Michael Ramirez for March 08, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  4 months ago

    If you can’t say something to the point, then just make up a lie, I guess.

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  2. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  4 months ago

    You mad that he pointed out the obvious thay under trump democracy will be cease to exsist?

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  3. Sunimage
    Sun  4 months ago

    Joe Biden has ruined America and has financially hurt American Workers. Vote Republican 2024

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 4 months ago

    The country is doing fantastic. The infrastructure is finally being fixed thanks to Joe. The average American worker is far better off financially. We’re no longer kowtowing to China and Russia. Joe’s earned a second term!!!!

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    JackReecher  4 months ago

    Now THAT’S funny! (And right on the mark!)

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    imagenesis  4 months ago

    Yes Ramirez, there there!

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    Odon Premium Member 4 months ago

    With a touch of editing this will make for a good toon come the evening of November 5.

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    DC Swamp  4 months ago

    Cadaver Joe’s 10 million………ahem……..”newcomers” are enjoying the ride!

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    robcarroll1213  4 months ago

    “It’s Friday…time to kiss some Trump tush!” ~Michael Ramirez

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    rs0204 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Saw the President’s speech, and Mr. Biden did great. He hit on the points that appealed to a MAJORITY of Americans and kept pouring it on. The topics of reproductive rights, the economy, the environment, and our democracy are all in the Democrat’s corner. All the Republicans have is Trump and his dark, destructive view of the world, which isn’t surprising since Trump is under indictment for 93 felonies.

    President Biden talked about a bright future. All Trump promises is more conflict and chaos. The choice is easy: I and millions and millions more will vote for President Biden.

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    The Nodding Head  4 months ago

    If you ignore reality, then yeah.

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    DangerMan  4 months ago

    One thing Biden has done is promote unions. He was right in saying that the rise of a large middle class is largely due to union activity. I shudder to think what a Republican majority would do to unions – their MO is to pay people the least amount possible to get the job done.

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    suzalee  4 months ago

    Biden laid out his accomplishments in the State of the Union last night. He sees America as the strong, diverse country that it is. He believes in the people to take on our problems and solve them. The GOP is selling fear and would have us withdraw into a dark cave shaking with fear and hoping that somehow a “strong man” will come along and save us. That strong man would keep feeding fear in order to have power and do with the people whatever he wants. It’s our choice. As for me, I will honor my ancestors who fought in the Revolution and refuse to give into phony fear.

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    JamieLee Premium Member 4 months ago

    I think President Biden is making America great again!

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    The Dem Veteran   4 months ago

    Unemployment is low. Stock market is hight crime is down…….

    It’s a disaster

    Oh the humanity

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    knutdl  4 months ago

    Ramirez is mental.

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  17. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 4 months ago

    Republican ad about Bidenomics is saying that Americans can’t make ends meet. So does that mean Republicans are fighting for a $15/hour minimum wage? Heck NO!! They shoot any raise down. They’re too busy investigating everyone to do something to actually HELP Americans!!

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  18. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 4 months ago

    Not sure what county Ramirez is living in and commenting on. It’s sure not the U.S.

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    davidthoms1  4 months ago

    Ramirez has left reality once again!

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  20. Baronbosse
    BaronBosse  4 months ago

    If there are survivors in a plane crash like this one Biden has to be an awesome pilot.

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  21. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 4 months ago

    It looks like Mike decided to go ahead and draw his cartoon before the actual speech.

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    Benaiah67  4 months ago

    I did not watch the state of union and the account I have read about seem to be summed nicely by John Hinderaker at the Powerline Blog – Here is what he wrote -


    Whatever Doctor Feelgood is operating in the White House these days injected Joe Biden with whatever cocktail that enabled him to yell nonstop for over an hour last night. And that is a good thing.

    Before the speech, my wife, with her usual knack for getting at the heart of things, said that we should be rooting for Biden to get through the speech. Because if he collapsed midway in, the Democrats would be able to replace him on the ticket. And in truth, the only question last night was not whether Biden would give a good speech, or whether he would convince anyone not already committed to voting against Donald Trump, but whether he would remain upright.

    We conservatives should be glad that he did, as he now continues his march toward the nomination as one of the very few Democrats Donald Trump might actually beat. So thanks, Doc."

    Any thoughts anyone – just curious

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    Benaiah67  4 months ago

    I also heard about this – what do any of you think about it

    “The man screaming at Biden during his speech was Steve Nikoui, whose son, Kareem Nikoui, was killed during Biden’s DISASTROUS Afghanistan withdrawal Steve was screaming things like ‘UNITED STATES MARINES’ and ‘ABBEY GATE!’ If there’s anything I’d ask you to do tonight, it’s pray for the Nikoui family, and demand they receive justice for Kareem,” Nick Sortor reported.

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    Ontman  4 months ago

    I guess Ramirez has gone back to form. Sad.

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  25. Cz
    sleepyhead  4 months ago

    Its an appropriate image considering a tire just fell off a Boeing-built aircraft while it was flying and damaged cars underneath.

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    baroden Premium Member 4 months ago

    I like it a lot more than I did the four years the GOP fascist party was in control. At least this POTUS does something to actually help America be greater.

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    Will E. Makeit Premium Member 4 months ago

    now don’t forget that my son, Beau, died while seated in the passenger seat of my 18-wheeler that I was driving to the Nelson Mandela speech with the then-babysitter and now phony “Dr.” Jill in his lap after I ruined her first marriage and then sic’d the IRS on her first husband cuz I could…yeah, buddy, 81 million votes…

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  28. Yin yang
    Havel  4 months ago

    I especially loved it when he quoted Reagan re. Russia.

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    ChristopherBurns  4 months ago

    I was briefly listening to the republican response to the SOTU and it was “The AMerican Carnage” speech that Trump gave at his inauguration. The woman was saying that her constituents were afraid to go out in the street and I had to ask – where the hell does this woman live?

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    jader3rd  4 months ago

    The only way the SOTU was a disaster is if you were hoping to see a demented sleepy Joe, because that ain’t what happened.

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    Al Fresco  4 months ago

    The Biden Administration has been flying 325,000 migrants from Haiti, Cuban, Venezuela, and Nicaragua into the country. What can’t they sneak into the country like everyone else?

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    saltwise  4 months ago

    He clearly did NOT listen to the speech OR has gone back to the dark alternate fact universe

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    Created this toon before the SOTU didn’t you Ramiriz? Embarrassing for you.

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    Wonder-Wart-Hog  4 months ago

    Biden owns this economy, Biden submits the budget. Yes the congress has the purse strings but the budget has so much non discretionary spending The house can only chip away at the edges. The Fed’s borrow money to fund the deficit, this takes money out of circulation that could have been invested by private companies into Business, and industrial infrastructure this drives up inflation. He is the one that closed down coal, stopped oil, and gas exports. Making Europe and energy slave to Russia. Strong armed Green energy that doesn’t work, opened the southern border to economic refugees, do you notice that almost all of the border crossers are 20 something young males. He can stop illegal immigration he has the executive power to do it. It is the executive branch that controls the borders.

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    IndyW  4 months ago

    A perfect toon again! Says it all!

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    ColinJames  4 months ago

    What happened to reasoned, intelligent discourse? When did flagrant disregard for the truth become the norm? When has there ever been such blatant disrespect for the office of the Presidency? When have facts mattered less?We all know the answer.It was the arrival of Donald Trump. The world is watching the collapse of an empire. History repeats and repeats and repeats and…

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 4 months ago

    The SOTU was indeed a plane crash with fumble mouth Joe’s lies, disinformation and divisive speech. One of the more annoying things about the address was the idiot jack-in-the-box actions of the Democrats bobbing up and down on cue like mindless prairie dogs.

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    Here’s all you need to know about Biden’s America. 2 things to catch here. 18 time felon is out walking around and still breaking the law, and after committing a new crime, the judge lets him go. This is madness.CHICAGO — An 18-time convicted felon on probation for being part of the “Puffy Coat Bandit” theft ring was arrested Sunday after he committed the exact same crime that he’s on probation for, according to prosecutors: stealing a man’s credit cards and using them almost immediately to buy things at Target.During an initial appearance this week, Judge Susana Ortiz released Jerome Sharp, 30, with a nighttime curfew. He was not detained for violating probation.

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  39. Marx lennon
    charliekane  4 months ago

    He’s talkin’ ’bout how it was when Joe took over the plane 1/20/21, right?

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  40. Animals being weird
    wildthing  4 months ago

    This was the airplane Trump and Bush left Biden and Obama. Democrats rebuild it only to have the GQP crash it all over again.

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  41. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 months ago

    I sure am breathing easier this morning. I was worried that Biden wouldn’t be able to keep from looking like an old used up guy and today’s news would be about his gaffs. He didn’t just get a hit, he got a homerun, not just on the written speech, but with the dopes in the audience. I was always voting for, sending money to, and working for Biden, but I was scared that it might not work. Comparing Biden to Trump’s rambling complaints about how mean everyone is to him. WE GOT A WINNER!!!!

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  42. Freeradical
    Free Radical  4 months ago

    As scary and phony as katie britt’s rebuttal

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  43. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  4 months ago

    This is your incompetent pilot, now get off my plane.

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  44. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  4 months ago

    America’s savings a low and are credit card dept is high. I am a little better off, have a bit of savings, now a pension, a small one, good health insurance and not enough savings. At least I have next to no credit card debt.

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    Rich Douglas  4 months ago

    It’s simply not true. There are exactly TWO struggling issues: Gaza and the border. Neither of which the Republicans are willing to do a thing about, of course.

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    flpmlp  4 months ago

    Great cartoon commentary!

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    All you have to do is ignore the lies spewed here by dem’s hoping people will read their comments and “buy – in” to their point of view. Ain’t gonna happen. The American people have deemed Joe, Kamala, and the democrat party responsible for everything costing on average 18% more, and 10 million “newcomers” sucking up our scarce resources that should be spent to make American’s life’s better. Some other points prove dem’s are not in line with mainstream Americans, like abortion right up to birth (only 4 other countries allow that, including 2 communist ones), allowing men to play in women’s sports, rising crime, Defund the Police, etc etc. That is why Joe’s approval rating is the LOWEST in history!

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