The old paperbacks are boxed up and too hard to get to, so I may forget author’s name… Jack Vance(?) had a couple pulp stories with basically same premise decades ago. Electronic gadgetry had basically begun taken over a lot of social control. But in one life had become sort of a robotic/electronic H*ll for humans, and in the other humans had a lot more freedom to enjoy life because technology was doing the dirty work for them.
It just means Sci-Fi authors are incredible prophets. Wasn’t it the author of “2001 A Space Odyssey”, Arthur C. Clarke who in the 1940s (I think) foretold of Satellites orbiting the earth to not only spy but provide information worldwide?
She does have a point. I wonder if Mr Rickard knows. Wait… “(Tim) Rickard” is clearly a thinly-veiled alias for (Jean Luc) Picard. I’m guessing he came from the future to warn us about AI, at a key moment when AI is on a lot of people’s minds. I need to investigate this theory….
Sorry to waste your time. I checked with chatGPT and says this is most definitely not the case.
I keep hoping the next technology plot twist is the development of star gates, or faster-than-light technology, so I can get off this planet. It’s full of idjits.
This reminds me of a scene from STNG. The holodeck images of Prof.Moriarty and the Viscountess Bartholomew are placed in a self powered mini-holodeck where they can live out their lives. Captain Picard remarks, “But, who knows, this (looking around him) might all just be an elaborate holodeck…” at which, as the others leave, Lt.Barclay says, “Computer, end program.” At which Barclay leaves with the mini-holodeck in hand.
Ratkin Premium Member almost 2 years ago
A mid-apocalyptic one.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The AI is writing the last chapter.
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Book 6 of a series he has no intention of wrapping up as long as they keep selling.
Doug K almost 2 years ago
What if we’re characters in a goofy Sci-Fi comic?
LawrenceS almost 2 years ago
The old paperbacks are boxed up and too hard to get to, so I may forget author’s name… Jack Vance(?) had a couple pulp stories with basically same premise decades ago. Electronic gadgetry had basically begun taken over a lot of social control. But in one life had become sort of a robotic/electronic H*ll for humans, and in the other humans had a lot more freedom to enjoy life because technology was doing the dirty work for them.
rmercer Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I prefer the sci-fi novels where everything is fine and everyone has a great time…
Mugens Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It just means Sci-Fi authors are incredible prophets. Wasn’t it the author of “2001 A Space Odyssey”, Arthur C. Clarke who in the 1940s (I think) foretold of Satellites orbiting the earth to not only spy but provide information worldwide?
The Orange Mailman almost 2 years ago
How long until the Butlerian Jihad?
Twelve Badgers in a Suit Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Actually, yes. But it happens more often when I’m reading about politics than technology.
tripwire45 almost 2 years ago
We’ve been hip deep in a dystopian novel for quite sometime.
Milady Meg almost 2 years ago
She does have a point. I wonder if Mr Rickard knows. Wait… “(Tim) Rickard” is clearly a thinly-veiled alias for (Jean Luc) Picard. I’m guessing he came from the future to warn us about AI, at a key moment when AI is on a lot of people’s minds. I need to investigate this theory….
Sorry to waste your time. I checked with chatGPT and says this is most definitely not the case.
PapaNambu Premium Member almost 2 years ago
What is The Matrix? Oh, about 90 minutes long.
ajr58(1) almost 2 years ago
Yes. Since November 2016.
bobbyferrel almost 2 years ago
Stand by for a news flash. We’re way deeper in the book than the first chapter.
geese28 almost 2 years ago
whispers to agent X she knows too much….
PoodleGroomer almost 2 years ago
We have been in a dystopian novel since the Torah.
gantech almost 2 years ago
As long as I get a percentage of the book sales I’m ok with it…
blakerl almost 2 years ago
AI,s don’t always tell the truth. They can be programed to lie. that fact alone shows we are living in a dystopian future.
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
Ohhh, yes, yes indeed, but it is not the First Chapter…
kartis almost 2 years ago
I keep hoping the next technology plot twist is the development of star gates, or faster-than-light technology, so I can get off this planet. It’s full of idjits.
preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago
This reminds me of a scene from STNG. The holodeck images of Prof.Moriarty and the Viscountess Bartholomew are placed in a self powered mini-holodeck where they can live out their lives. Captain Picard remarks, “But, who knows, this (looking around him) might all just be an elaborate holodeck…” at which, as the others leave, Lt.Barclay says, “Computer, end program.” At which Barclay leaves with the mini-holodeck in hand.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 2 years ago
If reality can be rewritten so easily, it can be for the good if the programmer desires.
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
He’s not complaining, he’s getting the info.
Back to Big Mike almost 2 years ago
Every. Darn. Day.
Scott S almost 2 years ago
Their words were prophetic!
eb110americana almost 2 years ago
Pam! That’s absurd. You’re talking crazy. This is at least Chapter 6: Homework by ChatGPT.
Stephen Gilberg almost 2 years ago
I now find it much easier to believe in dystopias than utopias.
DaBump Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Judgment day is coming. Prepare to meet your Maker.
JU almost 2 years ago
FIRST chapter?! Wake up, woman!