Bernice: Are we supposed to get in that line? Luann: Let's ask the doorman. Luann: sir? I believe we're on your list? Luann and Bernice? Man: Yes. Welcome to club foote. Bernice: omg! Think Johnny Depp's here?! Luann: Only if he made the list. Like us.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Um… does Luann even know who Mr. Depp is? (Pru’s recommendations of making Luann feel like a real New Yorker is making Luann rather stuck-up like Tiffany.)
PhilipB almost 9 years ago
I think Bernice is finally awake ;)
Kymberleigh almost 9 years ago
Well, we know at least one of Pru’s connections is legit …
SactoSylvia almost 9 years ago
Bernice is rocking that off-the-shoulder look!
DaJellyBelly almost 9 years ago
Luann looks stunning in the last panel! Also, her comment is not conceit. It’s just some playful bragging.
AZ Christopher Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It’s like Bernice borrowed an outfit from Tiffany and Luann borrowed one from Crystal.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
Luann is joking not conceited, with her friend. After all they got in in front of the line in a club that all indication shows is a hard one to get into. Their connect is iron-clad. Pru is awesome as I said. No wonder Quill was so enthralled, but young people in all kinds of professions fall in love with New York, whether lawyers, stock brokers, or theater people. Lets see what happens, but these young women are growing up people.
R.J.C. almost 9 years ago
Wait, the bouncer let them in without any prior ID checks?
Airman almost 9 years ago
Looks like Pru does have connections in the big city, and Bernice has got something going, there.
Eric Salinas Premium Member almost 9 years ago
He couldn’t get his dogs on the list so he had to take them home.
mgrossberg almost 9 years ago
Well, they ARE on the list…
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Whoooooa! Hold Up! FORGET Depp!! PAN back over to that HOT “Ticket Lady” in Panel 3!!!!
jdholm3 almost 9 years ago
Ok,Lets make this a FUN part of the trip, not one of those dosaster story arcs as ususal.
OneTime59 almost 9 years ago
Luann & Bernice will attract some attention as they make their way through.
Katsuro Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Anyone wanna help me to identify the people on the photos? The old black guy is probably Morgan Freeman, and the guy next to Johnny Depp looks like Charlie Sheen, but I can’t place the rest.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Shouldn’t it be Sueanne and Beatrice?
Willywise52 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Don’t mind the maggots…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 9 years ago
This is how you know others know you’re somebody .(We already knew, of course.)
Simon_Jester almost 9 years ago
A R V reader almost 9 years ago
And I’d thought they would have a problem getting in. But there may still be a problem while they’re in.
barister almost 9 years ago
Enter Quill, cozied up to some girl. Here we go folks.
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
I’m thinking those are Beyonce and Renee Zellwegger above Morgan Freeman.
sid w almost 9 years ago
Looks like Bernice’s head is put on backwards.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 9 years ago
Where did Bern get her purse and why did Lu check hers? Does she think it’s free inside?
ACTIVIST1234 almost 9 years ago
And Lu’s slinky black outfit comes in handy.
Squoop almost 9 years ago
My prediction is they have an encounter with some famous dude.
Outsideplaying almost 9 years ago
I’m thinking that is Brad Pitt next to Depp. Maybe Will Smith above Depp and Steve Martin below.
The girls look great. Hope they have fun at the club. So far Pru has been steering them in the right direction for a great experience.
maverick1usa almost 9 years ago
I’m suprised the subway (that we never saw) & cab trip occured so fast!
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I think Pru may have told the doorman that Lu and Bern are 18. ^^^^^^^^^^^They would have to be 21 to drink, but as you say it is likely an all access thing, 18 & up, , and if you want to drink, you would be carded at the bar.
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
My personal concern about the city trip is that it might turn out to be too much of a Cinderella story. I want Luann to in the long run:Understand better that much — okay, most — in life depends on where you put your hard work, rather than on luck or talent.Yes, luck happens at times, and talent exists, but without hard work they are meaningless and will not take one far.
Too much falls into her lap historically. I have absolutely no problem w her running with such opportunities when they arise; my own past has a very large amount of that, and it can lead to wonderful adventure and did multiple times for me. I just want her to also better embrace goals and hard work, probably because I like the character.
I want Bernice to realize that so much in life does not come from a book, that she absolutely needs to learn skills like observation and listening. Also, i woukd like her to think about whether a different field might better suit her. In the end she might stay with the same or not, but i would like her to add to her interests.
I also really, really, really (did i mention really?) want the characters to discover volunteer work. Life has much more meaning and satisfaction when a good bit of what one does is to help others, especially others for whom things are difficult.
That said, i am extremely glad that the characters are having new experiences in the city. There has been too much of the same in their lives and at times some natural moving backward after normal types of growth. That is not unusual in people’s lives, but having a chance to meet new challenges, get to know very different people, and learn new things can help a person find interests and goals (with success then being hard earned) is just the chance that both characters need, and this trip could broaden their horizons.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 9 years ago
I love the outfits Bern and Luanne are wearing. They look like they are getting older and getting away from that school girl look.
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Wait, the bouncer let them in without any prior ID checks?^^^^^^Another thing is that the list may ONLY have first names. Like when you have to wait to be seated at a restaurant, or go to the will-call line at a concert hall.
dre7861 almost 9 years ago
The Bouncer looks like the Love Child of Col Zebo and Les – shudder.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Recent NYC street fashion shots from today back through Monday the 18th for those interested in non-Luanniverse:
Two today are especially good, one casually elegant with absolutely beautiful color play, and another a brilliant coordination of pieces: motorcycle jacket, kilt, spiked dog collar w various necklaces from different cultures, embroidered bag, etc. also with fun color play.
So, if you want to see what may be seen on the street in NYC then take a look.
The one thing about Luann and Bernice that might really catch eyes as being very different in the crowd — enough to stand out is not their garments, but Luann’s thick wealth of strawberry blonde hair.
Many (okay, many, many-ish) years ago i was helping a veterans group film a dedication in Washington DC and on the way home we stopped at a restaurant just outside DC to catch supper. I had been crawling in mud laying cable which was my type of chore (and got a job offer on the spot from a cable news network whose person running cable refused to do so) so i still had debris and mud to get off me and out of my hair in the women’s room before eating. It rapidly became obvious that several very beautiful women there were — let’s say ones earning a substantial income for that evening. That was driven home when one observed me brushing twigs and mud from my hair, which at that time was naturally golden, sighed and commented as she exited, “If I had your hair i could make a thousand more a night.”
Now, natural, fine golden hair which never had much volume, like i had, is common as dirt compared to Luann’s hair. I wonder if the Evanes take that into account, or if they are so used to Luann’s hair that the way it makes her stand out has largely been forgotten?
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 9 years ago
Hey, I’ve made Lists! OK, they probably weren’t good lists, but they were Lists!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago
5I am genuinely disappointed that “Luis” apparently is not the Luis and was simply a drawing used to illustrate a stereotypical cab driver. I would have greatly enjoyed him being part of Luann in a longer (even perhaps more permanent) way.That said…. it is interesting that they DID successfully get in to Club Foote and that Pru’s help WAS apparently VERY helpful. I am assuming that there will be at least one further comic inside Club Foote on Saturday, and perhaps more NYC next week. So, I will be looking forward to what transpires for the two of them on this trip. In my opinion, even though what Greg portrays is likely very valid (young females having an infatuation with Johnny Depp), I do not understand why anyone, but especially young females like Bernie and Luann are enamored with Johnny Depp. For me, perhaps he is a good actor, but it is IMO hard to tell, for most of his roles are in Tim Burton films where he is in effect playing a character who is a caricature of person. The big exception, of course was in his early film “Whats Eating Gilbert Grape” where he portrayed a very real sort of character… and yes he was quite convincing. If he had more roles like that, I could be convinced he is a great actor…. but with the lion’s share of his movie roles being characters who are not cast as “real people”…. they are usually comic book extractions….. it is really hard to tell.
JimT8 almost 9 years ago
“Hopefully, no one checks their ID’s”.Since they breezed past the doorman, that is hardly likely .
JimT8 almost 9 years ago
“Kinda wish that Leviticus would chime in, it’s sad that he doesn’t (or is that “cannot”?) post here anymore.”.I’ve been wondering what happened to him, and to a few other old timers. Leviticus went way back.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
BTW, pointspread, the majority of people who provide volunteer work, are themselves poor, middle class, or middle class people with strong recollections of times they themselves were poor, which is my current category.
Being a volunteer may be luxury for some, even a snooty luxury for some, but for most it is done because a need is seen and a lot of times the best way to tackle a need is to simply just tackle it.
There are many ways and places people can provide volunteer work, in fact, there are even some ways that people stuck at home can do so w some educational needs, or with needs such as sewing closed button holes with buttons sewn on them to look buttoned and then velcro sewn below to help people with hand disabilities or brain injuries wear shirts that blend in but which they can open and close without help.
platyfurmany almost 9 years ago
Wow! For once, Bernice looks hotter than Luann, with that off-the-shoulder top.
whiteaj almost 9 years ago
Love Luann’s half-closed eyes.
Sheila Hardie almost 9 years ago
I can’t stop giggling at “club foot”.
ironman01 almost 9 years ago
What? No disaster? What sorcery is this?
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
If any of my responses seem a but snarky, it is unintentional. I just see statements made that are full of generalizations and get annoyed. Sukie, btw are not annoying me, just to clarify. I just wonder how many people on here have actually BEEN to NYC in the last 5 years? Have you ever seen a briiliant street musician, or a bunch of kids dancing self choreographed routines with a boom box? Or even running under the sprinkle-hydrants in teh summer. There is a charm to the city, I have said that I would not want to live there, or even commute there ( I have, it was awful ) But I LOVE visiting. Especially the theater district and Greenwich Village. In 1979 was throwing frisbies in Central Park and one went over my head landed near a fence lining a walkway and sort -story, met john Lennon through the fence. Street vendors, artists, parades…
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
for those of you who are concerned about being PC over ‘CLUB FOOTE’ i had an English teacher in high school who had a congenital issue with his left leg being shorter than the right, sop he wore a prosthetic shoe with a 5 inch sole. He said My name is Mr Lee, but you can call me Jacques….Jacques LeFoote. He had a sense of humor. Most people in NYC would understand the play on words as just that. Club Foote in not an insult to people with that issue.
evilstepqueen almost 9 years ago
They’re going to find out they’re not guests, they’re expected to work there. There’s no way this is going to end on a super positive note. Unfortunately, things in Luann’s life never end on a super positive note.
Jim Kerner almost 9 years ago
After seeing a trailer, I said that Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels must be spinning in their graves.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Donald Trump is just one person, not an entire state or even typical. I also was born in that state, BTW.
Luanaphile almost 9 years ago
Sorry, Bird, but I don’t think that is funny either. Seems too easy to pass for wit. oh well, À chacun son goût, Stephen is a great hero of mine, and deserves immense respect and dignity.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Sorry, Puzz. I guess at least two of us have today written things that coukd be taken more than one way, because i know that i did, given how pointspread read something I wrote.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
NightGaunt has not been here for a few days. Does anyone know if NG is okay? Hopefully, all is well.
charne almost 9 years ago
This feels like a coming of age trip. How ya going to keep ’em down on the farm (or at Mooni Uni) after they seen NYC?!
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Spoiler: the six minute mile had nothing on this as far as they are concerned. Time to find Luis.
Other topic: I asked earlier, but is NG okay?
ST Joe River Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Boring boring lets get back to the old comics. They gang back home. I skip 4 days and have not missed a thing don’t care for this story line at all. BUT that is just my opinion others might like it.