Frazz by Jef Mallett for September 16, 2015

  1. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  about 9 years ago

    True. They just don’t want to know about it.

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  2. Avat
    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Richard S. Russell

    You missed one:

    (5) a dishonest politician* who wants to get the vote of 1 through 4.   ______

    if that’s not redundant.
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    Mugens Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I’m basically just agreeing with everyone else so far. That was very well said sir…

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    jessegooddoggy  almost 9 years ago

    Great explanation, but the deniers won’t believe it. BTW, the aspens are already changing in the eastern sierra – and there was a dusting of snow yesterday!

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  5. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 9 years ago

    The climate has always been in a state of transition. But let’s not that get in the way of a good panic.

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  6. Bentley profile
    griffon8  almost 9 years ago

    That’s all we need it to be. If climate change was changing things by 10°, civilization would collapse. If we don’t do anything about it, that’s what will happen in a few centuries..I agree that nuclear power would help. That seems to be a minority opinion among those who accept man-made climate change..Actually, the single greatest help would be education of women, worldwide. Educated women have children later and average two, which is just replacement of population.

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    rshive  almost 9 years ago

    Nice effort in stereotyping, as one who doesn’t fit “any of the above”.

    But it strikes me that the requested political response is always pretty much the same—“Let’s impoverish ourselves now so that maybe we won’t get impoverished later.”

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  8. 7 sisters
    SkyFisher  almost 9 years ago

    The biggest thing that climate change alarmists don’t understand (and this is just common sense), is that insulting people doesn’t gain you any followers.

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  9. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  almost 9 years ago

    Caufield’s ridiculous comment aside, the debate continues on this topic. No one doubts “climate change”, they doubt the climate is changing due to man’s activity. The numerous apocalyptic scenarios have not happened: arctic sea ice is growing, not shrinking; sea levels are not rising and there aren’t mass famines (where inept gov’t is not the culprit).

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  10. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Well, I tend to see Caulfield as awfully damn rude today.Principal Spaetzel was simply reacting in horror to the proof or evidence that Fall was coming ALREADY. He was not being shocked that it happens every year. If I notice changing leaves, and they occur earlier than is typical… it can make me also feel a bit melancholy. I like the feeling of Summer to last as long as possible. Caulfield is being rude by suggesting that Principal Spaetzel is being an idiot. He is not. He is just reacting to what he feels is an earlier end to Summer weather than he would like.As for “Global Warming”… there is a lot of very strong, very well conducted scientific research that suggests that unfortunately, global warming is indeed occurring, and that the use of fossil fuels and other human induced releases of carbon into the atmosphere have been a big, big player in this global warming. That said, is global warming “proven”? No. No scientist would use that term. We do not “prove” anything. We conduct research to support or refute a theory. As we stand right now…. the vast majority of well designed scientific research into the subject DOES SUPPORT THE THEORY THAT GLOBAL WARMING DUE TO HUMAN ACTIONS IS OCCURRING. Very few research studies have collected data to refute the theory of global warming.With the above in mind, we as a nation (and world) should work to reduce our carbon footprint.

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    puddleglum1066  almost 9 years ago

    In category 5, do you include the Pope who just published an encyclical explicitly saying it is the religious responsibility of Christians (or at least Catholics) to reduce carbon emissions and reverse climate change? Just wondering…

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    klr562  almost 9 years ago

    So you mean to say that the climate change is a recent event and not one that has been happening for millions of years and you also seam to reject the Paleoclimatology that shows multiple times when the earths climate has been warner that today’s or that prior to mans involvement the Polar ice caps have shrunk

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    klr562  almost 9 years ago

    Or perhaps you also overlooked a May 2015 release from NASA “Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims”

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  14. 7 sisters
    SkyFisher  almost 9 years ago

    NOBODY CAN PROVE OR DISPROVE HUMANS ARE CAUSING CLIMATE CHANGE!It is scientifically impossible because we have no “control” Earth with no humans living on it.As a result, the debate devolves into a “faith” argument ON BOTH SIDES!

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    Ol' me  almost 9 years ago

    As for “Global Warming”… there is a lot of very strong, very well conducted scientific research that suggests that unfortunately, global warming is indeed occurring, and that the use of fossil fuels and other human induced releases of carbon into the atmosphere have been a big, big player in this global warming.

    I’m afraid that’s not correct. There is no EMPIRICAL evidence to show that fossil fuels are affecting climate. Only computer models, which can be flawed or outright manipulated… most likely the latter.

    On the other hand, as the link below shows, there is an abundance of empirical evidence to the contrary.

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    DutchUncle  almost 9 years ago

    People who live along the coastlines don’t really care WHY things are changing, they just care when high tide is in their living room.

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    qxzj42  almost 9 years ago

    Objection: Current warming is just part of a natural cycle.

    Answer: While it is undoubtedly true that there are natural cycles and variations in global climate, those who insist that current warming is purely natural — or even mostly natural — have two challenges.

    First, they need to identify the mechanism behind this alleged natural cycle. Absent a forcing of some sort, there will be no change in global energy balance. The balance is changing, so natural or otherwise, we need to find this mysterious cause.

    Second, they need to come up with an explanation for why a 35% increase in the second most important greenhouse gas does not affect the global temperature. Theory predicts temperature will rise given an enhanced greenhouse effect, so how or why is it not happening?

    The mainstream climate science community has provided a well-developed, internally consistent theory that accounts for the effects we are now observing. It provides explanations and makes predictions. Where is the skeptic community’s model or theory whereby CO2 does not affect the temperature? Where is the evidence of some other natural forcing, like the Milankovich cycles that controlled the ice ages (a fine historical example of a dramatic and regular climate cycle that can be read in the ice core records taken both in Greenland and in the Antarctic)?

    Is this graph a candidate for explaining today’s warming? A naive reading of this cycle indicates we should be experiencing a cooling trend now — and indeed we were gradually cooling over the length of the pre-industrial Holocene, around .5C averaged over 8,000 years.

    Not only is the direction of the change wrong, but compare the speed of those fluctuations to today’s changes. Leaving aside the descents into glaciation, which were much more gradual, the sudden (geologically speaking) jumps up in temperature every ~100,000 years represent a rate of change roughly ten times slower what we are currently witnessing.

    So could current changes be part of a natural cycle? Well, no natural cause has been identified. There is no climatological theory in which CO2 does not drive temperature. And natural cycle precedents do not exhibit the same extreme changes we’re now witnessing.

    In short: No.

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  18. Island
    Sheila Hardie  almost 9 years ago

    I don’t get why people hate Fall. Summer sucks! Fall is so much more bearable.

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    phoenixnyc  almost 9 years ago

    May I quote you? That’s the kind of rant I can only aspire to.

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  20. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 9 years ago

    Poppycock!Does man affect the climate change conditions? Yes, as do all creatures on this planet. However, it is my opinion (which I am allowed to have just as you are allowed your opinion) natural occurring events such as massive forest fires, volcanic eruptions have had and will have a much larger effect on the climate. Humankind has had heavy effects upon the environment I will not deny, however, rapid changes occurred long before man was barely a glimmer in the eyes of God.

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    hippogriff  almost 9 years ago

    Richard S. RussellYou need to add 4004 to your 2000 myth to get what is the myth. You are, however, close to the truth on eschatology. I can’t find “rapture” in any concordance of any translation into English, but I do find some references to the contrary. It is no rapture, but more like fleeing from a lion and encountering a bear (Amos of Tekoa) or “no one knows when it will come” (Jesus of Nazareth).

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  22. Klingon crest a
    Scott S  almost 9 years ago

    It doesn’t help the cause when their most vociferous proponents have the carbon footprint of a thousand people.

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  23. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Ewal Doh!!!!! You have provided me with the best laugh I have had all day. You stated:“If that holds true [being products of the public school system], I might just convert to the Comicsssfan’s point of view.”Thank you for the great comment! Most of the comments in Frazz today have been very depressing on three counts….. 1) the incredibly poor understanding displayed by many, many folks about the PROCESS of science and science experimentation, 2) the tangible FEAR a lot of folks have about science research which may potentially contradict a unmutable political view or may potentially suggest a broader view of a faith based issue is warranted, and 3) the frustrating observation of people who think they “win” a discussion by saying they can “prove” anything related to science.

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  24. Gerberadaisy
    Tirasmol  almost 9 years ago

    These comments really need a ‘Like’ button.

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  25. Babysmile avatar
    Allen Lewis Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    “Manmade Climate Change” is the religion of “Enviromentalists,” who are in reality “Socialists” who push their agenda of weath redistribution on ignorant sheeple who are too lazy to check the facts.There is no consensus among climate scientists that prove that man-made carbon dioxide causes “Global Warming.” Carbon Dioxide is needed by plants to create cellulose.They remove CO2 and release O2. This is a natural process that has occured since life began. The actual gas that may have a slight influence on climate is Methane. The primary cause of climate change is and always has been a colossal hydrogen fusion reactor that has a mean distance of 96 million miles from Earth’s orbit. It is known as a G2 Yellow dwarf star in the main sequence of Stellar objects. This star is commonly called the “Sun,” and with a diameter of 864,938 miles (1.392 million km), and an average surface temperature of 7,800 degrees F. Our star controls the orbit and climate of our planet and every other object from Mercury to the Ort cloud.

    . If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. – Joseph Geobbels Adolf Hitler’s Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany.
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    K M  almost 9 years ago

    Because “climate change” has nothing to do with climate, nor with seasonal change. It has everything to do with concentrating power in the hands of socialist elites. You’re smart enough to know that, Caulfield.

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    mklange Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Seems to me the opposite, those who believe in man-caused climate change seem to forget that seasons change

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    childe_of_pan  over 7 years ago

    “Certitude is the province of those who have only read one book.”My first though on reading the strip, before reading the comments, was “Uh-oh, can of worms time”.

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  29. Swallowed a hockey stick
    Ceeg22 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Hating Fall is not at all the same as being surprised that it happens. Dumb kid

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