Why did “Why did the chicken cross the road?” become such a popular question? You could just as easily ask “Why did the cockroach climb the wall?” or “Why did the goose cross Tennessee?”
The stairs are similar to the trails to Mt Everest. So many people have made that trip, the trails need a center line for 2-way traffic and lights at the crossings.
I fear you’ve ignited a scandal./ I doubt we’ll be getting a handle/on the more pressing question-/ (please, make some suggestion)/how a chicken can light a candle?
Years ago I was asked to dive in a car rally Late as usual. I’m blasting down a gravel road, farmhouse on the left, corn field on the right. Suddenly a chicken comes running out of the corn field to cross the road and then a second. The first one made it. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was feathers
EasternWoods almost 4 years ago
And the road runs off the cliff to the left. The chicken, the egg, or a flying driver.
Wiley, I’d like some of what you’re smoking
Kveldulf almost 4 years ago
Quite aside from all other questions, why is there a staircase up the side of the mountain?
Bilan almost 4 years ago
It crossed the road because there was a nice purple pillow?!?
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
So it crossed the road to … get away from pilgrims? Hmm….
artsyguy65 almost 4 years ago
”There is a road, no simple highway. Between the dawn, and the dark of night…”
Imagine almost 4 years ago
Pseudo-questions. Pseudo-answers.
Enter.Name.Here almost 4 years ago
“Why was Barry too chicken to cross the road?”
Sanspareil almost 4 years ago
Barry should be aware why the skeleton Didn’t cross the road!
Because it didn’t have the guts!!
Alexander the Good Enough almost 4 years ago
Why’d the chicken cross the road? To prove to the possum it could be done…
sirbadger almost 4 years ago
Why did “Why did the chicken cross the road?” become such a popular question? You could just as easily ask “Why did the cockroach climb the wall?” or “Why did the goose cross Tennessee?”
Doug K almost 4 years ago
Jeopardy response: “Why did Barry cross the road?”
henshaven Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Ah, finally- the zen of the hen.
keenanthelibrarian almost 4 years ago
… and there’s the answer to all your questions … just why did the chicken … ?
David Henderson almost 4 years ago
I learned a long time ago that some questions are best left unanswered. And never ask a questions that you don’t want the answer to.
jessie d. almost 4 years ago
You only get scrambled if that chicken crosses that road.
Dobby53 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
A Visual Zen Koan today.
Technicholls almost 4 years ago
Answers to life’s biggest questions:https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/jworg-tract/the-big-questions/
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
The answer to…“why did the chicken cross the road”,advice!
Lawrence.S almost 4 years ago
There’s a Barry who’s sure all that glitters is gold, and he’s climbing a stairway to chicken.
RobinHood almost 4 years ago
Highway 42
Squoop almost 4 years ago
Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken.
rugeirn almost 4 years ago
Why did the chicken burn two candles in broad daylight?
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Oh. So that’s why. I get it now. …I think? Still stuck on the chicken or egg priority though. I guess I could ask her.
monya_43 almost 4 years ago
OMG! It’s a talking chicken. Did a disgruntled sorcerer cast a spell on it.
dot-the-I almost 4 years ago
From the persepective of the ultimate omniscience of transcendent Reality and Truth: Barry is a cluck.
FassEddie almost 4 years ago
Of COURSE its a shrine! Where’s the gift shop?
sandpiper almost 4 years ago
The stairs are similar to the trails to Mt Everest. So many people have made that trip, the trails need a center line for 2-way traffic and lights at the crossings.
sandpiper almost 4 years ago
So-o-o-o-o did the chicken cross the road to get to the cave?
H-m-m-m-m Guess burning candles in the daylight tells you how much you can depend on chicken’s wisdom.
saltylife16 almost 4 years ago
Because the road to success always has steps to it.
A Hip loving Canadian... almost 4 years ago
I don’t know about you but the only question I have is: Roasted or Bar-B-Qued.
ERBEN2 almost 4 years ago
?? What did come first ?? And how ?
Call me Ishmael almost 4 years ago
I fear you’ve ignited a scandal./ I doubt we’ll be getting a handle/on the more pressing question-/ (please, make some suggestion)/how a chicken can light a candle?
awcoffman almost 4 years ago
Why did the chicken go halfway across the road?
EasternWoods almost 4 years ago
Years ago I was asked to dive in a car rally Late as usual. I’m blasting down a gravel road, farmhouse on the left, corn field on the right. Suddenly a chicken comes running out of the corn field to cross the road and then a second. The first one made it. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was feathers
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
After he saw the traffic, he chickened out.
Bookworm almost 4 years ago
Why did the chicken cross the road? To find the idiot who asked such a stupid question! (And then peck his eyes out.) 8>}
robhanold almost 4 years ago
the climber is at Machu Picchu
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“Because l was safety-pinned to the punk rocker. You got a problem with that?”
willie_mctell almost 4 years ago
Why is the abbreviation for “crossing” “xing.”
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
When faced with tough decisions, I always ask myself, " What would Wiley Miller do ?"
sufamelico almost 4 years ago
“Staircase”? To me it just looks like simple steps carved on the rocky side of the mountain
bakana almost 4 years ago
It’s not a Road for Cars.
It only exists for Supplicants to cross in search of Eternal Truth.
Stanley0Lufkin almost 4 years ago
Why does a road cross the chicken’s path?
sparkle 13 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The chicken had to get laid before the egg could!!! Lol
Madzdad the bard almost 4 years ago
Did the chicken cross the road or did the road cross the chicken?
tudza Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Sometimes you just have to say, “What the cluck?”
jonelphick 11 months ago
What the heck is “Xing”?