Ted Rall for June 12, 2024

  1. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  17 days ago

    Drive to the polls? Take the bus.

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  17 days ago

    Guess what gas prices will rocket to when Trump has to pay off the billion dollar bribe he asked the oil companies for.

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  17 days ago

    That’s the worst side of it. Don’t expect Rall to notice the soft landing, the increased employment, the added jobs, the positive numbers for the economy in general…

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 17 days ago

    Go to the polls.

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  5. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member 17 days ago

    If Ted were old enough, he’d have voted for Alf Landon. Things were awful in 1936 & the incumbent was to blame, right?

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  6. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  17 days ago

    Sure you can bill those

    and republicans will instantly shut those down , but hey ted go vote for jill stein or whoever cause they’ll make a difference in the vote right?

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  7. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 17 days ago

    Ted snapping back to get them Rubles.

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    think it through  17 days ago

    Republicans must truly be losers if they can’t pay their bills in this economy with higher paying jobs, low unemployment and gas prices here at $2.88 a gallon and dropping. I am 71years old living only on Social Security have a car and two trucks a house payment and I put money in savings every month. I was self-employed for 45 years but paid my taxes, so my monthly check is in the middle range, and I am enjoying life. Food is still high [price fixing] but can’t expect much since two corporations own 85% of all the food stores, Kroger’s and Maijor’s [not sure of that last spelling but a national brand]. If you’re not making it now, get a better job instead of just whining and complaining.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 17 days ago

    Gas is cheap – even with summer increases. Evictions are way down. As such, this is a made-up bunch of nonsense designed to wrongly hurt Biden.

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    JRobinson Premium Member 17 days ago

    Nope — still voting for Biden again. But now that you mention it, I have noticed that there seem to be fewer people with signs at intersections…

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    smithsilverstrea  17 days ago

    tRump isn’t going to help you. tRump only wants your vote.

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  12. Mooseguy
    moosemin  17 days ago

    Yes, Ted, you got it! The Investor Class, which has been buying up houses, apartment complexes, trailer parks etc and raising the rents: Yeah BIDEN is responsible for all that! (somehow)

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  13. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  17 days ago

    Gasoline is about the same price as before the pandemic here.

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  14. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 17 days ago

    Unemployment is 4% or under for the longest stretch since 1960s. Income rose 4.1% from last year. I guess Trump would have done a lot better. /s

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  15. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  17 days ago

    If a repug were in office and the economy was doing what it’s doing now then reich wing propaganda outlets (cough ted cough) would be crowing about how GREAT things are.

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  16. D2368647 e8f6 4012 b9e8 ca2bb82f553b
    DC Swamp  17 days ago

    You can get a $7500 credit on a $50,000 EV and live in it.

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  17. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 17 days ago

    Gas was $2.87 at the pump yesterday.

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    davidthoms1  17 days ago

    If you think life under Biden’s watch is bad, your memory is very short! Our Nation has finally dug out from the deep hole Trumplethinskin put us in!

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    steveconkey2003  17 days ago

    No more generic mail in ballots.

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    preacherman Premium Member 17 days ago

    Just when I thought Ted was going to back Joe Biden with panel one, he knocked me down with panel two. Oh well, some things do remain the same.

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    piper_gilbert  17 days ago

    Economically, I’ve never had it better than right now. Make smart decisions about your finances. Hard work, determination, and learning the markets.

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  22. Lifi
    rossevrymn  17 days ago

    Reachin’……………………………………On the most recent DMZ podcast Ted went bezerko, railing against: Zelensky being at the D-Day event (Ted has a problem with Ukrainian right-wingers vs Russia’s right-wingers), bemoaning the fact that Russia was not invited to the event, and arguing that the reason trumpster fire was convicted was because the judge had donated $10 toward Biden’s election. Scott Stantis stood by. It was one of the loonier pieces in a bit, #gitdemmedsright.

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  23. Locke ca
    rdublu  17 days ago

    ^%@$#! wake up ted. Its a World economy….presidents have little they can do

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  17 days ago

    Criminal Trump would be so much better, after our rights are taken away we won’t be able to complain about anything without being put in a concentration camp.

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    Raging Moderate  17 days ago

    If you are so simple as to blame inflation on any one thing or person, blame Trump’s attempt at a trade war with China. If you do the math, it was the largest tax on the American public ever devised at it has percolated throughout the economy. An economy that is by and large running successfully and successful expanding economies generate excess income and that drives inflation. So yeah, Bidenomics is working.

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  26. Am  flag
    Geezer  17 days ago

    The first place I ever voted was within walking distance of my home. Nowadays, I must drive past another polling place to get to mine.

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    ncorgbl  17 days ago

    The world-wide inflation brought on by the Saudis in February of 2021 and joined in by price gouging profiteers made this inflation. Bidenomics’ has the U.S. economy working best in the free world. Prices are coming down here. Companies are losing business to consumers who won’t pay the gouging prices. McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s have put together package meals to try and attract customers again. Yep, ‘Bidenomics’ is working.

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    Sheepish  17 days ago

    Just remember that in april of 2020 trump ordered production cuts with cooperation from saudi arabia to cut 10% of GLOBAL production. in May 2020 oil prices took off and haven’t recovered. this also doesn’t address the issues with the monopolization that’s occurred the last few decades where government hasn’t protected individuals from them, although I will say democrats have taken a few steps at some of them.

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    newyorkslim  17 days ago

    YEP, people are hurting.

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  30. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member 17 days ago

    Line goes up, economy is good. Nevermind people still can’t afford the basics of life, there are shareholders who need their quarterly dividends first.

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  31. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 17 days ago

    While employers squeeze workers and their unions for cuts to health care and other benefits, the CEOs of major corporations now make nearly 400 times more than their average employees, the largest employer-worker gap in our history. While 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck– with three multi-billionaires owning more wealth than the bottom half.

    If you are wondering why we continue to pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, you should know that Pfizer has increased its profits by 42 percent so far this year to $26.4 billion.

    Gasoline? Profits of Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and Shell skyrocketed by 169 percent so far this year to $125 billion. They are spending over $73 billion not to reduce gas prices at the pump but to buy back their own stock and increase dividends to their wealthy stockholders.

    Groceries? Global food prices skyrocketed by over 33 percent last year and are expected to go up another 23 percent this year. Billionaires in the global food and agri-business industry became $382 billion richer during the pandemic.

    Covid actually did cause problems that could be used as an excuse to raise prices. Once those prices were raised, they aren’t coming down unless people stop buying and there is a glut of product that has to be addressed by lowering them. Since people are going to buy groceries, meds and gas as long as they possibly can, the rich will get richer while the middle class gives up everything but these necessities. And the lower classes can’t even afford them.

    Now, it is possible to regulate commerce to control prices, it is done in other countries, but that is the last thing the Republicans want to see happen. They fight against any regulation of capitalism, because it’s an American right to be free of government interference, except in your religious rights, your medical decisions, your choice of reading materials and your bedroom.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 17 days ago

    My name is Vladimir Putin and I endorse this cartoon (I’d better be able to endorse this guy’s work, seeing as how many rubles I pay him for it)!

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  33. American gothic  from art institute
    MatthewJB  17 days ago

    Gasoline prices are down: I just saw a sign for $2.96/gallon.

    Housing prices and rents have risen. During the Trump Administration, the Department of Housing & Urban Development did almost nothing. Combine that with Trump’s tax break to the wealthy, followed by Trump’s pandemic bungling, which required enormous federal spending (and, thus, a huge increase in federal debt), and the federal government has been too slow to build affordable housing.

    Solution: Re-elect President Biden and supply him with a Democratic, progressive Congress that will end Trump’s tax cuts and restore the top tax rate of 70%, that will raise the minimum wage to a living wage, and that will pour billions into building affordable housing. Also, elect progressive governors and state legislators to pass laws restricting rent increases.

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  34. Img 0100a
    Retrac Premium Member 17 days ago

    Historically across the nation, it is the complacent Democrats who fail to show up at the polls. Don’t blame the GOP for the Dem’s complacency.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  16 days ago

    The economy is better than 34 times a felon Trump ever did.

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