Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 18, 2023

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    OldsVistaCruiser  about 2 years ago

    Most baseball games last around 3 hours.

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    GreasyOldTam  about 2 years ago

    Three hours for pizza? Must be yeast dough. Plenty of time to watch several innings while it rises.

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    mysterysciencefreezer  about 2 years ago

    Sometimes I wonder if Frazz really realizes what an insufferable hipster he can come across as?

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    Doug K  about 2 years ago

    There are plenty of other foods that are much easier and lots quicker to prepare than pizza (and at least as good to eat).

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    pony21 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    …. Has anyone seen scherzo lately?

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    rshive  about 2 years ago

    Actually, you can make it during the commercials. If you want to.

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    froxis.820  about 2 years ago

    Uh… I can make a pizza from scratch in about half an hour. What kind of master piece is Frazz making?

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    WilliamMedlock  about 2 years ago

    There are companies that sell half baked pizzas; you take it home and finish it in your oven.

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  9. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I’ve never actually managed to make good homemade pizza. It tastes okay, but the crust is too soft, and it isn’t quite right. It’s more like sauce-and-cheese-on-bread than pizza. I’m not sure why.

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    VKent  about 2 years ago

    Cheaper to buy than to make if you watch for coupons and deals.

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I made a pasta pomodoro that took a long time but good!

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    raptor  about 2 years ago

    We buy the “ready-to-cook” pizza’s from our local grocery store and toss them in the freezer until we’re ready for them – toss on the counter in the morning to thaw, in the oven for 20 min’s at lunch time and enjoy…

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    mkw Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Sad that pizza comes mushy. Ours never does.

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    Uncle Bob  about 2 years ago

    air fryers do wonders on leftover pizza…

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  about 2 years ago

    If you wish to make a pizza pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

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    CoffeeBob Premium Member about 2 years ago

    We often buy the ‘bake at home’ pies from the Papa place. Preheat the oven with our pizza stone and BAMM!, better and much less expensive than delivery.

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    Gen.Flashman  about 2 years ago

    If you have a bread machine it takes < 10 minutes to add the ingredients and then 40 minutes for the machine to kneed/raise the dough, then another 5-10 minutes to add the toppings, 12-15 minutes to bake at 400. Delivery at many restaurants has been outsourced to delivery services that with tip can add $10+ to the order.

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    lee85736  about 2 years ago

    Guess I’m the odd one out. I get the premade ones at the grocery store when they get marked down just before expiring, put them in the chest freezer on timeout for weeks or months, and occasionally rotate them. When I’m ready I defrost, add my favorite toppings, bake as directed, then wrap individual slices and freeze them. Two or three a week go with me on the road in the big rig. Way better than truck stop offerings.

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    DM2860  about 2 years ago

    Which ball game?

    Soccer 2 hours

    Basketball 2 hours 20 minutes

    Baseball 3 hours

    Football 3 hours 15 minutes

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    TheWildSow  about 2 years ago

    Frazz sounds like someone who likes a thin, crispy crust (yuck!) for his pizza. I’ll just stay here and enjoy my nice, substantial, thick & chewy crust, with pepperoni, extra ’shrooms, and black olives (plus some flash-fried spinach on the side) :-)

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    calliarcale  about 2 years ago

    Pfft. I can make a fair pizza at home, since I know how to make bread dough from scratch and I have a stone for my oven. But it’s a normal oven. I don’t have a pizza oven, and that does make a difference. If Frazz and Caulfield are gonna be snooty about pizza boxes, they’re going to have to educate themselves about the entire pizza making process. The difference in bake quality matters. If you want to eat a really good pizza at home, your best bet is to order a pizza from a good pizza restaurant and pick it up yourself instead of having it delivered.

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