Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 26, 2016
Man: I am moral vagueness. Man: Max is making a political comment. Man: Very good! And Luann? Luann: It's a custom bridesmaid dress! Man: ok. But what's your artistic statement? Luann: oh, uh.... Man: "art can be beautiful and useful" Luann: Right!I was just going to say that. Man: Splendid! A's for each of you.
Flash Gordon about 8 years ago
Methinks professor Z might be crazy, as in mentally ill.
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
well done, Jock, for helping out
Airman about 8 years ago
Easy college credit.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Okay, Lu. Let’s not forget that Gunther did ALL the Dirty WORK in making THAT Dress,*AND getting You that “A” before YOU get all Gooey “How can I ever repay you?” to the Caveman there….,
DaJellyBelly about 8 years ago
GirlGeek Premium Member about 8 years ago
He’s obviously trying to get her number.
AnyFace about 8 years ago
Art is meant to be interpreted.
boboscar about 8 years ago
Best. Teacher. Ever!
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Will Luann realize that in a way she was faking it in that she had no artistic statement? If so, will she finally broaden her options and challenge herself enough?
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
‘Ol serpent head probably won’t even put the grades in the book. That dude is lost in his own world, wherever that is…
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
Note the slanty part under the waist changed sides, in the middle panel? it’s a magic dress!
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
In my opinion, the only one who did something original enough, to get an A, is Goth guy!
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
And the school is actually PAYING this guy?
kenhense about 8 years ago
Justice is blind – but Moral Vagueness has one eye…
luann1212 about 8 years ago
For those who think Professor Zebo is a bit cavalier with the grades, he is the teacher who sets the standards he sees fulfills his lesson plan for the assignment. He wanted them to come up with a rationale for what they did with the body art. It is perfectly appropriate it for him to do that, and being a college teacher myself I defend him. He is being kind to Luann, but I think he was trying to elicit thought behind why, critical thinking even. If the Jock, who by the way made a very funny, and pithy comment with his Trump dog, came to her rescue that is good for her, and shows that perhaps one would be wrong thinking of him as the “dumb jock.” I think its great that Professor Zebo encouraged that as well. All of those who think he is off is rocker don’t teach.
Lakegal about 8 years ago
Why so harsh on Luann? She designed the dress. Truly an original idea. She put more work into her project than the other two combined.
riddlemethis about 8 years ago
It’s clear from the hair and tie that Max is making a political comment. Thankfully Max isn’t a frog, right Greg?
sueb1863 about 8 years ago
Wow, Zebo is an easy grader! Luann didn’t even have to come up with any rationale of her own.
And doesn’t she have any other classes? When I went to college I had four or five classes a semester. Is she only taking one class at a time or something?
Tyge about 8 years ago
Your student loan at work. YIKES!
MS72 about 8 years ago
is the dog sporting big hair and a tie supposed to be Trump?
snowcat749 about 8 years ago
Is that dog dressed as Donald Trump? LOL
Willywise52 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Now Luann has to go on a date with Jock out of gratitude.
dblbaraje about 8 years ago
Did Luann declare a major? She seems to be taking so many art classes? As usual, Luann is the most shallow of all the characters. The dress was because she is going to be a bridesmaid, not as an art project. She couldn’t even come up with a one sentence statement. Luann seems to be a late bloomer. Tiffany even has a goal, but not Luann. So far, the only thing I see is possible set and costume design in the future with a repairing with Quill if she ever grows up. She is good with kids, but when will teaching dawn upon her as a wonderful career in the future (if you get into the right school district). I love this comic hoping that Luann will grow up – probably very much later than sooner.
dlkrueger33 about 8 years ago
I always loved those “Easy A” classes to help balance my dismal math grades! LOL
Elvie Perry about 8 years ago
Why does the angle of the thing across the front of her dress change in each panel?
A R V reader about 8 years ago
Not as dumb as he looks, almost.
LeePIII Premium Member about 8 years ago
What a booger-eating MORON.
KEA about 8 years ago
Luann’s dress is a LOT better than most bridemaid’s dresses I’ve seen.
bravechow about 8 years ago
Zebo has a private wink-wink, nod-nod joke going with his students. That’s why his students keep taking MORE art classes. Even though none of them will be artists. Zebo doesn’t give a hoot about grades or work anything. He wants his paycheck. It’s an act, a con game. They all understand it’s malarky. They smile and nod and take the easy hours.
pls50 about 8 years ago
I think the dress is strange looking. it does not seem like LuAnn’s style. I expected something a little more adult and sexy looking.
æ² about 8 years ago
Probably the first dog that ever liked walls, other than to pee on.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Ugh, this is giving art education, especially its production, such a bad name.
AndreaR about 8 years ago
Did the remote control costume and the multicolored streamers also get A’s? Just wondering. I was happy to see 2 more students in the class for a change.And, personally? The only thing I like about Luann’s shape-shifting bridesmaid’s dress is the color.
Queen of America about 8 years ago
It’s still hideous.
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
left ya one late yestiddy.
Motormaniac about 8 years ago
She deserves an A; anyone that can get a bias cut to change directions constantly deserves more than just a simple grade, she deserves a patent!
(look at the angle of the lace on the front; it starts in the first panel high on her right side, going down to the left, then a mirror image in the second panel, and back to the original in the third panel)
Ignatz Premium Member about 8 years ago
I hate the philosophy that art MUST have a message. Beauty for its own sake is art.
In a short story by J.R.R. Tolkien called “Leaf by Niggle” they are discussing the painter:
‘“Then you don’t think painting is worth anything, not worth preserving, or improving, or even making use of?”“Of course, painting has uses,” said Tompkins. “But you couldn’t make use of his paintings. There is plenty of scope for bold young men not afraid of new ideas and new methods. None for this old-fashioned stuff. Private day-dreaming. He could not have designed a telling poster to save his life. Always fiddling with leaves and flowers. I asked him why, once. He said he thought they were pretty! Can you believe it? He said pretty! ‘What, digestive and genital organs of plants?’ I said to him; and he had nothing to answer. Silly footler.”’Zebo reminds of those people.
3pibgorn9 about 8 years ago
3pibgorn9 about 8 years ago
Presume you mean Luann’s dress. heh heh
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 8 years ago
Zébo is a fraud.
Pipe Tobacco about 8 years ago
I am really enjoying this arc…. as I do most all the “Zebo” arcs at Pitt CC! I hope it is the focus all week!
As I stated earlier, I feel some discomfort at Luann not having MADE the dress…. but that appears to be water under the bridge at this point, so I will let that go.
BUT….. What if Professor Zebo next has them “deconstruct” (aka DESTROY) their wearable art as the next assignment…. like he did with a previous assignment?!?! That could prove very interesting to see! Luann would be in a big conundrum at that point.
I do like the way Greg has slipped in a tiny bit of political humor into the comic too. That Jock has a “Trump” dog is a cute way to make a bit of a statement. Very, very clever, Greg!!!!
Vorticia about 8 years ago
Haha and now he’ll ask you on a date again.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Does Zebo also provide on line classes? See
ACTIVIST1234 about 8 years ago
Jacques is becoming tres charmant, n’est-ce pas? But as one wise commenter said yesterday, art does not need to be “about” something— It is an end of itself.*So, what, did Mr. Parti-colored dress end up with?
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 8 years ago
Hear hear, Pipe Tobacco! Also, I appreciate that the Jock may have developed a bit of savvy and sensitivity… People do evolve if they want to!
Also, bravo for Luann for having good posture here; she seems proud and self respecting. It’s amazing what a good outfit can do for some people.
old_timey_dude about 8 years ago
This is the sort of class in which you get an A for just showing up.
tedmax about 8 years ago
“Methinks professor Z might be crazy, as in mentally ill.”
With those stupid clothes, glasses, moustache and ascot? Um, yeah.
Airman about 8 years ago
Have the Cyclops and the Goth ever been given actual names?
heidiolise about 8 years ago
Her slanted dress changed directions.
sarazan7 about 8 years ago
Never could stand Z.
riddlemethis about 8 years ago
Is she really 18 years old? That may be a little too old for Jock’s dog.
ndanger about 8 years ago
An artist doesn’t necessarily have to build their creation. Frank Lloyd Wright was an amazing artist/architect. He had others actually make his creations.
On the other hand, this also would explain why the American educational system is ranked 25/34. Behind countries like China, South Korea and Finland.
Lamberger about 8 years ago
Luann and Gunther created the dress — her design and his execution. Do you think that the hairpiece, tie and streamers were wholly created by the “wearable” artists?
riven64 about 8 years ago
I’m confused by the Trump dog. Is Greg promoting Trump or making fun of him?
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
Lets see if posting from my phone works. This may take getting used to.
RSH about 8 years ago
major grade inflation… zebo is looking out for his teaching evals.
Susan123 about 8 years ago
Does anybody else see the dog with the Trump haircut?
Terminal Frost Premium Member about 8 years ago
personally, from a musical standpoint for example. If i write a song, but don’t sing it or play it, did I still create art? OF COURSE. The execution by a performer of MY creation is a different form of art. THAT is an interpretation of MY creation. Gunther’s execution of the dress, by MAKING it was more of a practical skill set than artistic, from the perspective of concept. He put practical skills to use to interpret the directions given him by LUANN. YEs he helped. A LOT but it is her creation 100%.
Terminal Frost Premium Member about 8 years ago
Why is the concept the art professor is doing so hard for so many of you? It is conceptual, abstract and makes you think. He is not so bad as people think.
Terminal Frost Premium Member about 8 years ago
I get the feeling that Impressionists or picasso-like art would be lost on many here. i am no art savant at all, but understand that the concept of good art often requires thinking out side the usual boundaries. Yes, a painting that actually looks almost like a photograph is great, but sometimes art should challenge us more. Kind of like some of the better classic rock acts that had real musical skills, instead of 3 chord wonders. Some simpler songs are awesome, but many are ‘meh’. ME I like a bit of meat on my songs. a bit of an arrangement, mine or the stuff I listen too. Lyrically and musically. The Beatles for example deceptively simple, yet so much depth nevertheless. Lyrics that astounded me. But some of their contemporaries were BLAND. Pet Sounds for example compared to the earlier surf crap? Point is really good stuff often requires a different way of looking and thinking.
Andrew Sleeth about 8 years ago
Where Luann’s concerned, I suspect he’s grading on a curve.
Airman about 8 years ago
Hello? Hello? Oh, hi Tiffany, could you put Gunther back on the phone? Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, no don’t wake him. Night, Tiff.
howtheduck about 8 years ago
And the muscle guy helps out Luann. When will the romance between them start? I have been waiting for months.
ORMouseworks about 8 years ago
Luann’s bridesmaid dress is pretty, but I can’t stand that bow! Takes away from the elegance of the dress design. And, as I noted previously, the dress is going to be worn out before Brad and Toni’s wedding! There will be no surprise about the dress when she walks up the aisle as a bridesmaid since it has been worn all over town!!! =-O
SactoSylvia about 8 years ago
So Jaques saved the day for Luann. Maybe she’ll see him in a new light and consider going out with him (no, not necessarily out of a sense of obligation). It might be a good idea for her to go out with someone just for fun, without an expectation that the date will lead to a long-term relationship.