Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for June 20, 2020

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 4 years ago
    ”Shock.” ✨
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  2. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 4 years ago

    I think Crystal saw Shaky steal the buckle. But prudence dictated that she not stop him.

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  3. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 4 years ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Oops! I think that Crystal knows exactly who took it and how he knew it was there. Time for Dick Tracy and his crew to get moving. They finally have a criminal act to deal with.

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  4. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 4 years ago

    Gosh, this story is horrible.

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  5. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 4 years ago

    Crystal knows where that buckle is…..

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  6. Mark
    z12332190  over 4 years ago

    Another sad saga from the gritty, shady and noir streets of Tracyville.

    Shaky shuffles slowly down a barely lit street, feeling despaired and dejected. It turns out that selling a $2,000 belt buckle isn’t as easy as a piece of cherry pie as he thought. His first stop was here:


    Harold said that he is currently overstocked with Oklahoma belt buckles, but offered $10 and a chance to wear his sandwich board for a full business day. Shaky turned that down because the last time that he wore a sandwich board it and his head were covered in eggs thrown by young hoodlums for his entire shift. Plus, Harold seemed vague about how much, if anything, he would pay Shaky.

    He then tried here:


    Something about the suit put him off, so he didn’t hang around.

    The parking security guys at the local Wal-Mart chased him away. He then tried the direct marketing strategy. “Hey, mister, how often do your pants fall down?” After a brief foot chase, Shaky sat down to rethink his strategy.

    Elsewhere, Crystal is trying to figure out how she could convince LaFayette that a kid named Eddy Haskell stole the belt.

    And so it goes, by gar, by gar…

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  7. Missing large
    guiowen  over 4 years ago

    Too bad she didn’t tell her father about this last week. They could have changed the locks on the doors.

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  8. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 4 years ago

    Good morning™, guilt ridden progeny !

    The weight of the world is on her shoulders. What will she do ?  She knows what to do but what a yawning chasm to cross to get the pursuit underway.

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  9. Missing large
    fredville  over 4 years ago

    Stealing from a police informant with a daughter who can do the math……Shaky has just landed on "do not pass go, go directly to jail again……

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  10. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 4 years ago

    1-DENNIS DEOLD (see what I did there?): Someday, when gold is valuable, I’ll be able to sell these things and live like a king…

    2-…Hey Crystal Beth. It occurs to me that you’re always polishing these things but I’ve recently learned from the shopping channel that gold doesn’t tarnish. These ARE pure gold – right?

    3-CRYSTAL BETH:* Uh oh…

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  11. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 4 years ago

    as i said, an item on prominent displace is going to be notice fast.

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  12. 03a609c0 db81 41eb 87a3 d1536dd7b17e
    scottm5102  over 4 years ago

    Why wouldn’t they have changed the locks? She knew that freak had a key to the place!

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  13. Mark
    z12332190  over 4 years ago

    Actually, this story arc has made me realize that I should probably put my prized hubcap from my old 1994 Plymouth Voyageur mini van in a safety deposit box, just in case.

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  14. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  over 4 years ago

    Remember when Tracy chased killers, gangsters and real bad guys? Now the villain is some guy who commits B&E to grab a belt buckle.

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  15. Avatar92
    JPuzzleWhiz  over 4 years ago

    “Lafayette — it ain’t here!”

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  16. Missing large
    ssledge  over 4 years ago

    I wonder if this storyline was originally going to have BO have a major part. It certainly seemed that way.

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  17. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  over 4 years ago

    Was Crystal responsible for it’s safe keeping?

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  18. Missing large
    Jim Douglas  over 4 years ago

    Is that a slight blush of embarrassment

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  19. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 4 years ago

    Dad’s back home! But wait! —He makes a revelation! And Crystal is dumbstruck….

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  20. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 4 years ago

    last panel Crystal says, Oh shoot! I know who took it!

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  21. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 4 years ago

    Well, it looks like this week’s Sunday strip got censored out of existence! Just kidding! The Gasoline Alley strip didn’t get updated either. I’m sure it will turn up eventually. I’m going to bed, but I have some interesting discoveries to discuss whenever the strip shows up.

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  22. 965ccac6 e3b6 443f 8b1c 1f64a9e49f2d
    Counterpoint  over 4 years ago

    Where is Sunday’s Dick Tracy?

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  23. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 4 years ago

    …Here, for now.


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  24. Missing large
    fredville  over 4 years ago

    Yeah it’s up other places……guess it was way too gory for here…..

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  25. Win 20210905 04 51 21 pro
    doc1947g  over 4 years ago

    There is the original: https://tribunecontentagency.com/premium-content/comics/dick-tracy/

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  26. Win 20210905 04 51 21 pro
    doc1947g  over 4 years ago

    I guess only police officers that died from Covid19 need to be talk about. How about the thousands civils,men, women and children.

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  27. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 4 years ago

    Just read today’s comic on SF gate. “Blondie” is filing charges against Shaky, who is apologetic to her and Tracy is arresting him! Hope it shows up here soon! Sure wish we could have seen what happened between those 2 which was omitted!

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  28. 20063942 118295443891
    upanddown17  over 4 years ago

    At this writing, the Sunday installment is not in. I wish I knew what is going to happen next.

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  29. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 4 years ago

    goComics trying to make Stiglich feel better for dropping him last week.

    “See? We even do it to Dick Tracy!”

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  30. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 4 years ago

    The ensuing argument between Crystal and her Dad must be so awful they don’t want us to see it…

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  31. 71 blk
    trimguy  over 4 years ago

    Hmmm…Sunday not up yet?

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  32. Avatar92
    JPuzzleWhiz  over 4 years ago

    Here is the 6/21 strip:


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  33. Grey haired lady2
    Caerin Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Thanks…but I’m confused. What did she “file charges” for. Did he steal something from her too?

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  34. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  over 4 years ago

    I just saw the strip over in the Tribune’s pages. Breathless has a swollen eye, and the strip ends with Tracy and Sam there to arrest him. He’ll probably have the belt buckle on him, so he’ll be charged with B&E and theft, too. At one point, I thought they might have been building up to a murder, with the Edison-Shakey-Breathless mix, but – yawn. There’s more drama in the Peanuts reprints.

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  35. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 4 years ago

    Good morning™, apologists!

    Well, Shaky just had to return to the “scene of the crime,” didn’t he? Edison gave him another chance but, not only does Fortuna not want to give him another chance, she called the cops on him! It serves him right.

    This would be that Sunday you’ve heard about that got revised at the last minute. Here is the revision that was done. They took away her black eye. That would have affected any daily strips that she appeared in after the incident as well. Several daily strips have been revised in this story, but we can only speculate what they contained. I do know which strips those were. Details later.


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  36. Mark
    z12332190  over 4 years ago

    I just realized that Shaky in his tux reminds me of a waiter at a combination flop house/jazz bar that I used to frequent while in University. There was a live, three piece old time band playing on the ground floor, a LGTBQ bar on the top floor, and common washrooms on the landing between the two floors. You’d never know who or what you’d encounter in the washrooms. It took me a while to find a girlfriend who learned how to take the whole thing in stride.

    The waiter was an older guy who looked like Al Lewis (Granda Munster) and came to work every night in his tuxedo. Turns out his backstory was that he used to work as a waiter at an old school steak house when Chateaubriand and cherries jubilee were the pinnacle of class and sophistication, but got put out to pasture. He used to sling pitchers while spilling about a third of them. For some inexplicable reason, my girlfriend was partial to White Russians (milk and Vodka) and the waiter’s (his name was Louie, to add to the general flavour of the place) big secret was for for an extra dime, you’d get a double shot of vodka.

    To make things even better, this was during the rise of the punk era and every now and then some punkers that I knew from school that were music students would come in with their best Johnny Rotten/Sid Vicious outfits on.

    All in all, a very strange place that somehow all seemed to work. Never any problems, maybe because the fire station was right next door. Man, I dearly miss that place.

    And so life goes, by gar, by gar…

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  37. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 4 years ago

    no sunday tracy?

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  38. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 4 years ago

    SO….. its 6/21 and Gocomics wont publish todays strip..probably because it shows fortuna with a black eye that seems swollen… and here i thought censorship wasnt permitted?

    Either way.. fortuna is confronted by Shaky on set where he profusely apologizes for hitting her and she dumps him…not only that but she tells him that shes fild charges against him

    Cue tracy and sam, on the scene to arrest shaky… BUUUUUUT is it for the assault charge, or did ugly crystal and her stuck in the 60’s father call them up and tip them off about the belt buckle?

    Either way, the moron violated his bail, so not only is it back to the big house for him but he probably wont get out until the turn of the century… attempted murder, assault, violating bail, and burglary… yeh, he wont be back anytime soon…

    Unless MR KLEEN handles his case! lol

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  39. Chief avatar
    TheChief Premium Member over 4 years ago

    You can see the Sunday strip here https://www.seattlepi.com/comics-and-games/?page=daily-comic&feature_id=Dick_Tracy&feature_date=2020-06-21

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  40. Caracal cub smiles
    NyahNyahNyah  over 4 years ago

    I dunno why the Sunday edition of Dick Tracy hasn’t loaded up since it’s 3 pm on the east coast. I have a link to it, but for some reason, that site is not allowing comments at the moment.


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  41. Glob
    BillJackson2  over 4 years ago

    I wonder if the Sunday strip is a scene from the movie…

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  42. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 1c9df3]  over 4 years ago

    Will we get updated to Sunday on Go.Comics?

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  43. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago

    In the links provided, we see the shiner that Shaky gave Breathless.

    Breathless also states that she filed charges.

    Tracy appears to arrest Shaky.

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  44. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 4 years ago

    Seems as though all of Tribune Syndicate strips have not updated here on GoComics (e.g., Broom-Hilda, Gasoline Alley, Dick Tracy). Not sure why.

    Anyway, like others above, I checked out today’s Tracy at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer site.

    We are back at the movie set, with Shaky Mk.2 facing arrest by Tracy and Sam….

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  45. Missing large
    andyboda  over 4 years ago

    Why doesn’t GoComics have the Sunday strip?

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  46. Missing large
    boboscar  12 months ago






















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