He certainly took the long way to get from the mountain village to here…must be why he has a “face” growing on, there… – Probably went through the part of the fictional universe where it’s all dark and stuff… -Then there will be many questions… especially “Why green?” or “Do you have change for a $20?”…
“The Bombshell Episode”“Stranger In A Strange Land”“You Say You Want A Resolution?…Well, Ya Know” (♫)“Life Is Da Pitts”“Return Policy”“Lima Self Behind”“Flight Of The Conquereds”“A Touchdown, And A Slide To Home”or…“What Da What???”
He looks great with the scruff and the non-plaid ensemble. I sure hope he’s not there to throw a wrench in his mom’s budding friendship with Mr. Grey. Party sucks without Tiffany. Guess 2015 is just another year to hold on to silly and immature high school grudges and cliquish behavior. Oh well. It’s her party and she can do what she wants to. :p
Gunther finally escaped from Rosa a la Tom Hanks in “Cast Away”.Tiffany to Bernice later in the week.“What happened to you Dez threw a great New Year's party. It was a blast, and EVERYone was there, but you,”
Or maybe after he saw a “volcano”, he told Rosa to “Say hi to Aaron for me!”, then grew a beard to “go on the run”….– Either that, or he was still hunched up in the back of the van, trying to figure out how he alone would survive the “attack of the killer butterflies”….
Oh, eep! I knew he’d eventually be back, but I thought it would be more like in the spring. Oh, well, we will just have to wait and find out what made him split out of Peru…
What is HE doing there; and without Rosa? And where is Mr. Gray? Obviously, Luann was not concerned that Midnight had arrived before her boyfriend. Wonder if they will share one of their on in one million opportunities kisses? Why does Mrs. Berger look happy? I’m sure she doesn’t want Gunther living with her the rest of her life.
Well, my computer is actually being “nice” to me! Might be that I threatened it with the computer recycle bin! Actually, I took out two major programs which I can live without…and, wowee, the problem has almost been resolved! “See” you sometime on New Year’s Eve’s Day!!! ;)
Okay, Greg, I’ll wait for the other shoe to drop, but I hope Gunther has developed some independence, left Rosa in the jungle, and concentrates on his college plans. But, then I have always been wrong on my guesses.
it BETTER BE that Rosa and Gunther saw the “luxurious village” the medicines were going to, Rosa got mad, and Gunther SPONTANEOUSLY !!!! said, “forget this BS from your parents and uncle, let’s get hitched and we comeback to the USA” and she said YES YES YES or from now on I will call him “momma’s boy” as I will be disappointed
Now, that’s scary, on so many levels. Why is Gunther wearing a green “Peru” sweatshirt instead of plaid flannel? Why is he so hairy instead of clean-shaven? Why has Mrs. Berger brought him to the party and not Mr. Gray? Why are only Frank and Nancy kissing? Why is Crystal still hanging with Knute when Oxford is available because Tiffany was not invited by that nasty hostess who is arm-locked with her old girlfriend rather than with the Aussie? So many questions, no answers.Happy New Year?
I hope it’s over, at least for now. Maybe in the future she can come back as a love interest, but right now she’s so obsessed with Peru, she could focus on nothing but that, not even Gunther. He doesn’t look too broken up, so if they split…I think he will survive ;-)
Let’s see – Gunther & Rosa ran away from their jobs at the clinic on December 6, so it took the authorities 25 days to catch them and have them deported. Now Luann can share a stroke-of-midnight kiss with the scruffy-faced Gunther, and Quill can share a stroke-of-midnight kiss with Mrs. Berger. A preview of things to come in 2015, for both couples? And Happy New Year, Tiffany, wherever you are – I hope it’s at a better party than this one.
Well, I certainly hope Gunth’s personality has improved as much as his looks. I’m also curious to know what’s behind those changes. I guess we’ll find out in the first few days of 2015.
Personally, I hope it is Rosa and the time he’s spending with her, and I hope his visit here is only temporary (or, if not, that Rosa returned with him). This looks like a fantastic start for him… I hope he keeps doing whatever it is he’s doing… and I hope it’s with Rosa.
the issue of him returning because he is scared of mom finding romance will be that it makes him look like a spoiled puss and decreases the view of him not just tenfold, it goes into hundredfold territory…………………IF Greg and daughter wanted to break up Rosa and Gunther, they made LOT OF MISTAKES on the road to today………………. it would have been better off if any of these things happened, A) Rosa and him broke up because she decided to go to Peru(or anywhere else) and the long distance killed eventually their relationship B) he goes to Peru(as that was the chosen destination of Rosa by Greg) and they see that they are too different, and he wishes her good luck, and break up amicably months ago C) Mr. Gray was never introduced and used as one of key pretext(if not only one) of Gunther deciding to return to Pittsville and we could see B happening right now or I even could accept even if I don’t like it D) Rosa meeting a new guy in Peru and she dumping him and forcing his surprise return(even if it means making Rosa worse than 5 Mrs Eiffiels together and her going the way of Diane and Aaron)……………. the way things seem right now…………. I would see Gunther as a dissipating washout
Where is Rosa? Good question but maybe she is right behind. The important question is What Happened? He didn’t grow the beard flying home. Something changed him out there in the wilderness. Looks like he grew up and made some tuff decisions, even if it was to leave Rosa and come home to do what he wants to do.
I’ve never seen a worse depiction of stubble; it looks like dirt. And the sweatshirt makes him look FAT. But hopefully he is no longer with Rosa, because the relationship was gross. Any partners who can’t bring themselves to communicate with each other would be doomed in real life, or in believable stories, for that matter.
I know he looks like he has traveled through a forest for weeks but with him getting a haircut to level it and barely touching the facial hair …………. compare George Michael with facial hair http://www.wallpapergate.com/phpthumb/cache/1228/George_Michael_012.jpg and without http://i.ytimg.com/vi/0PBO4C37oLI/hqdefault.jpg, he looked more mature with slight shadow facial hair than clean shaven
Nothing screams maturity like facial hair. Y’all trippin’. Gunther looks good. Looks like someone who can get laid. Threre is nothing immature about following your own path. Gunther’s path is college. My prediction: Bernice and Gunther hook up. Those two have grew the most. Makes sense.
BTW we got 3.5 weeks of time since we last saw Gunther………….. it makes it very plausible that both Rosa and Gunther were forced to trek all the way to Lima as something happened at the village(he lost his luggage and his shirt was damaged) and we might get to see Rosa sometime before Sunday also and don’t be surprised if they got married(unlikely so fast, but Greg could have decided that), I just can’t see Gunther out of the blue dumping the plaid look
10-15% would be happy(they want Gunther/Luann)25% would be always disappointed but continue reading60 or 65% will reluctantly accept it(most hoping that that the return was not because of Mr. Gray)
the percentages might change in the future depending in who Luann ends up with (Q, G or someone else introduced in the future) and finding out if Mr. Gray was involved or not in why he returned
Gunther’s path is not in some Peruvian village with sick people (the truck driver asked the right question and the right time). Well, opposites attract, which is why Rosa and He hit it off. But he realized just how opposite they are in their views of the their future lives. It wasn’t for him. Prediction: sometime in Luann’s second year of college will be the Gunther-Luann love story.
Gunther and Rosa were captured by the Sendero Luminoso, who have kept Rosa as a plaything but let Gunther go because he got them up on line and showed them how to hack into Peruvian security. And someone has put burnt cork all over his cheeks (think Mama) so that he can masquerade as a m. . . as a ma. . .God help me, I can’t bring myself to say it.
Maybe ol’ Gunth figured out that chasing Rosa to the literal end of the earth wasn’t bringing him any closer to her because Peru is HER adventure and he was just an added accessory. Why stick around for that?
Guther’s hormones finnaly kicked in. I could grow a beard by my 2nd year in HS, and come from light skined Eastern Eourpeans! Bet his mom is also hairy!! Haa!
the bigger issue is not if he left or not Rosa,(even if I would be disappointed if their split was not amicable) is if he came back mostly because of Mr. Gray…………
Gunther finally acting like an adult. Rosa had absolutely no concern for him or their relationship. It was always about what SHE wanted to do and often at a moment’s notice without any planning, preparation or proper fact finding. Gunther went along because he was thinking with his other head.I suspect that when they got to the ‘village’ it wasn’t what Rosa expected (again) or was something Gunther realized he had no interest in at all.He probably returned with the same driver he got there with, leaving Rosa behind.
the bad of the Luann and female peers(and maybe talk some of the goods they have)
Delta … obsession with political correctness and get her peers involved at all costs in her causes, sometimes decides not to have fun because takes away from her “just causes”
Bernice…. tends to be unnecessary critical of others, even friends, and forgets to be constructive
Rosa ……. Idealists that forgets to be realistic and tends to focus on short terms, and not in the long terms of things
Crystal ……. sometimes blunt in saying her perspective, tries to give an outside image of self-reliance and indifference but actually likes to give and take help
Luann …………. girl that has lot of nice things, but she does not believe it and acknowledge it and belittles herself, likes to be the self-martyr and complain how nice things do not happen to her right in the middle of something nice happening to her!!! and get jealous of people even when they might have less than what she has
Tiffany ………… girl who likes to show herself as Miss popular(thus give sometimes an image of arrogance) even though she knows her lack of quality friends, dreams big but forgets many times to take those small steps that would help make those dreams more reachable, can be a party that has 1000 bodies but feels alone but when she spends a few minutes with the “enemies”, they make her feel that she is not alone, Lazy in using her brains(did not say she is dumb) and ends up showing emptiness where there is so much potential, feels the need to downgrade others when those are sincere and criticize her in a constructive manner(very vicious cycle actually for both sides)
“if it was just that, and was just clothing, I would agree, but we talking facial hair of at most 5 or 6 days”*Wiselad – That means the last time he shaved was Christmas. He spent that with Rosa, then was captured by the guerilla group or drug cartel, which relieved him of the plaid shirt. He escaped, stole the green shirt so he could go incognito througoh the jungle and hitchhilke a ride on the nearest airplane to the US.*Next stop is to the feds to hand them top-secret documents he uncovered about drug & gun smuggling.*Then he returns to Peru on his next mission.
" to all squid-lovers everywhere I apologize.".Good to know you found your warm and fuzzy side.I haven’t tried squid, but octopus is okay, not a lot of taste but fun to eat with tentacles wiggling outside my mouth. (It’s cooked, but still wiggles as I chew….Yes, I DO chew — sometimes.)
“Ultimately Gunther’s return is disappointing.”.Could be, could not be.Depends on reason for return.If he decided he was not on HIS path, that shouldn’t disappoint us if he changed paths.“Either he couldn’t cut it and ran home to his mom, or he’s only home for the holidays but is now a completely changed person…”.Far too limited in your thinking.He seemed to be doing well, so we know he COULD cut it. What we don’t know is that he wanted it. Deciding he didn’t would not be a failure.It would be growth..And even in growth, a person doesn’t change completely. He fills out, grows in some areas, abandons some others..“and we didn’t get to see him change.”.Any changes other than the superficial ones like growing a beard are mental and we won’t see those other than in the following actions, which we are seeing now..Even our best friends’ lives are often seen as by stroboscopic lighting. Little chunks telling us where they are at any given time, but only knowing how they got there by remembering where they were. Even then, there are many paths between flashes..“There’s no payoff when you jump to the end of the story,”.You seem to think we are at the end of Gunther’s story, rather than simply seeing a flash of his life..“we were supposed to see him at the remote village becoming a new person, and we were robbed of that.”.How can we have been robbed if he never made it to the village?We saw him questioning his own actions and don’t know exactly when or even if he decided to turn aside. This is not robbery. Further, TJ is doing things we aren’t seeing right now, Tiffany is doing things we aren’t seeing right now. How is the big bad bully holding up?Ann Eiffel?.Each of the little kids in the group?Dirk?.There ain’t no way to show all possible characters at each and every stage of their lives. We focus on a few at a time and move on.Most of us move on.
Great comic today! -Nancy and Frank are finally able to connect physically. -Knute is sooo funny pouring his drink on himself and cracking up Cystal.-Gunther showing up relaxed having gone through enough changes and uncertainty to dispel his controlling nature. Quill had the right idea (rolling down the hill), but it just needed to be on a larger scale. -Ox is still a potential main character, but without an antagonist (Lesley Knox, Tiffany), he is kinda lame.-Happy New Year to you all and your loved ones.
In my nearly 30 years of reading this strip, Mr. Evans dropped a BOMB on Gunther! Way to go, Mr. Evans! I wouldn’t mind seeing him in his old clothes, but in a “fashionable way!”
Well, it is officially New Year’s Eve where I live (I always start the Eve at 6:00 pm PST). I wish all of my “Luann” fellow readers a Happy New Year’s Day and also a coming year filled with happiness, joy and good personal challenges!!! Happy New Year 2015!!! (And may Brad and Toni finally get married!!!) ;)
Will be interesting to hear Gunther story! What about Bernice’s room mate Dez do we get to see her in the coming year? What about Delta? And what adventure awate Luann and Quil?
It’s 30 minutes till midnight and the New Year, here in Central Florida. All around me, neighbors (?) are setting off fireworks,and some are shooting into the air. I live in a wooden building, so I’m planning to hunker down with my fire extinguisher soon… -Healthy New Year to all…
OMG. NBC’s New Year’s program started with Carson Daly doing a takeoff on the whole ‘Interview’ film. This is just weird enough that I think I’ll go watch that instead of worrying about fireworks on my roof…
LOL, it’s a sad thing to say that W7 is the golden age of O.S.s….. – Scary that they’ve taken some of the functionality away on the Windows Explorer, and the desktop browser starts to run circles around it….
Our office held onto Windows XP forever. They just switched most of us to 7. I actually have 10 at work (beta test) because I needed it to access some of the governmental websites I’m supposed to use for info. So far, 10 is not fun. I ‘specially hated using the version of Explorer that kept giving me pics of people I was receiving emails from. Very disconcerting, since the function pulled pics from (I’m guessing) Facebook, and they weren’t all ‘business’ type pics…
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
Nice scruff, Gunther. Welcome back to NORTH America from South America by the way. (Where’s Rosa?)
JayBluE about 10 years ago
(8^O) Dunh, dunh, duhhhhhhnnnnh!….. – Followed by… “????”
JayBluE about 10 years ago
He certainly took the long way to get from the mountain village to here…must be why he has a “face” growing on, there… – Probably went through the part of the fictional universe where it’s all dark and stuff… -Then there will be many questions… especially “Why green?” or “Do you have change for a $20?”…
Argythree about 10 years ago
An old acquaintance who seems to have changed somewhat! One rugged individual coming up!
JayBluE about 10 years ago
“The Bombshell Episode”“Stranger In A Strange Land”“You Say You Want A Resolution?…Well, Ya Know” (♫)“Life Is Da Pitts”“Return Policy”“Lima Self Behind”“Flight Of The Conquereds”“A Touchdown, And A Slide To Home”or…“What Da What???”
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Gunther? With a beard??? He looks great! Has lost his babyness! I wonder what Rosa thinks of him now?! ;)
jemgirl81 about 10 years ago
He looks great with the scruff and the non-plaid ensemble. I sure hope he’s not there to throw a wrench in his mom’s budding friendship with Mr. Grey. Party sucks without Tiffany. Guess 2015 is just another year to hold on to silly and immature high school grudges and cliquish behavior. Oh well. It’s her party and she can do what she wants to. :p
doctor075 about 10 years ago
If Rosa isn’t with him,I say kick his arse!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Gunther finally escaped from Rosa a la Tom Hanks in “Cast Away”.Tiffany to Bernice later in the week.“What happened to you Dez threw a great New Year's party. It was a blast, and EVERYone was there, but you,”
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 10 years ago
His wardrobe is different too
Argythree about 10 years ago
So much for the hint from our colorist that big things were about to happen in Peru…
znhoja about 10 years ago
Good to see Gunther back. Leav Rosa in South America to do her thing!To bad Delta ant at the party.
Angelalex242 about 10 years ago
Well…he might not be home PERMANENTLY. Perhaps he’ll be returning to Peru later. It’s not uncommon for people to want to come home for the holidays.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Or maybe after he saw a “volcano”, he told Rosa to “Say hi to Aaron for me!”, then grew a beard to “go on the run”….– Either that, or he was still hunched up in the back of the van, trying to figure out how he alone would survive the “attack of the killer butterflies”….
melmarsh9v about 10 years ago
Oh, eep! I knew he’d eventually be back, but I thought it would be more like in the spring. Oh, well, we will just have to wait and find out what made him split out of Peru…
Chuck374 about 10 years ago
What is HE doing there; and without Rosa? And where is Mr. Gray? Obviously, Luann was not concerned that Midnight had arrived before her boyfriend. Wonder if they will share one of their on in one million opportunities kisses? Why does Mrs. Berger look happy? I’m sure she doesn’t want Gunther living with her the rest of her life.
Chuck374 about 10 years ago
I knew Gunther had testosterone. He used all of it to grow facial hair.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Well, my computer is actually being “nice” to me! Might be that I threatened it with the computer recycle bin! Actually, I took out two major programs which I can live without…and, wowee, the problem has almost been resolved! “See” you sometime on New Year’s Eve’s Day!!! ;)
kenhense about 10 years ago
I’m ready to hear Gunther’a story about Gunther & Rosa in the village…
Airman about 10 years ago
Okay, Greg, I’ll wait for the other shoe to drop, but I hope Gunther has developed some independence, left Rosa in the jungle, and concentrates on his college plans. But, then I have always been wrong on my guesses.
Chuck374 about 10 years ago
Looking at his beard and a sweat shirt; I can only guess all of his cloths were dirty and he needed something clean to wear home. Airport gift shop.
TechTalkGuy about 10 years ago
Gunther gave up his life for Princess Rosa?
Perhaps he missed his Star Trek episodes?
Whatever the reason; I hope it was his decision to dump Princess Rosa for his life back!
melmarsh9v about 10 years ago
It is heartwarming that Mother Berger’s son has returned!
Editman about 10 years ago
Wait until we see Rosa’s beard!
Editman about 10 years ago
Hmmm…Oxford is standing by himself, but Bernie and Lou are hugging.
wiselad about 10 years ago
it BETTER BE that Rosa and Gunther saw the “luxurious village” the medicines were going to, Rosa got mad, and Gunther SPONTANEOUSLY !!!! said, “forget this BS from your parents and uncle, let’s get hitched and we comeback to the USA” and she said YES YES YES or from now on I will call him “momma’s boy” as I will be disappointed
alviebird about 10 years ago
When last we saw Gunther…
alviebird about 10 years ago
Here’s hoping he put his foot down and told Rosa he was going home, and she went with him.
wiselad about 10 years ago
if Rosa/Gunther got hitched, I am hopping he stays with the “shadow look”, he looks great
wiselad about 10 years ago
in other matters, 6 black pants, 5 black tops,(including Brad’s ) 4 cocktail glasses, 3 Blue pants, 2 moms and one red skirt perched around Lue’s legs
TechTalkGuy about 10 years ago
Is there an Apple Store in Perú?
I’m sure Gunther wants to buy the new iPad Air 2 and enjoy his life!
alviebird about 10 years ago
“I took my girlfriend to Peru, and all I brought back was this lousy shirt.”
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Now, that’s scary, on so many levels. Why is Gunther wearing a green “Peru” sweatshirt instead of plaid flannel? Why is he so hairy instead of clean-shaven? Why has Mrs. Berger brought him to the party and not Mr. Gray? Why are only Frank and Nancy kissing? Why is Crystal still hanging with Knute when Oxford is available because Tiffany was not invited by that nasty hostess who is arm-locked with her old girlfriend rather than with the Aussie? So many questions, no answers.Happy New Year?
flowerladytoo about 10 years ago
I hope it’s over, at least for now. Maybe in the future she can come back as a love interest, but right now she’s so obsessed with Peru, she could focus on nothing but that, not even Gunther. He doesn’t look too broken up, so if they split…I think he will survive ;-)
Mordock999 Premium Member about 10 years ago
HOT DAM….,er DARN!!!The G-Man Returns, Hopefully Rosa-less!All is Now RIGHT With the World!
Okay Gunth. Once the “Festivities” are Over, Its Time to Start Plotting ways get RID of Pretty-Boy and Your Mom’s “Mr. Friend”.
TechTalkGuy about 10 years ago
The thing about Princess Rosa that bothers me about this arc is that she is always thinking about herself and never Gunther.
It is Gunther who must sacrifice his life for the Princess.
It was Gunther who decided to sacrifice his interests of advanced education for Princess Rosa last summer.
Hopefully, Gunther decided to terminate his sacrifice for the Princess by leaving Perú behind.
Now, THAT’S what I call a New Year’s Resolution!
Happy New Year!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Let’s see – Gunther & Rosa ran away from their jobs at the clinic on December 6, so it took the authorities 25 days to catch them and have them deported. Now Luann can share a stroke-of-midnight kiss with the scruffy-faced Gunther, and Quill can share a stroke-of-midnight kiss with Mrs. Berger. A preview of things to come in 2015, for both couples? And Happy New Year, Tiffany, wherever you are – I hope it’s at a better party than this one.
TORAD_07 about 10 years ago
Well, I certainly hope Gunth’s personality has improved as much as his looks. I’m also curious to know what’s behind those changes. I guess we’ll find out in the first few days of 2015.
Personally, I hope it is Rosa and the time he’s spending with her, and I hope his visit here is only temporary (or, if not, that Rosa returned with him). This looks like a fantastic start for him… I hope he keeps doing whatever it is he’s doing… and I hope it’s with Rosa.
Have a safe, prosperous and Happy New Year, all!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
I predict a week and a half of Gunther/Rosa flashbacks.
Caldonia about 10 years ago
Why are people writing that Gunther looks good??
wiselad about 10 years ago
the issue of him returning because he is scared of mom finding romance will be that it makes him look like a spoiled puss and decreases the view of him not just tenfold, it goes into hundredfold territory…………………IF Greg and daughter wanted to break up Rosa and Gunther, they made LOT OF MISTAKES on the road to today………………. it would have been better off if any of these things happened, A) Rosa and him broke up because she decided to go to Peru(or anywhere else) and the long distance killed eventually their relationship B) he goes to Peru(as that was the chosen destination of Rosa by Greg) and they see that they are too different, and he wishes her good luck, and break up amicably months ago C) Mr. Gray was never introduced and used as one of key pretext(if not only one) of Gunther deciding to return to Pittsville and we could see B happening right now or I even could accept even if I don’t like it D) Rosa meeting a new guy in Peru and she dumping him and forcing his surprise return(even if it means making Rosa worse than 5 Mrs Eiffiels together and her going the way of Diane and Aaron)……………. the way things seem right now…………. I would see Gunther as a dissipating washout
Sportymonk about 10 years ago
Where is Rosa? Good question but maybe she is right behind. The important question is What Happened? He didn’t grow the beard flying home. Something changed him out there in the wilderness. Looks like he grew up and made some tuff decisions, even if it was to leave Rosa and come home to do what he wants to do.
Caldonia about 10 years ago
I’ve never seen a worse depiction of stubble; it looks like dirt. And the sweatshirt makes him look FAT. But hopefully he is no longer with Rosa, because the relationship was gross. Any partners who can’t bring themselves to communicate with each other would be doomed in real life, or in believable stories, for that matter.
morningglory73 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I am glad he is back.
wiselad about 10 years ago
I know he looks like he has traveled through a forest for weeks but with him getting a haircut to level it and barely touching the facial hair …………. compare George Michael with facial hair http://www.wallpapergate.com/phpthumb/cache/1228/George_Michael_012.jpg and without http://i.ytimg.com/vi/0PBO4C37oLI/hqdefault.jpg, he looked more mature with slight shadow facial hair than clean shaven
cjswan232482 about 10 years ago
Nothing screams maturity like facial hair. Y’all trippin’. Gunther looks good. Looks like someone who can get laid. Threre is nothing immature about following your own path. Gunther’s path is college. My prediction: Bernice and Gunther hook up. Those two have grew the most. Makes sense.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Kiss her, Knute!
wiselad about 10 years ago
BTW we got 3.5 weeks of time since we last saw Gunther………….. it makes it very plausible that both Rosa and Gunther were forced to trek all the way to Lima as something happened at the village(he lost his luggage and his shirt was damaged) and we might get to see Rosa sometime before Sunday also and don’t be surprised if they got married(unlikely so fast, but Greg could have decided that), I just can’t see Gunther out of the blue dumping the plaid look
kittylover2 about 10 years ago
Gunther looks so good with facial hair and NO plaid.
juanandresbyrne about 10 years ago
Nice detail Greg with Gunther’s sweatshirt showing Peru’s trademark logo resembling the Nazca lines…
pj about 10 years ago
Sweatshirt, beard, no glasses… This should be a good story.
housepianist about 10 years ago
Nice to see Gunther again.
I wonder what Ann Eifel is up to?
wiselad about 10 years ago
if Gunther returned mostly because of Mr Gray
10-15% would be happy(they want Gunther/Luann)25% would be always disappointed but continue reading60 or 65% will reluctantly accept it(most hoping that that the return was not because of Mr. Gray)
the percentages might change in the future depending in who Luann ends up with (Q, G or someone else introduced in the future) and finding out if Mr. Gray was involved or not in why he returned
kenvilkid about 10 years ago
Gunther’s path is not in some Peruvian village with sick people (the truck driver asked the right question and the right time). Well, opposites attract, which is why Rosa and He hit it off. But he realized just how opposite they are in their views of the their future lives. It wasn’t for him. Prediction: sometime in Luann’s second year of college will be the Gunther-Luann love story.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I wonder why Gunther didn’t shave when he got back. Is he trying to disguise himself, because he’s wanted by the authorities in Peru?
Mayor Snorkum about 10 years ago
Gunther and Rosa were captured by the Sendero Luminoso, who have kept Rosa as a plaything but let Gunther go because he got them up on line and showed them how to hack into Peruvian security. And someone has put burnt cork all over his cheeks (think Mama) so that he can masquerade as a m. . . as a ma. . .God help me, I can’t bring myself to say it.
Guilty Bystander about 10 years ago
Maybe ol’ Gunth figured out that chasing Rosa to the literal end of the earth wasn’t bringing him any closer to her because Peru is HER adventure and he was just an added accessory. Why stick around for that?
harkherp about 10 years ago
Guther’s hormones finnaly kicked in. I could grow a beard by my 2nd year in HS, and come from light skined Eastern Eourpeans! Bet his mom is also hairy!! Haa!
wiselad about 10 years ago
the bigger issue is not if he left or not Rosa,(even if I would be disappointed if their split was not amicable) is if he came back mostly because of Mr. Gray…………
Cattus99 about 10 years ago
Gunther finally acting like an adult. Rosa had absolutely no concern for him or their relationship. It was always about what SHE wanted to do and often at a moment’s notice without any planning, preparation or proper fact finding. Gunther went along because he was thinking with his other head.I suspect that when they got to the ‘village’ it wasn’t what Rosa expected (again) or was something Gunther realized he had no interest in at all.He probably returned with the same driver he got there with, leaving Rosa behind.
Cattus99 about 10 years ago
Either that or he wimped out to go home to his ‘mommy’.
Doctor11 about 10 years ago
Happy New Year’s Eve!
maverick1usa about 10 years ago
I do hope for Greg to have an “explanation of events” episode so we find out what led to this & where Rosa is.
Happy new year to all! Have a safe new year’s eve.
hjkl; about 10 years ago
OMG! I did NOT see this coming! Go Greg!
Dragoncat about 10 years ago
MAN! He looks so different outside of plaid.
wiselad about 10 years ago
the bad of the Luann and female peers(and maybe talk some of the goods they have)
Delta … obsession with political correctness and get her peers involved at all costs in her causes, sometimes decides not to have fun because takes away from her “just causes”
Bernice…. tends to be unnecessary critical of others, even friends, and forgets to be constructive
Rosa ……. Idealists that forgets to be realistic and tends to focus on short terms, and not in the long terms of things
Crystal ……. sometimes blunt in saying her perspective, tries to give an outside image of self-reliance and indifference but actually likes to give and take help
Luann …………. girl that has lot of nice things, but she does not believe it and acknowledge it and belittles herself, likes to be the self-martyr and complain how nice things do not happen to her right in the middle of something nice happening to her!!! and get jealous of people even when they might have less than what she has
Tiffany ………… girl who likes to show herself as Miss popular(thus give sometimes an image of arrogance) even though she knows her lack of quality friends, dreams big but forgets many times to take those small steps that would help make those dreams more reachable, can be a party that has 1000 bodies but feels alone but when she spends a few minutes with the “enemies”, they make her feel that she is not alone, Lazy in using her brains(did not say she is dumb) and ends up showing emptiness where there is so much potential, feels the need to downgrade others when those are sincere and criticize her in a constructive manner(very vicious cycle actually for both sides)
melmarsh9v about 10 years ago
It could be that Gunthers’s beard is more dirt than facial hair!
locake about 10 years ago
Thank goodness he escaped from the clutches of Rosa and made it back home safely. I don’t even care what happened to Rosa.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
“if it was just that, and was just clothing, I would agree, but we talking facial hair of at most 5 or 6 days”*Wiselad – That means the last time he shaved was Christmas. He spent that with Rosa, then was captured by the guerilla group or drug cartel, which relieved him of the plaid shirt. He escaped, stole the green shirt so he could go incognito througoh the jungle and hitchhilke a ride on the nearest airplane to the US.*Next stop is to the feds to hand them top-secret documents he uncovered about drug & gun smuggling.*Then he returns to Peru on his next mission.
RSH about 10 years ago
wow! Gunth is a dude now! I think he just made the impromptu trip for the holidays. We’ll find out.
… here’s a possible plot line (I’m never correct though). Tiff will show up and put the moves on Gunth thinking its someone else… ha ha…
Airman about 10 years ago
Frank!! Nancy!! GET A ROOM!!!!!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
And next summer Rosa returns from Peru, bringing Gunther Jr. with her?
Rick Smith Premium Member about 10 years ago
Maybe Rosa kicked Gunth to the curb and ran off with the delivery driver.
sjsczurek about 10 years ago
Nascent whiskers… and Gunther’s mom doesn’t seem to mind!And where IS Rosa?
sjsczurek about 10 years ago
And I love Bernice’s outfit.
locake about 10 years ago
Gunther came back just in time to start the next semester of college in January.
doverdan about 10 years ago
Where is TJ ??
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
" to all squid-lovers everywhere I apologize.".Good to know you found your warm and fuzzy side.I haven’t tried squid, but octopus is okay, not a lot of taste but fun to eat with tentacles wiggling outside my mouth. (It’s cooked, but still wiggles as I chew….Yes, I DO chew — sometimes.)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Ultimately Gunther’s return is disappointing.”.Could be, could not be.Depends on reason for return.If he decided he was not on HIS path, that shouldn’t disappoint us if he changed paths.“Either he couldn’t cut it and ran home to his mom, or he’s only home for the holidays but is now a completely changed person…”.Far too limited in your thinking.He seemed to be doing well, so we know he COULD cut it. What we don’t know is that he wanted it. Deciding he didn’t would not be a failure.It would be growth..And even in growth, a person doesn’t change completely. He fills out, grows in some areas, abandons some others..“and we didn’t get to see him change.”.Any changes other than the superficial ones like growing a beard are mental and we won’t see those other than in the following actions, which we are seeing now..Even our best friends’ lives are often seen as by stroboscopic lighting. Little chunks telling us where they are at any given time, but only knowing how they got there by remembering where they were. Even then, there are many paths between flashes..“There’s no payoff when you jump to the end of the story,”.You seem to think we are at the end of Gunther’s story, rather than simply seeing a flash of his life..“we were supposed to see him at the remote village becoming a new person, and we were robbed of that.”.How can we have been robbed if he never made it to the village?We saw him questioning his own actions and don’t know exactly when or even if he decided to turn aside. This is not robbery. Further, TJ is doing things we aren’t seeing right now, Tiffany is doing things we aren’t seeing right now. How is the big bad bully holding up?Ann Eiffel?.Each of the little kids in the group?Dirk?.There ain’t no way to show all possible characters at each and every stage of their lives. We focus on a few at a time and move on.Most of us move on.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
You’re too good to me!!
JayBluE about 10 years ago
wiatr about 10 years ago
Sans Rosa?
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Ha ha, now the trip to Red Lobster is back on!!
reedkomicks Premium Member about 10 years ago
Great comic today! -Nancy and Frank are finally able to connect physically. -Knute is sooo funny pouring his drink on himself and cracking up Cystal.-Gunther showing up relaxed having gone through enough changes and uncertainty to dispel his controlling nature. Quill had the right idea (rolling down the hill), but it just needed to be on a larger scale. -Ox is still a potential main character, but without an antagonist (Lesley Knox, Tiffany), he is kinda lame.-Happy New Year to you all and your loved ones.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
I’m with you on the fried squid…
Milady Meg about 10 years ago
I LOVE the dress Luann! Where did you get it?
spaced man spliff about 10 years ago
I wonder what Tiff is up to tonight !!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
(or was it some other conversation?)
GasHouseGorilla about 10 years ago
In my nearly 30 years of reading this strip, Mr. Evans dropped a BOMB on Gunther! Way to go, Mr. Evans! I wouldn’t mind seeing him in his old clothes, but in a “fashionable way!”
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Did Gunther chase Mr. Gray away from the house? If not, then why aren’t Mr. Gray and Mrs. B. attending some grown-up NYE party together?
doverdan about 10 years ago
Where is TJ ? .With Brad here, he has no place we know of to hang out.And then he has some ready money.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Gunther had to come back. The Peruvians really couldn’t put up with his habit of wandering through the library naked.
JayBluE about 10 years ago
? – I was referring to my misspeak regarding ambulance/cargo/supply truck…
JayBluE about 10 years ago
That other one may be a separate thread…
Airman about 10 years ago
Wow!! Feel that tremor? Frank and Nancy found a room and just registered a 3 on the Richter scale.
Marge Premium Member about 10 years ago
It is 00:24am here in Germany – Happy New Year to all!
SactoSylvia about 10 years ago
Gunther! Lookin’ good, Dude!
craigwestlake about 10 years ago
Looks to me like Gunther finally decided that the life Rosa wants is not the life he wants…
sameyers2 about 10 years ago
I hope, I hope, that Gunther isn’t back to mess up his mom’s relationship with her friend.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
Don’t hold back, what do you REALLY think of Gunther?
TORAD_07 about 10 years ago
Aw, smuck. I was hoping he’d man up and stay and work at the clinic with Rosa.
Again, we don’t yet know why he’s back and under what circumstances. Let’s see what gets revealed in the next day or so….
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Well, it is officially New Year’s Eve where I live (I always start the Eve at 6:00 pm PST). I wish all of my “Luann” fellow readers a Happy New Year’s Day and also a coming year filled with happiness, joy and good personal challenges!!! Happy New Year 2015!!! (And may Brad and Toni finally get married!!!) ;)
znhoja about 10 years ago
Will be interesting to hear Gunther story! What about Bernice’s room mate Dez do we get to see her in the coming year? What about Delta? And what adventure awate Luann and Quil?
Argythree about 10 years ago
I’m not usually a grammar critic, but you spelled the second word wrong… that should be schm. Just sayin’….
Argythree about 10 years ago
It’s 30 minutes till midnight and the New Year, here in Central Florida. All around me, neighbors (?) are setting off fireworks,and some are shooting into the air. I live in a wooden building, so I’m planning to hunker down with my fire extinguisher soon… -Healthy New Year to all…
Argythree about 10 years ago
OMG. NBC’s New Year’s program started with Carson Daly doing a takeoff on the whole ‘Interview’ film. This is just weird enough that I think I’ll go watch that instead of worrying about fireworks on my roof…
Argythree about 10 years ago
I meant to pass this message along to IamJayBlue a lot earlier; someone is kind of imitating your screen name on the Non Sequitor (spelling?) site…
Argythree about 10 years ago
Knute has strong opinions about some things…
Argythree about 10 years ago
LOL!! -And that’s new in this New Year…
Argythree about 10 years ago
Geez. I just had Windows 8.1 installed on my new desktop, and I’m trying to figure it out. Now it’s already way obsolete…
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Crazy thing is, if I don’t accept their updates, they’ll probably hold something ransom till I do….
JayBluE about 10 years ago
LOL, it’s a sad thing to say that W7 is the golden age of O.S.s….. – Scary that they’ve taken some of the functionality away on the Windows Explorer, and the desktop browser starts to run circles around it….
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Also pertaining to Windows, Maybe Gunther’s new look is a “shell” and it’s still the same ol’ engine under the hood….
JayBluE about 10 years ago
Yeah, hopefully …
Argythree about 10 years ago
Our office held onto Windows XP forever. They just switched most of us to 7. I actually have 10 at work (beta test) because I needed it to access some of the governmental websites I’m supposed to use for info. So far, 10 is not fun. I ‘specially hated using the version of Explorer that kept giving me pics of people I was receiving emails from. Very disconcerting, since the function pulled pics from (I’m guessing) Facebook, and they weren’t all ‘business’ type pics…
klesmiley_ Premium Member about 10 years ago
Happy New Year to everyone. Main characters and posters alike. Thanks Greg Evans for this charming ’toon!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Hey, Mr. Pathetic is back, never to leave again.
Deborah N Lurie about 10 years ago
Auld, not old.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Look who’s back! And definitely changed!