For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 18, 2023

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 2 years ago

    U. of Western Ontario perhaps?

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    howtheduck  about 2 years ago

    I think even back in 1994 when this comic strip was published, a university bound kid would have already applied to the universities by this time and would instead be waiting for acceptance letters.

    Leaving applications up to Elly, who never graduated from a university, seems like an odd choice. You would think Michael would be relying more on his dad who got multiple degrees on his way to becoming a dentist.

    If Michael were to go to, let’s say as an example, Western University in London, Ontario, the early application deadline is January 12, 2023 and the late application deadline is March 1, 2023. This comic strip implies that there is some behind-the-scenes action where the Pattersons are having to apply a little of that fat dentist salary to grease the wheels to get Michael “Never do my homework” Patterson into a school.

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    Argythree  about 2 years ago

    I think the point here is that Michael, who is talking up a storm about being independent, is showing that he really isn’t by relying on his mother to do the research for something that should be really important to him in achieving that independence — NOT that there is a behind the scenes application of money from the dentist father

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    Wise-Cracking Amelia  about 2 years ago

    Still got a long way to go

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    timsoft  about 2 years ago

    lynn has so much fun pointing out the inconsistant logic that people spout. it’s so true in life, and she does it well.

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    eced52  about 2 years ago

    Don’t go to college in the US. They are all so woke, they’re broken.

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    Zykoic  about 2 years ago

    One of my older brothers, which didn’t quite finish high school, asked me why I was going to college. “Are dumb or something?”

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    Jingles  about 2 years ago

    wait ‘til they discover the kid that took welding is making 3 times their salary after their 4 year graduation, NOW. with no student debt. an engine tech at a car shop: $44/hr, master mech $80/hr, after about 2 yrs (pre-covid, not sure now). that’s $88,000 to start, with no degree, and no debt. fools.

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    Wren Fahel  about 2 years ago

    I didn’t go to college, so I didn’t have a clue as to how to “shop colleges”. Thankfully both of my daughters belonged to a group called Breakthrough College bound since middle school, and this group was able to teach them everything they needed to know, from writing a college essay to applying for loans to researching colleges. My older girl is now attending her dream college; the younger one is still in the application process.

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    Johnnyrico  about 2 years ago

    Hafta hafta hafta, hasta hasta hasta..

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    dcdete.  about 2 years ago

    Would a Canadian journalism college enroll a fledgling writer who spells ‘have to’ as ‘hafta’? Or maybe that’s how you can tell if they are a Canadian journalist when you read them.

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    g04922  about 2 years ago

    Same young man who brings his dirty laundry home from college for his Mom to wash

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    Chris  about 2 years ago

    looking great so far.. :L

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    kittygatos  about 2 years ago

    Yup. Once I was told I had no curfew (started college) it wasn’t as much fun staying up late.

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    MC4802 Premium Member about 2 years ago

there are so many young men I know that fit this script. Not all, but so many.

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    freewaydog  about 2 years ago

    Way to make your own decisions, leaving it to Mom to look into it for you!

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    ladykat Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Don’t make your mother do all the work, Mike.

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    Diat60  about 2 years ago

    Turning into an independent adult is definitely a process!

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    paranormal  about 2 years ago

    Texas A&M University where I worked dropped its journalism program some years ago. I think they have since reinstated it.

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    Linguist  about 2 years ago

    My choice of college boiled down to the ones that would accept me and my not-so-hot grades.

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    minty_Joe  about 2 years ago

    Local community college for me. It was all I could afford. Long story short, they changed their mind about me being eligible for financial aid (My parent’s combined household income at the time was above the qualifications required for acceptance. Yeah, explain to me THAT one
). They sent the first letter saying I was approved, then about a week later, another was sent telling me no-can-do. I ended up paying for all my classes out of my own pocket. What’s worse, they forced me to take classes that didn’t give credit towards any degree. In the end, I ran out of money and was burned out from working more than 2 jobs and taking classes to break even. Now, 20 years later, I’m seriously thinking about going back
but on my own terms.

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    redderek  about 2 years ago

    They could meet a ski patroller and get involved helping others. Get on the paid staff.

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    Moonkey Premium Member about 2 years ago

    These kids are lucky to have parents who take an interest in their futures and help them with the process. I also remember my own child telling me, upon her turning 18, that she was an adult and could do anything she wanted. I said I was much older than that, and I had yet to be able to do what I want. She understands what I meant now.

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    kathleenhicks62  about 2 years ago

    Makes sense.

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    dlestersprint0  about 2 years ago

    Mike should join the military and then go to college. That will grow him up and help pay for his education if Canada has anything like the GI Bill.

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    57-Don  about 2 years ago

    I used to have a job where I recruited High School volunteers, I would have them fill out a typical job application so that they would start to get a feeling for the “real world”. Well over half of the applications I got back were very obviously filled out by their helicopter mothers.

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    The Great_Black President  about 2 years ago

    Two FBOFW characters who never went to college:

    Walter “Pops” Mayes: In his younger days, “Pops” used to joke he was descended from Blackbeard. Given his profiency for smuggling and theft, this is probably true. He smuggles anything into the country he can get his hands on, art, electronics, tobacco, you name it – all without a second look from Canadian customs or the U.S. Coast Guard. As of late, Pops has been working with American cartels bringing guns across the border – ensuring there is a Second Amendment right in Canada.

    Gordon “Junior” Mayes: A sexual addict equally obsessed with girls and fast cars, “Junior” got his start at a young age when he boosted the pink sedan of a frumpy librarian. Gordon only got this racket because John Patterson vouched for him. If his stalking of Allyson Creemore doesn’t kill Gordon, the way he handles a sports car might. The faced paced world of auto theft plays well to Gordon’s strengths. He has his runners boosting cars around Millborough. He is the owner of Gordon’s Garage, which is a front for chopping cars.

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    rebelstrike0  almost 2 years ago

    It was surprising that Lynn Johnston got a lot of hate mail over Gordon. She said it was a close second to Lawrence. In the case of Gordon, most of the hate mail was that she was praising capitalism, which goes poorly in a place like Canada.

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    kamoolah  almost 2 years ago

    If Michael is going to be a journalist, it would help to spell correctly. “Hafta” might be Ebonics, but it is not a word that is part of the English language.

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    The Great_Black President  almost 2 years ago

    One also needs to do things in high school in order to be better than everyone else. Only Brian seems to understand that. You need to go all out in sports, academics, and extracurricular. It is a jungle out there. Kill or be killed.

    A strip we will never see

    Michael meets a rich man at the country club

    Important man: “Well young man, I am very impressed with you. Allow me to introduce you to my daughter. Brittany, may I introduce you to Michael Patterson? Gentlemen, scholar, athlete, Eagle Scout, and soon to be a Yale student!”

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    The Great_Black President  almost 2 years ago

    In Canada, first you get good grades, then you get the money, then you get the power. Then you get the woman.

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    rbullfogg  almost 2 years ago


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    raybarb44  almost 2 years ago

    Not quite the right answer

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    John Jorgensen  almost 2 years ago

    Two days ago he was sneering in contempt of people who don’t (think they) have their whole lives mapped out at his age. Now his plans are looking mighty vague, even before the last panel (which is of course reserved for the punchline). “I think I’m gonna write,” “a journalist or something,” “if I go to college” indeed!

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    hagarthehorrible  almost 2 years ago

    The usual turn around of the youths. Love this strip.

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