Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 20, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Angelalex242  almost 11 years ago

    Is Delta supposed to be a politician or a saint? Cause she keeps veering towards the latter. Cause, well, right now, she sounds more like Mother Theresa then Barrack Obama.

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    Hmm…A party, for those who can’t… For Delta and Bernice, it’s gonna be a “stone cold noble gas!”…..– A night of pleasure for yourself, spending money that you’ll never see again (except maybe in pictures), or a night giving to someone else as well as yourself… who says you can’t have music and dancing, and not help someone else in the porcess?.. For the money that is spent, at least there will be a lot in return, for all involved…

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    ♪….And you may ask yourself… why did I rent that copter?…♪ (both a Talking Heads and a Cosby Show [prom] reference…)

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    “The Nobel Prize For Pizza Party”“A Noble Gas”“Life During Promtime(…This Aint No Foolin’ Around…)” “Prom Misses’ Promises (part forefront)”or “Looking Good, Doing Good, Feeling Good”

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  5. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  almost 11 years ago

    Leave the tags on and take it back after the meal is served. Or get a sponsor.

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    gnmnrbl  almost 11 years ago

    Hey Delta, you are allowed to have fun once in a while. You don’t have to give all your time and energy to charity.

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  7. We the people
    ILuvLu  almost 11 years ago

    Nah! Do both. Delta cooks a meal and Bern goes to the prom and everybody wins. You Go Girl.

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  8. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    It’s just as well that Delta isn’t going to the Prom. I don’t think she’d be any fun to be with.

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    Partyalldatyme  almost 11 years ago

    To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under Heaven… it’s time to dance.

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    betadingo  almost 11 years ago

    C’mon Delta. Get off the cross for just one night ok?

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    Hank1938  almost 11 years ago

    Judas once busted Jesus’ chops over a bottle of perfume and Jesus told him there would always be poor folks to minister to.

    Cook your big meal the needy family Delta – then GO TO THE PROM! Who knows? You might even enjoy yourself!

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    I don’t know why anyone thinks that Bernice is being “guilt tripped” into anything… the words out of her own mouth are: "interesting thought’… it’s only Delta and Bern reasoning on something they both feel….

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    watmiwori  almost 11 years ago

    Delta would make a good yidishe mama — guilt, guilt, guilt1

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  14. Sugarloaf scene i
    live2read  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is just too much; in fact, way too much. It’s one thing to want to make a difference and do something important with your life, but volunteering on prom night? It’s fine if Delta doesn’t want to go to the prom; many high-schoolers don’t, but come on. She should just give it a rest for one night.

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  15. 7b1
    SackofRabidWeasels  almost 11 years ago

    All part of the plan. Make the characters Greg wants to cut so grating on or nearly nonexistent to the readers, they will breathe a sigh of relief when he finally does shorten the roster.

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  16. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I get a feeling that Delta really enjoys the feeling that comes from believing that she is morally superior to her peers. Go ahead and think you’re wonderful, Delta, since that’s what makes you happy, but don’t force Bernice into the Delta-worship cult at the expense of her own personal approach to the pursuit of happiness.

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  17. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  almost 11 years ago

    Like I said before. Bernice, get a new hairdo, get new eyeglass frames and with that dazzling dress, you might surprise some of the fellows there and become the belle of the ball!

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  18. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  almost 11 years ago

    PS: I was just wondering. Have we ever seen Bernice’s parents?

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  19. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I didn’t think Windows 2000 was a dud. It was an improvement on Windows NT 4.5. XP didn’t seem to add all that much to it, when it came out a year later – I would consider both Win 2K and XP to be “good” OS’s.

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    Hremmom  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is giving me a too good to be true, self righteous headache.

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    kenhense  almost 11 years ago

    Delta – There will be plenty of occasions to help the less fortunate. This time – direct your generosity to your friend Berneice. If she’s ready to take a step out into life – cheer her on!

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  22. Mouseanim
    Ratbrat  almost 11 years ago

    that depends on what you mean by ‘helped’. If you mean money; then Bill G.But if you mean a place for the very poorest of the poor to get food or to be tended while dying, then Mother T.

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    And there is no escape by means of pleasurable gaming… – Xbox 1 is just another instrument at their disposal…

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  24. Buffy1
    sarafaye  almost 11 years ago

    I have always been a Delta fan, but she is really bugging me this time. I really hope her out of control, self righteous bullying does not win this round. Why can’t she just be a friend? Does she have to be a jerk to anyone who thinks differently than her?

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  25. Jester cat
    Loki Laufeyson  almost 11 years ago

    Delta isn’t even HUMAN. Sorry, but NOBODY is going to be so perfect, and ‘good’ and selfless ALL the time, as Greg portrays her. NO teenager is going to choose public service and ‘Girl Scout/Eagle Scout’ activities all the time. Her friends would get sick of it after a while, and eventually say, ‘Hell no, I’m going out to have some FUN… I’ll pick up a guy on the beach while YOU pick up trash on the side of the road’. Before she knows it, Delta will be the old lady being served a hot meal by some othre overachieving teenager, and Delta will be offering that teen some advice— ‘My only regret in life is that I didn’t really live life because I spent every moment doing for others, and not a moment doing for myself… Do unto others is noble, but ‘do unto yourself’ is important once in a while, too… ’

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    ReadingComicsAtWork  almost 11 years ago

    It’s great that Delta always wants to do all this charity work and everything, but give me a break! Delta is supposed to be a teenager for crying out loud! I don’t ever see this girl do anything fun. And making Bern feel guilty for wanting to go out and do something just once, this is just too much.

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    cruftschamp  almost 11 years ago

    well… I hope it doesn’t get to it, because the “needy” family might not accomodate them in liking their “big meal”….. it’s condescending and patronizing, especially if the do it on prom night.

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    beggar  almost 11 years ago

    Does Delta know that it’s possible to cook a meal for needy families on non-prom nights? That it’s not an either/or?

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    pdking77  almost 11 years ago

    If I see Delta in the strip, I don’t bother reading it. What an self-righteous lump. Zero personality.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 11 years ago


    Why WAIT Until Prom Night to Feed a “Needy Family”?Why Not Do That, NOW?

    I MEAN, What’s a Poor Family to do for Three Months Waiting for Your “Millstone/Milestone” to Come around?

    Oh, I almost Forgot to ASK: Are You going to SKIP Your Graduation for the SAME Reasons, too???

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    If Mother Theresa had Bill’s money, then we can compare..If your saying for the Windows, consider the number of smaller companies they crushed by FUD in the 90s..It’s good that Bill is doing something for humanity, but he is no Mother Teresa.

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  32. Spideychuck
    sleeepy2  almost 11 years ago

    Delta, stop being such a load!

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    ManateeGag  almost 11 years ago

    Delta’s too busy trying to save the world…

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    gtx076  almost 11 years ago

    There are seven nights in a week. She could do a meal on any of those nights and still go to the prom. She has a complex that make her feel guilty if she does something for herself once in a while. Almost like the anorexic girls thinking they are fat and feeling guilty when they eat.

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    suzleigh  almost 11 years ago

    Causes are all the time… Senior Prom happens once.

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    percenez  almost 11 years ago

    she’s becoming a stereotypical drag in her own way.

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    scpandich  almost 11 years ago

    Delta doesn’t seem to be dressing on the cheap, so she might want to make sure that horse she’s climbing on isn’t too high.

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    metagalaxy1970  almost 11 years ago

    Go to the dance Bernice, you’ll regret it later in life. It’s only one night.

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  39. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  almost 11 years ago

    Have a party that raises money for an animal shelter or for an animal rescue group- remember: He prays best who loves best, all creatures great and small. (Taylor)

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  40. Rosehawke
    RoseHawke  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is really getting to be something of a cliche.

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    bgby4884  almost 11 years ago

    Not sure how many starving families there are. Have you noticed how big the “starving” people usually are? With all the safety nets out there, most of them eat better than me.

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  42. Hpim0415
    Melekalikimaka  almost 11 years ago

    Okay, so when you have a stroke and can’t feed yourself or go to work anymore we’ll just tell you to fend for yourself. If you starve, who cares? SARC

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    Angelalex242  almost 11 years ago

    “Come, thou blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you. For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink, naked and you clothed me, sick or imprisoned and you visited. Then shall the Righteous say, “Lord, when did we see you in need and minister to your needs?” “Amen, Amen, I say to you, whatsoever you unto the least of these, my people, that you do unto Me.”

    Delta is just…getting so far down the path of Sainthood it’s really, really hard to argue with her.

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    Hugh Manatee  almost 11 years ago

    Send Delta off to the Peace Corps or something. She won’t be missed much.

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    remix71  almost 11 years ago

    I’m still waiting for Delta to develop an actual personality

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  46. 12 14 11 intense dallas
    milania  almost 11 years ago

    Delta Downer! She’s a drag. She’s a KID, for crying out loud!!

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  47. My favorite martian ray walston 1963
    GoUSA2014  almost 11 years ago

    Ah, the greasy, slimy slippery slope of liberalism finally hits LuannLand – wondered when Evans was gonna stop being apolitical and finally show his true colors…

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    registrationsucks  almost 11 years ago

    Delta has gone from “Yeah! I want to change the world for the better! Empowerment! Rock on!” to “complete social buzz kill”. No holiday or occasion is safe around her. She now constantly nags that “all that money could be spent on someone who NEEDS it” which is nice, but teens deserve to have fun once in a while too, especially for their senior prom.Too bad there can’t be a compromise like selling photos at prom with the proceeds going to benefit someone in need, but I can see how this strip will play out now…

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago


    That’s probably the #2 biggest grammar faux pas!….

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    aksebro  almost 11 years ago

    Delta’s starting to turn into Isobel Crawley from Downton Abbey. She’s borderline insufferable.

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    registrationsucks  almost 11 years ago

    For those claiming Delta is like Mother Theresa, you might want to do some research into what kind of woman she really was.

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    legaleagle48  almost 11 years ago

    Evidently, your friend never read the Lord’s admonition never to sound a trump to call attention to the fact that she does such good deeds!

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    legaleagle48  almost 11 years ago

    Wow, racist much?

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  54. 6 weeks old
    genorino  almost 11 years ago

    Bernie needed to take this shopping trip with Lu.

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  55. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  almost 11 years ago

    Admirable idea, but why miss prom night when you can do that any other night?

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 11 years ago

    There are organizations that accept prom dresses no more than two years old. They give them to needy girls or sell them at low prices. By donating the dress, Bernice will be helping a girl who can’t afford a new one.

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  57. Happy happy
    duffer37  almost 11 years ago

    Last time I checked, Bill Gates was not about to be declared an ACTUAL SAINT by the church. It was never his idea to start the charity foundation, that came from his wife. If he wasn’t married, that foundation wouldn’t exist.

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    JustSaying2013  almost 11 years ago

    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to see through the stupidity of the storyline Greg Evans has decided to run on…

    “…said” is correct and if you ever decide to really delve into Mother Teresa’s life, you’ll find she wasn’t as “saintly” as everyone remembers…at least Bill Gate’s actions and promise upon his death will be far reaching and will show what true philanthropy is…let’s see the hipsters claim that about their “messiah” Steve Jobs.

    As well, it gets to the point that you just want to close out the page when Greg Evan’s drags out his “Better than thou” Delta…Just because she’s the only black in the strip doesn’t mean he has to parade her around like she’s the only one with a giving heart; if he truly embraced her namesake – DELTA – it would be that she herself would be about CHANGE…not just being the one-dimensional buzz kill with the “help the world” mantra…but someone that realizes that she is has ruined her youth by NOT having one…in reality; those people usually don’t adjust well after high school because when they do realize what they ultimately missed out on; they begin their rebellion in College and in many instances begin a “death spiral” of depression and remorse that never ends well…

    So how about, for a “Delta”; Greg Evans pulls his head out of his arse and portray Delta realistically given this is “her” Senior Year, and let her enjoy something with her friends that she doesn’t FORCE upon them so she can delude herself into thinking she’s done good…because what ultimately happens when you crash a less fortunate person’s life with something that they normally cant afford? Yeah, it’s great whilst in the moment, but what of after? How do the parents take it knowing they cant provide this for the family on a continual basis? How do the kids react? Does resentment of their parents…or the lot in life they were born into start to build? do they turn to a life of crime to regain that one night of “joy”? That’s the stark reality that most people don’t think about when they decide they are the new “messiah” and must impart their ideals on some unsuspecting person or family.

    Lastly, another commenter was right; it is totally wrong for Delta to automatically pull Bernice into her delusion of charity…she should have seen that Bernice really wanted to go to the prom…maybe Evans realized this whilst creating this strip and made bernice the better person by not having her complain that Delta always drags her into these half-assed ideas…Bernice merely makes a joke to if she can still wear the dress; giving Delta a subtle hint that she would still rather go to the prom.

    Lastly, it would be nice to see a tangent in which, just after this diatribe; Delta gets swept off her feet by some guy; much to her chagrin…truly making her question whether it has been wise for her to throwaway her entire youth without living a little…hell, even Obama smoked weed…

    Sorry for the long post…guess this storyline really irked me…

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  59. Purcie surprised
    Mimi Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Delta – go dance tonight. Save the world tomorrow.

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  60. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Delta – skip the prom and cook the dinner, if it makes you feel happy (or self-satisified, or smug). But don’t brag about it, and don’t berate Bernice if she chooses to do something different.

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  61. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Does Delta know there will be music at the prom, and dancing!? She loves that stuff. She is into serious self deprivation.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    -Probably not Bill Gates, who decided to blunder into other countries with the Sabin polio vaccine, without checking into the fact that contaminated drinking water used to mix the oral vaccine could cause as many health problems as polio itself….-Kind of like those folks who eagerly provide baby formula that has to be mixed with water to countries where there isn’t clean drinking water….

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    Except for Vista

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    -On behalf of those who’ve lost family to cancer, go far, far, far away

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  65. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  almost 11 years ago

    Let’s face it proms are for couples. While it might be better for Delta not to go to the prom she needs to have some fun sometime in her life to look back on.

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  66. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 11 years ago

    Delta, congratulations on being a free-thinker. You do what seems right to you, and Bern, Luann, Rosa, Tiff can all do the same! Not everyone has to fit into the same square hole.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    I find it very hard to understand the way Delta is acting at this point. Having grown up with the idea that helping others is part of what we are here for, I never thought that we were supposed to give up all opportunities for fun events in order to help others. -This weekend, for example, our Temple’s youth group is sponsoring a ‘Games Day’, families will bring board games to the temple to play while the kids donate some home cooked snacks. And those playing will, in turn, donate to the youth group so it can buy toys to take to kids in a homeless shelter. You can have fun and do good. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    I really have to say, that Delta has had fun and has been at parties. The heart of the matter is really not about “chartiy”. It’s about how important is the prom to her. Or how unimportant it is to her. And, again, Bernice didn’t object to what she said. She said “interesting point”. She granted Delta some credit. She didn’t feel ‘guilted’. She still maintained that prom would feel meaningful to her, but she didn’t turn down Delta’s idea, outright. Anything else is just projecting (or maybe injecting) personal preference and perception into the matter.

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    There are two days left for this week. Let’s just see where it goes. Maybe like “Dave53” says, it will turn in a way where she gets invited. Maybe not. But why not see what the week has left in the balance, before deciding outright that “all hope is lost”?….

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    bsqnbay  almost 11 years ago

    I’m guessing Delta is going to come out as a lesbian at some point.

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    pepnkids  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is a bore. She doesn’t know how to have any fun ever never.

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    peter0423  almost 11 years ago

    @desertdwlr — go back to your desert. Everyone is down on their luck sometimes, and a decent, humane, civilized onlooker pitches in to help. Not from condescension or ulterior motives, but because it’s the right thing to do. Get it?

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    susan.e.a.c  almost 11 years ago

    Why wait for prom night to do that? When you could do it every night. Sounds like a grab for attention. Usually when you try to make a statement in that way, it backfires. Poor and hungry people don’t mind teens dancing.

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  74. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is so very single-minded at so young an age; she is sliding toward becoming a raging fanatic, an extremist preaching that “my way is good and everything else is bad.” A well-rounded personality, who could be charitable even to herself (“Love your neighbor as yourself.” [emphasis added]) and to Bernice, would be much more admirable.Let Bernice grow up normally, doing the things that teenagers should do. There will be plenty of time to save the world after graduation….

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    peter0423  almost 11 years ago

    @: — wow. You understand nothing of human nature besides your own crabbed, tiny version, or what motivates people other than your crabbed, tiny self..That being said, Delta is an interesting character. Maybe being a cancer survivor has given her a more mature, outwardly focused view of life. Or maybe she’s gay and Pitt simply isn’t ready for her. I’d love to see her inner life explored further.

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    LunarWolf195x  almost 11 years ago

    Being community minded is good. However, it’s also important to have fun. Sometimes helping the underprivileged is fun. It’s always good for the soul. But having fun even if it’s only just for fun’s sake is also good for the soul. I think that Delta needs to lighten up a little bit.

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    LittleIggy  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is such a pious killjoy.

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  78. Tulips
    locake  almost 11 years ago

    Delta sure is a downer. Some needy family may get a meal but they will have to endure her preachy attitude. I’d rather eat peanut butter sandwiches alone that share a feast with someone like Delta.

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    drewpamon  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is going to grow up to be a bitter adult who resents that while she goes to so much effort to “save” everyone and everything around her, no one else is willing to follow her example. She’ll become a college professor in a liberal arts college and spend her time thinking up ways to force everyone to her way of thinking.

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    Angelalex242  almost 11 years ago

    It’s worth remembering Jesus himself was not well liked by many in his own time period! (scribes, Pharisees, even the Romans at times!). The hate Delta’s getting accurately reflects the sort of hate Jesus himself got from those groups mentioned above.

    So, in Delta’s favor, “Blessed are you when they hate you, and persecute you, and utter every kind of slander against you, for your reward in heaven shall be great.”

    That beatitude exists because Jesus ‘called it’…he knew those doing dramatic amounts of good would be hated for it, and he wanted them to do good anyway.

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  81. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  almost 11 years ago

    Delta – you can’t be socially-consciously-active ALL the time. It will make you boring! Take the time to have some fun and enjoy yourself! Have some good times with friends. You’ll be glad you did.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    -A lot of those efforts were for countries where starvation was happening; women can’t produce breast milk under those circumstances. But research has to be done. If potable water is lacking you cannot use baby formula that has to be mixed with water. There is a lot of research lacking in many of our efforts to do good. It is not just the thought that counts. Information counts.

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    And if it’s to be a small “shindig”, then in the meal itself, it’s giving those in need an opportunity to not only enjoy a meal, but the bonus is they don’t have to feel as though they are being “singled out” for help, and anyone there can enjoy company and a feast and have fun, too… a “win-win”!…

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  84. Bernice
    LadyJ4444  almost 11 years ago

    She does look awesome.

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    TORAD_07  almost 11 years ago

    Most charitable groups know that people would help if only they knew about who needs helping. They remind them of who is in need of aid. No guilt there just a reminder.

    A very STRONG reminder.

    Anyone can get on a TV and “remind” people. But having a celebrity on the verge of tears with “B” roll shoved in your face of some 3rd world country where everyone (who can) is walking around malnourished, and saying “PLEEEEZE,” or having a singer singing the sadest song out there while showing animals living in squalor in a pound but always with that sooooo sad but cuuute puppy face, in your face: That’s GUILT at it’s finest!

    I don’t doubt that people want to help. But they don’t want it shoved “in their faces” either. Times are tough and many are barely getting by themselves. So have a website available where those people who can/want to help can go to research who needs help. You don’t need to bang people over the head with guilt on the TV. Then have a payment system that allows you to make single anonymous donation(s), where the donor gets the tax receipt, but without the charity getting hold of your contact information. This, so they can’t say “GOTTA LIVE ONE HERE…” and keep SPAMing you for months, if not years, after you make that single donation.

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  86. Takagibike   comics
    Takagi-san  almost 11 years ago

    It would be AWFUL to meet someone like Delta, except in passing. Being altruistic 100% of the time just means she will be in a state of constant judgement of you for not being… well, her. She has a so-called friend in a bit of a crisis and instead of helping her, she is mocking her and trying to shame her for trying to loosen up and have a little fun in life. Delta may be a giving person, but she is a terrible friend.

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    queenofharts1984  almost 11 years ago

    I’m sorry but Delta acts like a saint and not a teenager. She’s 17 not running for president! She never has any fun and all her statements sound like a Miss America pagent answer. I don’t care if she doesn’t go to prom or like clothes but she needs to LIVE alittle. I’d love to see her fall in love or bungee jump! Something that says I’m not just drawn on the page to make correct political statements.

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    TORAD_07  almost 11 years ago

    I’m also reminded of a character somewhere once saying something about “workhouses” and “if they are going to die, best go about it and reduce the surplus population”

    Funny you mention that… I like to model my efforts just like that character, at the “end” of the story. He eventually got it right. For all that he did publicly for Tiny Tim and the Cratchets, I’ll bet, to this very day, they still have no “official” clue as to who brought them that Turkey, and made that specific day so glorious for them. And that’s when philanthropy is totally at its best. and most meaningful. When no one but you knows who did it. (well maybe the IRS :) ), and you can’t take credit and have the horn tooted publicly, as a result.

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    punslinger  almost 11 years ago

    Delta is wrapped WAY too tight!

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    Mneedle  almost 11 years ago

    Bernie is right. She looks awesome.

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    Leticia Shelley  almost 11 years ago

    Tell that to all the families who spend thousands of dollars for just a birthday party or Quinceniera…

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  92. Blackbeard avatar
    ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I am for helping the animals.And I do agree we are way too over populated and another way to help lower that population is to get rid of foodstamps and WIC since those give people more reasons to make babies.

     •  Reply
  93. Blackbeard avatar
    ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I say feed the starving people to the stray animals.

     •  Reply
  94. Lionwhite
    Lion_Tamer  almost 11 years ago

    Delta needs to attend the prom more than anyone if she intends on being in politics someday. The needy and poor are fine for a limited amount of time, but the contacts made by socializing at dances and parties are the ones that will be funding any election campaines.

     •  Reply
  95. Missing large
    davbart92663  almost 11 years ago

    “Why not let people fend for themselves instead of handouts?”

    This is the usual Liberal idea of what a Conservative thinks. Let Them Starve!! Which is wrong.

    Charity is a personal choice. America is the most charitable nation in the world. We just do it as individuals and not as government.

    Personal Responsibility is needed. That doesn’t mean stopping charity. It means requiring those people who want the ‘hand-out’ to qualify for it.

    There is a terrific organisation in Los Angeles, 100% effective treatment for homeless. They get off drugs and alcohol, educated, get jobs. Completely private money, no government funds. The only requirement to get the help is to ask. They have to walk up the sidewalk, and ring a doorbell.

     •  Reply
  96. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 11 years ago

    Bernice, call up Zane and ask him to the prom. If he won’t go, go anyhow. After that, take the dress to the drycleaners, and when it is cleaned, donate it, give it to a girl on the other side of town or sell it for half price. Which ever you choose to do with the dress, you will have done your part to help a girl who can’t afford one at retail price. You will be having fun and then doing good, too. Whatever you do with the dress afterward, do it quietly. The whole world doesn’t have to know.

     •  Reply
  97. Missing large
    TORAD_07  almost 11 years ago

    There is a very strong need.

    No doubt. But if we don’t start focusing a little attention to the long term, underlying issues, rather than just throwing money out there all the time (which is what I think these org’s are doing), it will grow STRONGER AND STRONGER.

    Still that’s no justification to "guilt’ people into giving, just because it’s what the “charity” perceives as a strong need. Everyone has strong needs. What matters is what the donor considers a “strong need.”

    The more/longer/greater a charity presents itself to me with their hand stuck out saying “gimme gimme gimme…. you owe it to humanity….” the more I’m likely to shy away. The more I’m left to my own senses, being able to see the good works in progress without being “reminded” about it (read: “shoved in my face”), the more I’m likely to help, especially, if it looks like they’re attempting to attack the long term, underlying issues. And yes, I will go looking, and I will see/find it. I don’t have to be “reminded” that it’s there.

     •  Reply
  98. Missing large
    TORAD_07  almost 11 years ago


    I can’t officially say this until Bern turns 18 and becomes “legal,”, but when that happens:

    “Daaayyooom…. She’s HOT!” :) :) :) (in that dress, that is.) :)

    She has been around since 1985, and she was 13 then, so she is well past 18

    She’s still in HS. The oldest HS student I’ve ever encountered was 19 and only because this particular person wasn’t as bright as the others and had to “repeat” a grade or two. Given LVT (Luanniverse Time), I imagined Bern’s age slowed down with it. Until I’m told officially she is 18 and of legal age, I still cannot “officially” profess her “hotness” in that dress. :)

     •  Reply
  99. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  almost 11 years ago

    I still think we could be being set up for Delta to get asked out to the Prom.____By Les Knox?

     •  Reply
  100. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 11 years ago

    I would like to see Zane and Bernice get back together. A story of an 18 year old brainy girl and a disabled man marrying, and her going part time to college, caring for her home, and making such a marriage work regardless of ups and downs in their marriage and lives would be interesting to follow.

     •  Reply
  101. Owl
    Barbara McKibben  almost 11 years ago

    desertdwlr said, about 15 hours agoI got a really strange idea——why not let people fend and provide for themselves vice expecting/getting freebees and handouts????

    All well and good except Many or shall I say Most of the needy are under the age of 14, kind of hard to fend for themselves…remember how it was during the time of Dickens.

     •  Reply
  102. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    If you just read her words, you could assume it’s just “regular snark”…. but look at her eyebrows …. raised eyebrows do not mean “snark”, right off the bat. That’s why I suspect that there could be some genuineness in her remark…..

     •  Reply
  103. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 11 years ago

    “…that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard.”-—————Sin of pride.Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

     •  Reply
  104. Missing large
    TORAD_07  almost 11 years ago

    Luann’s birthday is 09-21.

    Bernice is 3 days older that Luann and her birthday is 09-18.

    09-21-99 1st then 08-14-88.

    The year changes to keep them eternally young.

    That it does. Like I say LVT. But until we know precisely how old they are, my earlier cautions and withholdings remain in effect. :)

     •  Reply
  105. Missing large
    Tim Pickard Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Delta should get over herself and let Bernice go to prom with a clear conscience while she cooks that dinner. Delta sucks the enjoyment out of every happy and fun teenage experience.

     •  Reply
  106. Missing large
    Tim Pickard Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    If Delta ever gets the recognition she craves, she will be unbearable.

     •  Reply
  107. Douglass
    EugeneWilson  almost 11 years ago

    Hope that I do not make too many here upset, but here goes. Since Delta is the only black woman in the entire Luann universe, I believe that Greg is trying hard to avoid portraying her in a stereotypical way as viewed by many mainstream readers. There are no black males whom Delta can associate with. TJ, initially a white character, was changed to black to become Brad’s butler and cook.

    Delta is never portrayed with her parents, siblings or friends of color. I have a hard time believing that Pitts High School has only one black person in the entire faculty and student body. Over the years, I have noticed that any attempt made to highlight Delta is usually met with negativity, scorn or sarcasm. (The Obama Girl) Greg is highly aware of this.

    In essence, Delta may never garnish the respect and admiration of the other characters. Then again, she’s just a fictional character.

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  108. Missing large
    ChrisV  almost 11 years ago

    1, Nice to see I’m not the only one that thinks Delta needs to lighten up a bit. 2. Bernice does look awesome in that dress.

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  109. Dragon
    Asharah  almost 11 years ago

    Regarding my prom, I wore my bridesmaid dress from my sisters wedding, my mom did my hair, I did my own nails and makeup, I borrowed my evening bag and shawl. Besides the tickets, the only thing I bought was a new necklace and a pair of silver shoes. You don’t have to blow the bank to go to the prom. And we did not hire a limo.

     •  Reply
  110. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 11 years ago

    Now if Bernice goes to the Prom, she’s not just going to something that Delta deems a pointless waste of time and money, she’s bailing on helping a needy family. If you want to help others then great, but don’t guilt trip others into doing it and missing out on things they consider life milestones^^This time, I agree with you

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  111. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    The biggest one is the one “Dave53” mentions, the “two/to/too” “phenomenon”….

     •  Reply
  112. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    Yeah, I’ve seen that one a lot, too!…

     •  Reply
  113. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    > “There/they’re/their”“For/fore/four”“Your/you’re”>I’d say the most mistakes are with " it’s / its".

     •  Reply
  114. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 11 years ago

    If he wants to shorten the roster, then boot TJ, Knute, and Delta. Despite what many of you believe, Bernice is too important to drop.^^I would boot all the teachers from Pitts, Knute. Les, Jonah (Shannon’s worthless Father), Elvis kid and of course, (barf) Quill (puke)

     •  Reply
  115. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 11 years ago

    Mother Teresa ia a good woman and acts accordingly..She has no interest in “superiority”, as we do (I must admit).She probably does recieve a “good feeling”….a win-win situation for her and us..^^The only feeling she gets these days, is the worms crawling around her bones

     •  Reply
  116. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 11 years ago

    Maybe Delta should go to the prom, using the dress Bernice just gave her, and Bernice could feed a starving family…^^Of cannibals?

     •  Reply
  117. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 11 years ago

    She admitted she hopes it guarantees her entrance into heaven. AND she always makes sure others know about her good deeds.^^They aren’t valid as good deeds, if you have an ulterior motive, even one as silly as “going to Heaven”

     •  Reply
  118. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 11 years ago

    You think Zane is going to pull a Lieutenant Dan on Bernice?

     •  Reply
  119. Butterfly cat
    lynnskay  almost 11 years ago

    I got a really strange idea——why not let people fend and provide for themselves vice expecting/getting freebees and handouts????

    Because, sadly, not everyone is so fortunate as to able to do so.

    Even more sad is that there are so many people out there who are able to do so but don’t. This entitlement mentality is draining the resources intended for those with a real need. Many of them to proud to ask or fight for the help they deserve. The laws and requirements tend to neglect those who are trying and just need a hand up and favor those who think they deserve a hand out.

     •  Reply
  120. Live long and pawspurr
    MamaTiger27  almost 11 years ago

    Could we be seeing the beginnings of the first lesbian couple in a mainstream comic? Just wondering….

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  121. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    Wow! Somewhere along the lines, a few of us here have some family reunion invitations that must’ve got lost in the mail, Lol!!… – Maybe that’s why they have the “It’s A Small World” at the Mouse…

     •  Reply
  122. Butterfly cat
    lynnskay  almost 11 years ago

    I have a friend who makes it her job to always do charitable things for others. She admitted she hopes it guarantees her entrance into heaven. AND she always makes sure others know about her good deeds.

    Your friend needs to revisit the words in the Bible. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV: 8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast .”You are to do good works because you love God, not so that He will love you. He already loves you. He is asking for your faith, not your deeds. Good deeds are a result of faith, not the back door to Heaven. Anyone can do a good deed, or many, but God knows your heart.

     •  Reply
  123. Img 0750
    sparky1130  almost 11 years ago

    You only go around once and you don’t get a second chance to go to your prom. Experience as much as life has to offer THEN go help those who are less fortunate. There’ll be a lot less “coulda”, “shoulda”, “woulda”…

     •  Reply
  124. Img 0750
    sparky1130  almost 11 years ago

    You only go around once and you don’t get a second chance to go to your prom. Experience as much as life has to offer THEN go help those who are less fortunate. There’ll be a lot less “coulda”, “shoulda”, “woulda”…

     •  Reply
  125. Missing large
    Angelalex242  almost 11 years ago


    Making sure other people know about your good deeds is actually AGAINST the rules.

    “Be not like the Pharisees, who make certain that all see their almsgiving. I tell you, they have already received their reward. Rather, when you do good, do it in secret, then your Heavenly Father who sees all things in secret shall give your reward.”

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  126. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    Uh… that’s what I said … more or less….

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  127. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    “Wouldn’t you know that was the only attraction in the whole flippin’ park that was closed for renovation?” ^Okay… there are just…no.. no words for that, at all!… That’s like IHOP saying you can’t have pancakes…..

     •  Reply
  128. Missing large
    TORAD_07  almost 11 years ago

    Should ask yourself how she can "guilt "anyone unless they do feel guilt.

    It’s not about whether or not the intended recipient “feels it.” It’s about “what was the ‘intent’ of the sender?” The sender “wants” the recipient to feel guilty enough to do what the sender wants. The sender believes that most people will feel guilt.

    In my case, the sender would be wrong. I wasn’t the cause of all these issues. I have nothing to feel guilty about. Certainly not because someone thinks I should feel that way and is trying to convince me that I am, with one hand, and asking me for help, with the other.

    Would I like to eradicate all these world wide problems? Of course, I would. I’d love to wave a magic wand and make them all disappear. But I don’t have one of those, and I know that I won’t ever be able to solve all the world’s problems myself. But I do know I can help some people with some of their problems. So I pick what matters most to me, and the size I think I can handle, and I go after that as best I can. And I try to do it in a way that offers long term solutions, not just temporary financial fixes. Sorry if what I think is important is not what you think is important.

    As long as I do what I know I can, then my conscience is clear. And those are the only two things that matter… me and my conscience. I’m sleeping just fine.

     •  Reply
  129. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    Coming in late, so sorry if I am repeating somebody…unlike yesterday, Delta Is becoming a balloon-buster to Bernice. I wish she wouldn’t put a damper on Bernice’s dream. And, yes, Bernice Does look good in that dress. Sometime in your life, girls, dress-up in girly-girly clothes and makeup…feel like a princess for a night. Reality comes soon enough in the morning… Then, volunteer to help in a soup kitchen for the homeless and poor. (A complete 180 on my part, huh?!) ;)

     •  Reply
  130. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I have no issue with Delta’s not wishing to go to the Prom. After all, it’s just a dance, not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pilot a spaceship or something. If she thinks it’s just a waste of money, then it really would be just a waste of money, for her. But the way she’s proclaiming her nobility to Bernice, trying to preach the inherent inferiority of placing any value on the Prom, and trying to shame Bernice out of going when she clearly wants to – well, that’s just plain selfish.

     •  Reply
  131. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    I like your “Saturday strip” too bad it will probably not happen… ;)

     •  Reply
  132. Missing large
    K M  almost 11 years ago

    Around here is a place where girls who can’t afford prom gowns can go and get fitted for a free gown. I don’t know all the details: I know the gowns are donated; I think they’re loaned to the girls for the dance. And in recent years they’ve started outfitting young ladies in the county for homecoming dances as well as proms.

     •  Reply
  133. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    There are so many words and opinions here today that I didn’t do my usual – commenting on practicably every post! (LOL) Just sorry I wasn’t able join in the conversation any earlier! It is—-and was—-some of the best posts I’ve seen on this board in a long time… ;)

     •  Reply
  134. Rachelalexandra
    TMO1 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I don’t think Delta truly feels this way. She’s rationalizing that her idea is better and certainly more noble than going to the prom, because she wasn’t asked to the prom. Better to act like it’s your choice than just what was foisted upon you by the fact that the males in your class are idiots who don’t appreciate you.

     •  Reply
  135. Image
    Hatjuggler1  over 8 years ago

    Why does Delta always have to avoid milestones in order to go serve? She should go to her prom and serve the next day. She’s going to wake up one day and be old.

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