Kira, Tegan, Tepo, Bella, Kang, Nyssa, and Cole.
Daniel: mid-1970s. I learned about FLUTD the hard way with him.
Underfoot: late 1970s to 1981. I suspect he was left behind when some Wash U. student graduated or switched to another college. Let him in to eat some of the food left over from Daniel, and… he stayed. When I moved back in with my parents, he came too. He could say “I don’t wanna.” and “Out!” In English. I learned about the hazards of in/out cats from him; unfortunately, my parents didn’t.
Vivien: 1981-1986. She had an unfortunate conditioned reflex to hands, but loved when people pet her with their foot. What I learned from Underfoot, my parents learned at her expense.
Zerker: 1984 (but didn’t move in with me until summer of ‘85) – 1999. First cat to be designated as my “Felid Wife.” (Vivien later received that title posthumously.) Very much an “Ambassador Cat” as well. Before her, my father claimed he wasn’t a cat person – Zerker won him over.
’Mantha: (????)-2011. Adopted in 2000. Second felid wife (by time of designation, anyway). Alpha cat of the house for life, even after I took in…
Bico: 2001-2017. Secured (along with her mother and sister, who were adopted by other people) from a colony of strays and ferals living in an unoccupied (by humans anyway) house. After Mom died in 2010 and ’Mantha in 2011, she became my third felid wife, and the last (so far) “woman of the house.”
Barney: (????) – 2019. He belonged to an elderly across-the-back-fence neighbor who periodically spent time in hospital, during which I would cross the fence once or twice daily, to make sure he had food, water, and a clean litter box, and an hour or two of company. One time, I brought Bico along. He didn’t react defensively of his territory, but followed her around at a discreet distance. I think, for him, it was love at first sight. When Hilda was sent to a skilled care facility (never to return), I brought him across the fence and moved him in here. Bico reciprocated his affection in short order. ‘Mantha never quite warmed up to him, but she did tolerate him somewhat. When Bico passed, he took the loss at least as hard as I did, maybe worse. Especially when I’d leave the house for a few hours, and him alone in it. So a few months later, I took in…
Bean: (2010?) – present. His relationship with Barney was, for the most part, challenging. He always wanted to be the “alpha cat,” and demonstrated that in the way cats usually do – which was something Barney was (at that time) too old and ill to be subjected to. But when Barney passed, I think he realized the truth in Spock’s advice to Stonn: “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.”
Of course there have been other cats who held (or continue to hold) a meaningful place in my life, in my heart. Cats living here temporarily, cats who live/d with other people. But these are the ones who have been permanent residents here.
Krazy Cat Kimo was the first, a blue point Siamese my sister got for her bd when I was 6 (but somehow I had to do all the work), who died when I was 20… Then came Eclipse, all black, Marble, and Funny Face (muted silver tortie), all who traveled with me to Uzbekistan; Pyatyorka (no. 5, a Russian Blue) made friends with us long enough to deliver a litter of kittens, then resumed her feral life; Vasya, a tuxedo cat,and Tsaryok, a lynx point, born in Uzbekistan, joined Eclipse and FF to return to the States, while Marble went to another family (went on to Ekaterinburg and retired in Baltimore); Eclipse left me in Vienna, Virginia; then FF, Tsaryok, and Vasya accompanied me to Kyiv, Ukraine, where Vasya left me to cross the rainbow bridge; then FF and Tsaryok and I returned to Vienna, VA in retirement, and relocated to Ithaca, NY. Cricket, another lynx point, came home from the SPCA with me the day I handed in my volunteer application, followed shortly thereafter by William and Franklin, identical twin Russian Blues. FF left us in 2012 (not bad for an adult kitty I rescued from a kill shelter in the early 90’s). A fox ended poor Franklin a couple years ago. Then my darling Tsaryok got sick and died. I took on a cat-hating ginger cat named Gremlin last February for my brother’s sake, and it took a year and a lot of Prozac before she calmed down enough to cohabit with William and Cricket. Both William and Cricket are dying. Too soon it will be just Gremlin and me. But what a crazy, wild ride it’s been.
I am in love! My first cat was Tom Kitten, a feral who adopted my dog. His nicknames were “Al Capone” and “Bad Ass”. After the dog died, he returned to the wild. it was while searching for him that I was adopted by my beloved Tazi-Kat, who passed this past August on Rainbow Bridge Day. I can feel him in my heart, and he wants me to get another cat…when the right one needs me, I am sure our paths will cross.
RAGs over 4 years ago
History is a VERY important subject.
Lady Bri over 4 years ago
D’AWWWWWWW!!! Love the colourful feline history, or felhistory! :D
ctlum over 4 years ago
Georgia, what a delightful and wonderful way to introduce us to your family’s feline history! You are so lucky to have lived with so many beautiful kitties!
Jungle Empress over 4 years ago
Or was Roscoe made in Elvis’s own image long before the actual birth of Elvis?
Strob over 4 years ago
I can hear Daisy yowling to “Immigrant Song.”
OliveO'Sudden over 4 years ago
C H O N K Y!♥
infranscia over 4 years ago
I love that sleeping Elvis in the last panel. =3
…Also, Edwinna’s coloration. I find it beautifully asymmetrical. <3
Gent over 4 years ago
Wait, is that… Baby Elvis!
Gent over 4 years ago
Okay, folks. It’s time for… Sunday Funday !
WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago
Look at Elvis, bravely ignoring his kitten pictures!
fullmoondeb Premium Member over 4 years ago
BoCH! (Back of Cat Head alert!)
Georgia Dunn creator over 4 years ago
Yes, these were all real cats and yes I will try to share some photos of them on our Instagram and Facebook pages tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️
stairsteppublishing over 4 years ago
What is on the table in front of Puck and underneath the table on its shelf?
catmom1360 over 4 years ago
Daisy toe beans.
catmom1360 over 4 years ago
Who is the Nana?
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
To all the cats I’ve loved before…Katzenheimer, the first gray striped tabby; Blackie, long haired black cat with white chest floof; Old Yeller Tom, an orange and blonde swirled tabby; Squaller, my first olive loving Siamese mama cat; Big Bad John, my Siamese protector cat; shy, aloof Annabelle, elder daughter of BBJ and Squaller; Minnie the Moocher, bossy younger sister; Snowball, the beautiful while cat we tried to rescue from the blizzard but despite the best efforts of the vet, it was just too late; Ringo Barry Goldwater, the gray tuxedo boy who fell victim to the neighborhood poisoner and left us way too soon, Baby Girl, the gray tabby tuxedo I brought home on the school bus to save her from boys who were trying to stone her to death; Miss Kitty, my black and white tuxedo who appeared on the porch two days before Christmas; Snagglepuss, the Maine Coon cat who was near starvation when he found his way to me; and last and best of all, my dearly departed tabby boy Jasper.
stairsteppublishing over 4 years ago
In our cats-tory, each was and is unique. We are blessed to have had so much love and memories and still have the knit mouse that was given to the first cat 43 years ago. The current love it as much as the first did. Though we never see them play with it, it is never where it was the previous day…….
Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago
Goldie’s “our” warms my heart. It makes me truly happy to know that she really does consider herself one of the family!
deadheadzan over 4 years ago
What a delightful picture……Definitely poster worthy! I hope it makes it to one of Georgia’s future books. To all the cats I’ve loved through out the years, Tom, Smokey, Humphrey the First, Stanley, Lord Humphrey, Queen Margot, Mocha, Suzie Q, Cleo, Bucky, Larry and Charlie…Cheers!
lizliadis over 4 years ago
I love the picture of baby Elvis!
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Look at Mouse’s cat eared helmet!
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Quilt is definitely a chonky boi.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Elvis’ tail has a teensy bit of a swish so he’s not too upset about all of this. At least not until the Pirate Ballerina shots come out.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Is Edwinna like a Disney Princess Cat with little birds flying around her head?
Ignatz Premium Member over 4 years ago
This actually brought a tear because it made me think of my own feline family genealogy.
In the beginning, there was Yatta…
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Does Cat have his Own Buzzy Mouse?
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Ivan had a white chin floof!
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Wow, Baby Elvis doesn’t look like the type to demolish a room if you touch his tail.
OliveO'Sudden over 4 years ago
Love kitten-Elvis wrapped up like a plump purrito.♥
DM3456 over 4 years ago
Squeeeee! Baby Elvis!!!
Pinemelon over 4 years ago
@Georgia Dunn you should read kitten in the kittchen on instagram its like breaking cat news but not like similer style of drawing
tricksterson over 4 years ago
My first cats were Thunderfoot and Mobycat, who was a great and powerful shamanThen the loved but ill-fated Eight Bars who died of feline AIDSThen Salem, our scholar cat and Rennie the mighty huntress and Protector of the HouseAnd now Misty
ladykat over 4 years ago
Georgia, you have surpassed yourself!
Cassia over 4 years ago
Ev’ry time I see your pose
It reminds me of the clothes you used to wear
And now I’ve got this photograph
With great mem’ries of you forever there
I thought I was happiest
The day you came to play
But I was even happier
The day you came to stay-yi-yay-yi-yay.
We had such fun in living here
While my heart was full
Of love I had for you
And you were here to have and hold
As the years went by
And you grow old and gray
Now I’m used to living life without you
Together again when my life ends, this is true
Photograph – Ringo Starr
Songwriters: Harrison George / Starkey Richard
Cassia over 4 years ago
So heart warming. Everything seems to bring me to tears nowadays. Mood swing city.
Since I’m obsessed with Agnes and her tiny sax, I can picture her in the last panel softly playing “The Way We Were”.
I think the very talented Agnes sounds a lot like the equally talented Richard Elliot:
Smooth, soothing music for a mellow Sunday. Close your eyes and picture little Agnes…
You go, girl! Do people still say that? lol
Markov Da Robot over 4 years ago
That could be the a start of a book. Imagine it : “In the beginning, there was Ivan…”
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Baby Elvis’s teeny, tiny paws are adorable!
Kitty Katz over 4 years ago
Feist: 1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4 cats we love forevermore
Friends, brave warriors, each have their stories!
All our cat love, remember them well,
All the stories they have to tell!
Oh, oh, oh the cats we all love,
Oh, oh, oh, the memories thereof!
Cat love all around
There is so much to be found,
Good boys, lovely girls,
They all set your heart awhirl!
All the kitties, we love them all,
All the kitties, we have such a ball!
Meow, meow, meow
Meow, meow, meow, purr, meow!
Meow, meow, meow
Meow, meow, meow, purr, meow!
We love them all!
Michael G. over 4 years ago
The past is prologue to the present and leads onward to the future.
rroxxanna over 4 years ago
I love how they all have their own clothing styles, and that the clothing is all pre-modern and exactly what you would see in children’s books of folktales and myths. These are clearly cats of olden times.And fuzzy baby Elvis is extreeeeeemely cute!
poulinskaya over 4 years ago
This is inspiring me to make a history of my own clan of wee beasties!
Font Lady Premium Member over 4 years ago
First was Boots/Mittens (I couldn’t decide on a name. I was five) who was orange with white feet. Next were four adopted newborns, Gold, Smoke, Sugar, and Spice. Spice was my baby for 6 years until my parents got tired of her having kittens and abandoned her near the ag farm of a nearby university. I wasn’t allowed to keep any of her kittens though one I really wanted was Tie-Su. She was a pure white Siamese whose points came in jet black. She went to live with one of my mother’s teacher friends. I didn’t have any more cats until I married and my husband had Tabu, a grey and white tuxedo with thumbs. Tabu resented me and would slash my ankles whenever I got near. Eventually he went to live with Marc’s sister in the country where he was much happier.
Next we adopted Mama Kat and her kittens, Spike and Slash. Slash was black with a white lightning bolt from her chin down her tummy to her back legs and Spike was grey and white with what looked like a white spike right between her eyes. We had Spike for 21 years and she helped raise my youngest girl. Spike had a number of kittens before we had her fixed, most of which we didn’t give names to before they were adopted out. Some of the ones we kept were Shiver-Me-Timbers, grey and white, Pallet and Painting, identical colors but one in patches and the other in tabby, and Sir Edmund Hillary who liked to be perched on the peak of the roof. We kept her last three kittens, all grey tabbies. Idiot Kittiot eventually died of cancer and the others ran off to live with neighbors. Komiko adopted us one day when she came in the backyard, jumped in the hammock with me, said, “Hi, I’m here. Pet me.” She had already been fixed and wasn’t chipped so we kept her for a few years until one day she said, “Bye!” and moved on to another family.
Kymrsy over 4 years ago
I’ve got a long list, too, starting w my first, Google-Eyes [she had strange eyes and I named her after Barney Google] Then came Spot and Spike, Orangecat, Jack and Mick, Seamus, Slugger, Braveheart, Cian, Moire, Sheila, Ruari, Danny…did I miss anybody?
davanden over 4 years ago
Just awww. What else can one say?
LucyLuLu over 4 years ago
First there was George, then bro Twoey & sis Michele, Bandit Buckwheat, Jasper, Now LucyLu, Big Gray Kitty and his departedBro En…
rikkiTikki Premium Member over 4 years ago
Is Mouse the huntress Baba Mouse now?
Jayfbird1969 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Aww, an Elbiss flavored purrito. My favorite kind!
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Lots more lyrical than DNA testing (don’t buy it).
ocarol7 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Sweetness for Sunday…. Thank you-
bajacalla Premium Member over 4 years ago
Baby Elvis!! Led Zeppelin!! I keep a genealogy of all my cats in my personal bible. I remember every one.
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
We love telling our granddaughters about cats of the past. They love hearing about what their cats whom they only knew as adults were like as kittens.
Sionyx over 4 years ago
Purrito Elivs is just adorable! I keep wondering if we’ll ever see any glimpses of his littermate sister and brother Georgia met when she adopted Elvis.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
I never had cats as a boy. We moved a lot. One day I found a stray kitten, I looked into his little face and had a tabby epiphany. He got returned to his home but, ever since, the cats just keep on coming.
Catmom over 4 years ago
Well, my cat family has been extensive. Katie, Tuffy, Tigger, Blackie Jane, Mama Kitty, GinGin, my little hitchhiker Peekaboo, Turbo, Tucker Lovesponge, Ozzy and Inky the Black Devil twins, Rosie, Shadow, and Cindy. Only Tucker, the Twins, and Cindy are still with me, and we are all “seniors” now.
loricoronado over 4 years ago
So cute! More!
over 4 years ago
I just want to cuddle Baby Elvis!
scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago
Today is Log Cabin Day. Unfortunately, I cannot find an entry for “cabin” on my log table. Must be higher math than I ever studied. Robin? Gent? A little help here? Is this related to the nature of time/not time? OT: Whenever these two excessively erudite gentlemen (okay, gentleman and gentlebear) get into it, I cue up The Guess Who’s "No Time Left For You, though they do seem to lean toward Gent’s side.
Now back to domiciles made of wood. I’ve lived in well made log cabins dating from the 1900s. They are beautiful, comfortable, and there is something comforting about them—or maybe it’s just some of my ancestry coming out. They are, if properly cared for, also quite durable. I’ve always dreamed of owning and living in one.
There is another form of log construction which can be made when one does not have timber of sufficient length and diameter to build a log cabin. It’s called “cordwood masonry.” Picture a neatly stacked cord of cut wood with the spaces between the logs filled with mortar. As long as this is done properly, and the roof has a minimum three-foot per story (six is better!) overhang, it’s as durable as fired clay (brick) masonry. To see how it’s done properly visit
Oceanic over 4 years ago
LOVE this! Georgia, we read you every day! you should know that my grand kids quibble over who gets to use the CN mug, so we’re going to have to get 4 more!
Please do keep up these excellent kitty stories, they make us soooooo happy!
maggijoseph Premium Member over 4 years ago
A baby kitten Elvis! Almost too much for me after an emotional worship service this morning. I look forward to see pics online.
Andylit Premium Member over 4 years ago
My sister brought home a drug addict from College.
Castidian was an outdoor stray at Drake U, fed by the dorm population. He was also the subject of many many bong parties. Not that he objected.
Once she got him home he was always on alert. The moment my brother lit up a joint in his room Cassie would make a beeline for his room and settle in close enough to take advantage of the exhales.
Oh what a twisted life.
danketaz Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow! all those cats and not one on the keyboard.
metagalaxy1970 over 4 years ago
Let’s see: There was Tiger who would be in my crib, swishing her tail in front of me, let me grab it, and gently pulled it from my hand until I fell asleep (story told to me by my mother). Then there was Old Grandpa who allowed my brother to carry him when my brother was a toddler. My brother would loose his grip under the arms of Grandpa, dropped him, and instead of running away, he would wait patiently to be picked up again (story told by my mother). Then my memories of MaMa Kittay (aka: Scratch), her kittens Brutus (brother’s cat) and Wacky (Mine, don’t ask me how I came up with that name since I was a little kid). Wacky did have kittens on my pillow as I was sleeping. They were all lost to the “cat disease” (Feline Leukemia, this before cats were discovered to still be able to live full lives with this disease.) Sylvester (big, beautiful b/w long hair Mainecoon, 36 inches from tip of nose to tail, 28 pounds, not fat, paw as big as my hand and STRONG!) Then my kitties: Sammy, Samon, Grizzy (grizzly bear, Blackie (black bear). Then as an adult: Natasha and Ash. And now my current two: Vlad and Sebastian. And my Vlad has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of rare cancer. The meds he’s currently on are helping him to live his best life possible. Ironically, since he went onto the heart/steriods meds, he’s acting more like his old self. Everyday he’s here with me is a blessing. He’s 13 as is Sebastian. I would rather him go to sleep and not wait up, and he knows he can leave when it’s time. He’ll be cremated and some of his ashes will be placed in a locket and join Natasha and Ash on my necklace, always being with me.
kangtourcat Premium Member over 4 years ago
We’ve had 12 cats with since we’ve been married, the last four are still with us: Spock, Brandi, Saavik, Grey, Dax, Kira, Tegan, Tepo, Bella, Kang, Nyssa, and Cole.
knight1192a over 4 years ago
I’m not going to even try to remember all the names as there are simply too many to remember.
ehuss Premium Member over 4 years ago
I had a Calico named Patches. She died in ’05 after 12 years of being a good cat.
Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 4 years ago
This is absolutely lovely! Thank you, Georgia!!!
meowlin over 4 years ago
I’ll try to keep this brief…
Daniel: mid-1970s. I learned about FLUTD the hard way with him.
Underfoot: late 1970s to 1981. I suspect he was left behind when some Wash U. student graduated or switched to another college. Let him in to eat some of the food left over from Daniel, and… he stayed. When I moved back in with my parents, he came too. He could say “I don’t wanna.” and “Out!” In English. I learned about the hazards of in/out cats from him; unfortunately, my parents didn’t.
Vivien: 1981-1986. She had an unfortunate conditioned reflex to hands, but loved when people pet her with their foot. What I learned from Underfoot, my parents learned at her expense.
Zerker: 1984 (but didn’t move in with me until summer of ‘85) – 1999. First cat to be designated as my “Felid Wife.” (Vivien later received that title posthumously.) Very much an “Ambassador Cat” as well. Before her, my father claimed he wasn’t a cat person – Zerker won him over.
’Mantha: (????)-2011. Adopted in 2000. Second felid wife (by time of designation, anyway). Alpha cat of the house for life, even after I took in…
Bico: 2001-2017. Secured (along with her mother and sister, who were adopted by other people) from a colony of strays and ferals living in an unoccupied (by humans anyway) house. After Mom died in 2010 and ’Mantha in 2011, she became my third felid wife, and the last (so far) “woman of the house.”
Barney: continued below…
meowlin over 4 years ago
Barney: (????) – 2019. He belonged to an elderly across-the-back-fence neighbor who periodically spent time in hospital, during which I would cross the fence once or twice daily, to make sure he had food, water, and a clean litter box, and an hour or two of company. One time, I brought Bico along. He didn’t react defensively of his territory, but followed her around at a discreet distance. I think, for him, it was love at first sight. When Hilda was sent to a skilled care facility (never to return), I brought him across the fence and moved him in here. Bico reciprocated his affection in short order. ‘Mantha never quite warmed up to him, but she did tolerate him somewhat. When Bico passed, he took the loss at least as hard as I did, maybe worse. Especially when I’d leave the house for a few hours, and him alone in it. So a few months later, I took in…
Bean: (2010?) – present. His relationship with Barney was, for the most part, challenging. He always wanted to be the “alpha cat,” and demonstrated that in the way cats usually do – which was something Barney was (at that time) too old and ill to be subjected to. But when Barney passed, I think he realized the truth in Spock’s advice to Stonn: “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.”
Of course there have been other cats who held (or continue to hold) a meaningful place in my life, in my heart. Cats living here temporarily, cats who live/d with other people. But these are the ones who have been permanent residents here.
kangtourcat Premium Member over 4 years ago
See more on our cats under my post above.
chloe.davis over 4 years ago
I hope this is good!!!
chloe.davis over 4 years ago
I do not have any of those
Strob over 4 years ago
Georgia’s pictures of the real life cats have been posted on Facebook and Instagram.
la_momcat over 4 years ago
Krazy Cat Kimo was the first, a blue point Siamese my sister got for her bd when I was 6 (but somehow I had to do all the work), who died when I was 20… Then came Eclipse, all black, Marble, and Funny Face (muted silver tortie), all who traveled with me to Uzbekistan; Pyatyorka (no. 5, a Russian Blue) made friends with us long enough to deliver a litter of kittens, then resumed her feral life; Vasya, a tuxedo cat,and Tsaryok, a lynx point, born in Uzbekistan, joined Eclipse and FF to return to the States, while Marble went to another family (went on to Ekaterinburg and retired in Baltimore); Eclipse left me in Vienna, Virginia; then FF, Tsaryok, and Vasya accompanied me to Kyiv, Ukraine, where Vasya left me to cross the rainbow bridge; then FF and Tsaryok and I returned to Vienna, VA in retirement, and relocated to Ithaca, NY. Cricket, another lynx point, came home from the SPCA with me the day I handed in my volunteer application, followed shortly thereafter by William and Franklin, identical twin Russian Blues. FF left us in 2012 (not bad for an adult kitty I rescued from a kill shelter in the early 90’s). A fox ended poor Franklin a couple years ago. Then my darling Tsaryok got sick and died. I took on a cat-hating ginger cat named Gremlin last February for my brother’s sake, and it took a year and a lot of Prozac before she calmed down enough to cohabit with William and Cricket. Both William and Cricket are dying. Too soon it will be just Gremlin and me. But what a crazy, wild ride it’s been.
KJM15 over 4 years ago
I am in love! My first cat was Tom Kitten, a feral who adopted my dog. His nicknames were “Al Capone” and “Bad Ass”. After the dog died, he returned to the wild. it was while searching for him that I was adopted by my beloved Tazi-Kat, who passed this past August on Rainbow Bridge Day. I can feel him in my heart, and he wants me to get another cat…when the right one needs me, I am sure our paths will cross.
Sencilia about 4 years ago
Nawww baby Elvis
lim95 over 3 years ago
Not sure that’s how “chonky” is used in the second panel.
Bring da bling over 3 years ago
Awww, he’s so cute! I wish I could see him in real life smh
Bring da bling over 3 years ago
Baba mouse: THIS… IS… SPARTAAA. We know the history now of baba mouse. :)