I posted this yesterday, but it was later, so I’m going to post now so more people can see it. If you don’t have Facebook or Instagram, and have suggestions of what comics Georgia should use for the reruns (which seem to only be referring to newspaper, but not sure if I am misreading that), let me know and I will relay them over to Facebook for you. Georgia has said she only needs to do 2 weeks of reruns, but feel free to suggest what you would like and I will post them on Facebook for you. She will be having the surgery on April 11th but she works a little ahead, so the reruns won’t show up until May or June.
New strip on Cat’s Cafe today and it is lovely. Different style than Georgia’s landscapes but equally pleasing. It is such a pleasure to discover such talent in such a small format.
Pk has regained a little strength, and hasn’t had any bathroom issues. I think the 4-5 months of living on the top of my chair and jumping multiple times a day. She has some kind of sleep paralysis. When I am holding her for an extended period of cuddles, she’ll go to sleep in my arm (she’s so small I only need to use one) suddenly she will turn to loose jello and literally pour out of my arm into my lap. The 1st time it happened, it scared me good. But when I saw she was still breathing a sigh of relief. She has had a lifelong habit of sleeping in weird places and eventually falling off when this occurs. I imagine she may have some nerve damage. I hope her living on the floor will help since she can’t fall anymore. Thank you for all your input and prayers for my Peaky P!
Today, March 27, is BCN’s Newspaper Anniversary Day! It has now been SIX years since the first newspaper strip was published in 2017!! A few weeks back we celebrated BCN Origination Day for when BCN debuted as a web comic. Today marks its emergence as a proper newspaper strip.
Normally I use this occasion to urge all in the Mega-Orb to write to their local newspapers urging that they carry BCN. (If you are so fortunate as to have it in your local paper, then write thanking them for carrying it!). This year we already urged a write-in campaign because of the sudden vacancy created by the removal of a certain business-workplace-comic. Still, another letter or two can’t hurt, right?
Regardless, happy 6th anniversary to the newspaper strip!
I read that first panel as “The News Room has been opened to the children.” Haven’t they always been? Are the children going to be On Air now? … Oh. Never mind.
i have a intresting queshiton does breaking cat news have a all eny compassing guide or something similar yet? because i realized yesterday that it actually very hard for people to figure out what is going on with all these characters and plot lines and just stuff happing if it dosnt have something like that yet it may be a fun project for the community to work on
Without a lot of detail, my brother in law is going in for surgery this afternoon to fix problems from a previous procedure. Your good thoughts and vibes for Bruce are appreciated, and thank all you beautiful Orbsters in advance!
uncle snipe almost 2 years ago
Imagine what mystical and creepy powers the scary lamp has! It turned me into a newt! I got better. That’s where my brain went.
Jacob Mattingly almost 2 years ago
Not really suprising. Their his kids as much as the man and woman. Mostly the girl..
Sue Ellen almost 2 years ago
Elvis is so brave he doesn’t even need a protective Tyvek® suit!
uncle snipe almost 2 years ago
Kids are getting big! Especially the Girl. Dad Cat has done a great job raising his kids!
DennisinSeattle almost 2 years ago
The girl has no fear when Elvis is near.
WelshRat Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s easy for Elvis to be brave when he has no choice in the matter.
azkfwecho Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I posted this yesterday, but it was later, so I’m going to post now so more people can see it. If you don’t have Facebook or Instagram, and have suggestions of what comics Georgia should use for the reruns (which seem to only be referring to newspaper, but not sure if I am misreading that), let me know and I will relay them over to Facebook for you. Georgia has said she only needs to do 2 weeks of reruns, but feel free to suggest what you would like and I will post them on Facebook for you. She will be having the surgery on April 11th but she works a little ahead, so the reruns won’t show up until May or June.
I AM CARTOON LADY! almost 2 years ago
And now, Lupin, will demo how strong, and flexible, that lamp is!
FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s easier to be brave when you have someone for whom to be brave.
Jungle Empress almost 2 years ago
I always feel braver with a cat in hand.
arolarson Premium Member almost 2 years ago
New strip on Cat’s Cafe today and it is lovely. Different style than Georgia’s landscapes but equally pleasing. It is such a pleasure to discover such talent in such a small format.
Space_cat almost 2 years ago
Pk has regained a little strength, and hasn’t had any bathroom issues. I think the 4-5 months of living on the top of my chair and jumping multiple times a day. She has some kind of sleep paralysis. When I am holding her for an extended period of cuddles, she’ll go to sleep in my arm (she’s so small I only need to use one) suddenly she will turn to loose jello and literally pour out of my arm into my lap. The 1st time it happened, it scared me good. But when I saw she was still breathing a sigh of relief. She has had a lifelong habit of sleeping in weird places and eventually falling off when this occurs. I imagine she may have some nerve damage. I hope her living on the floor will help since she can’t fall anymore. Thank you for all your input and prayers for my Peaky P!
sueb1863 almost 2 years ago
Do not taunt the creepy lamp.
JDP_Huntington Beach almost 2 years ago
“Oh, my CAT ! Where is she aiming that!”
“It’s got a hair trigger; doesn’t she know that?”
“Put the Safety on! Put the Safety on!”
cb8ty almost 2 years ago
I have a feeling the lamp is going to be part of the story for awhile.
Trespassers W almost 2 years ago
Today, March 27, is BCN’s Newspaper Anniversary Day! It has now been SIX years since the first newspaper strip was published in 2017!! A few weeks back we celebrated BCN Origination Day for when BCN debuted as a web comic. Today marks its emergence as a proper newspaper strip.
Normally I use this occasion to urge all in the Mega-Orb to write to their local newspapers urging that they carry BCN. (If you are so fortunate as to have it in your local paper, then write thanking them for carrying it!). This year we already urged a write-in campaign because of the sudden vacancy created by the removal of a certain business-workplace-comic. Still, another letter or two can’t hurt, right?
Regardless, happy 6th anniversary to the newspaper strip!
Kitty Katz almost 2 years ago
Meanwhile, Back on the Nile
Puckmosis: That was a delicious lunch, Thomios. After a good grooming and short nap, Ora and I will take another look at the scrolls.
Lupinium: I’d love to nap, but I have an advanced tumbling class coming up.
Sometime Later
Puckmosis: As I remember, the Librarians at Meowexandria housed the scrolls in a huge building where they were kept safe from all who would read them.
Ora Zed: But why would they do that? Why have the scrolls if you can’t read them?
Beatrixia: That’s a balance librarians have to strike. How to take care of the scrolls while keeping them in good repair.
Elvis-Anum: That’s a skill scribes have to learn. Even now I have a pile of scrolls I need to look at and fix.
Puck: Anyway, let’s have a look at another scroll. This one seems to be a continuation of the one we read previously:
Our best scribe has suffered an injury and will be unable to write or draw for the next fortnight. We wish her a complete and speedy recovery.
misty almost 2 years ago
We’d like to dream, yes, yes
In a sunny window seat
On a cloud unbound we drift like a kite
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near
To the stars away from here
Well, we don’t know what you will find
Why not go with Elvis, little Girl
He’s your magic room tour guide
Well, we don’t know what you can see
But we hope you’ll squeee with glee
As the whimsy sets you free
Close your eyes, Girl
Look aside, Girl
Don’t let that lamp scare you away…
Well, we don’t know what you will find
Why not go see the world, little Girl
With your magic room tour guide
-John Kay / Rushton John Moreve – Magic Carpet Ride – Steppenwolf
ladykat Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s nice to see how gently the Girl handles Elvis. You can really see the bond between them.
scyphi26 almost 2 years ago
They’re just not going to let that lamp go, are they?
prrdh almost 2 years ago
No, don’t make eye contact. It interprets that as a challenge and gets aggressive.
Granny Roberta almost 2 years ago
I read that first panel as “The News Room has been opened to the children.” Haven’t they always been? Are the children going to be On Air now? … Oh. Never mind.
Katzen1415 almost 2 years ago
Wow, Dad Cat, weather cat, reporter, curmudgeon, and now tour guide. Is there anything Elvis can’t do?
jackalope bob almost 2 years ago
i have a intresting queshiton does breaking cat news have a all eny compassing guide or something similar yet? because i realized yesterday that it actually very hard for people to figure out what is going on with all these characters and plot lines and just stuff happing if it dosnt have something like that yet it may be a fun project for the community to work on
arolarson Premium Member almost 2 years ago
OK, just because I can’t resist….rare sighting of BOTBH….back of the boy’s head!
fullmoondeb Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Without a lot of detail, my brother in law is going in for surgery this afternoon to fix problems from a previous procedure. Your good thoughts and vibes for Bruce are appreciated, and thank all you beautiful Orbsters in advance!
Red Bird almost 2 years ago
The Children are lucky to have a brave cat like Elvis.
lofox Premium Member almost 2 years ago
@anomalous4I can’t decide. All of the proposed suggestions sound good to me. Can we please know the date of the surgery?
willie_mctell almost 2 years ago
It’s true. If you have a Siamese cat on your shoulder you’re protected from most everything.
Miss Mina almost 2 years ago
It’s also easy to be scary when you have a Siamese and a dramatic turtleneck.
Lady Bri almost 2 years ago
OT: Trouble & Mischief are getting snipped on Friday
knight1192a almost 2 years ago
Not that scary, Elvis.