Clay Jones for June 07, 2024

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 22 days ago

    Orwellian TrumpubliKKKlan cultists gaslighting on steroids.

    Actual statements they have made, admitting how they are gaslighting on rocket fuel:

    Donald Trump: “Don’t believe what you read, hear or see.”

    Rudy Giuliani: “Truth isn’t truth.”

    Kellyanne Conway: “Alternative facts”

    Don’t they realize that we have the videos? Or are they counting on their gullible suckers to refuse to watch real coverage where they might see video montages of them saying what they claim they didn’t, over and over.

    And yes, Trump made each of the statements cited in Clay’s excellent ’toon, or something substantially equivalent.

    They gaslight and lie to their gullible cult worshippers’ faces and deny they have said things that REAL media then play video montages of them saying exactly that, over and over, and the suckers just lap it up. They don’t even try to hide it anymore! It is astounding that there are actually people who are gullible enough and stupid enough to sucker for such obvious and blatant scams.

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    Hello Everyone  22 days ago

    The Sippy Cups add great Subtext! – Another Great Cartoon Clay! :)

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    knutdl  22 days ago

    Trump is in 6 panels while Pizza rat is in 1 (OMG). Pizza rat for president (he/she has done nothing wrong).

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 22 days ago

    And, of course, The Disciples believe all six.

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  5. Screenshot 2024 06 07 at 3.05.00 am
    Fern   22 days ago

    He never did say inject bleach.

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    robcarroll1213  22 days ago

    Sorry, Mr. Fat Orange Nazi, you did say all of those things and you can’t hide behind your dementia and low IQ walls this time.

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  7. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 22 days ago

    As succinct a summary of Felon, Insurrectionist, Misogynist, Racist45 as any out there. Thanks, Clay.

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    cdward  22 days ago

    Then you’re showing your ignorance. 50 years of clean service to the country is actually honorable. Meanwhile, Trump has 50 years of robbing and stealing — unless you don’t consider hiring people to do work then refusing to pay them theft. He was sued more times than any contractor in New York BEFORE he ever ran for office. And he bragged that you can do that sort of stuff when you’re famous.

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    WaitingMan  22 days ago

    Something Trump never said. “Please pass the salad, Melania.”

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  10. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  22 days ago

    And the magats swallow every malodorous word of it. Show them evidence, they deny. Show them the videos and they cry fake. To them the mango mussolini speaks the truth at all times (I’ve actually heard them say that) even when what he says today is the complete opposite of what he said yesterday and what he might say tomorrow.

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    The Nodding Head  22 days ago

    Whatever Trump says is true right now. Whatever he said in the past was true when he said it.

    The past exists only as we see it in the present.

    Whatever Trump says is true. Whatever Trump says is beyond question, analysis, and criticism. One must believe.

    Soon all the above will be law. Soon there will be a 2 AM knock on the door if anyone questions, analyzes, and criticizes. BELIEVE! OBEY! MAGA!

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  12. Yin yang
    Havel  22 days ago

    Missed my favorite Trump quote, one that says it all, “I love the poorly educated”.

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  13. Johnny w 2
    Tarzan & Redd Panda  22 days ago

    In local news, someone ran over a skunk nearby our house. Honey thinks I should investigate.

    I’m not sure exactly what she wants me to do. More details as they become available.

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    mac04416  22 days ago

    " The laptop is not real. It’s Russan disinformation"

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    rs0204 Premium Member 22 days ago

    When, in fact, Trump said each and every one of those things. But here’s the rub. He has people with no self-respect who will come onto message boards and lie for him by saying Trump said no such thing. I just had lunch yesterday with a man I’ve known for almost fifty years. He has the most sagacious grasp of human nature I’ve ever known. And we had this same discussion.

    We were discussing the “Lock her up” statement and how Trump tried to claim he never said it, even though hours of video show him saying the exact same thing. Trump has severe dementia/Alzheimer’s, and he may not remember when he said, “Lock her up.” Then, my friend used the ubiquitous term trolls to describe the people who go on message boards and support Trump’s lies or pick fights. We agreed on the “who” and “what,” but I was stuck on the “why?” Why do people do such things? What do they get out of it?

    My friend said their distorted minds get an almost orgasmic joy out of the abnormal behavior, denying the most provable fact.

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  16. Bald eagle portrait
    Kilrwat Premium Member 22 days ago

    His mouth looks like a baboon butt.

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    akachman Premium Member 22 days ago

    He must get some jail time. The millions he will raise will not go to his election project but to all the lawyers he owes. Let the MAGA crowd throw their money at this treasonous POS.

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    ShadowMaster  22 days ago

    To be fair, Clay, he didn’t specify “bleach.” The word he used was “disinfectant.” I told Fern he maybe got mixed up and he still wanted to insult me, so I will just go with what the man said. He said, “inject disinfectant.” And no, one doesn’t “inject” light. One “shines” light through an “inserted” probe. Now one MAJOR disinfectant that everybody is likely to have on hand IS bleach. So what do you think people would have reached for to “inject disinfectant” if not the bleach in the laundry room?

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  19. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  22 days ago

    In other news, brain damage from syphilis is sweeping the nation, with Patient Zero identified as a rapist and a traitor…..

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  20. Unnamed
    Another Take  22 days ago

    OH NO! Trum-pets will point to this comic as proof that Diaper Don never said those things. “SEE! He’s denying it in an editorial and I believe him!”

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  22 days ago

    Lock Him Up, see pronouns make a difference.

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    fourteenpeeves  22 days ago

    Steve Bannon is going to jail. Hip Hip Hooray.

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    hk1  22 days ago

    trump is one horrid man…

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    piper_gilbert  22 days ago

    “I didn’t say you remind me of my daughter.”

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  25. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  22 days ago

    I think the psychopath believes he didn’t say any of those things. I think, considering he told (I paraphrase) Howard Stern that his s*x life was his Vietnam. And that he has compared himself to Al Capone who was released early because of late stage s*philis, that he could be suffering the same issue.

    “It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,” Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn’t contracting S*Ds from the women he was sleeping with.

    “The business-mogul-turned-politician elaborated on the fact in the interview, calling women’s v*ginas “potential landmines” and saying ’there’s some real danger there.’" People magazine

    Trump, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has deployed the claim about Capone while trying to portray himself as the victim of unfounded and politically motivated prosecutions. In a speech in Iowa on Saturday, he said, “And by the way, I’ve been indicted more times than Alphonse Capone. He’s the most vicious of all gangsters. If he took you to dinner and if you didn’t look proper, if you laughed a little bit, he might think you’re laughing at him, it’s dangerous to laugh – he’d kill you immediately. He was indicted one time. I was indicted four times.” CNN

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    GiantShetlandPony  22 days ago

    Voltaire didn’t get everything right, but he did when he said: Those that can be made to believe absurdities, can be made to commit atrocities.

    Don’t be absurd, vote Democratic up and down the ticket.

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  27. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member 22 days ago

    Today’s cartoon is another great one. I am still laughing. And Fiddlehead the fluffer’s attempted defense of the convicted felon is almost as laughable.

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    guy42  22 days ago

    There a sucker born every minute. P.T BarnumLets ban abortions and birth control and we can get it up to 1.1 per minute. DJT and associatesWith a 10% increase in suckers the GOP have a lock on the general election just about forever.

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  29. Johnny w 2
    Tarzan & Redd Panda  22 days ago

    To clear the air…trump said “You should inject 10 ML of Clorox Sub-Dermally. Wait 5 minutes, inject another 5 ML.”

    I was there. I saw it with my good eye.

    Discussion is closed. How about those Celtics?

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    Ally2005  22 days ago

    Felon45: I reserve the right to lie about anything I said so believe me when I tell you I said it or didn’t say it when I did say it or not. Enough said.

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    fourteenpeeves  22 days ago

    A little humor here—-one of the chief aides to the Mayor of New York City is namedTiffany Raspberry.

    Who in &$%674 names their kid “Tiffany Raspberry”??

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    Chazz  22 days ago

    The combination of being a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Pathological Liar and early stages of Dementia is what you’re watching folks.

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    tauyen  22 days ago

    It this what ‘never trump’ means?

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  34. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  22 days ago

    Except when he did.

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  35. 3 stooges
    tee929  22 days ago

    ‘Never say Never’, it will always bite you in the A$$.

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    cmxx  22 days ago

    Sudden thought: Could it be that some folks are confusing the words injecting and ingesting?

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  37. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 22 days ago

    As for the UV and injection, there is some context that is generally left out. At the time of those statements, it had been found that the Covid virus had a tendency to hang out in the upper respiratory tract, not necessarily down lower where the lungs are a maze of tissue.

    Tests in labs (in Petri dishes no doubt) showed that the virus could be exposed to UV light and die. I never heard what sort of dosage was used. I also presume it was UV-C light.

    I don’t doubt that someone asked whether bleach could kill the virus. I assume the answer is yes. (I love bleach! It kills stuff I don’t want around! My wife always knows when I have been cleaning!) Of course, such a test was also done with samples in a Petri dish (or equivalent)

    You could – in theory – use intubation to run a cable with a small UV light source into that region and expose the covid virus to the UV. What is not clear is the effect of the UV on every other bit of tissue. The prospect of damaging lung tissue is sufficient reason to not use such a method. Especially since a vaccine was expected

    Whether you could have a UV source small enough to use, and still effective at killing Covid is doubtful.

    We’ve all seen that Trump will never be considered a deep thinker except by those with even more shallow thinking. His comments on the matter reflect that. As he stated them (repeated above in detail more than once) they are a sign of ignorance and a willingness to say anything without any self-censoring.

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    Rich Douglas  21 days ago

    He never said “guilty,” either. But he is.

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  39. 3 stooges
    tee929  21 days ago

    You have reached 101 likes and 16 shares on Facebook/People’s Project!

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  40. 3 stooges
    tee929  13 days ago

    I reposted this on Facebook/The Peoples Project on June 7th and you received 159 likes and 98 Shares!

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