Hokay, as a Vancouverite, the news has been filled about these new residents moving into the area (actually Vancouver Island temporarily?). First, it’s one thing to move to Canada, but, coming from England, quite another when it comes to choosing the West Coast over the East. Second, Conan O’Brien’s tweet this morning nailed it: ‘Now that Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan live in Vancouver, British Columbia should change its name to “Sick of Being British” Columbia.’
@oldpine52: It makes no sense to call either Harry or Megan “parasites.” Harry was born into an unenviable position where his entire life has been one hounded by the press, harassed by people who hate the monarch which he did not choose to become part of, and expectations of perfect behavior and public service. He served honorably in the military — not as a figure head but actually doing the work. He has spent his entire adult life working to alleviate suffering — working harder than most and pushing himself well beyond what was expected. I don’t give a fig about the monarchy, but as a human being, the entire UK has had well more than their pound of flesh out of him. Sure, he lived in a gilded cage, but he’s earned his way out. And he has said repeatedly that he does not want to depend on public funding but rather earn it himself — what’s your problem with that? You object to a young family just wanting to live a normal life? As for Megan? She grew up in a distinctly UN-wealthy single parent family, worked very hard, got an education, made good — and fell in love with Harry. She has put up with the extreme racism of the Brits — and for a black American to be affected by it, it really has to be bad. Again, I don’t care a fig about the monarchy, but I care about human beings trying to protect their family. So if you want to attack parasites, try the actual leeches like those in the US White House.
To Wiley, Really? So just like the majority of ’mercans, you are going to ignore the impeachment? Or are you just-like me-ignoring Trumps FOPN* legal team presentation because all of us already know how the GOTP/Cult Trump Senators are going to vote
My favorite restaurant joke starts with the hostess saying “sit where ever you like” . Well if I can sit any where I like, that guy by the window will have to move."
The problem for Wiley is that such topical posts will mean nothing in a few short years. It took me a couple of minutes to recognise what was going on in this toon.
A few years from now, it would take hours of online research to find out what it means.
Orcatime about 5 years ago
Let’s hope they don’t run into the captain!
Dtroutma about 5 years ago
Should get some commercial work.
wallylm about 5 years ago
Hokay, as a Vancouverite, the news has been filled about these new residents moving into the area (actually Vancouver Island temporarily?). First, it’s one thing to move to Canada, but, coming from England, quite another when it comes to choosing the West Coast over the East. Second, Conan O’Brien’s tweet this morning nailed it: ‘Now that Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan live in Vancouver, British Columbia should change its name to “Sick of Being British” Columbia.’
enigmamz about 5 years ago
Are they here legally? Should they be in a camp?
Concretionist about 5 years ago
This is supposed to be a humor strip. So I agree that those two belong here.
GiantShetlandPony about 5 years ago
I have a few friends across The Pond and hope to visit again in a few years.
innertuber about 5 years ago
Am I the only one that laughed?
khmo about 5 years ago
Love it. Two people trying to live normally and people call them parasites?
sandpiper about 5 years ago
this week could be fun, so long as there is at least a little respect thrown in.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 5 years ago
from the start i thought it was going to be politicians or people escaping the upcoming primary s
patiodragon about 5 years ago
Funny pic. https://www.reddit.com/r/MeghanMarkle/comments/entd4f/hold_my_beer/
Masterskrain about 5 years ago
Megan and Harry meet Capt. Eddie…Oh, this does NOT bode well… ESPECIALLY if Danae shows up as well….
cdward about 5 years ago
@oldpine52: It makes no sense to call either Harry or Megan “parasites.” Harry was born into an unenviable position where his entire life has been one hounded by the press, harassed by people who hate the monarch which he did not choose to become part of, and expectations of perfect behavior and public service. He served honorably in the military — not as a figure head but actually doing the work. He has spent his entire adult life working to alleviate suffering — working harder than most and pushing himself well beyond what was expected. I don’t give a fig about the monarchy, but as a human being, the entire UK has had well more than their pound of flesh out of him. Sure, he lived in a gilded cage, but he’s earned his way out. And he has said repeatedly that he does not want to depend on public funding but rather earn it himself — what’s your problem with that? You object to a young family just wanting to live a normal life? As for Megan? She grew up in a distinctly UN-wealthy single parent family, worked very hard, got an education, made good — and fell in love with Harry. She has put up with the extreme racism of the Brits — and for a black American to be affected by it, it really has to be bad. Again, I don’t care a fig about the monarchy, but I care about human beings trying to protect their family. So if you want to attack parasites, try the actual leeches like those in the US White House.
STARTS WITH A B about 5 years ago
So this is how they’re going to earn money, doing cameos in cartoons?
comixbomix about 5 years ago
Gee, can they still afford the Offshore Diner???
Linguist about 5 years ago
Am I the only one that applauded Harry & Megan for having the guts to stand up to HRM and to Murdoch’s News Corp. vultures at the same time?
timbob2313 Premium Member about 5 years ago
To Wiley, Really? So just like the majority of ’mercans, you are going to ignore the impeachment? Or are you just-like me-ignoring Trumps FOPN* legal team presentation because all of us already know how the GOTP/Cult Trump Senators are going to vote
FOPN=Faux Opinion and Propaganda Network
1953Baby about 5 years ago
Harry Who? (Just kidding, altho I haven’t been following the melodrama. . .)
Snoots about 5 years ago
It’s his hidden third arm and cyborg chest he’s concerned about…
Well okay, maybe not.
Godfreydaniel about 5 years ago
Usually the Offshore Diner is more “surreal” than “quaint”—even if Cap’n Eddie isn’t there!
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
Thought they were banished to Canada …
mnexplorer+ about 5 years ago
So that’s where they ended up!
martin510 about 5 years ago
I thought they were going to Canada; or is the Offshore Diner in Canada?
Ermine Notyours about 5 years ago
While watching Netflix’s The Crown, I wondered how that series would end, other than the Queen keeling over dead.
ron about 5 years ago
I’ve lived all my life on the U.S. west coast and always referred to the Atlantic as a “pond”, which it is considering the size of the Pacific ocean.
Ron Bauerle about 5 years ago
Interesting that either Maine accents are thicker than English ones, or it’s just easier to portray/satirize the former in print…
Brian Premium Member about 5 years ago
I feel a little bad because I didn’t get it until I read the comments.
Dr_Fogg about 5 years ago
Flo doesn’t care who they are as long as they pay before they leave.
CoffeeLvr about 5 years ago
Where’s Archie?
Upton O'Goode about 5 years ago
Love this strip but I have NO interest in those two, even to roast them. Oh, Gawd, I hope you roast them.
zeondekilowatt about 5 years ago
My favorite restaurant joke starts with the hostess saying “sit where ever you like” . Well if I can sit any where I like, that guy by the window will have to move."
oakie817 about 5 years ago
einarbt about 5 years ago
Look out US. This is all a plot to take the colonies back. First Canada then the US.
bakana about 5 years ago
It’s OK. She’s the one person in the country who could care less what happens in the Brit Royal Family.
She’s got more than enough Drama in her own family, what with having Danae as a grandchild.
MarkNylona almost 5 years ago
The problem for Wiley is that such topical posts will mean nothing in a few short years. It took me a couple of minutes to recognise what was going on in this toon.
A few years from now, it would take hours of online research to find out what it means.