Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for January 08, 2024

  1. Girls pose
    uncle snipe  6 months ago

    Come spring, will the woman emerge a beautiful butterfly? Will Elvis burrow his way into her cocoon to “protect” her? And Does Puck have a more detailed chart about life inside the beautiful chrysalis?

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  2. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member 6 months ago

    Seems reasonable to me. Valid choices being made here and I support them.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 6 months ago

    We’re cocooning as well. I have hubby’s throw, and he has my winter robe. The fluffy, really large, soft robe.

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    Ricky Bennett  6 months ago

    “Cut! That’s a wrap”…

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    MrsXandamere  6 months ago

    I was born in January so it’s quite normal for me to return to more of a larval stage this time of year.

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    Robin Harwood  6 months ago

    Isn’t this a rerun? Not that I’m complaining.

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  7. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  6 months ago

    I thought she was a bedtime burrito.

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    Ricky Bennett  6 months ago

    I don’t think she’ll know what to do once she leaves her chrysalis. I guess she’ll have to wing it…

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    WelshRat Premium Member 6 months ago

    When it’s cold, the need for Cats increases.

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    rheddmobile  6 months ago

    The giant opossum I have nicknamed Pig has taken to sleeping pressed up against my back door (which has a leak under it) like a door stopper, to enjoy the heat from indoors. I almost stepped on her on my way outside tonight. She didn’t even hiss, just trundled rapidly away, giving me a mild look of reproach. Her actual nest seems to be in my abandoned storeroom, where the raccoons are.

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  11. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  6 months ago

    Oh! It’s the metamorphosis again! :D

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  12. Opus swivel 2
    Jacob Mattingly   6 months ago

    Break week, but such A good series to rerun

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    Georgia Dunn creator 6 months ago

    Hello everyone! This year I took the last two weeks of December off so I could just spend time with the Boy and Girl on their Christmas break! We watched Christmas specials, baked cookies, hung out with the cats, and ate way too much ham. It was awesome! This was one heck of a year, not just from the sad parting of the Man and I over the summer, but also think back to April when I had my hand surgery. (…This year felt like several years, I know I’m not alone in that for 2023…I’m sorry if you endured several years this year too.) I’m so grateful to my syndicate that they insisted I take that time to recover from surgery without using my vacation time, so that after a year from heck I was able to take a solid break to enjoy the holidays with my kids. This means two weeks of reruns coming up, and two Sunday reruns in about a month or so. Thank you for understanding and I hope you’ll enjoy a walk through some of the classic strips! I’m back in the studio as of last week, with new strips to come two weeks from now! Happy 2024!

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  14. Dragon baby
    Tigrisan Premium Member 6 months ago

    I’ve found Prometheus Moth chrysalis/cocoons in my flower beds in the spring that have overwintered and I’ve also overwintered Black Swallowtail chrysalis in my garage. Both emerged when the weather got warm enough and it still amazes me that they survive the winters in Michigan and don’t freeze and die. But as tiny as they are, if they can survive, I have no doubt Georgia is perfectly fine in her couch chrysalis :)

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    wolfiiig  6 months ago

    Hibernation is fun. I’m the guy on Luann who defends Berice.

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  16. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member 6 months ago

    Also an update on Elvis from Georgia’s FB page….

    “As the night winds down, an update on this strong, handsome dude! Thank you to everyone who has reached out to ask how Elvis is doing. He still not 100%, but he is doing better. His appetite is good, his energy is better than not, and he’s very alert and into everything. His tummy seems to be settling down a bit, and I’m hoping that can keep him feeling better and going in the right direction. He is such a good boy and has been demanding pets and treats with the best of them!”

    Hurrah for Elvis!

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    krod46  6 months ago

    Wonderful that you had a break and got to enjoy the most important thing, your family! Kids grow up way too fast, the special times are priceless!

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    Kitty Katz  6 months ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Puckmosis: So the Royal Procurers are off on their vacation to Salubrious Spa following their Punn State cheese taking seminar?

    Beatrixia: That’s right. They’ve been really busy during the Yule and New Year Holidays. Pink Lupinium is going with them.

    Puck: I guess he’ll be back to white after his bath.

    Elvis-Anum: Are we going to have enough supplies while the Procurers are away?

    Bea: I think so. Alice and the gang would think of everything.

    At the Royal Kitchen

    Thomios: Looks like we have enough Perfect Perch to have a fish feast tonight.

    Sue Chef: We can celebrate the Amazing Alliterations tonight!

    Thomios: But I can’t help but wonder where it came from, Alice and the gang being away.

    Iggy and Ora Z: (We’ll never tell).

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    Katzen1415  6 months ago

    What will emerge from the chrysalis? I hope whoever she is has wings.

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    karlene_fial  6 months ago

    My husband, Al, passed away after two years of dealing with dementia about a year ago. Stepping away from lIfe’s strife has been so beneficial. I’m glad you were able to play for awhile. Looking forward to reruns of my favorite cats.

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    ladykat  6 months ago

    The Woman makes a lovely chrysalis, and will be a beautiful butterfly when she emerges.

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    pepsiman115  6 months ago

    I swear Georgia, our families have been living parallel lives since BCN first started online twice a week. From the passing of our “Lupin” and the unexpected addition of some new ones (fixed ferals living out back, in Florida) to our own sad parting. Your right. It’s time to get going. My news crew demands I show up for work no matter what. Those can’s and kibble won’t open up themselves.Thanks for making me laugh.

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    bonita.eley  6 months ago

    Glad to have you back! Hope 2024 is the best of years. Classics? I love Classics!!!

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    Dkram  6 months ago

    And only the man can get her out. (^.^)


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  25. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
    elhorr  6 months ago

    Reruns ROCK. Well, at least your reruns do. And if anybody needs a break, it’s you. Love, light, strength and comfort. Oh yeah.

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 6 months ago

    Boy, you’ve HAD,a year. Remedy for that is wrap up as above. Cats will come. It’s like you’re a box. We don’t mind reprints, we love the fur kids. Take care, eat soup, stay warm.

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  27. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  6 months ago

    With a bunch of mandatory overtime staring me in the face and the bleak snow-covered lands outside the window, I wouldn’t mind a little cocoon time with my cat under the fuzzy wolf blanket.

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    Demo12 Premium Member 6 months ago

    I have noticed the absence of the Man but didn’t know if I should ask. Sorry to see it but life goes on.

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    turner7811 Premium Member 6 months ago

    So glad you had some “us” time with the little ones, who really aren’t so little now.

    BTW, Happy Elvis’ Birthday! It amazes me that he would be 89 today if he were still with us.

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    Red Bird  6 months ago

    Nicely done, Woman! I need to start working on my own blanket cocoon.

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  31. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member 6 months ago

    I just looked out the window that overlooks a bend of the Turkey River and saw two magnificent eagles on the wing. It reminded me of good news in the local paper this week. After a low fledgling count in 2022, the nesting success of our local eagles has rebounded this year! Huzzah!

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  32. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  6 months ago

    To emerge in the spring.

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  33. Chris88
    chireef  6 months ago

    with your strip being one of the top (if not THE top) comics made today i’m not sure why your syndicate didn’t give you a raise as well as double your vacation benefits!

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    clstinocher Premium Member 6 months ago

    Sending best wishes!

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    burke129529  6 months ago


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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member 6 months ago

    What I don’t understand is why there isn’t a second layer of cats on top of the chrysalis?

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  37. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 6 months ago

    Oh come now you silly cat reporters. It is a woman, it is winter, and this is their natural state.

    It is a well know scientific fact, as any married man can attest to, that if you put a woman between two sheets the temperature of the butt will drop by 10-20 degrees and she will inevitably keep pushing that thing against you too try and warm it up.

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    I'm Sad  6 months ago

    I love this comic strip. I love the last panel with the Woman in the blanket cocoon. That picture is priceless!!!

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    dencarl  6 months ago

    And Happy 2024 to you as well!

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